Your Well Wisher - Sacto News and Not the Brain

Dear Maharaja,

PAMHO  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

My dear friend, it sounds like your Chicago visit went very well even though it was so cold.  Sounds like the Chicago devotees are doing a lot of great activities.  Our little center is struggling right now and we may be out in the cold.  The owner of the Yoga studio who generously allows us to use her facility once a week for a very low fee has moved.  She purchased and remodeled a new facility which is not working out as well as before.  We failed to keep control of the children the first night there and she is very protective of her brand new studios.  She actually saw the children acting up with her new security cameras!  So we are on a short leash.  But the rooms are smaller and I don't think the shiny new facilities are a good fit for us.  In her old rented studios she didn't care much when the children broke something.  Where ever we go it will be conciderably more expensive so we are up in the air right now.

I watched a good on line talk by Dr. B. Alan Wallace on the brain, mind, and intellegence.  Much of it was over my head.  Some things he discussed were about scientific and medical studies.  Most researchers believe the mind and the brain are the same thing (which he does not).  Many believe the only way to explore the mind is with medical instruments like brain scanners.  The extreme ones believe there is no such thing a consciousness and self examination is impossible.  I loved one of his arguments.  He said if the brain is just an amoral body organ like the liver or gallbladder than we are not responsible for our actions.  How can the scientists respond to that?

Praying Krishna continues to bless you, Dave

HpS - So nice to hear from you.  If you have to meet in people's homes or wherever it will be O.K?  No, just go on with the essence which is to get together and Kirtan, Lecture, Kirtan, Prasad more and more!!

We will look for the B. Alan Wallace lecture.   Yes, it is a very good point, no?  Once it was thought that the liver was the seat of consciousness, no?
The SB gives nice details of how the Atma contacts the visually experienced body by going through different levels.   We are going right now for "Psychology and the Sacred" at Virginia Commonwealth University. We hope to distribute a lot of  
Nectar of Instructions, and then engage people in following the advice therein!

Writing anything?

We will read more about him and hope to contact him!  Our video clip on the Youtube is our best propaganda now!

HARIBOL!! - Madrid and the Tao

8 years, 2 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Gurumaharaj.
Please accept my most humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
First I wanted to apologize for not writing all this time.

HpS - ASA -  No, excuse. You must pay a penalty of one Laddu to three Brahmanas to be free from the guilt of your crime.

All goes well, from this month im combining the university (Master in  Sciences of religions, you asked me in the last letter if i can give classes i think also i can give classes in school but its more focus for people that want to investigate in academic way or do PhD, very good profesors its the 3(rd) best university in Spain, the person that is guiding me in my final work is expert in sanscrit, the title of my final work will be "Bhakti: origin and first interpretations of the concept of devotion in the hinduism ) with my service in the temple. My routine is very complete: spiritual program, service, university, pujari, etc ...

I feel these past months have been very difficult situations  in many ways but I think that gradually everything returns to a natural position.
I'm trying to have every day a little more faith in Krishna I try to protect my little devotion ... it is a fact that I am in the early stages of bhakti yoga.
I try to put in the center of my life the spiritual program, chanting my rounds and spending time with devotees. I think that this is the most important thing I do in my life. All other things around us social, personal, economics, friendships, families are like pieces in a theater that we should know how to use to promote our attraction and the rest of people to Krishna.
I am calm and happy, but I see that the service on the administrative council of the temple is not so natural and attractive as other services, but I will try to continue, I have faith in our team.

Looking ahead I think I'm in a year of transition and I feel that when I finish the university I'm going to take some time to reflect on my life and see where I want to address. Of course, the materials plans are completely fallible but I also like to have a projection of life in the medium term.

During these three years I have been very protected in the temple and now I return to interact daily with people who don’t do spiritual life I'm realizing how important it is to chant rounds and have a strict sadhana. Always remember Krishna and never forget him.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Sorry this time i used google translator, maybe you find some fails...

Mantri Rama Das

Do you like taoism?

ASA - Sun Wu Kong. Taoism. Ahuri Mazda... So much very nice perspective in this world. So many fresh things that teach us to apreciate the present moment. Then we can begin to appreciate Paramatma and then Bhagavan. Until we are accomplished in Brahma-bhuta, Tao, Upanisad, then we cannot appreciate Krsna in truth. Yes, some light of his smile, but it comes through many filters.

So, nice to get advantage of the Taste of Water. the Fragrance of the Earth, the majesty of a 747-taking off, but if we have any service that we can appreciate by the mercy of Sri Gauranga, then let us do that first, then all the knowledge of the Tao, Upanisad, the Dharma will increase auto matically. Watching some Taoism can very much be Hari Kirtan.

Have you seen this:

Your letter and attitude seem very nice!!  Our respects to everyone. We hope to get to Spain very, very soon.  Krsna will arrange it, no?


8 years, 2 months ago by raktak in Special Category A

Guru-Lila-Part 7

Monday 21st March 2016-in Pune-------We went to the Mangal Arti with Guruji and it was very fired-up, so many devotees and especially, so many Bramhacharis.  Here in Brisbane-Australia, there is no Bramhachari, though we see some visiting Bramhachari devotees from other temples, sometimes.  I was dancing, because all other devotees were dancing and one feels inspired to dance, having seen them dancing ecstatically.  After Mangal Arti, someone requested Guruji to give a short talk about Chanting during Japa period, and guruji did deliver an inspiring talk about chanting for a short while 2-3 minutes.  After some time, we came back and got ready to go to the older temple.

And now we are on the way to the old ISKCON temple in Pune, though they have very magnificent, grand new temple, but they are still maintaining old temple, so many devotees are living there, again many bramhacharis, beautiful Radha-Krishna deities are there namely Radha-Kunjabihari and whole atmosphere is like typical ISKCON temple.  When we reached there, we saw devotees welcoming Guruji by offering very sweet kirtan and then, escorting him to the temple.  We all are there with guruji; our host Ajita Nitai Prabhu from Pune, Harsh Prabhu and Girivardhari-Gopal Prabhu and myself, you would see all these things in the attached video clip, HARE KRISHNA.

Photo-Guruji is watching Lord Tirupati Balaji's Picture and is reading the prayer, do not wonder, Guruji knows how to read Devnagri script and even can understand it, if it is not too comlicated.

HpS - ASA --- A flasch back in time to our last visit to India. We feel strange being called "Guru Ji". Interesting title, "Maharaja" might be something we can aspire for more practically. We are lucky if we can aspire to be Goswamis in the dust of our ISKCON Guru, Srila Prabhupada.

We are planning for visit to India again, now. We have to taste Krsna consciousness then we have something to distribute, become electric cables for God, no?

We hope Raktaka Das is getting ready for Vanaprastha and Sannyasa.  Raktaka Das, please send us a spiritual clip of your good family members, each one.

AmD Propuestas 2016

Dear Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Siempre para un discípulo es incómodo que se den ciertas críticas a su Guru, a pesar de que al Guru no le afecten por estar en una plataforma trascendental, el discípulo es afectado en cierta medida… Recuerdo el pasatiempo del Mahabharatha y la actitud de los Pandavas cuando Sisupala insulto a Krsna…

El hecho de que Usted tenga su servicio más inclinado a la prédica, hace que pocos conozcan su sincero deseo e interés de que Iskcon mejore administrativamente, y que algunos conozcan las enormes destrezas que tiene Usted para poder apoyar a Iskcon en ese aspecto, y otros pocos saben lo respetuoso y caballero, que es como Usted siempre se ha presentado ante los lideres administrativos de Iskcon…

Aquí en Perú, algunos discípulos hemos tenido responsabilidades administrativas en Iskcon, pero los últimos años por diferentes razones, hemos ido dejando esos servicios para involucrarnos más en la predica, porque muchos de ellos también son profesores, y es más apropiado para su naturaleza…

El decir que nosotros (sus discípulos) no queremos asumir responsabilidades administrativas, en la misión de Srila Prabhupada, o que Usted no nos inspira o motiva para eso, es un juicio que carece de análisis.

Usted en el 2006 me sugirió que tal vez en el futuro, yo podría apoyar al GBC local… Después de 10 años, tengo sus palabras en el corazón, y aunque tengo muchas debilidades y anarthas, tal vez algunas de mis pocas habilidades puedan servir para el trabajo administrativo… Hay algo que me dijeron los astrólogos que leyeron mi carta, es que tengo una especie de estrella para sacar a flote aquello que se está hundiendo….

Si Usted me autoriza, quisiera escribirle a Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, una carta proponiéndole apoyarlo como Supervisor de GBC, que es el servicio que está faltando actualmente, con una serie de propuestas, que hemos ido evaluando en los años que estamos Iskcon… De hecho Maharaj debe tener mejores opciones, así que estaremos muy felices de haberlo intentado…

                      Esperamos su respuesta

                                       Su tonto discípulo AmD.

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Always for a disciple is uncomfortable that certain criticisms are given to your Guru, despite the Guru does not be affected by being in a transcendental platform, the disciple is affected to some extent ... I remember the pastime of the Mahabharata and the attitude of the Pandavas when Krsna was insulted by Sisupala ...

The fact that You have your service more inclined to preaching, makes few know Your sincere desire and interest that Iskcon improves administratively, and that some are aware of the enormous skills You have to support Iskcon in that regard, and others few know how respectful and gentleman, that is how You  have always presented yourself before the administrative leaders of Iskcon ...

Here in Peru, some disciples have had administrative responsibilities in Iskcon, but in recent years for various reasons, have been leaving these services to get more involved in preaching, because many of them are also teachers, and is more appropriate for nature ...

Saying that we (Your disciples) dont want to assume administrative responsibilities, in the mission of Srila Prabhupada, or that You do not inspire or motivate for that, is a judgment that lacks of analysis.

You in 2006 suggested that perhaps in the future, I could support the local GBC ... After 10 years, I have Your words in the heart, and although I have many weaknesses and anarthas, maybe some of my few skills may serve the administrative work ... There's something astrologers told me they read in my letter, is that I have a kind of a star that brings out what is sinking ....

If you authorize me, I would write to Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, a letter proposing to support as a GBC Supervisor, which is the service that is currently lacking, with a series of proposals, that we have been evaluating in the years that we are in Iskcon ... In fact Maharaj, You may have better options, so we will be very glad we have tried ...

                      We will be waiting for your answer

                                       Your silly disciple Amd.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Estamos esforzando participar en ISKCON, ISKCON Peru, el major que podemos. We Love Peru, pero, claro, tenemos nuestras propio ideas como ayudar.  De una manera nuestra perspectivo, y eso es abierto para ideas de otros, es que Daru Krsna Prabhu creo (created) un Empiro, lo cual el mismo no pudio manejar (that he himself could not manage). Entonces es necesario readjustar la estructura general de ISKCON Peru.

Un idea.

Entonces estuvimos esforzando trabajar en la area de Educaion, incluyendo sankirtan en estas areas, universidades..., y adoracion de la deidad.  Eso aparece como un porcion manejable. Tenemos ideas como ayudar economicament Radha Madan Bihari, y esforzando implementar ellos.
Basicamente necisitamos un comunicacion poco mas fluido con la administracion para ser util. Y pienso con Karuna-krsna Das, todo, estaba adelantando.

Maharaja, Jayapataka, me dijo que bueno es communicar, coordinar con Atmarama Das y Madre Divya priya Devi Dasi. Entonces es bueno hablar, presentar sus ideas a ellos, antes de pasar ellos con ellos al Maharaja.


citations from Neal Delmonico aka Nitai das

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In Introduction of D. Haberman's rendition of Bhaktirasamrtasindhu, there are  citations from Neal Delmonico (aka Nitai das). Considering the case Nitai had with Srila Prabhupada, how should we take that D. Haberman cites Nitai?


AC Bhaktivedanta Swami - Letter to: ALL GBC MEMBERS -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1976


Please let it be known that Nitai has become a venomous serpent. Be careful of him.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: ALL GBC MEMBERS -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1976



Your servant Namacarya das


HpS - Thank you very much. We did not know his secular name. Prabhupada praised s book that Satsvarupa Maharaja wrote for university students, dating that he had chief Si many demons but his bio had not been contaminated.

We would have to look at the individual citations. We disagree with some of the things D Haberman says. We try to use it for its practical knowledge. DH respects devotees, devotee scholars.

. Lord Chaitanya took Sannyasa in Mayavadu sampradaya took reach the scholars etc.


question about comments after your Janmastami lecture

8 years, 2 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

There was a comment after your Janmastami lecture (Hawaii). I did not understand it. It was something about a painting in the dungeon with Visnu, Devaki and Vasudeva made wrong. Please can you tell what was comment about?

HpS - AGTSP!   Paoho.... It was by Vidugdha Das. He was pointing out that most of the pictures of the birth of Krsna show an adult Visnu with four arms, but the text says that the four armed form was a baby. Even the BBT art seems to have the adult.

Also, you commented about some kind of wrongness about morning kirtan in SP samadhi in Vrindavan. But the sound was not clear, so I could not follow what you were saying (neither devotees present could). Can you maybe explain here about that?

HpS - Myself and former President, Scottish devotee, cant remember his name now, both object to the Mangala arati song in the Temple in Vrndavana, not the Samadhi. It was added of course after Prabhupada left. It is an Aruna day kirtan. It says right in the song, "The rays of the morning sun are coming", no?

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya das

Thank you!!!  >>>>