URGENT! Kapi Dhvaja June 3rd

1 year, 7 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurumaharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna.

I hope your health is fine

HpS - Struggling. General collapse of old age closing in. Have to work on make the transcendental features of our existence lively. Hare Krsna!!!! The best thing!!


...and that it allows you to do your service without problems.

We are doing ok. This body still works well to be able to continue with our sadhana (16R, 4.30AM, 4P). Worshipping our deities before leaving for work. Then reading SB everyday.

How often is dialysis?

Ptrk>> It is usually 3 times a week, for 3 or 4 hours in a machine that cleans the blood. As I wrote before, The doctors do not know when it will happen but they do know that it will happen sooner or later. We experienced that twice. 1st time for almost 4 years. 2nd time almost 3 years. But now I think it is different cause this body is 20 years older.

You are Montessori or Waldorf????

Ptrk>> WALDORF. "Waldorf education is not a pedagogical system but an art - the art of awakening what is actually there within the human being." ~ Rudolf Steiner

Do they have online resources that you use?????

Yes! I use these ones




We appreciate your words on this issue. We are nothing without YOUR MERCY.

YOU are the reason we wake up everyday to do our sadhana and try to be a better person. YOU are our inspiration. YOU are our starting motor.

HpS - We try so very little. Are so weak. Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Your aspirant servants

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS - Now the Sun is at 2.40PM. Things are well. We have to dive into the Blog mail now.

NIOS Nashville

1 year, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category A


Hare Krsna // Hare Rama

We get a lot of questions about what is happening in Nashville with our Sankirtan, ASA, NIOS, local Sankirtan.

Rather than answer many individual calls we can just sumarrize that things are moving forward.

  • Regular local festivals have started. We post poroposed dates in the "Kapi Dhavja".
  • There is a regular online community: Sri Sri Radha Natabara Whatsapp and daily Zoom Sangas.
  • HpS is trying to work with five or six local leaders to buy property and get regular Temple programs and Sankirtan going.
  • We plan to meet with Sriman Abhiseka Das, NIOS President, weekend after next to move all these things forward.
  • ASA has its Base Camp here and we certainly invite people to schedule visits for mutual education and purification.
  • ASA has Mangala arati etc. online daily. So we invite anyone interested in the NIOS Nashville life to join that.
  • I will ask President Abhiseka Singh when we meet about how people can get involved, even contact him.
  • Write to the Blog about this topic with specific questions and comments.


Thank you!

Thank you!

Hare krishna

1 year, 7 months ago by julia@ct in Special Category A

Hare krishna!

Le ofrezco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada como está?

Gurumaharaja en la carta anterior usted me dijo que parece ser que estoy trabajando para recibir más y más misericordia de Su Divina Gracia y que vaya a la siguiente iniciación y si quiero ir por la siguiente iniciación, para una servidora era muy importante que usted me conociera porque yo sabía que usted vería dentro de mi corazón y no era necesario que pronunciará una sola palabra, recuerdo que en una de las primeras cartas que le escribí le dije que prabhu iksvaku me dijo que le preguntara cuando vendría a México y usted me contestó que talvez en otro cuerpo y siempre pensé que mi iniciación sería en línea y eso me hacía muy feliz, lo único importante es que usted me iniciará, pero luego en dos o tres ocasiones soñé que usted estaba en México en la comunidad de cueramaro y tenía contacto con usted ,pero luego Dijo que vendría a México. Gurumaharaja sentí tanta felicidad y desde ese momento empecé a prepararme para ir a verlo y le Oraba al señor Nrsmha que me ayudara para poder ir a verlo y por su misericordia sin causa fuera iniciada por usted, cuando tuvimos la junta un día anterior a la iniciación estando todos los aspirantes frente a usted, me dijo ya nos aviamos visto antes o es la primera vez yo le contesté es la primer vez pero en mi corazón la respuesta fue si nos emos visto en mis sueños , Estoy muy apenada por la pregunta que le voy a hacer pido de favor perdone mis ofensas, Gurumaharaja no recuerdo el significado de mi nombre Jaya -Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi , me lo puede desir por favor? Gurumaharaja cuándo termino de cantarle al señor Nrsmha, Oro para que lo proteja De todo lo visible e invisible, le de salud y fuerza para que siga con el movimiento del señor caitanya .

Su Aspirante A Sirvienta

Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi.


Translation (www.translate.google.com)

I will do Krishna!

ASA - Haw! Haw! Haw! The robot translates "HARE" as "I will do"

I offer my most humble and respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila prabhupada.

as you are?

HpS - We have some heart ache, chest pains, will go on but ready to forget everything but the Maha-mantra. Maybe we will leave this body answering your Blog post. That's nice. Couldn't hope for more.

Guru-maharaja in the previous letter you told me that it seems that I am working to receive more and more mercy from Your Divine Grace and to go to the next initiation and if I want to go for the next initiation, for me it was very important that you know me because I knew that you would see into my heart and it was not necessary for you to utter a single word, I remember that in one of the first letters I wrote you I told you that prabhu iksvaku told me to ask you when you would come to Mexico and you answered me that maybe in another body and I always thought that my initiation would be online and that made me very happy, the only important thing is that you will initiate me, but then on two or three occasions I dreamed that you were in Mexico in the community of cueramaro and had contact with you, but then he said he would come to Mexico. Gurumaharaja felt so much happiness and from that moment I started preparing to go to see him and I prayed to Lord Nrsmha to help me so that I can go to see him and by his causeless mercy it was initiated by you when we had the meeting one day before the initiation. with all the applicants in front of you, you told me we have met before or is it the first time I answered you it is the first time but in my heart the answer was if we have seen each other in my dreams, I am very sorry for the question you asked I am going to ask please forgive my offenses, Gurumaharaja I do not remember the meaning of my name Jaya -Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi, can you please tell me?

HpS - Revatinandana Swami asked Srila Prabhupada if he was conscious of everything that all of his disciples were doing. SP answered that he was not the Super-soul. When he need to know something about a disciple, Krsna would inform him, and usually externally.

Very interesting.

As far as we can understand, "Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi" would me "All victory, success, to the girl friends of Radha who are on the level of completely pure, unadulterated love".

Gurumaharaja when I finish singing to Lord Nrsmha, I pray that he protects your good self from everything visible and invisible, gives him health and strength to continue with the movement of Lord Caitanya.

HpS - The blessings and curses of a pious good lady are not something to be dismissed. Thank you!! You are very kind. Thank you.


His Aspiring Maid

Jaya Prema Sakhi Devi Dasi.

HpS - https://vedabase.io/es/library/cc/madhya/7/128/

This Letter Type is probably Personal Sadhana not Category A. Cat A is for stuff that should be noted, published in the Kapi Dhavja, like list of Kirtan Leaders for Mangala Arati.

All respects to you and your preaching to your. family and friends.

[ASA Carnaval] - Reporte Mayo 30, 2023

1 year, 7 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! ¡Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte nuestras rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a sus fieles seguidores. 🙏


Muchas gracias por brindarnos tantas facilidades para mantenernos conectados con usted y con las instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada. FMS es una fuente inagotable de inspiración. ¡Gracias! 🐒

A continuación, enviamos un breve resumen de nuestras actividades:

*Mantenemos las transmisiones en Facebook. En este periodo sobresalen; su participación en Mayapur TV español, BBT Latino, ParthSarthi Foundation y por supuesto las clases sabatinas.

*Continuamos con la labor interna de indización, avanzando lentamente. (Por favor disculpe, durante este periodo, la mayoría de los miembros de este, su equipo, hemos tenido dificultades físicas, ahora mismo estamos haciendo lo posible para reponernos).

*Jaya Hari Prabhu, se ha unido al manejo de la página, él tiene varios videos y fotos que le gustaría compartir y le estamos muy agradecidos. (-¡Todos están invitados a contribuir! si está interesado, por favor, contáctenos-).📫


Gurudeva, si a usted le parece bien y nos autoriza; estamos listos para compartir las 4 clases que usted dictó en el GBC College, Campina grande Brasil, el pasado marzo 2018. El tema central fue “Experiencias prácticas en la administración de ISKCON”. Son solo audio y tal como le mencioné, no son del todo buenos, pero se entienden perfectamente. Hemos pensado que quizá podríamos compartir una clase diaria durante una semana. ¿Qué le parece?

Por otra parte, quisiéramos preguntarle ¿Cómo podemos ayudar con la organización de “ASA Bookshelf” de la que habló en el pasado Kapi Dhvaja? 


Cambiando de tema, reenviamos los enlaces de contacto:

Plataformas 💻




Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:



[email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Querido Gurudeva, ese es por ahora, nuestro reporte. Deseando ser útiles en el trascendental ejercito de Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada, esperamos atentos vuestras instrucciones. Muchas gracias.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval


ENGLISH - www.Translate.Google.Com

Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our obeisances!

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to his faithful followers. 🙏


Thank you very much for making it so easy for us to stay connected with you and with Srila Prabhupada's instructions. FMS is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Thank you! 🐒

HpS/ASA - We wish that we had been able to read this and put more comment in the Kapi Dhvaja. We can be more sincere. We are also realizing that we are just one little monkey and can only do so much work.

It is 8.04PM. We have had FMS, Walking with Dr. Desai, Meeting with Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyaya, Meeting with Atul Krsna Das, 16-rounds, moving to our Summer room, walking and talking with NgD and Dr. Desai, meeting with ArtDas for: Solaris, DTC(UT), ISKCON Peru, NIOS.

Now we are trying to do a little Blog. We have some chest pains, but this is nice way to die.

Please make regular ASA Branch Reports!!

Next, we send a brief summary of our activities:

* We keep broadcasts on Facebook. In this period they stand out; his participation in Mayapur Spanish TV, BBT Latino, ParthSarthi Foundation and of course the Saturday classes.

*We continue with the internal work of indexing, advancing slowly. (Please excuse me, during this period, most of the members of this, your team, have had physical difficulties, right now we are doing our best to recover).

ASA - ArtDas just explained that he hurt his knee badly.

*Jaya Hari Prabhu, has joined the management of the page, he has several videos and photos that he would like to share and we are very grateful. (-Everyone is invited to contribute! if you are interested, please contact us-).📫


Gurudeva, if it's okay with you, and you authorize us; We are ready to share the 4 classes that you gave at the GBC College, Campina Grande, Brazil, last March 2018. The central theme was “Practical Experiences in ISKCON Administration”. They are audio only and as I mentioned, they are not entirely good, but they are perfectly understandable. We thought that perhaps we could share a daily class for a week. What do you think?

HpS/ASA - I think it was clear that whatever we presented there we and the GBC College both had the right to use as we wanted. It was a nice program.

Please present them with whatever discretion you think necessary.

We did a similar presentation while we were in Santa Eulalia of one or two hours as a studio video recording. ArtDas, Srinivasa Das have copies.

On the other hand, we would like to ask you, how can we help with the organization of “ASA Bookshelf” that Kapi Dhvaja spoke about in the past?

HpS/ASA - There is not much to do now. I need to sit with someone who can sit here for a week or so and just buy a few more books of Marshal McLuhan, and then maybe write a catalog of what's on the shelf and maybe record a little commentary.

Then the old DTC's, maybe three years can maybe be scanned.

We think that we are maybe 20% perfect. O.K. 80% of what we have done is not worth much saving. Better focus on saving what Srila Prabhupada has done.


Changing the subject, we resend the contact links:

Platforms 💻

  • https://www.facebook.com/asacarnaval
  • https://www.youtube.com/@asacarnaval
  • https://issuu.com/asacarnavalhps

To refine your search see:



[email protected]

Coordinating team:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Dear Gurudeva, that is our report for now. Wishing to be useful in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental army of Sankirtan, we look forward to your instructions. Thank you so much.

Your would-be servant

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

ASA/HpS - Hoping that we can all appreciate our Siddha-svarupas, eternal forms, and join the very, very important work that we have left behind in Goloka!!

ASA Carnival is a part of that eternal lila.

CC Verses for June 3, 2023

1 year, 7 months ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja & Dear Devotees;

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Guru & Gauranga.

As per your instruction I am writing following message.

On June 3, 2023, Saturday morning class, we are going to start reading onwards from Adi Lila -- 11.30 verse. Thank you for your valuable association.


Upendra dasa

ASA - AgtSP! Paoho. So sorry that we did not post this timely. If you can, please remind us on Whatsapp that you posted it.

What is the topic for 10th?

Thank you.


1 year, 7 months ago by jayanta in Special Category A

Querido gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre animado cuando reciba este mensaje. He tardado un poco mas de lo habitual, porque estaba esperando a tener el TPP en español publicado por el BBT Latino. Ya lo tenemos y ha quedado bien. La verdad es que ha tardado bastante el proceso: El 29 de diciembre por fín pudimos pasarle todos los archivos necesarios..... y después (maratón de Navidad en el BBT, enfermedad de uno, enfermedad de otro, etc, etc,). El precio en España es el siguiente:

6,40 euros para Templos o sankirtan

9,30 euros PVP (público en general)

5,00 euros para el autor (HPS).

Si en algún pais como Mejico, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, etc desean imprimir el libro y saber los precios pueden contactar con el BBT latino. Aquí hemos imprimido 50 ejemplares para ver que tal salen y los precios no me parecen mal, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que la inversión ha sido de cero euros.

Por lo demás seguimos como siempre, con nuestra rutina.

HPS/ASA - Eso es, tlgaSP, pfanrh, muy bien. Estamos comenzando manyana noche en seminario en NoI con Partha sarathi Foundation, dirigido por Hari lila Das. Yo presento una Martes y Sri Natha Krsna Das presenta el otro.

Claro, incluir TPP.

Si no cantando SKC/PN, HK/HR debemos leer los libros de Srila Prabhupada y esperamos TPP es ayuda en esta esfuerza!!!

En relación a nuestro programa de Sat Sanga, empezó hace unos nueve años.

Purnamasi tenía Gurukula semanal con niños en nuestra casa y los adultos nos subiamos a conversar en el piso de arriba; a las dos semanas pensamos que en vez de conversar podiamos hacer un programa simple (Bhajan-Clase BG-Kirtan y Prasadam) y aquí seguimos nueve años mas tarde.

Lo de los niños ya no se hace pero los adultos seguimos.

A veces somos menos (cuatro o cinco) y a veces somos más (venticinco). Es algo muy simple: Quedas un dia fijo con los devotos que viven cerca (un radio de unos veinte kilometros) y a veces vienen tambien devotos de mas lejos (por ejemplo de Madrid).

Lo hacemos de forma regular en calendario escolar (de septiembre a Junio) y en verano quedamos en el rio o bosque de forma esporadica).

HpS - Es un programa simple but... how many programs like yours are going on under the impetus of Srila Prabhupada??? Of course, if all the persons like your and Mataji were brought together in one room it would be thousands?

So, these home programs are changing the world.

We should just go on with them and always improve them. We should adjust them to pandemic, wars, floods, fame, wealth.

Ahora llevo algún tiempo estudiando SB bajo la guia de Yadunandana Swami. Es algo muy practico porque además de agradable te compromete a estudiar.

HpS - For the first time after our visit to Spain [!!!] I called Yadu Maharaja and we talked for about one hour. Very nice. Maybe we stay here until we leave this body. Maybe we go back to New Braja-mandala.

Eso es todo por ahora.

Su sirviente

Jayanta das

ASA - Back Home Back to Godhead! NVM is a boat!