Trash 161009

8 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Jack London: Before you can write even 100-words worth publishing, you have to write 100,000 words of trash, so start writing trash.

Monkey/Piggy - I think we are up to about 45,000 now so guess we have to put our nose to the grind stone and push on.   Go and do thou like wise:

The Devil's Lawyer: Well, why do you want to write anyway?     Why don't you just to some serious work?

M/P: Because we only have so much material, linear, serious, strength. It seems that we have a lot more spontaneous strength, non-linear, as Hari-lila Das describes it, Free Association.

WE WANT TO write for Radharani who has been kidnapped by Raw Vana and hankers to be with Ram.

He inspires Her to service all the live day long.

Writing books, building dams in the Yamuna so that there are ponds of water where the cows and calves can have a drink and the boys and us can swim and dink.

Life is simple in Vrndavana Dham. People forget the outside world of Bing!  and  Bam!   Kamsa killed his donkey who was a rat who killed a crow, who was a snake who ate a mouse, and where this all started is something we don't know.
News from 'thura, News from Spain, News from Russia, News fills our brain.
In Vraja people forget what's News,

And people outside want no News of Vraja because it's not filled with golden hues. Just fruits and flowers, cows and figs, and in the evening puppets and music with local kids.

Oink!   Oink!!!

Sobre Vyasa Puja en México

8 years, 4 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhuada! 

Hemos leído el Kapi Dhvaja . 

Respecto a las noticias sobre la distribución de la revista Solaris , justamente estamos en plática con madre Lalita Gopi, analizando las estrategias para este fin. Hemos entregado algunas revistas a Prabhu Gadhadara Gosai de Monterrey y a Krsna Kirtana para Uruapan.  Disculpe por favor el retraso . Enviaremos más noticias prontamente. 

Por otro lado , queremos decirle que estamos muy emocionados y muy felices que Ud mencione a México como la propuesta del lugar  para la celebración del auspicioso Sri Vyasa puja, 30 de Diciembre .  Es una gran bendición !!!   En medio de las tinieblas,  aparece un enorme rayo de luz  iluminado por Sus bendiciones e infinita misericordia que nos acerca más a Srila Prabhupada y a Sri Krsna. Millones de gracias querido Gurumaharaja!!!! Estaremos atentos a Sus instrucciones. 

Disculpe nuestras ofensas por favor. 

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - Es 30 Deciembre. Cuando termina el Marathon? Podemos celebrar in Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico, Pueblo Aravinda, no?  Depende en cual comunidad gana el Marathon.  Ha!  Ha!  Hare!     O podemos utilizar otra criteria.

Gracias!  Esperando su respuesta.

Traveling Raktak's Diary

8 years, 4 months ago by raktak in Special Category A

Guru-Lila (Part 5)

[HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!   Paoho.  Guru-lila or Animal Kirtan?]

In part 4, we talked about how guruji was engaged fully as usual in devotional service to Guru and Gauranga and it was Ekadashi and we were in Mumbai and it was on 19th March 2016.  Now let us take a next step and see what is happening on 20th March, Sunday:-

In the morning, we did Mangal Arti.  All the disciples of His Holiness Hanumat Preshak Swami Maharaj should understand this thing very clearly that he never misses mangal arti, it does not matter if there is no temple around, he would place a picture of Radha-Krishna, Prabhupad etc. on any elevated place and start singing sansar davanal in front of Them, if there is no musical instrument, that is also not a problem for him, he would use his lotta or kamandalu or his eating spoon to make some sweet sound and would start glorifying the Lord, well, Utility is the principle.

After Mangal Arti, we went to ISKCON Temple in Navi Mumbai, the suburb is called 'Khargar'. Big, beautiful temple, I was quite excited.  In the past, I have been to Mumbai with guruji  many years ago and we had visited Juhu and Chaupati temple and Mira Road temple, that time Khargar temple was not existing, so this was the first visit of guruji there and he gave Bhagvatam class there on 'Dhruv Maharaj returning Home' (4.9.9) and you know, the devotees there,  just loved it.  We also met Shriman Soor Das Prabhu, President of ISKCON Navi Mumbai. After the Bhagvatam Pravachan, We went to one very nice South Indian devotee's house and he fed us traditional prasad, so delicious, I wish I can get that prasad again.  After that, we came back to our base, packed-up and start traveling to Pune, Harsh Prabhu was driving us, only three of us, Guruji and Harsh and myself.

Photo 1-Guruji in Navi Mumbai temple

Photo 2 and 3-Guruji with Soor Das prabhu

Photo4-Guruji with South Indian devotee family

HpS - ASA - Aaaah!  We remember that. It is so nice when Krsna gives us one thing after another that we can do. Being engaged in any service is so nice.  Navi mumbai Temple is very nice and little frightening becaus so many culturally elevated people there, devotees of Krsna by birth. Learned Sanskrit in public school sometimes.  Will Raktak Ji recount what happened in Pune next???

Thank you for reminding us of this Sankirtan, mercy of Srila Prabhupada.


Please accept my humble obeisances! This is all defeat for uncivilized (demons) :) I feel it in my bone :) :) . All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Let the rasa dance come!. I just wanted to share this:

The cosmology is simply too much fear for me. For me to put my page up again would mean accepting the smell of fear to the life more strongly again, because still they kill these people especially in America, (just 3 homeopaths was also killed in small district in America, and the selfcharging battery technology experts all over globe) But for Real Science I'll put it on for one more year, just for you and Kalpapada Prabhu(Helsinki temple old pujari) and some else....

What I personally would want to do is art, because that technology already broke my own family,,, so,, but I would be using all – 110% – of my technical knowledge for the puppet theater, to make it most advanced and effective tool at least technically at least with subwoofers, pprogrammable light tables, colour changing leds, smoke machine, at start for Trikuta, for making the milk ocean, rear end projecting screen using frosted shower curtain :), making the scenes on background. And actually I was first of all a musician or well school and music. We had a band named Lion's Den which was very religious music,,, reggae,, and in year 2000 in Finland we had gig with more than 1000 spectators. And now few years ago I started playing with the core of the band again, but now it's more about effects,, and it is good,, I can see how it all binds together. On the base of my knowledge, we have quite good knowledge of sound effect business, nowadays. Also one other musician is being engaged just now on rhythm making for the scene where Gajendra and other elephantas rush towards the lake. I have also at least 10 000 euros worth of electrical equipment, which can be used for the theater also(Krishna is just so magnetic, dangerous, interesting even, dark and mystical, :) everything that little boy wants) I have very many things like 3d-printer, motors, cards, raspberry pi mini-computer, uv-lasers, ultrasound fountain fog elements, pumps, just name it. And the funding for me will be no problem, because I have inner circle knowledge of crypto coin called xem (New Economy Movements token), I already made small fortunes, but I'll take it in use after this month. Krishna is surely something very very amazing.. (we were so poor, with my mother). My cousin also have given as construction engineer some nice ideas (our fathers are identical brothers) I have listened already quite big deal of your lectures in AUDIO ISKCON Desire Tree.

I have written with KKS a little. But I wrote finally when he didn't answer anymore that maybe you, Maharaja, could help me on this.. well, :) all.. heh. ..

Yours sincerely Nanuk Henrichs

All Glories, All Glories, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!

P.S. If you are a donkey, then I'm a very stupido, not even so beautiful butterfly. Sex is a dangerous realm. I would just like to see the weapons of Vishnu like we did when we were younger or children, please Spiritual Father.. but I'm afraid of lust in subtle levels.

Sanskrit seems to be sometimes the only remedy for the biggest ghosts of doubtfulness. It gets so much easier when in contact with gurus. How can the spiritual worlds be connected through channels I sometimes wonder. But I hope this is not too much in speculative tune..

P.P.S. I also followed Lokanath Swami few weeks in Europe few years ago. It made me paint a lot.. (paintings)

Attached: some text from my former webpage, without the videos and most of the links:

Please listen Bhagavad-Gītā

Elfe Flashlight, using free energy!

And please check out Steorn's O'phone and O'cube

 Please listen Bhagavad-Gītā and in a while you can read this article:  Notification: This website is made to introduce you to radiant energy, but part of the proof given here is to establish scientifically the bases of phenomena like scalar energy (like HAARP), Kirlian photogaraphy, radionics, zapper electrotherapy and so on... Or like ISKCON's Founder Acharya HDG A.C.B.S. Srila Prabhupada said in his purport on SB 3.26.34 "This verse is the potential basis of great scientific research work" on ether (you may check Sri Isopanisad's 11th verse also what was his opinion about nuclear power). And the reason would be the 100% empiric (reproducable) proof that electricity isn't not just what is told (at least in western universities), but can be used again, may be in two places at the same time and even sucked from ethereal planes (Dirac's sea). Isn't it better know something real and not to depend on the university knowledge which is mostly in the modes of passion and ignorance and so there is no known contact to absolute reality, but their so called truth is changing all the time from one extreme to another, because they are reductionists and not believe in 'ethereal or astral creation', not to speak of those paid experts, who you just pay to get the right "truth". You can check these kinds of black painting enterprises also from the Washington DC company list. It is quite openly done, like the editing of the google earth maps (and in fact even more openly). So you can see that we are dealing also, with people with little moral or knowledge, but with mostly their monistic mission to keep real information down and the illusion of energy deficiency, like many already have placed themselves, just depending on little sense pleasures in their puny or bigger "family lifes". So to business: Tesla found radiant energy in december 1891, and in 5 years time perfected it (pure radiant energy) and after that started to say his former system of alternating current is no good, but this new one is superior in every aspect, not least the fact that Tesla considered this as a link between this and archetypal world or all the vast therapeutic uses of this radiant "earth" energy(check pyramids or egyptian 'lamps')) But the study of electricity was buried finally and totally in 1919, and last applications during 2nd world war in west, not only by J P Morgan, but by physicists like Einstein, who was only modifying Maxwell's equatiations like most of the physicists of the time. Tesla said Maxwell's equations to be nice poetry, but not more. And they are really not known as Maxwell did them, but how Lorentz and Heaviside, Heaviside this crazy man after truth :) , and made rise to today known electrical engineering with Charles Protheus Steinmetz.

Here you can have a clue of world politics on this technology briefly, and links on page more or here:
U.S. Government official's briefing from already year 1986 
In finnish language
Here is how Keppe-motors just won a grand price!! ;)
Some own projects: Bedini 4 dualpolar video ,    another little video and diy Keppe-motor up and running

Borderland sciences research foundation, lots of knowledge

    Here is a quickly made introduction, the old page starts below solar panel photo. So what is the name of the game is that I have had for about 7 years I studied free-energy or zero point energy devices, I started from HHO car units and now the last one is the Murakami plasma ignition, which seems to be very effective way to make big energy savings, through ionization of the air.
     Here is good example of electricity produced without induction type generators: Tariel Kapanadze's 100kW free energy device in Turkey). But the phenomenon is the same or known as Tesla's pulsed DC. It should be like this link or this, which is going on without batteries, and that's easy to achieve, you should just use normal electrolytic capacitors and with no doubt this latter link's fairly expensive ferrite core to get to that brigthness!

Elfe Flashlight

Eric P Dollard's new book   
Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems

Very nice inventions, by the inventor (Homepage more knowledge on him and his inventions)

P.P.P.S. world can make us crazy, but the ELFE free-energy flashlight seems to still work as they said it would

Hare Krishna

P.P.P.P.S they engaged me in translating the Bhakti Vriksha Manual to finnish language from Helsinki temple, with someone else..

HpS - ASA --- Incredible. How old are you?

BhVai - Saturday

8 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna, BhVai Sanga,
It is hot here in Tennessee, but after one week of doing our regular program it is straightening itself out as the scriptures said it will and everyday now we are getting a lot of work done.
The work is also getting organized.
We just uploaded an edited tpp.docx to the Archives with latest notes for BG 10. That is our BhSastri/BhVai, class for Wednesday evenings. It is nice.
This Saturday morning we will present the updated Doc file for the series of lectures that Swami Vaisesika Das is doing and a PPTX on Module Six (maybe five) that we did for the BhVai students in Texas, the Marriage of Devahuti.
Then the following weeks the devotees from Texas will finish off the Canto with Module reviews.
Of course, this is supposed to be a way of catching up the work that we didn't get done with our group from San Jose as we went through all this. This is content review, but also chance to fill in the examinations etc, that got lost.
We were hoping to get Vaisesika Das into the academic content part, which has happened so nicely,  Now we are hoping to get Vais, us and Srivasa Pandita Das into a short discussion about organizing the academic management part.
In the broad view of Sastric Education with Rama-giridhari and the MOE it seems to be going forward nicely.
See you Saturday.

Bhakti sastri campina grande

8 years, 5 months ago by [email protected] in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada y todas las glorias a usted ...

Gracias Maharaja !

Me hacen feliz sus cartas !!! Me dejan tranquila siempre con una respuesta precisa.

Su servidora Maria Bernarda.

HpS - ASA --- Gracias a Vd.   Vd no es en Nova Gokula, no?   Campana Grande es de Dhanvantari Swami al Norte, no?