Cocoa [cont.]
HpS - We have seen an exchange of letters from Prabhupada about Chocolate. It seems similar to onions. They bother contain theo-bromides as far as we understand. So, they stimulate lower chakras. This can be source of good energy under certain circumstances, but usually we want mode of goodness. I read that Prabhupada said that Grhasthas could take some, but it could not be offered to the Deity. GBC banned it, then canceled there ban. So seems, that under certain circumstances it maybe O.K. Urad dahl is more acceptable but also not for regular diet. Any cocoa product.
ND: Guru Maharaja, so it can be taken, but not offered to the Deity. Does it means to:
- consciously take bhoga, or
- offer it to the picture as not to the Deity. It looks there is the acceptence among some devotees that some preparations which can not be offered to the Deity, can be offered to the picture. (Sure, Deity can be made of paint, so this could open new discussion about what is, if any, difference.)
Note: personally, I do not eat cocoa for different reasons, but was intrigued by what you wrote.
ASA -- Hare Hare Krishna! When we saw that citation we also wondered about how it should be taken. I suspect it means that it cannot be offered to installed Radha Krsna deities, but could be presented to Srila Prabhupada for his approval as special rations in this Sankirtan.
Can you get the thoughts to Krsna ksetra Swamis side?
Would take chocolate peanuts while under heavy stress while traveling sometimes, but could definitely feel the negative side effects.
Best to live on milk, fruits and nuts.