URGENTE: Ofrenda de Vyasa-puja 2017

8 years ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

om ajñana-timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Yo nací en la más oscura ignorancia, y mi maestro espiritual me abrió los ojos con la antorcha del conocimiento. A él le ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias.


nama om Visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine

Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami, quien es muy querido por Sri Krishna, habiéndose refugiado a Sus pies de loto.

Gurudeva en este día 108% auspicioso de su Gloriosa Aparición permítame ofrecerle con la mayor sinceridad que tengo este sencillo poema:

Usted es nuestro guía eterno y nuestro mayor tesoro

Siguiendo fielmente a Srila Prabhupada

Usted recorre el camino del prema-Bhakti

y nos educa con su ejemplo       

Usted es un modelo inspirador de sravanam, kirtanam, visnoh smaranam, pada-sevanam

arcanam, vandanam, dasyam, sakhyam y atma-nivedanam

y nos educa con su ejemplo       

Evocando los pasatiempos de Krishna

los problemas, discusiones y conflictivos se vuelven auspiciosos
y usted nos educa con su ejemplo       

Hecho de aire y corazón

ha brotado este poema de amor y devoción

Porque usted el Bhakti puro en el corazón lleva

y ha sido, es, y será por siempre, nuestro amado Gurudeva.

GURUDEVA Muchas gracias por su guía espiritual. Su Asociación despierta en mi alma entusiasmo y determinación en el servicio devocional. Usted le da sentido a mi vida porque por su misericordia puedo entender que soy un alma espiritual, eternamente sirviente, de los sirvientes, de los sirvientes de Krishna, ¡eso me hace feliz! Muchas Gracias por sus instrucciones y su contagiante alegría trascendental.

ETERNAMENTE AGRADECIDO, Su caído e inútil sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.





HpS - Gracias. Estamos en a guest house in madras in South India. We have been having chronic chest pains and feel that this body may die at any moment, but we are happy. Were can continue with this work in the future. You also, no?


> HPS - Thank you. Your health news is amazing. He was puncturing for any specific zones or organs?

She mentioned one of headakes were from liver and second type was suppose to be connected with back and was treating also kidney problem.

Needles were from feet till top of my head. I don't know which needles were for what, but it works :) I have seen improvements from first visits.

HpS - Super!  We do lot of self massage. That seems to help us a lot. Basically four principles etc and you can find a simple cure to most diseases. Of course, death in the simplest cure, no?

SGGS Plans

8 years ago by hps in Special Category A
<dl><dd id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1482942340386_5700">

Dec 27 at 7:43 PM

</dd></dl><dl id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1482942340386_5622" role="presentation"><dt aria-hidden="true">From: Braja Bihari (das) BJD (Vrindavana - IN)</dt><dt aria-hidden="true" id="hdr-to">To: HpS (HHR)
CC: Anuttama (das) ACBSP (IC N.America)
Dear Maharaja,</dt></dl>


The first sanga was indeed the GBC basically communicating where their strategic plan was at. And we got a lot of feedback that attendees didn't feel that first sanga met its potential. 

The second sanga got rave reviews by just about everyone who attended. 

This next one I'm helping to organize (as I did the last one), and a lot of the discussions will be around looking at the future of our Society and the direction this group of leaders wishes to see us go in. I think it will be fulfilling and lots of good association!

There's no one really "presenting" at this event. 

Ys, Vraj Vihari dasa

Wednesday Night - ASA Bh.Sastri Workshop

8 years ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Prabhus,
ASA - Bhakti-sastri Workshop.

We made it to Mexico. Programs are so nice, so intense but we are integrating them with our regular ASA schedule, Wednesday evening is Bhakti-sastri workshop.

We can't join on line tonight but we have gone through the study material and are very satisfied.

Are we all learning with the perspective that we have to teach this next.

We spontaneously asked Sriman Hari-lila Das if he could join you all while we are gone and he very graciously agreed.

For him, maybe he could look at "Waves of Devotion" by Dhanurdara Swami and include some comments in the evening meeting. For Bhakti-vaibhava diploma we should maybe teach BhSastri NOD two times, no?

The www.jayarama.us/archives/tpp-nod.docx file has nice notes for this second chapter of NOD. The actual text is full of citations from other sources. For BhVai one might look these up in Bhanu Swami's ''Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu''. Especially one verse Prabhupada quotes, explains and uses: smartaya satam visnor. . .  We should memorize this for BhVai, no?

Please post messages on the Blog!!

Dealing with Weight!!!

Hare Krsna Hare Rama

dear GuruDeva... all glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!!  ______'0__  


How are U????

HpS - Exhausted from this trip to Houston, but happy. Recovering. Learning how to manage my Donkey.

here we are writing again to you... 

For many years we heard a lot about people talking about weitght and that stuff... we really never care until it was our turn... jo jo jo jo

as you may know we were dealing with wieght for more than one year... talking with many specialists and doctor about our weight (we lost almost 30 kilos) and we could not get a good and convincing diagnosis... all they did was trying to push us to do things we dont want to do... we were so frustrated and worried that we almost lost control of our direction....

thanks to your advices and help we could contact our godbrother from Argentina who is doctor and practice ayurveda.... we talked with him and he finally told us what we were supposing... our doshas are unbalanced... Pitta is burning all the nutrients in the body and that does not allow us to gain weight....in addition the body as usual is using its defense organisms in the new kidneys which produce more heat... so practically we are "FIREMAN!!!!" jojojojojo

 So now we are on a diet (for almost 2 weeks)... this diet is for balancing the doshas, specially to lower pitta and rise vatta.... so basically we are eating 60% of everything bitter...dhal everyday, sweet raw fruits, vegetable juice...no dairy products... only eating at fixed times... it's gonna take some time to balance all the doshas but until now we feel much much much better...

HpS - Jaya!   Death in Krsna consciousness is of course the ultimate way to balance all the dosas, no? <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

thanks a lot for all your advices and suggestions... for helping us to keep our principles and for always being there for us....

now we are chanting 8 rounds a day... we hope we can increase them very soon...

your useless disciple

Patrak Das

HpS - It is no problem for me to consider you a more advanced devotee than we are. I guess in general we are all devotees, and have to fight both our fights alone and in the association of devotees. Achintya bheda abheda tattva.  Please send us more news.  We are fixing our schedule for Peru for June.  Chandra mukhi Devi Das should bring back a lot of news from Houston and I hope that the stuff we are doing here an online is useful for you to develop powerful Sankirtan.

Kunja-bihari Das, ki jai.