Dear Guru Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

In continuation from here:

HpS - Do you mean he (BSST) didn't take Sannyaya from GKDB?   Is there some doubt that GKDB didn't give him Mantra initiation as a Hari-nam disciple or Gayatri mantra?


In Nitai das's own words: "The main reason for my departure from ISKCON was that I came to believe

(and I still believe) that Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatı


received proper initiation into the Caitanya Vaisnavasampradaya(community)."


In the same text he writes like this "diksa (initiation)".


About sannyasa initiation he says, by citing , Bhaktiprasada Puri Goswami, one of 'previous' disciples of BSST :" ... was groundless (since Bhaktisiddhanta had given it to himself)".


Source link :




I am not advocating that whatever is said in the source link is truth. I came to Nitai das (Neal Delmonico) and started a little investigation because I saw the name in the book you gave. And, as I said earlier, it arouse interest in me because I was aware of Srila Prabhupada's words about Nitai.


Hope all this is not disturbing. That is not my motive.


Your servant Namacarya Das



HpS - AGTSP paoho.   When I tried to send this letter it got lost, the internet crashed!   Is it the hand of God!? (He smiles mildly but with some depth).
Your investigations are not disturbing to us. They are wonderful.

We are trying to follow the example given to us of Lord Caitanya with Sarva bhauma Bh. Acharya and Prakasananda Sarasvati et al, and your investigations help so much.

One question is if Prof. Delmonico has change his opinions?  In general we would feel that his objections as described do not relate to the reality of Parampara. Hari-nama Diksa from GKDB may have been informal, but did it communicate the essence?

We investigate Srila Prabhupada. He is the current link in the Parampara. If we are satisfied that his extreme insistence on speaking and acting in the Paramapara is something that he requires from disciples and the Guru he accepted, then the series of links goes back quickely to Krsna.  That is the test, no? Do we actually have a direct experience of Krsna!?

Does our compound telescope give us a better view of the same God that we see with our naked eyes.

con't - citations from Neal Delmonico aka Nitai das (part 2)

Continuing from here


Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Generally speaking, this is how I understand and act upon these kind of situations.

A person practices ISKCON sadhana bhakti, after some times stops the practice (by leaving ISKCON and joining some other sect, or stopping sadhana altogether). This person may be by profession an auto mechanic. If I need to fix a car, I may bring it to that person. But if that person is a philosopher and scholar by profession, and I need some philosophical points to discuss, I may need to be careful with what to hear/take from a person whose philosophy differs from our parampara.

This is given in simple words. There are more details to consider.

Is that proper?


HpS - As far as we can understand things we act in the same way, and of course there are details. Some people have left and become viscious demons. So, with them we don't even ask technical things.


About citations – they are about connections of Bhoja and Rupa Goswami, then some about historical facts , and about how Rupa Goswami uses Agni Purana.


Now that we are here on this topic, may I ask what you think and what you say to people who declare points that Nitai das propagates: that our line from BSST is not bonafide because BSST did not took initiation from Gaurakisora das Babaji. (There are more points but this is a main one).

Thank you!


Your servant Namacarya Das


HpS - Do you mean he didn't take Sannyaya from GKDB?   Is there some doubt that GKDB didn't give him Mantra initiation as a Hari-nam disciple or Gayatri mantra?
Sannyasa is a Varna ashrama arrangement in some ways. Real parampara is one Sampradaya Acharya accepting another as his student and then passing the Bhava, perspective, attitude with Sastric reference to his disciple.


... aham — I; vaḥ — unto you; śrāvayiṣyāmi — shall let you hear; yathā-adhītam yathā-mati — as far as my realization.    


O.K?  Just brief idea. Depends very much on the motive of the person who is arguing, no?

New cells of the body taking the qualities of the aged body

8 years, 1 month ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A, Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Modern science confirms* that every seven years all the cells in the body are changed. That in the range of seven years all the cells in the body are changed.

We use this fact as a example of reincarnation, even in this body.

Srila Prabhupada agreed with this statement.


ASA - Even the nerve cells?  We Googled the fact and got some references that say it is not precise, but yes the cells replace, and still says that the brain neurons are not replaced, but I hear that there is new research about this now.


How it is that those new cells take a form (or qualities) of aged body? For example, the aged body forms wrinkles around the eyes and the new cells maintain those wrinkles (or even makes more of it) instead to being new as in a young body. Or if a person has a tattoo, after seven years that tattoo is still there, it does not vanish. We would understand that a new cell will have a new untouched quality but it is not so.


Your servant Namacarya das


* of course, as in every statement, this one also has  opposed ones




Dr. Singh. Medical science says that all the bodily cells are replaced every seven years.

Srila Prabhupada. No, not every seven years -- every second. Every second, the blood corpuscles are changing. Is it not so?

Dr. Singh. Yes.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Changing Bodies



HpS - ASA -- We don't have any specialist knowledge in this. Maybe Dr. Nikunja bihari Das has some information. You questions about skin condition is certainly interesting.

Term “mataji” [con't]

8 years, 1 month ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

In continuation from here

HpS - We also remember where Prabhupada was talking about Narayani Devi Dasi and said, "Mother Narayani".   We feel it is just as respectable a title as Maharaja for a Sannyasi.  Of course, there is not restriction to say, Narayani Mataji, Prabhu, no?


Yes Guru Maharaja.

My humble understanding is that it is always nice and safe to address a person in female body as mataji, mother. Term mataji is particularly proper to use when addressing a lady who is unknown to us.

I have slight memory hearing that Srila Prabhupada sometimes happened to call his female disciples as prabhu (for example : “Malati prabhu”) . Is that right? If yes, would that mean we can also address ladies as 'prabhu' ? I heard about term 'prabhvi'. Is that OK to use?

Term 'vaisnavi' is also proper to use.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - ASA -  Oink!   Oink!   Whoop!     WHoop!    Tom Brown is doing his PhD thesis with some relation to this topic. PhD - Doctor of Phalocracia.    Yes, Prabhu is perfectly appropriate for any devotee, no? Even letter from Prabhupada we saw that it was appropriate title for Bhaktas following the full program.

BV recorded classes Urgent

8 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

HpS - ASA ---- Aaaaa!   We didn't send this before!   Here it is.

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Gurudeva the last saturdays I could not join BV classes because I had workshops and classes. I remember that U record the classes. So my question is where I can find the recordings? I have the SM password where can I find the recordings with that....

Thank U all so much



ASA - Go to the "Wall" asked at the bottom there is a trash for Recordings. If you have problems write again. I forgot to record one class recently. Thank you.

Jaga-jivana Das Leaves His Body

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krsna,



Braja-bihari Das told us that Jaga-jivana Das has left his body and gone to Goloka or at least en route to Goloka.  It twists our heart to hear this and the more it sinks in the more we feel tortured. We were alone in our trip to India in 1978. Alone in traveling to Jaipur to try and arrange transport of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai from Kalakendra Murti Walla to Berkeley.

Fever, everything.

Then we saw an ISKCON devotee, Sannyasi passing on the road in a rickshaw. We hailed each other in the traffic and then talked and spent time together during the next few days. That was our first encounter with Prabhuji.

Later we began to know him during our work in South America. It seemed that he had left his Ashrama as Sannyasa, and also been removed, and moved out of GBC positions, but was still the Temple President in the little country of Uraguay. We heard that he had some problems with controling anger and had been involved in a few marriage relations, but had strong character in his preaching and administration of his Yatra.

He was an advocate for his national and other ideas on a global level with the GBC. We visited Uraguay and were with him in the programs there. We had a friendly, funny relation.

Later, Prabhuji becamed involved in Peru, and Regional Secretary for Peru and so forth, Member of the Latin American GBC Regional Council etc.

He was always a strong self-reliant person. He married a very nice, Russian devotee and visited the Peru yatra at great personal sacrifice and expense, working on the business and political level, and personal level. His good wife appeared to us to be a greatly stabalizing factor is life and service.

It also seems to us that he was able to re-establish his reputability at the GBC level by this hard and practical work and then was honored to develop a program for educating devotees world-wide in how ISKCON Law works.

Then this heart problem became very bad. He hospitalized and has now left his body.

He was a good man. We are honored that we knew him and hope that this is just one more step in his journey forward for himself and his friends.

HpSwami 2017 Nov 11