always chanting
Hare Krsna Gurudeva, AGTSP, PAMHO
we were trying to chant mentally, as its best thing we can do in city life/commutation, when we are not speaking.
how can we chant constantly?
what does it practically mean ?
how to chant constantly ,if hearing/ talking sense is engaged in external world activities?
how to chant constantly, if mind is involved in problem solving or palnning ?
folded hands in anticipation of mercy
harsh pradhan trying to be Hayagriva Avatar DAS
previous references:
HpS - By the time we answer this I think you will have finished your surgery! We want to news but realize your body will not be doing much internet.
Hare Krsna.
Hare Krsna!
Chanting, thinking of you.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!
We all help each other grossly or subtly to chant constant.
Engage in hearing and chanting constantly.
We keep the FMS going. That is so, so, so powerful.
It draaaaags us forward.
Everyday we learn more about Gurvastakam.
The more we know, the more we are attached, motivated.
Our chanting has influence on the subtle platform.
Members of our group are attached to each other.
How to chant constantly? By seeking association of devotees, acharyas on the gross and subtle platform. Sharing what we find with others.
Do you have a picture of Prabhupada on your altar?
Do you have an altar?
If you do arati, offerings, kirtan for them, they will be present.
Another regular piece of the 24-hour day becomes eternally Kirtan.
Then we join Krsna's dynamic completely new lila which occupies outside of even 24-hour regular schedules.
Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna.
we need pictures of you!