Tribute to Sriman Raktak



My dear guruji:

Long time since I wrote to the blog, but as I told you when you were here in Vrndavan, it has been very difficult for me to login, finally I got it, wow, I cannot believe it, these hi-tech devices make me crazy.

ASA - We must become mad like Gauranga!

First, I want to thank you very much for allowing me to serve you while in Delhi and Vrndavan, it has been very refreshing for me to listen to your lectures and to have personal answers to my questions, please forgive all my offenses.

ASA - '@'ink~~

Recently I had the opportunity to visit Navadvipa and Jagannath Puri,  [Jaya!] it was amazing to see all those beautiful places where Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was living, his birth place, the place where he met Nitai, the house of Srivas where they used to make sankirtan, the Ghambira, Sarvabhauma Battacarya's place, the place where Nitai broke Mahaprbhu's danda, so many beautiful places full of pastimes and the magnificent temple in Mayapur, with the Panca Tattva and Radha Madhava with all the gopis. In this trip Goura-Nitai gave me the big mercy to understand just a little bit more of their lilas.

HpS - Ecstacy!!!!

Now, back in Radhakund, trying to be more engaged in serving Radha-Kunja Bihari.

       ASA - Shhhh!

Some days ago, Gopi Radha from Mexico was here giving me the opportunity to associate and try to serve one of my beloved godsisters, we had very nice days, doing parikrama to Govardhana, to Radhakund, we also went to the Janma bhumi of Krsna in Mathura, thank you my dear Guru Maharaja, for propitiating this association.

Now, I am trying to reinitiate my seva in Radhakund and I have a request to all my godbrothers and godsisters who can help me donating and bringing me at least two "pool cleaners" that kind of nets are very useful to clean the kunda to take out all the prasadi flowers, these nets are not available in India, that is why I am asking for your help. If somebody want to make this service, Radharani personally will bestow on him all her mercy.

HpS - They have the nylon mess in India, no??   Maybe make one there??  But also can bring!

Thank you again and again, my dear guru maharaja, for all your causeless mercy to this fallen soul.

In another letter, I will try to send my humble tribute to our beloved Raktak prabhu, which I mentioned to you.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya devi dasi


It was a shock for me to know about the disappearance of our beloved godbrother, and I feel the necessity of writing about him.

HpS - Ooof!

He was the embodiment of a perfect disciple, always engaged in serving his guru maharaja, accomplishing all his needs, cooking for him when required, trying to be with him all the time he could, but specially, his complete surrender.

HpS - He had some attachments (smile)!

He has a lot of the qualities of a good disciple, tolerance, silence, simplicity, humbleness, among others, and as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam, “the disciple should learn giving mercy to the suffering, showing friendship to equals and showing humility and respect towards superiors”.

He had a proper conduct, he was a truthful representative of our guru maharaja and at the same time, he was very gentle towards us, his godsisters and godbrothers, always smiling, observing and hearing our problems and trying to advise us the best, always remembering and inspiring others to remember Krsna.

I remember last time I saw him he told me “from this year on, I will be with Guru Maharaja in every vyasapuja, no matter in which country it is held, I will do that because I want to be with him in that special day and also to meet more godbrothers and godsisters all around the world and to take a lot of pictures to share with all of them”.

I read in a sastra “just as the spiritual master is – so is the disciple, and of course Raktak Prabhu acquired all his qualities trying to emulate our guru maharaja.

HpS - Yeah!  We also have "some attachments".

As Guru Maharaja said in the blog, ‘we will miss him, but we won’t miss him”, we will remember his teachings, his smile, his advises, his gentleness but the most important thing is not only to remember him but to try to emulate him, to be a little bit like him, to learn how a good disciple should be, how to behave with our guru maharaja and so we can get his causeless mercy and at the same time of Radhe-Syam.

I am sure that Krsna needed a soul like him to engage him in his personal service and that is why he decided to take him back home. 

My dear godbrother, thank you very much for your association.

Your (trying to be humble) godsister

Tungavidya dd

HpS - Yes, we think a lot about visiting Australia just to see his friends there also.   We are very tired, now. Little head ache coming, but maybe one more letter.  Join us.    We want to call Jagmohan. Our respects to your family. We hope your cow is fine. Can see our suggested India visit in letter to Dhruva, Australia. 27th Sep - 18th Oct


7 years, 8 months ago by jayanta in Special Category A

HpS - ASA -- Ah!  Ha!!  Aqui es la carta antigua!

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Me alegra saber que su viaje de regreso a Atlanta fue bien. He intentado contestar el mensaje pero no he podido. Referente al bastón, cuando Purnamasi se dió cuenta se lo dio a Jharikanda para que se lo diera a usted pero ya no lo encontró en el aeropuerto. Usted dirá que hago con él. Si quiere que Adiras se lo lleve a casa de Satsvarupa Maharaja puede hacerlo el 24 de Abril, o puedo guardarlo para cuando vuelva otra vez, o puedo quedarmelo yo como recuerdo ( mi opción preferida). Lo que usted diga estará bien.

Le agradezco muchisimo su asociación personal y aunque el servicio que le he prestado no ha sido muy bueno, pienso que ha tenido algunas cosas buenas. Su asociación es una fuente de inspiración para mi, para mi esposa y para muchos otros devotos. Espero que, al menos, se hayan cubierto los gastos del viaje. En la proxima ocasión haremos los arreglos de otra forma mejor.

Le envio algunas fotos de su estancia y le vuelvo a repetir que su visita es algo muy importante en nuestras vidas espirituales.

Sin mas se despide su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - ASA -- Nice photos!

"Happiness: A post-materialist insight" by Cecilia Montero

7 years, 8 months ago by aja.govinda in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Prabhupada and NIOS.

I have started reading the article "Happiness: A post-materialist insight" by Cecilia Montero.

ASA - In the English edition of  'Solaris'.

This article is very well-written. I got drawn reading the introduction. The article reads very well and has a lot of good insight. I myself was very inspired and will thus continue reading it.


Aja Govinda das

HpS - ASA -- So write for Solaris.    Write for this Blog.   What do you have to tell us about this material world?  Are we all products of atoms and molecules?

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

All Glories to Sri A.C. Prabhupada Maharaja, Sri Sripada Maharaja, Sri HpS Maharaja. Ki Jay!

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay and Gourabhakta Vrnda Ki Jay!

 ASA - Yanumesvara, Balarama Ji, Ki Jai!  All Yamunesvara Das, Ki Jai!

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja!

Please accept my umble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja’s padmacaran that tomorrow I read out the Bhagavatam 8.22.32-36. It is a new experience for me.

HpS - So nice!  No?    Bali-maharaja received a very nice benediction. He had a peaceful situation where he could serve Krsna!!  Like Radha Govinda coming to Manipura?

Now I am reading the book “The Glories of Sri Navadvipa-dham : Sri Navadvipa dhama Mahatmya By Srila Sac-cid-ananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura presented by Bhanu Swami and Pundarika Vidyanidhi Dasa.

In the chapter – 5 : Shri Mayapur and Antardvipa; it is clearly mentioned that Vansivadana is none other than Krsna’s dear flute, by whose mercy the living entities become attracted to Krsna. They then develop great thirst, to attain the rasa dance.

HpS - Dance with Krsna and others!

Sri Jiva Gosvami asked Nityananda the meaning of Antardvipa. Nityainanda replied at the end of Dvapra yuga Brahma undertook austerities here with a desire to achieve Gouranga’s mercy. The present Navadvipa is the Vrndavan of Dvapara. Thinking this Brahma began meditation and performing austerities in Antardvipa.

Another point [from Brahma to Gaura?] having given up the illusion, that I want to take birth in Your association and sing Your glories. “ Hearing Brahma’s prayer, Lord Gauranga benedicted him saying, “So be it. When My pastimes become visible on earth, you will take birth in a yavana’s house. Your name will be Haridasa Thakura, and you will be famous for your humility and completely free from all pride. You will chant three hundred thousand names a day, and when you pass from this world you will be seeing Me. And at the end of the second one hundred tillion years of your life, you will attain Navadvipa and be absorlbed in eternal rasa”. I am continuing …..

HpS - ASA - Thank you so much!!! We have very nice picture, deities of Nitai and Nimai, from one devotee young lady in Mexico. She is a very, very great book distributor. She has gone out to distribute books even though she has been coughing up blood. Your letter lets us see them even better. We are in Mayapura here because they are here!

A team of 10-12 initiated bhaktas and matagis of our Mandir are planning to take part the full Navadvipa Parikrama (20 days before Gaura Purnima) next year. The programme will be Imphal to Kolkatta to and fro by flight and stay at Mayapur until the end of the parikrama. Guruji! Have You participated such parikrama in the past?

HpS - We went on the second one, many, many years ago with Lokanatha Swami. Mahavisnu Swami and others. Only about 175 devotees.

If not, we want to participate the parikrama with You next year instead of coming directly in Imphal because we have no time to serve Guruji and hear Guruji’s Amtavani (Advice). It is our simple suggestion please doesn’t take otherwise. We are waiting Guruji’s opinion.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Our humble obeisances to all Manipuri Bhaktas. We are trying to plan our Calendar now. They want us to come to India for Kartika, passing through Hawaii and Australia. Right now we can't see any clear plan beyond end of July. We listen very carefully to these suggestions and ideas and then try to see what plan we can make for best service to Krsna.

We will leave this body soon. It is old.


7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

Please accept my humble obeisances, Maharaja! About to what chakra's Tesla converter reaches. This is what I think-: the lowest frequencies would affect the root chakra and higher frequencies, I would like to think to the crown chakra, but vedic knowledge would in my view support the thought that the last two chakras would not be in material world, and not ether, in that scenario. I'm just thinking why else the planets would have same numeric quantities and so on... as the chakras ........

Hare Krishna . May Srila Prabhupada be glorified all around the world

HpS - When the top Chakra is described as Brahma randra we are thinking that it is refering to Brahma loka within this material world.  Heart chakra is nice, no?  This Earth level which is very nice for spiritual progress. Brahmaloka is very good for playing chess in four dimensions.

occupational duty

7 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

hare krsna maharaj. Pamho. Agtsp.

we have got your earlier post we will reply later on that. Right now we are in mall typing on phone.

we read noi 2 then according to your advice went to sb 1.2.8 we got .. any occupational activity which does not help one to achieve attachment for hearing and chanting the transcendental message of Godhead is said herein to be simply a waste of time.

we thought till now occ duty is for maintaining body according to subtle gross nature.

can you please describe diff type of occupational duty which enhances hearing and chanting?

HpS - ASA -- Jaya!   Guess it is mostly just the intention. If you do your VAD activities to fill up your belly then that is one style, but if your do them because you want to do somthing in ISKCON, because it is fun, good for the world, then it is the other style. With style two, at the end of the day reading BG with devotees is extremely pleasureable. Who knows why?

general of ravana in last life....

ASA - Even fleas have littel fleas that bite them!    Yes, doing what we can do, for KRSNA, nicely, then we come to more fixed service then Bhajana Kriya. How is your PhD progressing?