Radiant energy

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

PAMHO! All Glories to A.C.B.S. Srila Prabhupada. It's all about the frequencies, electrical disruption rates goes somehow like this (the effect): sensation of pain (slowest) then; pushing away any material, no matter if walls there between... then; warming sensation, then; light phenomena and finally the fastest frequency; betterment of memory and physical shape. It is said everyone in Tesla's laboratory took half an hour the fastest frequency per day :) Next thing should be taken on account:

"The ether existed then and it exists now, despite the lock step denials by mainstream science, past or present. Rudolf Steiner, another man of genius, affirmed that the ether was composed of four fractions which he described as 1) the Light Ether, 2) the Warmth Ether, 3) the Chemical Ether, and 4) the Life Ether, a combination of the first three. Tesla’s New York and Colorado experiments confirmed for him that Radiant energy was bound up within the elusive ether, but could be made manifest by the creation of an abrupt disruption in the equilibrium of the ether fractions using one way, high magnitude pulses of short duration.
This was the key that unlocked Radiant Energy."

HpS - Prabhupada uses the term 'ether' as synonymous with 'space'. Of course, space in the Bhagavatam is different term that what is used by many. It is more geometric, no taste, touch, etc, maybe throat Chakra for Kundalini, no?

I have also used Hulda Clarke's parazappers, if you know them, [no] it's also frequency based, but have to say when speaking about Tesla we speak about High Voltage Pulses, which are coming from collapsing high voltage primary coil electric fields, in his Tesla converter. [When I was like 14 years old I made a Tesla coil, very high voltage, low amperage. My friend had a 1-1/2 foot van degraf generator]. So my suggestion is that the big potential(voltage) changes snaps into ether lines in the so called "Dirac sea". This kind of energy is called in military usage: scalar energy (see T. Bearden Fer-De-Lance briefing for President Reagan, the central intelligence just published papers about that, cheniere.org)

Here is how Radiant energy was invented:

"But while endeavoring toward his own means for identifying electrical waves,
Tesla was blessed with an accidental observation which forever changed the
course of his experimental investigations. Indeed, it was an accident which
forever changed the course of his life and destiny. In his own attempts to
achieve where he felt Hertz had failed, Tesla developed a powerful method by
which he hoped to generate and detect real electromagnetic waves. Part of this
apparatus required the implementation of a very powerful capacitor bank.
This capacitor “battery” was charged to very high voltages, and subsequently
discharged through short copper bus-bars. The explosive bursts thus obtained
produced several coincident phenomena which deeply impressed Tesla, far
exceeding the power of any electrical display he had ever seen, These proved
to hold an essential secret which he was determined to uncover.

The abrupt sparks, which he termed “disruptive discharges”, were found
capable of exploding wires into vapor. They propelled very sharp shockwaves,
which struck him with great force across the whole front of his body. Of this
surprising physical effect, Tesla was exceedingly intrigued. Rather like gunshots
of extraordinary power than electrical sparks, Tesla was completely absorbed
in this new study. Electrical impulses produced effects commonly associated
only with lightning. The explosive effects reminded him of similar occurrences
observed with high voltage DC generators. A familiar experience
among workers and engineers, the Simple closing of a switch on a high voltage
dynamo often brought a stinging shock, the assumed result of residual static

This hazardous condition only occurred with the sudden application of
high voltage DC. This crown of deadly static charge stood straight out of highly
electrified conductors, often seeking ground paths which included workmen
and switchboard operators. In long cables, this instantaneous charge effect
produced a hedge of bluish needles, pointing straight away from the line into
the surrounding space. The hazardous condition appeared briefly, at the very
instant of switch closure. The bluish sparking crown vanished a few milliseconds
later, along with the life of any unfortunate who happened to have been
so “struck”. After the brief effect passed, systems behaved as designed. Such
phenomena vanished as charges slowly saturated the lines and systems. After
this brief surge, currents flowed smoothly and evenly as designed.
The effect was a nuisance in small systems. But in large regional power
systems where voltages were excessive, it proved deadly. Men were killed by
the effect, which spread its deadly electrostatic crown of sparks throughout
component systems. Though generators were rated at a few thousand volts,
such mysterious surges represented hundreds of thousands, even millions of
volts. The problem was eliminated through the use of highly insulated, heavily
grounded relay switches. Former engineering studies considered only those
features of power systems which accommodated the steady state supply and
consumption of power. It seemed as though large systems required both surge
and normal operative design considerations. Accommodating the dangerous
initial “supercharge” was a new feature. This engineering study became the
prime focus of power companies for years afterward, safety devices and surge
protectors being the subject of a great many patents and texts.
Tesla knew that the strange supercharging effect was only observed at the
very instant in which dynamos were applied to wire lines, just as in his explosive
capacitor discharges. Though the two instances were completely different,
they both produced the very same effects.

HpS - ASA -- For our 'Tesla Coil' we made the capacitor form alternate plates of aluminum foil and thin sheet glass and then the charge would build and then be released when it reached sufficient voltage to jump the space between to electrodes, 10,000 volts/inch.

The instantaneous surge supplied
by dynamos briefly appeared super-eoncentrated in long lines. Tesla calculated
that this electrostatic concentration was several orders in magnitude greater
than any voltage which the dynamo could supply. The actual supply was somehow
being amplified or transformed. But how?

The general consensus among engineers was that this was an electrostatic
“choking” effect. Many concluded it to be a “bunching” action, where powerM
fully applied force was unable to move charge quickly through a system. Mysterious,
the combined resistance of such systems seemed to influence the charge
carriers before they were able to move away from the dynamo terminals’ Like
slapping water with a rapid hand, the surface seemed solid. So also it was with
the electrical force, charges meeting up against a seemingly solid wall. But the
effect lasted only as long as the impact. Until current carriers had actually
“caught up” with the applied electrical field, the charges sprang from the line
in all directions. A brief supercharging effect could be expected until charges
were distributed, smoothly flowing through the whole line and system. The
dynamo itself thus became the brief scene of a minor shockwave. He began
wondering why it was possible for electrostatic fields to move more quickly
than the actual charges themselves, a perplexing mystery. Was the field itself
an entity which simply drove the more massive charges along? IT this was true,
then of what was the eleclrostatic field itself “composed”? Was it a field of
smaller particles? The questions were wonderfully endless."


Hare Krishna

p.s. when I get more space (it's cold here) I will put my Bedini again running, with non-rust metal cover

p.p.s. did I mention, Harikesha Swami started an ufo-project in Korsnäs, Sweden, but I guess it's counted by many to that time that his personal doctor was giving him calming drugs without telling him :) :)aaaaa

anyway,, Hare Krishna, if there wasn't sankirtana movement, we would be all flying in ego trips in the sky in very modern vimanas, and only Buddha and grey Lord Caitanya would appear :)

HpS - The Engines of Buddha: http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/2/7/37

A lot of this work seems to be adjudicating the terminology of Srila Prabhupada, the Trantra texts, modern science and Tesla et al community.

Preface notes (TLC) (little urgent)

7 years, 9 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.


All glories to your  mission of sankirtana.

Here my notes :

I.--Krsna  takes charge of the world but personally of its pure devotee. (This encourages us to become pure).
Characteristics of pure devotee: Handed over to Krsna as a child to the father or an animal to his owner.
II.-There are 6 points of the delivery process:
1-Accept all that is favorable for devotional service (SD) (NOD)
2.-Reject the unfavorable (NOD)
3.-Believe firmly in the protection of Krsna (BG 18.66)
4. To feel that we depend only on Krsna (BG 6.47)
5.-Not having interest apart from the interest of Krsna (Siksastaka 8)
6.- Be always meek and humble (Siksastka 3)

HpS-ASA -- Thank you for the references for each element! BG 18.66 has the Sanskrit. CC has the whole verse.

II.-It is also recommended:
_ Method of worship of gopis: without any material or spiritual motive. (Not seeking liberation, only wanting to be a servant in any circumstance).
_ SBG (Krsna expansion of transcendental knowledge.
_ Do not forget to make Krsna the ultimate goal of life. (Other goals will cause you to suffer frustrations and if you succeed, anxiety to maintain it)

IV.-Then the process of purifying the conscience is explained (objective of BG 2.39):
_ Purify the objective mind of yoga and BG: central mind that controls all the senses.
If the mind is occupied  SD, (it simultaneously does service and it is purifies ).
_SD helps to fix the mind in Krsna, performing activities without attachment to the result (SBG 1.5.
_ Sing Names of Krsna equal to Krsna (he is absolute) Acintya bedha abheda tattva.

V.- 3 stages of singing:
_Offensive (Kanistha): you want material happiness (getting out of this stage quickly is dangerous)
_Clarification (Madhyama): you cleanse yourself from all of the above.
_Transcendental (uttama): Love Krsna. (His love only for Krsna).
SP mentions that rules of yoga only for those who are immersed in the corporeal concept of life.
Once I asked SSBBS for hatha yoga and he said: "This is for people who are very worried about their body, mostly they are the women or the old people".
Now I have seen that this can be used as a bridge preacher.

Thank you very much for your mercy.

Note:_ Is it okay to send you my notes? Or do you prefer that I just send you my questions? 

          _I read your DTC 30, and you want Krsna books to be on the best-selling list; A while ago Abhinanda d has the same concern.

          _I think maybe we can get on that list if we publish thematic books for China. (In China there are 1 million 300 thousand inhabitants). I'm going to research what topics they prefer there.

HpS-ASA - It is nice to see your notes, but for next two weeks we may have to reduce mail because we will meet so many people. Finds hard more population than that, no? It is one nation or more like a subcontinent like Europe - different languages etc.

So far I have seen that books on health, science fiction and self-help have a great reception worldwide.
In SBG there are very good topics, I would like in future to sort by topics and publish this in a simple language.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with affection

ys and niece spiritual

Isvari dd

Thank you all! HP Swami

Hare Krishna

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Sriila Prabhupaad! About the question if there is some freee energy or radiant energy like Tesla called it. Devices in human body because pranayama, dance and kirtan can raise the energy level of human very rapidly. Now I'm excited of the link I got from my blessed cousin....       Actually I'm really sorry that there is always these links... net verified data, maybe only way in vast data flow.... the link http://i-uv.com/new-research-shocks-scientists-human-emotion-physically-shapes-reality/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IUv+%28I+UV%29 . The link begins!! ::

Three different studies, done by different teams of scientists proved something really extraordinary. But when a new research connected these 3 discoveries, something shocking was realized, something hiding in plain sight.

Human emotion literally shapes the world around us. Not just our perception of the world, but reality itself.

In the first experiment, human DNA, isolated in a sealed container, was placed near a test subject. Scientists gave the donor emotional stimulus and fascinatingly enough, the emotions affected their DNA in the other room.

In the presence of negative emotions the DNA tightened. In the presence of positive emotions the coils of the DNA relaxed.

The scientists concluded that “Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics.”

In the second, similar but unrelated experiment, different group of scientists extracted Leukocytes (white blood cells) from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes.

In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to “emotional stimulation” consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor.

The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME.

There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time.

..... so actually Lord Caitanya's theater/studio gets it's funding from net.. blockchain called NEM. Tomorrow I will be testing the Gajendra play's crocodile's head dropping/chopping mechanism. I try now attach pictures.

   There is now electricity in Gajendra. One can see the wire in the stomach now. Another wire is the bicycle wire, which will open already half ready opening lotus. It has 4 planes of petals made from palstic...and from the "flower of life" geometry. NEM blockchain is and especially will be very profitable investment for now. I'm waiting with Tesla technology to have nicer political environment and especially funding :). NEM is at least 4 years investment said one guy, quite savy one. Tent for the theater has been also found and some led laser stage tech (actually most nice with the price and even without, Stairville DJ laser polar 200) into a 4x8 meter whole black snap-on tent. Trikuuta has also lights on top to light up in three stages with dimming circuitry, self made, 3 means the three main peaks. 3 watt leds are situated under plexi glass, in the lake.Started reading CC and we try to keep kirtans with my friend at least few times a week. He got some new drums :) He has been actor, and christian,,,from countryside, which Krishna did after all. Didn't He? Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances

HpS - ASA  -- Thank you for the letters. We find them interesting and practical. We opened the link above. Wish we had seen hard references for the experiments.

Have you looked at SB 3.11.5 and the following verses? We were thinking (speculating), that the Vedic atom is the minumun 'acoustical arc' that can be perceived by a human being in Sukadeva Goswamis time. In "Mindworks", Ernst Poppel left us with the hard science researched information that the minimum sequential event discrimination for a human (American) is one third that for touch, and sound is three times finer than touch. So, if we look at Critical Flicker Frequency of 24-frames per second for movies, then touch can go distinguish events that are only 1/72 of a second and sound 1/216 of a second. The hand is quicker than the eye.

A truti is 1/1, 687.5 of a second. This is much finer that 1/216, but maybe then the average Brahmana had finer senses than now. I know Indian B'cari Brahmana who had blood taken in the West and all the Doctors and Nurses were crowding to see the sample. They had never seen such fine and numerous red corpuscles.

With proper motivation, Krsna-bhakti, then we can access these subtle forces within the body for His service as needed, no?

Please spend a little more time explaining your basic vocabulary for us. Many of your names are unfamiliar to us. Thank you very much.

Hare Krsna!

Thoughts about TLC (introduction). Urgent

7 years, 9 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


Hare Krsna, Mataji et al!   We didn't see the "Urgent" tucked in beside the rest of the Title of this letter!

I hope you are very happy with your beloved Krsna.

HpS - We are still very happy with our beloved body and mind, but in the association of Srila Prabhupada, Lord Nrsmhadeva, FMP Sanga, we are beginning to remember our good friend. We are really sick.

Here, I present my reflections about Introduction and preface:

I listed in paragraphs, I found 50.
Pf (abbreviation of paragraph)

1.-In introduction there are several topics: Immortality of Krsna and soul, creation, pleasure of Krsna. method of knowledge, etc. Is a summary of conclusions from the teachings of Bg and SBG.

2.-In paragraph 29 it is mentioned that pleasure power is absent in us, that is why we are looking for a man or a woman, but it seems to me that this lack is stronger in the male body because in paragraph 7 it says: that the most powerful shackle of Maya is female.

HpS - What about attachment of ladies for children?  I expect as we continue the study these questions will become more and more answered, no?

3.-Here is a challenge for a practitioner; It is said that in order to learn to obtain the pleasure of Krsna we must read SBG chant 10 but also clarifies that unless we do not understand Krsna we can not understand that power (pf 25), and  pf 18 says TLC (whose objective is to understand Krsna) starts from the point when one surrenders to Krsna (no material attachment), that is  when you already accept the BG, there just begun Athato brahma jijnasu. Great majority of us are still in cap 2 of BG, long road.

HpS - But, we are also taking the mercy of Lord Caitanya in Hari-nama Kirtan. So we are getting advanced knowledge from that source. Like someone who is studying Chemistry in the University but has an Uncle who is a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry with whom he associates a lot, no?

4.-pf 35: Krsna methodology teaching?: parampara system has 2 processes: external (SM) and internal (by heart). paf 38:Vedica evidence (sabdha) is the transcendental sound, sound is very important, will it read aloud?, and And it is necessary to purify heart so that the internal process by heart can be given.

HpS - Damodara Das, great historian, told me that he read that once, like 15th -16th century, a monk entered his monestery and he was shocked, scandalized to see the behavior of another monk, he was reading the Bible and his lips weren't moving.  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!      So, yes, sure seems, and we have personal experience that it is different, but not necessarily always better, to read outloud or at least with the lips, tongue and jaw moving.

Lord Caitanya method: Love (teaching us how to love Krsna). And it is necessary to purify heart so that the internal process by heart can be given.

Lord Caitanya and Krsna different character and method. I think the challenge is to find the balance between these 2 methods.

HpS - In the beginning maybe a balance is necessay. Also, balancing our visits to Mayapura and Braja, but later we realize that they both are 100% essential, achintya-bheda-acheda and we learn how to be fully involved with both.

5.-And And finally to become immortal, BG 14.19 simply go beyond the 3 modalities, and we will become heroes and finally to become immortal, BG 14.19 simply go beyond the 3 modalities, and we will become heroes.

thank you very much Maharaja encourage us to read and join in this great venture, I am very sure that Mr. Chaitanya is very happy with you for helping us understand his teachings.

with affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - Thank you for such nice insights. Tomorrow we will review the Preface.

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.13 to 1.2.21

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Summary of last week’s Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.12 to 1.2.21 :

Verses 1-5 : Suta  goswami’s reply with obeisances.

Verse 6 -7 – Answers to Questions 1 and 2

Verses 8-15 : Only Bhakti should be the goal of any activity we do.

Verses 16-21 The progression in Bhagavatam– Suta Shiksha

Details of the verses:

V13: VAD for smoother  functioning of the society not for oppressing the weaker sections.  The ultimate goal of VAD is Hari tosanam. Pleasing the Supreme Lord.

V14: 4 processes of obtaining the absolute truth Srotavya – hear about Kirtitavya – glorify dhyeyah – remember, pujya – worship.

V15:  We can get liberated from knots of reactionary work by remembering Krishna constantly.


Mahatsevaya – service to pure devotees.  This is stage 2 . Before that we need the mercy of those devotees whom we want to serve. So

1. Mercy of the pure devotees

2. Service to pure devotees

3. Faith – Shradha. This is not blind faith. The faith we developed by serving the pure devotees.

4. Punya tirtha. Tirtha means guru. Then we take shelter of Guru.

5. Eagerness to worship: Vasudeva katha ruci. We develop taste for hearing the messages of Krishna.


For the devotee who has developed the urge to hear the messages of Krishna, He personally cleanses the desire for material enjoyment from the devotees’ heart.

V18: Nasta prayesu

6. Bhakti – bhaktir bhavati . Devotional service to the Supreme Lord.

7, Disappearance of obstacles:  nasta prayesu abhadresu. Inauspicious things like nama aparadas disappear.

8. nishta : then steadiness achieved. Naishtiki.

HpS - ASA -- We remember hear Srila Prabhupada comment on this and say that this "steadiness" was always chanting our rounds, always getting up in the morning, not sometimes yes, and sometimes, no. Then he said that this was (!) 80% Krsna conscious.


Once we achieve steadiness in devotional service modes of passion and ignorance disappear. Lust, hankering, desire will no longer bother us. Devotee will be situated in the mode of goodness and will be happy.

9. ruci : Spiritual taste: Aruchi for the sense objects results in actual spiritual taste anavidham rajas tamah. No affected by passion and ignorance.

10. Asakti – Sthitam – firmly attached.


11. Rati: Fondness.  Prasanna manasa  Enlivened mind. When fondness for the Lord arises, mind is enlivened.

12.  Prema : Devotional love.  Bhagavat bhakti yogatah.

13: Vision or audience : Bhagavt tattva vijananam. Experience of Krishna form , pastimes etc.

14. Direct experience of the Lord’s sweetness. Bhagavat tattva vijananam.


Once we see the Lord, we can see ourselves also in proper perspective.

Next week’s syllabus is 1.2.22 to 1.2.29.

Thank you.

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

HpS - ASA -- Thank you!  We are getting more and more educated by these classes. When does Ananta-rupa Das get back?

Teaching of Lord Caitanya Study Group

7 years, 9 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Special Category A, Calendar Development

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, 

Dear guru maharaja,

I would like join myself to the Teaching of Lord Caitanya Study Group, which you're creating.

Since some months ago I have thought star a regular reading of it, but I don't have the first impetus to star it.

Thank you very much for thIS kind of opportunities.

Hare Krishna.