Cocoa [cont.]

8 years, 6 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A


HpS - We have seen an exchange of letters from Prabhupada about Chocolate. It seems similar to onions. They bother contain theo-bromides as far as we understand. So, they stimulate lower chakras. This can be source of good energy under certain circumstances, but usually we want mode of goodness. I read that Prabhupada said that Grhasthas could take some, but it could not be offered to the Deity. GBC banned it, then canceled there ban. So seems, that under certain circumstances it maybe O.K.    Urad dahl is more acceptable but also not for regular diet.   Any cocoa product.

ND: Guru Maharaja, so it can be taken, but not offered to the Deity. Does it means to:

  • consciously take bhoga, or
  • offer it to the picture as not to the Deity. It looks there is the acceptence among some devotees that some preparations which can not be offered to the Deity, can be offered to the picture. (Sure, Deity can be made of paint, so this could open new discussion about what is, if any, difference.)

Note: personally, I do not eat cocoa for different reasons, but was intrigued by what you wrote.

ASA -- Hare Hare Krishna! When we saw that citation we also wondered about how it should be taken. I suspect it means that it cannot be offered to installed Radha Krsna deities, but could be presented to Srila Prabhupada for his approval as special rations in this Sankirtan.

Can you get the thoughts to Krsna ksetra Swamis side?

Would take chocolate peanuts while under heavy stress while traveling sometimes, but could definitely feel the negative side effects.

Best to live on milk, fruits and nuts.

simple "cookie or something similar" recipe [con't - part 2]

This is a continuation to the previus letter found here:
ASA - Can you mail them? Do they keep well for long time with warm weather?
ND : Hmmm... I believe mailing is possible. For example in the box.
         As for  keeping them for long during warm weather, I would say that is not possible. Of course, what is meant by "long time" and "warm weather". Considering south European territory, I would say these sweets can could keep 2-3 days in max. summer temperature and much longer during winter season. In our humble abode, they got eatan in max. 4 days.

ASA - This recipe is good then, but for Cookie Central, it will not work so good, because we want a cookie or cracker that will last like Mayapura Prasada to travel for weeks and still be worshipable.

How is your family?
Than you for asking Guru Maharaja <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />   As for my parents, when I ask them the same question, they reply with "excelent, fine, good" and if have some bodily pain then they add news about that. Considering that they are 80 years old, lived in 3 countries and throught 2 wars, they are quiet OK.  They do not talk about or show any religious / spiritual inclination. TV is their friend and guru. 
Nirgata is doing fine. Trying to develop her job as a Iyengar Yoga teacher. We listen to classes online (by different devotees from around the world) together and then discuss what we heard by sharing our thoughts and realizations.

That would be one aspect of the family <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" /> Then there is the aspect of ISKCON family and (should I say more important) our Supreme Father's family. I wanted to add this thought here, but will not discuss it for the reason of the size of the letter.

Guru Maharaja, if you allow, can I ask you why in the DTC 6(Fr) you wrote "4-principles strictly (chocolate???)" ? What is the connection of 4 principles to the chocolate? And, if it is in connection to the topic, when you say "chocolate", do you mean cocoa or a product that has cocoa in itself and is sold by the name chocolate?

HpS - We have seen an exchange of letters from Prabhupada about Chocolate. It seems similar to onions. They bother contain theo-bromides as far as we understand. So, they stimulate lower chakras. This can be source of good energy under certain circumstances, but usually we want mode of goodness. I read that Prabhupada said that Grhasthas could take some, but it could not be offered to the Deity. GBC banned it, then canceled there ban. So seems, that under certain circumstances it maybe O.K.    Urad dahl is more acceptable but also not for regular diet.   Any cocoa product.

Thank you!
Your servant Namacarya Das

Association thru project and Smart Meeting?

06/13/16   Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!  Dandavats and pranams!  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Last letter, you mentioned we could take your association via projects and Smart Meeting.  Yes, please assign me a project if it will be helpful to you.  Please advise me what is  "Smart Meeting" and how, when and why would I access it?  Thank you very much!
YS,  Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - Jaya!   It is and when you go to the web-site you can "Join" a Meeting. Our Meeting number is always 992-055-489. This is in the Kapi Dhvaja in each issue. Then you click on the little telephone hand set and that allows you to speak and listen. Under "Settings", I think, it allows you to adjust the microphone etc.
In the Kapi Dhvaja we list the times of classes and workshops.
We are meeting with the devotees here in South America and planning these projects and thinking of your excellent help, but of course the BIG project is 16-nice rounds, 4-principles strictly!!

Thank you very much.


8 years, 6 months ago by raktak in Special Category A

Traveling Raktak's Diary

Guru-Lila (part 4)

In some temples, either before or after the lecture, the devotees chant one round togecher, and believe me, this is quite purifying experience.  Some people may not have chanted at all throughout their lives, but in this way, they also get a chance to sit together with all the devotees/congregational members and get some first hand experience on chanting especially with the beads.  So here in this clip, which was made on 19th of March, 2016 at Navi Mumbai, you can see this thing and it is more special, because guruji His Holiness Hanumat Preshak Swami Maharaj is there, though he is not chanting with them, since he was chanting his evening Gaytri Mantra, silently, but he was listening, and another thing, you may also see my ugly face in this clip becuase there was a mirror (but you are lucky that you see it only for a few seconds, otherwise, you may have bad dreams in the night).

HpS - ASA -- We like that everyone chants one round together. We hear that Srila Prabhupada had the devotees do that in the first days of ISKCON, in front of the Deities, but we DO NOT like that it is done in unison. As far a we know this was a practice added without Prabhupada's consent, after he left. He had the devotees chanting at their own pace with individual concentration.

Canvassing a certain swami

8 years, 6 months ago by Janard1108 in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj


Thank you for your considered response with regards to my career dilemma which I appreciate.

I am currently enjoying your lectures via ISKCON Desire Tree, and am surely interested to know whether you plan to come again to Australia soon, perhaps after CA?

I have learnt that Dhruva and Dhanesvari are in and around Brisbane. I have not had the good fortune to meet them yet. Maybe I can canvass them to get on your case for a visit?

Which tactic would you recommend Maharaj?

Your not-so-humble servant,

Jay (aka Janardan Das).

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Paoho. How did you get this wonderful name Janardana? These long flights are getting very difficult for us, and really seems we should be sending books, movies, rather than our body.

Haw haw haw Hare.

Our first and second disciples are both in Australia.

If we can push on our little Sankirtan for Prabhupada that is where we must all go, no?

News of your Yoga and Sankirtan.


8 years, 6 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Querido Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas  reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Respecto a la convocatoria de recetas de galletas, necesitamos saber por favor,  cuando es la fecha o plazo límite?  Disculpe no encontré este dato.

No somos expertos, pero estamos animando a otros que envíen su mejor receta, Jayadeva Goswami prabhu, etc ... tratamos de convencer al experto en repostería prabhu Uddharana. 

Queremos llevar la degustación de galletas el 13 de Julio.   

Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja. Usted es tan experto en ocuparnos en servicio y sacarnos de las garras de maya. 

Perdón por las ofensas 

.Prabhu Manash Ranjan envía sus reverencias,  trabaja en el restaurante del templo. Esta bien y feliz de estar como la piedra entre los frijoles. 

ASA - En aeropuerto de Houston pasamos por transito en Mexico a Las 3. Primero Julio? Pero siempre disponible para buen recetas. Espero muy, muy buen Sankirtan para todos! !