Vaisnava relations come before Management relations

8 years, 7 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please, could you tell more about "Vaisnava relations come before Management relations".
I am intriqued by this statement of yours and would like to understand it properly.
Maybe, if it is a topic to big to write about it, you could give a class(es) which can be recorded for later listening.

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - Well our idea is that we have Varna-Ashram relations are husband and wife, President or Worker in our Church, Businesses etc and we also have relations are devotees as in NOI 4-6. Even spiritual relations as in NOI 10.

So we may fight about administrative points, but they doesn't mean we can't be friends.

We all join the Kirtan in the evening.

Today I'm president, tomorrow you are president.


Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I can't thank you enough, I'm always surprised by your kindness.  I met with Svavasa prabhu and he also was most merciful and accomodating.  We talked it over and came to a satisfactory conclusion for everyone. Please forgive me for being a little intense, Badrinarayan Maharaj advised me that I may need to push a little bit to convey a sense of urgency.

On a spiritual level, I'm happy and I'm only interested in preaching Krishna consciousness, but after years of trying I just don't see snatching brahmacari's off the street as a complete strategy for expansion. I'm interested in cultivating Vaisnava community. Even in large temples like LA with thousands of devotees hardly anyone even knows each other, but I see tight knit community as a crucial factor in terms of both maintaining and expanding the movement.

As it happens, on a material level I also have an intense creative impetus, but I don't see my spiritual desire and my material desire as incompatible. After doing some research I'm realizing that being a professional artist means spending most of my time marketing and networking. I'm actually taking a keen interest in that lately. So if I gather a network of people interested in spiritual art, a certain subset of that group will certainly be interested in Bhakti yoga. What I've learned is that art is not about selling pictures, it's about selling yourself and your ideals. It's about becoming a leader and leading people in a direction they want to go. I want to use my art to lead people to Srila Prabhupada.

What Svavasa prabhu and I agreed on is that in the meantime, I can help Naikatma prabhu with some dhama seva a few hours in the morning (gardening, sweeping) and then in the afternoon I'm free to study and paint and mess around on the internet. Later on I can buy the extra van from the temple and use it to branch out to different cities as well.

Looks like I'm already getting over 100 hits per week on my website and I haven't even started promoting it yet! Basically my idea is to keep a weekly Tumblr blog about Bhakti and art etc etc in order to educate people about my work and about Krishna Consciousness. This is meant to generate an interest for the art I'm posting on my website. Meanwhile I'm learning how to use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc etc to drive traffic to my blog and my website.  People can sign up there to an email list where they will recieve a weekly newsletter about new blogs, events and special offers. This solidifies a web community. In addition, I plan to set up a table a couple days a week in strategic locations around LA, and put pieces on consignment in local cafés, yoga studios, (veg?)restaraunts, etc. I'm a little rusty, but working with sumi ink and watercolor means I can finish 4-5 practice pieces daily which I can sell as I improve my skills and develop my ideas. When I complete some more sophisticated projects I'll begin to submit work to the list of galleries, publications and contests I've accumulated for features and exhibitions.

When all this begins to come together, I hope to utilize whatever resources I generate (after 50% net donation) to host  some kind of programs, probably somewhat related to the Bhakti Vriksha modules. During the summer I can also coordinate with music festivals to get myself and a whole crew in for free to make art and distribute books and do Kirtan etc. Hopefully we could even arrange for you to speak at some events as well.

As for your question about ashram, I have no interest for the time being in getting into family life or anything like that, I just want to go deeply into this service. Nonetheless I do feel awkward as a brahmacari essentially going into business. I'm thinking about changing ashrams just as a social consideration so I don't reflect poorly on the brahmacari ashram if I have to occasionally meet or correspond with women in the course of conducting some trade in the modern world. Would it be less appropriate to join Grhasta ashram with no intention of marriage or to bend the rules in order to remain a brahmacari? Any recommendations?

Your ridiculous servant,

Ekāśma Dās

HpS-ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. I guess you can see from the posts that we have been on "traveling Sankirtan" for weeks and months now. Meeting so many people that we can't do much with our blog-world.

How are you now, two weeks after this letter. There are lots of ISKCON artists who have started Brahmacari. Even regular artists. Don't run a business. Make it a non-profit foundation.

Our whole focus with ASA is probably going to be a global, millenium shaking symposium on "Art and the Sacred" 2018 in Peru.

Hey, you can give your self an exotic title and be part of that, its development!

You can do all your business as part of NIOS.

Also, Carl Jung, Surrealist community already use art to get to a higher, spiritual status of life, no?



8 years, 7 months ago by raktak in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I just read your thoughts on Divorce, and they are extremely positive, thought-provoking and Krishna Conscious. Having read them, I felt shame on myself, since some people in the community had asked my opinion about it and I gave them very wrong advice. But now, my eyes are opened and as a result, I would call those people who had asked my advice in the past, and would share your letter with them, thank you so much.

I am going to India in the 2nd week of Nov with all the family-members to attend the marriage of my Ganganagar sister's daughter (Silky) for two weeks.  Guruji! you were saying that His Grace Nitai-Gaur Sundar Prabhu is going to India with his family-members for Kartik, and since there is no association of anyone for you in Nashville during that time, you were thinking where to go? My humble advice is that you may go to India for Kartik with them, they would be happy to have your loving assoiciation or may be you can kindly come to India bit later, then, we can have your holy assoicitation and even I can arrange some preaching programs in Punjab, what do you think? I am giving all these suggestions because you were thinking where to go when Shriman Nitai-Gaur Sundar Prabhu is not there.

Thank you very much, HARE KRISHNA.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - AgtSP.  Hare Krsna.   Thank you so much for your news and help in our travel plans.    These are just our thoughts on Divorce and polygamy from practical point of view.   We may go to India for the Guru, Swami, GBC Sanga in the beginning of February, and to go twice may kill us. The travel was so so hard on our body last time.
We are just finishing this INTENSE program in Peru with the National Library et al.  Hansadutta told us in very intense moments: Your job in this movement is to see that people who come, dont go away, and your will be appreciated after you are gone. This is the same comment we have gotten from so many sources from first grade to PhD work.  O.K. Seems we have to learn how to write.    Please help us a little bit with that.

You write a few short poems!
All best wishes for Silky and all your family and friends.

Ekāśma Dās

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Forgive me for being late writing you this month, I've just had a lot going on lately that I find difficult to articulate.

Someone once advised to me to make plans five years in advance. Find something worth doing and commit yourself to it for five years with singleminded focus, then at the end of that time reflect on your experience and consider whether you want to keep going on the same track or try a different course.

HpS - Bhakti Svarupa Damodar Maharaja, our Sannyasa Guru and Sankirtan Leader had the similar advice. He was from Manipur, an old culture, and older than most of Godbrothers. He also said to fix long range goals, but he didn't say that you had to take them with narrow intensity or not be able to reform them frequently. He said that if you had a long range goal then when you encountered local obstacles they would not bother ou so much. You might have to put aside you long range goal for one month because you had some other service that you were ordered to do, but that little deviation would not bother you if you had long range projects.

Five years ago this July I made a commitment to join the brahmacari ashram and distribute books at least until five years were complete; so I'm at a crossroads now and I've been doing a lot of introspection about my experience so far and how to move forward in devotional life. 

By your mercy I was able to accomplish my three main goals for that duration, namely taking diksha initiation, going on pilgrimage to India, and passing the Bhakti shastri exam. I feel like these three things plus a solid five years of tksp experience has given me a strong foundation to build on in Krsna Consciousness. As Brghupati prabhu puts it, I've completed basic training and now I'm looking for my MOS.

HpS - ASA -- MOS (=Mother of Soup????)

Essentially it's the same old thing I've brought up before; basically I'm happy with the practice of Krsna consciousness and with my association etc, but I'm frustrated with my service. Even though I know how important and glorious it is, somehow or other I lost my enthusiasm a long time ago and even though day after day I force myself to go out, I'm not having any breakthroughs and I'm feeling progressively more discouraged. Basically it's just not my dharma. I've been bottled up way too long and now I'm just trying to control the explosion.

I'm sure you're probably tired of hearing about it by now,

HpS - No, we like hearing about this. We have the same problem. Probably the Gopis have a similar problems.

...and I get the impression that as Guru you don't want to take a "managerial" role and get mixed up in a whole ordeal. I get it.
HpS - It doesn't have to be a managerial role. We can do that if you want to join our ASA Sankirtan like working on the Psychology and the Sacred symposium in Lima.

So basically I've been chanting enthusiastic Japa and praying and discussing some options with my local authorities (H.H. Badrinarayan Maharaj & H.G. Svavasa prabhu) to try to figure something out.

So to give you the thin version, a few weeks ago I was thinking about coming to assist you with your Rathayatra in the Fall when I make my annual visit back east (when is the exact date by the way?).

HpS - First Saturday in October.

While I was there, I thought another fun/productive thing I could do would be to put on an art exhibition with some spiritual theme. So I connected with an old contact in SC and set it up.

HpS - Jaya. Sacred art.

Afterwards I was working on some projects and I started thinking I might as well put together an online portfolio. Then I realized it's only a few more steps to make a website. Meanwhile I was getting a good response from recent work on social media and I did some research and realized there's a burgeoning market for art developing on the internet and utilizing technology could be a most effective way to broadcast Krsna consciousness in the public sphere. I began to realize that it's actually a viable career option to be an artist in the modern world. If I was strategic I wouldn't even have to resort to doing tattoos or working at Starbucks to get by. Immediately I understood that my renunciation of my life's work is false. I have a huge void in my life that can't be filled by anything except realizing my trajectory in conjunction with Krsna consciousness.

Naturally Badrinarayan Maharaj was skeptical that it's possible to make a a living as an artist, and he graciously presented another opportunity which was to take some college courses to learn digital media so I could do graphic design for the BBT. Yesterday, we discussed at length and he left it up to me to think and pray it out and then decide what to do.

So I went for a long Japa walk and I thought I'd have to be crazy to turn down such a proposal. What I learned about myself, however, is that I can give up a lot of things; like sex, drugs, meat-eating, (and fish), and gambling; I can even give up art for a while. But the one thing I can't give up is the insane determination to do something inconceivable and revolutionary. Something only I could do.

In other words, my attachment is not so much for making stuff in general, it's more for the creative process. I would be bored to death doing graphic design. My whole life I've struggled with the fact that the creative process is not something I can just turn on like a faucet for a few hours in my spare time. It's more like a kind of samadhi.

My apologies for the lengthy letter, it's not easy to summarize everything I'm going through right now, but I want to submit myself humbly and ask your advice before making any final decisions. I'm really not trying to be stubborn, it's just that over the years I've seen that if I'm not fully convinced about something I can't be enthusiastic, and if I can't be enthusiastic I can't be successful. I'm supposed to meet with Svavasa prabhu tomorrow, but just let me know if you would like more details about my plan or Maharaj's proposal. Also, if you like you can check out the website I'm working on here: -it's mostly a resume of old stuff right now since I'm basically starting over.

ASA - "Wending mendicant" or "Wandering Mendicant".

We looked at some of the art. We like it very much. We also struggle to define a deeply satifying service for ourselves. As far as we understand ISKCON managment should not order us to do a service that is against our Karma-yoga or Svarupa, but we should not work for our own service satisfaction, ultimately intimate satisfaction of Krsna that only we can offer, whimsically. We should understand that the administration is also trying sincerely to adjust the Big Institution and help. For exampe, Rasa-raja, B.S. Damodara Swami, Abhimanyu Das all wanted to go to India, so HpSwami was left being President in San Francisco, BI. It was contrary to our nature but we realized it had to be done, Jnana yoga as above Karma yoga, so we did it, but to do it we had to take a lot more than our healthy Burfi level and hear about frogs and dogs is Krsna consciousness rather than just BG and Krsna book, but everyone, even the supersoul, seemed to confirm this.

Abhirama (?), husband of Mother Dhrti, super nice BBT artist, was still very active Krsna theme painter, but to makee ends meet he had an on-line etc. business of laser cutting designer moulding. Vaisesika Das was selling water filters to augment his income for his Vanaprastha Ashrama. Hmmm.

Do you want to stay B'cari? Take Sannyasa ultimately?   Or go into Grhastha ashrama and have 1, 5, 15 kids with a like minded lady?  Kardama had to go into Grhastha ashrama, but did it with full success.

Don't be afraid to try short term experiments also.

The Web-Page seems very nice.

We try our very esoteric stuff, like Journal writing, but we also respond to requests eg. Radhika-raman Das, Prof. Ravi Gupta, has been mentioning that we should write down our presentation on Sankhya. At the last presentation during Psych and the Sacred he was rather insistent. I asked if he would help a little and he said, "YES". O.K. We started posting our draft work here in the Blog and we will continue.
Final conclusion is belong to ISKCON as an Institution and do our work. Help the King and criticise the King. Then keep your own friends in the institution and finally have a direct relationship (through transparent via-media) with Srila Prabhupada. This is from "The Gopis Attracted by the Flute of Krsna".

Your rascal servant,

Ekāśma Dās

Mandirs report.

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gourangaba Mahaprobhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam

Thank You so much for Guruji's reply and advice from time to time.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji’s padamacharan that I am sending the submitting the report of the Thoubal Mandir. The weather of Manipur specially in Thoubal is dry. The farmers eagerly waiting the rain for cultivation. Now it is the time of rain but last month excess rain destroy vegetable and fish in the firms.

The five members who participated the sankirtan in the last Saturday are

i) Myself, Rajen Singh, Jatra Singh, Manithoi and Suraj Singh.

Rajen Singh has taken initiated from Tirth Swami Maharaja in the last Holy.

Jatra Singh and Suruj Singh are the members who are running the Mandir

And Manithoi is local professional narrator of Mahabharata, Gita  and


This time some more bhaktas and matajis also will participate the sankirtana.

Recently, I had read the 8th sloka of NOI. It highlights something but not clear all. Last time I asked under which direction ( the eight doors) and under whose guidance (Sakhi & Manjari - among the eight) I will enter the Vrndabana Mandir. Another one is where I will stay after returning from Vrndabana  by sidhi (Gamana-Gaman).

The common believe is that “in Nabadwip no women and in Vrndabana no men” can entered. Please explain.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - All glories to Srila Prabhupad. Hare Krsna. So, so ....... ssoooo nice to have regular communication here in this Blog Sanga. Manipur, Thoubal, so important for ISKCON's development.    Thank you for the Mandir Sankirtan news. Please offer our obeisances to all the Kirtaniyas.

Text Seven did you see... Prabhupada paraphasing, summarizing, the verse, "Adau sraddha...". It starts with the paragraph labeled "The conclusion is...".   This is one of our MOST important verses. To adance to Vaikuntha, then Ayodhya, then Mathura, then ... Goloka, we must understand and apply this verse.

It is from Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.4.15–16).  You can find the complete Sanskrit and another translation by Srila Prabhupad in BG 4.10 Purport.   The questions about which Sakhi we follow etc occur at the level of Ruci in this development as I understand.
Waiting to hear the results of your investigation.

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Cocoa and vaisnava diet [comment by Krishna Kshetra Swami ]

8 years, 8 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

In continuation from here

HpS: Can you get the thoughts to Krsna ksetra Swamis side?


Ah yes, the chocolate question. As I see it, this should not be something to be legislated upon one way or another, but should be a matter of personal discretion. Some people have a tendency to be quite attached to chocolate: to them I would say, better you avoid it altogether. Others are not attached to it. If it comes their way, they might take, or might not. To them I would say, don't worry about it. One might also see it as similar to chili: mode of passion, but no injunction against use or offering...but better--as your guru-maharaja says--to each foods in the mode of goodness.

hoping this helps!
Daso 'smi,
Krishna Kshetra Swami
HpS - ASA --- Interesting. When I take it I can feel the stimulation in lower parts of the consciousness. Better is fruit and aftersome time milk.  Ghee in Kitri, no?