a question

8 years, 7 months ago by jashodev chatterjee in Special Category A

Your Holiness,

                         Please accept my prostrated obeisances. All glories to Your good self.

ASA - Oink. AgtSP

I fall at your lotus feet and beg to be forgiven for this very late reply. My anarthas make me quite helpless, but I am willing to persevere with my free will if you are willing to bless me in order to be able to do that.  I was a little feeling ashamed when you mentioned to me about my inadequacies rather adequately,  and also scared of having done something offensive and thus lost out on perseverance. I apologize also, for the previous questionnaire which was unnecessarily lengthy.  I will make a stronger effort to be more effective in being more to the point.

Maharaja, I have some questions which have been troubling my heart for quite some time which I will be extremely grateful if you could please try and answer.

 They are:

There seem to be some intermediate tattvas between jiva tattva and Vishnu tattva. Examples of such tattvas are:

1)Srimati Radharani whom  I humbly think could be addressed as Shakti tattva

2)Lord Siva who seems to be addressed as Siva Tattva

3)Parvati Devi who is again Shakti Tattva

It is reasonable to accept that God is all powerful, and all attractive. But this same all attractive, all benevolent and very personal God seems to have created intermediate tattvas which are not as noble as God, who can be approached but not achieved. So how can an all attractive, all benevolent God create one child who is eternally going to be more opulent than another?

Your servant


HpS - ASA -- Very nice to hear from you. Mouth, Spoon, Soup. Now why on Earth would you, Mouth, want to become a Spoon?

Understand little grasshopper?


simple "cookie or something similar" recipe

8 years, 7 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
As per the request of  His Excellency Uncle Gismo, here is one simple "cookie or something similar" recipe.
3 cups fine oat-flakes (made to powder in blender)
1 cup dried grated coconut
1/2 cup walnut
1/4  carob powder
1/2   cup butter
1/2 cup milk
sweetener: as you like (we use Muscovado sugar)

Preparation: mix all and make balls or patties (we make balls).
According to my expirience this recipe is simple, fast and easy to make, it has nice consistency, and is open to different variations of sweeteners, nuts, butter and milk. In our family, it has Vaisnava name already, from devotee who gave us the recipe (Darpaha prabhu).

Your servant Namacarya das

ASA - Can you mail them? Do they keep well for long time with warm weather?

How is your family?

Candri cookies

8 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 



We have just read the KD

Here you have our recipe for the cookies


2 cups of fluor

1cup of sugar

200g of butter

1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate

1handful of cinnamon

1 handful of oats

1/4 cup of natural yogur


The butter must be at room temperature. In one bowl mixed very well the butter with the sugar then add tHe cinnamon, the oats,yogur. After that the flour previously sifted with the sodium bicarbonate. Mixed all these very well. Then put in a plastic bag in the fridge for a few minutes. 

Preheat the oven for 15 minutes 190°f

Spread with butter the tray

Make balls and put them on the tray.

Put the tray on the oven for 20 minutes aprox. 

Offer to Krsna


Thank U Gurudeva

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HPS - ASA -- A handful of cinnamon? Isn't that a lot!?

My respectful obeisances to you, Sir. Hare Krsna

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj.

Please accept my respectful obeisances to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

A mental projection, of simple servant holding a straw with its teeth walking toward you;  in a sincere attempt to do the right thing. Out of love, devotion, faith, knowledge all them partially developed and fully manifestation of need, desperation, fear, delusion and hope. It is his dragging big baggage of good and bad qualities. That is my personal presentation unto you.

It is karma-misra-bhakti, pushing us to turn toward you and cry out for your forgiveness, mercy, blessings.. there is no other way to keep alive in this spiritual path.. i have been trying serving you just at vani level (initiation vows), and honoring you whenever we do try to do devotional service to Krsna, but yet there is not full peace of mind as somehow and other we know that we are offending you simultaneously. we do not seek that Sir..

consciously i had never envied you Sir, ..  i just can not understand you, but  covered by pride and false ego, i try to justify my possition, and keep distance from you. 'The blog blocks me'..  public communication.  revealing mind, is that not supposed to be confidential?

I am hesitating to continue.. (writing).. doubting of the efficacy and clarity of this via of communication. does this can really convey the message that we are trying to say?. or is it possible to say it after all?.  Guess it sounds sahajjiya.. (deceiving perhaps).. but i have the push in my heart to do it. Paramatma?. .. just send it .. It says.. just do it.

we just want to let you know that we are still alive,.. continuing  walking, no, . we are crawling!!!. 

I remember you quoting Srila Prabhupada saying if guru wants to know how his disciple is doing.. Krsna, Paramatma makes the arrangement .. that guru get the news. .  ..  yeah!.. but it is not enough, we should not make Krsna to work for us.!!

HpS - Hare Krsna, Madhumanjari Devi Dasi.   Such a long time we do not hear from you!    "Guhyam akyati prcchati...".    This Blog is like the people that come up after a big class and carry on the discussions. It is automatically a little bit more confidential. Reading the letters we can see what kind of things go on here.  Devotees can even use different names. Of course, if there is something more confidential then it can just be mentioned and then we can arrange to discuss things more privately.
Especially with a very nice pujari, psychologist, soon to be famous author, it is very nice to have some letters about important topics so that some other sankirtan devotees, land owners, big managers can benefit.
We often think about what is happening with your good self!
We ge news from others.

Today SB class, eight canto, ch.16, text 23. Kasyapa muni instructing Aditi.. it helped me to remember you, moreover to strongly realise that i can not continue anymore in this way..  Aditi accepted her husband not just like a caste wife serves and respects her husband, this time she accepted him as guru.. shelter, with full trust. Accordingly, Kasyapa muni, in compassionate way, engaged and instructed her in direct devotional service but subtlely covered, in order to pacify her mind.. Payo-vrata!!!.. wow!!.. but actually it is vadhi bhakti, as we all are trying to follow everyday..  the point is that he, Kasyapa treated her with compassion, kindness, intelligence, pointing out even  her degraded stage of conscioness calling her grhamedhini.!!..  the expertise of advance devotee!!!!. It reminds me Srila Prabhupada and you..   I remember, long ago..  like a fooling child, i told you that i wanted to have mystic powers.. and you, kindly, in a compassionate way gave the secret to get it.. three important vratas!!!.. they are very powerful and effective, you said. then you told me: first get up early in the morning and attend mangalartik everyday; second, workship Tulsi devi.. and finally chant 16 good rounds of Hare Krsna maha mantra every day..  then.. you will see. the real mystic power manifested..   wow!!. got it!!

HpS - I heard that from Bhadra-vardana Das many years ago, then I remember I read it from Srila Prabhupada also.

Thank you, Sir.. .. thank you very much..

This is becoming to long now.. and there are much more to say..  as you say, the limitation is on the device that you are using.. ( your reply to another disciple message about his long letter).

Anyway.. time to go.

My respectful obeisances to you, Sir (father, mother, master, Guru.. is that right, to see you in that way?).

am i allow to call myself  as your disciple?,  is that appropriate?. we did not please you much.. perhaps even we could be call rebel, black sheep, disrespectful..?.  are you upset with me, Sir.?.    Sorry!!..  i am sorry!!. 

in service

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - ASA ---   I guess everything is kind of O.K. in any respects. We would certainly like to hear news from you about your position in ISKCON now. Are you still living in the Temple as Pujari?   How are your University studies?  Are you planning on staying in Australia.


8 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


AGTU ¡¡¡


Hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡

HpS - Got a little rash our leg. Some serum oozing out. Is like poison ivy. We are fighting with it.

As usual I am reporting on ekadasi ¡¡ But in 14 days we will see again in person JAYA we feel really blessed ¡¡

In a few minutes I will go to the red house in order to see accomodations for Lalita gopi mataji. 

Sadhana is ok FMP is a marvelous sanga 4p ok 16 rounds fixed ¡¡¡

We are revising the link of BV that U sent to us ¡¡ really interesting lecture ¡¡¡

We are teaching Bhakti sastri and studying also...

On June 8th BBS will be in Peru we are really looking forward to have His association. We have realized in theraphy and while reading SP' s books that I have lost too much timne in meaningless relationships full of lust, envy, ego iachhhh, I do not want to waste my time anymore. I am trying to cultivate better relationships with all ¡¡ So SADHU SANGA is the best way to do it ¡¡¡

HpS - Is your Therapist beoming a Devote (Heee!    Heeee!  Heee!)

And do not build relationships based on my ego, in the past I care too much about what people may say.. and then I realized that being important is from the ego, but  being happy is from the soul ¡¡¡

ASA - Jaya!  Oink!

And I am extremely happy nowadays with my friends devotees family work ¡¡¡ because I do not want to control anymore ¡¡¡ 


I found this video about my beloved father giving an speech and I wanted to share with U Gurudeva, He gave me everything and I just have to reciprocate being a good monkey... My father taught me not to be dependent of anyone.. He told me depend on The great arquitecture of the universe he was a mason ¡¡ JAYA thank U so much Gurudeva¡¡¡

See U in 14 days


Trying to not work from my huge ego

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS ASA -  We just saved the link to One-Note. We will try to see it at NGD's home!   Life is very short, all these relations are very short unless we are developing eternal relations, no?

Bhakti sastri campina grande

8 years, 7 months ago by [email protected] in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a sri sri Gaura Nitay 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a usted!

Querido Maharaja espero este teniendo un buen día y que se encuentre bien de salud.

Gracias por contestar mis cartas.

No hay prisa, pero como usted dijo es mejor ser entusiasta y estoy muy entusiasmada por ser su dusipula seguir sus instrucciones y poder servirle.

Le comento que tuvimos una semana de sankirtan en João Pessoa (Brasil), fue muy intensa pero estoy muy feliz. Ahora volmimos a Campina Grande y este viernes volvemos para completar otra semana

Maria Bernarda.

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna.    Un foto de Vd!