Urgent! Kapi dhvaja June 17th

1 year, 6 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurumaharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

HpS/ASA - nityananda ahaum naumi, sarvananda karam param / Harinama pradam devam, avadhuta siromani

Giver of the Holy Names!

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna. How are U????

We are doing ok. Trying to keep a good sadhana (16R, 4.30AM, 4P). Worshipping our deities before leaving for work. Then reading SB everyday.

Things at school are pretty good. This week we celebrate Winter Solstice and The feast of Saint John the Baptist. We work on the image of a new beginning and that the fire of a campfire burns all the bad things that we want to change in ourselves. The students write in a letter everything bad that they want to change and offer it to the fire. The older grade (11th) chant in Sanskrit and Spanish the invocation to Agni. It is such a beautiful ceremony.

ASA - 😲👍👍👍

Last week my niece broke her grain fast. It was a simple but very significant ceremony.

we thanks a lot all you support and patience

Your aspirant servants

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS - We only pray to Krsna that you will be able to communicate the perspective of Gaura vani to your whole institution?

Surrender to The Divine Power!


Japa Reform Notes

1 year, 6 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

SSD - Whatsapp: Please instruct me to improve my rounds!


HpS/ASA: AgtSP!.... paoho.


Prabhu, thank you for the audio clip of one round of Japa!

Zubra Dasi and CCD sent us a Kroger gift certificate for Happy Father's Day.

Both gifts leave us breathless!

Let us offer everything to Lord Nrsmha Deva, the Supreme Father.


We can go marketing for Him.

How to Improve Japa!

The entire SB, CC, NoD seems to be the answer to that question, no?

We heard H. H. Satsvarupa Das Gos. asked the same question to Srila Prabhupada, "How to chant better rounds, Srila Prabhupada"?

Then, SP looked at him with pointy eyes and said, "By chanting better rounds"!

So, that's the basic answer, no?? That if we are chanting rounds, we are getting intelligence from the Lord of the Heart. So, we have sufficient knowledge how to chant better, then the question is are we going to do it, be faithful, be Bhaktas. Use whatever strength we have to apply the improvement that our Krsna conscious intelligence is dictating.

Beyond that we were in Vaikuntha listening to the one round of Japa. Timed 10-mantras and they were 4.5 sec/mantra. Then the whole clip seems to be 8' 48" which is 5 seconds/Mantra.

(We are doing just about the same now.)

That means 16-rounds, 1728 mantras, = 8,640 sec. = 144 min. = 2hours and 24 minutes, no?

NoI 7 and 8 seem to be nice instructions on Japa. If we are chanting attentively, Nama, then we should start to develop a desire to see the form of the Lord, Rupa. Our intelligence starts asking us, "Hey, you chant'n 'Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare', but where is dis Krsna!"

So, we look around the room for a picture of Krsna (and cows (and Srimati Radharani)) or go sit in front of our Deities or in the Temple Room.

Does that happen to you?

"Nama, Rupa, Carit-adi..." (NoI 7 & 8). Adi = Sanga and Lila, no? All this should manifest if we are chanting with Bhakti.

  • Sit properly.
  • Breath properly.
  • Chant with proper meaning.

We heard that Prabhupada told Guru-kripa Swami that he could chant in the mood of the Siksastakam.

We especially remember SB 10.47.63.

Chanting clearly with our lips purifies the earth,

Chanting also with mental attention purifies the sky,

Chanting also with meaning purifies heaven, Goloka?

Enough people chanting like that, purifying the mental atmosphere and then very difficult for people to think demoniac thoughts.

Some of our ideas.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!

Please let us know your thoughts on the matter.



Full Morning Service - Fortnightly Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This is the current schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on Full Morning Service:

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Karuna Mayi devi dasi, Caturatma das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Your aspirant servant:

Mitravinda dd.

HpS - Thank you so much.

Best Kirtan on the planet!



  1. Are all the Leaders chanting 16-nice rounds a day and following four principles strictly?
  2. Are they keeping FMS at home or in the GoToMeeting?
  3. Do they know the word-by-word meaning of the Gurvastaka?
  4. Have they read:

. . . https://vedabase.io/en/library/cc/adi/17/123/

. . . https://vedabase.io/es/library/cc/adi/17/123/



What stupid questions? How should she know?!!

HpS - Maybe can encourage Leaders to follow some standard. We go forward to cultural conquest!

Thank you so much!

Please give our best wishes to Christina if you are in contact with her. Ask her to send some news to the Blog.

[ASA Carnaval] - Reporte Yogini Ekadasi 2023

1 year, 6 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! ¡Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte nuestras rendidas reverencias!

Todas las Glorias sean a Su Divina Gracia AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada y a su trascendental legado.🙏

Deseamos que su salud sea buena y favorable a su Sankirtana. Muchas gracias inspirarnos día a día, oramos a Sri Krsna nos permita continuar con su asociación por mucho tiempo. Agradecemos su respuesta a la carta anterior y estamos tratando de ser útiles desde nuestra limitada posición. 🐒

Enviamos un breve resumen de nuestras actividades:

*Continuamos con las transmisiones en Facebook. Aunque durante este periodo, fallamos con una clase sabatina, que fue imposible recuperar, nos disculpamos por eso.🙇


*Ya hemos compartido las grabaciones de las 3 clases que dictó en el GBC College, sobre los “Principios de la administración en ISKCON”.

Youtube – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLywBBTDt5o5TG-6aD4MduY-Qyfx3R5ase

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/watch/100063970476616/220644537488009

Gurudeva, respecto a la presentación que hizo sobre este tema en su estadía en Santa Eulalia. ¿Es posible que pudiéramos obtenerla y compartirla? O ¿tal vez se tienen otros planes para estas grabaciones?

Por otra parte, extrañamos mucho las clases diarias, así que esperamos poder compartir algunas otras clases en esta quincena. Mientras tanto, esperamos que los devotos puedan tomar refugio en las grabaciones ya existentes en ASA Carnaval.🤓



**Todos los domingos estaremos compartiendo una clase en español de Su Divina Gracia.


Reenviamos los enlaces de contacto:

Plataformas 💻




Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:


Correo:📨 [email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Querido Gurudeva, ese nuestro reporte por ahora, por favor disculpe las fallas, siempre agradecidos con usted por mantenernos felizmente ocupados, quedamos atentos a sus instrucciones.🙏

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval


I will do [Hare] Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our obeisances!

All Glories be to his Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and his transcendental legacy.🙏

We wish his health to be good and favorable to his Sankirtana.

HpS - From Rupanuga Prabhu we think that it is not health, but energy.

Our energy is good considering our age, nation, situation.


Thank you very much to inspire us day by day,

we pray to Sri Krsna to allow us to continue your association for a long time.

HpS/ASA - 😮 Not forever?

We appreciate your response to the above letter and we are trying to be helpful from our limited position. 🐒

ASA - We all try to help the Unlimited with our Limited ability and by His Divine Grace, by Radharani's Divine Grace , it is useful!!

We send a brief summary of our activities:

* We continue with broadcasts on Facebook. Although during this period, we missed a Saturday class, which was impossible to make up, we apologize for that.🙇

* We have already shared the recordings of the 3 classes that he gave at the GBC College, on the "Principles of Administration in ISKCON".

HpS - Thank you! Hope a movie can be made from what Pablo recorded in Peru Sta. Eulalia also.

Youtube – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLywBBTDt5o5TG-6aD4MduY-Qyfx3R5ase

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/watch/100063970476616/220644537488009

Gurudeva, regarding the presentation he made on this subject during his stay in Santa Eulalia. Is it possible that we could obtain it and share it? Or maybe you have other plans for these recordings?

HpS - Wow! Maybe best to contact The Producer, Abhirama Thakura Das. He may be able to help organize the work.

On the other hand, we miss the daily classes a lot, so we hope to be able to share some other classes this fortnight. In the meantime, we hope that devotees can take refuge in the already existing recordings at ASA Carnaval.🤓

HpS - The daily class on line is too much work for our old Donkey, but we read and Tweet our reading.

Also, we have daily TLC in the FMS.

Saturday bi-lingual.

We gave classes when asked eg. MayaPuraTv.



** Every Sunday we will be sharing a Divine Grace class in Spanish from him.


We resend the contact links:

Platforms 💻




To refine your search see:


Email: 📨 [email protected]

Coordinating team:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Dear Gurudeva, that is our report for now, please excuse any shortcomings, ever grateful to you for keeping us happily busy, we remain attentive to his instructions.🙏

Your would-be servant

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

HpS / ASA - We hope that you, we, everyone reading, can be little help in making Srila Prabhupada, Gaura-vani more accessible.

Please do this work only in that perspective!!

We are happy just to chant "Hare Krsna", and see that Srila Prabhupada is reaching people.


Visiting Boise

1 year, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

ArD WhatsApp:

BNA to Boi Sept 18 [Mon] SW flight leaves at 8:20 AM arrives at 4:45 PM. $161 per person; 

Boi to BNA on 27 [Wed] SW flight leaves at 5:45 Am arrive BNA at 1:20 PM $161.

I will come on Sept 15 on Delta flight that will get in 6:20 PM.

Nitisaar prabhu wants to escort you back to Nashville from Boi on 27th.

Please look it over, I will call you in 30 minutes if that is okay.

These are all reduced fares. Nitisaar prabhu would like to serve you for a day more (until you leave for Richmond) if that is okay with you.


Thank you for the call et al. As we discussed, this seems like nice arrangement.

We have three months now to work out details of a nice program.

We don't have any proposal from RichMond.

I was thinking about the Rathayatra, and it seems it could absorb too much time? The visit is short and if there is too much kitchen, cart construction, festival site setup, then we won't have time to sit together individually and collectively.

We'll post this all in the Blog to see what is the opinion of the other frogs

Thank you.


IMHO, The chariot is already sitting in the shed. Your presence will bring excitement, fervor and unity, and extra devotees to have a nice festival.

You will be here for eight days.

If we spend 2 days for Ratha Yatra there are still 6 days for individual and group ishagoshtis.

Sraddha foe Gauri Devi Dasi

"Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Pamho🙏AGTSP!! It's Rukmini dd. On behalf of my family, thank you very much for your response to my letter and your prayers to my grandmother. She indeed had an auspicious departure. We have one last question, we'd appreciate your reply. When would you recommend us to perform the sradha ceremony? She left her body on June 10th.", Rukmini Devi Dasi

HpS- ASA --- We don't know how many days after the departure? Maybe a reader knows and can write. We recommend keep the departed on our thoughts, Bhuvar Mandala, because that creates an auspicius atmosphere for them.

Seems like having their picture and giving them Mahaprasadam at the Sunday feast is the best Sraddha ceremony. Describe the departed's qualities and chant HK//HR for them.

Thank you!