Misra-bhagavan Das

9 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Misra,
We will post your letter and it pushed us to read the Wikpedia site about ISIS.
We try to be sane in our own heart and then expand that to the world we meet!
How is your Japa???  Principles???
Radha-Madhava, Ki Jai. 


Gauranga. Humbles and Glories. Please
 forgive me asking you to post this essay because I am not
 computer literate enough to find the blog.
 At a book stand here in Mayapura I
 bought a little book of quotes from Srila Prabhupada on
 Islam and Krishna Consciousness. Prabhupada said that Islam
 is Vaisnavism in as much as Mohammed taught that we should
 love God. When I came into this internet cafe the owner was
 looking at news of the Islamic State declaring war on India
 because of the Hindus killing Muslims who eat beef. This was
 horrible news to hear how the Islamic State will be doing
 their terrorist attacks here in Bengal.
 Mohammedan  extremists interpret
 cow protection to be a war against muslims. The Hindu groups
 that beat cow slaughterers are not wanting to be violent,
 they are just trying to save the cows who are being killed
 in mass quantities by the Mohammedans. This kali yuga is
 such a mess. We have a lot of work to do as Krishna's
 devotees to try and deescalate the tension by bringing the
 muslim villages prasadam and showing that we are all just
 trying to love God in peace with one another. I am going on
 a boat excursion tomorrow to do that.   
Today at lunch prasadam we were
 talking about Mayapura being the garden of Srimati
 Radharani. In the Ananta Samhita  Lord Shiva
 told Parvati that in kali yuga Radha and Krishna will
 combine to become Lord Gauranga, and to help the suffering
 living entities in this age They will descend and spread the
 sankirtan movement of Hare Krishna chanting, and bring
 Radharanis garden so that people will have a place from the
 spiritual world to take shelter.
Srimati Radharani had gathered her
sakhis together between the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. She
created there a beautiful place, decorated with creepers and
 trees and filled with male and female bumble bees. Deer and
 buck were happily enjoying as they wandered about, and the
 whole area was filled with the fragrance of jasmine,
 mallika, and malati flowers. 
 transcendental abode was adorned with tulasi forests and
 decorated with various groves. On Radha's order, the
 Ganges and Yamuna with their pleasant water and banks, acted
 as a moat to protect the garden. Cupid himself along with
 springtime, eternally reside here, and the birds constantly
 sing the auspicious name of Krishna. Radha dressed in a
 colorful cloth, then began to play a beautiful melody on a
 flute in order to attract Krishna. 
 by that melody, Krishna appeared in this enchanting place.
 Radha the attractor of Krishna's mind, seeing that
 Krishna had come, held his hand and experienced ecstatic
 delight. Then Krishna understanding Radha's mood, spoke
 in a voice choked with love, "Oh lovely faced Radha,
 You are my very life. There is no one more dear to me than
 you. Therefore I will never leave You. Just for me You have
 created this wonderful place. The wise will call it
 Mayapura. By My order, all the holy places will reside here.
 Because You have created this place for My pleasure, I will
 live here eternally." 
 I hope this meets you well.

Your Servant, Mishra Bhagavan

K-West, K-kirti Das, HpS Dialog

9 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

> It is so nice, honourable, to meet an intellectual, an
> ectomorph I guess? Have you got a biography some place that
> we can read? Ours on the Wikpedia is pretty accurate, last
> time I saw it.
> We are organizing a symposium with the National Library
> (Archives) of Peru, end of June, on "Psychology of the
> Sacred". Could you join?

> In your article about Krsna West you write: "What is
> happening here is that by denying that Krishna has specific
> preferences for (in this case) a specific cuisine or
> preparation, the preferences of the so-called worshipper are
> substituted for Krishna’s, and the so-called worship that
> goes on in the name of Krishna is in fact mundane sense
> gratification."

> Hmmm. Can we call it Karma-misra-bhakti yoga instead of
> "mundane sense gratification"? Kubja wanted to have sense
> gratification with Krsna, so ...  Krsna gratified Her,
> and then by that association then the happiness derived from
> associating with Krsna can replace the gratification derived
> from serving the mundane senses.
> Of course, do some, none, part or all of the members of
> Krsna West want to dovetail material desires, sandwiches in
> stead of Chapatis and Panir Subji, and NOT progress to
> asking Krsna what He wants for lunch.
> Seems like a big topic, what is Krsna West?

> We are Anjana Suta Academy, www.jayrama.us
> We have a Blog and we will post this there for all of our
> eager members to see. At least Krsna West, Hrd Goswami, have
> created some interest in these topics. That seems to have
> some value.
> Right now 3.43PM in Tennessee. Miserable, cold, dark weather
> outside. Sunset in 45-minutes. We will go back to working on
> our www.jayarama.us/archives/godfather-diploma PPTX.

> How can we be of help in your
> service????????   !!!!

HARE KRISHNA. Budhanath Das

9 years, 1 month ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A



Many greetings Maharaja, I hope you are well in all aspects

HpS - ASA - Dying a peaceful death.  AGTSP!!

I do not want to be boring, I just wanted to thank you for your recommendations. Sometimes I feel a little bad about telling all my paranoia, because if it's not right, but I need to tell. Try it from possible more spiritual perspective. Thank you for your kind and friendly treatment. As a great protective friend.

I love the sound of that of "psychology of the sacred" is something I feel very close to my mental prism. I hope one day I can start and finish Psychology.

HpS - ASA --  More accurately the title is "Psychology AND the Sacred".    Mind, mind, come and play, in the cowherds sheds and hay.

I would tell You I'm always happy, I'm always feeling like my eyes dry looking for a world that I not see. And how then cry. I would tell that any cloud settles over my heart. I would tell that I am always happy to have close friends like you. I would tell that I never feel alone.

I have to say that I often death comes after me once. I want to fly where my soul dreams. I have to say that sometimes I think I'm cursed, so separated from my loved ones, only. And then I think that as I would receive mercy but a person like me. I think that, being as I am, having lived many things, am ungrateful.

I have to say that I am very unhappy and very happy, and often think it's good, and other otherwise.

The other day I was fortunate to receive a string of friendly and good Franciscan religious but I'm wrong. It was like breathing air instead of smoke.

Lately I think a lot about the psychological spaces. In the psyche as consciousness used to project onto the external elements, the world, then we perceive as reality. In our mind and destroys and creates unseen, and how, if we let flow a sacred sound from inside out, as the river flows to the sea, we live in a different world without changing the external shape. And how can we willingly allow others are with us in this area of life.

I hope I'm not writing too many days. The next time I will write only one poem thinking in Vrndavan, no more mental things.

Yours, Budhanath Das.


ASA - Oink!    The wind is subtle, wind is warm, it makes us turn and look at Krsna and Subal sitting on the hill forlorn.

Govardhana hill

9 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloloved Gurudeva



Me again jejej

In this picture u can see all our govardhana hill, i want to know how to make monkeys from sugar as govinda pramodhani DD described.



Polygamy is good???

9 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva :



I am taking exam in long distance education (yes on sunday) I am here at the university for 5 hours ¡¡ But while I am resting I have the opportunity to watch classes on Utube.. I saw some of HDG ¡¡¡ in Pirtuguese to practice my knowledge ¡¡¡ Then I listened to some of U ¡¡¡¡ and I found one class that disturbed me, well not a lot, but kind of, but as soon as I have a doubt or question I asked U ¡¡¡


Polygamy ¡¡¡ 

There U said:  minute 48:10 "we are kind of in favor of polygamy, we think is practical" 

Then U explained about the femenine nature that we are attached to one man ¡¡ MY DADDY, HE IS MY DADDY BACK OF, and that for a lady is imposible to give equal affection to a man, and that is TRUE ¡¡¡ and then I thought we are more "loyal" a man can think in more than one girl and for me that is unberable, well one may think, but flirting, and actually make contact, that is another thing, I can see a handsome guy on the street yes, and I can admire that, but if I am with someone for me is totally improper to even talk with him, but men are different for them flirt is not cheat... and then U said that monogamy is not working ¡¡¡ So ????? adultery is good???

Well one may say but GM said that ¡¡¡ or HpS said that ,and kind of justify their cheating ¡¡¡ maybe I am too naive ¡¡¡ jajajaja but I prefer to stay the way I am.

I am proud of my loyalty, if I am talking with ego, yes maybe, jaja, but I want to ask U all these because this really shocked me ¡¡¡ 

Thank U Gurudeva ¡¡¡

Now I continue working then to the temple to try to Glorify Srila Prabhupada ¡¡

See U soon

your eternal servant


UG - ASA -  AGTSP.  Thank you for your questions, CmDD!    This is Prof. G. Gismo here, also known and loved as "Uncle Gismo", by many.  HpSwami is rather incompetent in dealing with these topics, and often when you see Brother Ass talking about these things, it is not HpS who is in control any way. Often it is us. We hold this position of the President of the ASA Civil Deadman's Club, which is a kind of oxymoron we suppose, but, anyway, on to results.

Brother Ass, us, HpS, never, never, never, never said that Adultery was good.  We would be doubtful about saying that Polygamy is "good".  http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/9/10/54 - "Purport:  Eka-patnī-vrata, accepting only one wife, was the glorious example set by Lord Rāmacandra. One should not accept more than one wife."
We would be more inclinded to say that in general, polygami is "passionate". Ksatriya's are in the mode of passion. Their work and character is in the mode of passion. Arjuna had several wives, no? Draupadi, Subhadra, Ulupi, Citrangada.

It is hard to understand this in the modern world. If he had four wives and nine children, then he probably had sexual relations nine times. So, mono-gamy, poly-gamy, certainly means something quite different than modern idea, which is very lacivious and non-Aryan, non-human.

Is O.K?

We recomend people chant Hare Krsna and follow four principles. Then if Krsna tells them to have kids, like Vasudeva and Devahuti, O.K.

He was also married to several of her sisters, and if one cannot control lust then, yes, relate that passion to Krsna by getting married and becoming father and mother of nice kids, Prabhupadas.

Practical question, if one cool dude, owner of two international businesses in Peru, in politics some times, became a devotee and then wanted to marry you and five more, no more, of the unmarried girls who joined about the same time as you, and all follow the four principles strictly and chant 16-rounds, when you had all just been intiated for about two years, do you think it would be a good emotional, social, spiritual arrangment?

[Really handsome guy [Picture follows]]

Well, back to the Gismos. We are making a chapati making machine.

Discerning what works and what not [continued] - part 2

9 years, 1 month ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

In reasponse to :

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP ... I guess the basic idea is whether Krsna was happy after the Battle of Kuruksetra or not, no?   Did Yuddhistira feel that he had eliminated a government and governors that weren't working?

In the end Bhisma convinced him that he had eliminate the right things.

What do you think of:

http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/1/9/12  ????


Dear Guru Maharaj, PAMHO AGTSP

Here are my thoughts on the subject matter...

Krsna wanted to establish dharmic kingdom, so He was happy after the battle. From that point of view.

Yudhisthira was not happy, thinking that "so many killings are there just so I be the king." But Bhisma convinced him that it is how it had to happen. 

Then SB 1.9.12 says: "As long as a person is fully in cooperation with the wishes of the Lord, guided by the bona fide brāhmaṇas and Vaiṣṇavas and strictly following religious principles, one has no cause for despondency, however trying the circumstances of life." [side note: interesting how the robot put the word "brahmanas" in small letters].

Following that paragraph, I would say that:

1.whatever project works in cooperation with the Lord,
2. is guided by the bona fide brahmanas and Vaisnavas and
3.is strictly following religious principles, 

is pleasing to  Krsna. And that project WORKS.  

Now, the challenge is  to reassess the project by using these 3 points. <img alt="enlightened" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/lightbulb.png" title="enlightened" width="23" />  That is quiet enough of work! (For those who want to do it).

Guru Maharaja, do you want to add something more to this topic? Are my thoughts going in proper direction?

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - AGTSP. Seems nice, no? Religious principles seems to be 16-nice rounds and 4-regulative principles, no? Of course, Morning Program, is 99.97% required for the rounds and principles, no?

God, the Brahmanas, and Vedic Scriptures.

Chant Hare Krsna properly: God

Brahmanas: 6-ISKCON devotees

Vedic Scriptures: P'pada's books!!

Even if you go to hell then for your choices you will have your bead bag, kartals, Krsna book and six ISKCON devotees with you.  ISKCON Hell, Ki Jai!

But the first one seems to be the basis. Without it 2 and 3 don't work so well.

Send 'em all Back to Godhead and let the Gopis sort 'em out.