oh about Swami Vivekananda

7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

PAMHO :) , I copy a little text here:

from here: https://swarajyamag.com/books/the-connection-between-vivekananda-tesla-and-the-akashic-field

Now to Tesla’s connection with Vivekananda: It appears the actress Sarah Bernhardt introduced them to each other at a party she had thrown. This is what Vivekananda had to say of that meeting in a letter dated February 13, 1896:

Mr. Tesla was charmed to hear about the Vedantic prana and akasha and the kalpas. He thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go to see him next week to get this mathematical demonstration. In that case Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations. I clearly see their perfect union with modern science, and the elucidation of one will be followed by that of the other.

Tesla was unable to show the equivalence of mass and energy. But the search for a relationship between the two hung in the air and as we know the equation E=mc2 was published just a few years afterwards, first by the Italian, Olinto de Pretto, in 1903 and Albert Einstein in 1905.

(NH--  : This is an inverted idea in Keppean physics, speed of light is not constant + no two bodies collide with the energy of their movement only, but they actually have force fields of their own, so it is in every way erroneous and not exact at all :) .)

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In any event, Tesla, in his search of the akashic field, was looking for something more than the conversion of matter into energy. His objective was to harness the primal energy within space itself for mankind’s benefit.

In a posthumously published article called Man’s Greatest Achievement, which was written in 1907, Tesla wrote about the use of akasha and prana thus:

 Long ago… [mankind] recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.

So what are prana and akasha that Vivekananda and Tesla wrote about? The prāṇa in Vedanta is the vital force of life, and the ākāśa is the element often translated as ether from which the other elements emerge.

Prana is more than breath; it is the subtle energy that guides the processes of the body. Modern medical science may not accept it, but the ability of the sadhus living in the upper reaches of the Himalayas in winter, or a modern man like Wim Hof in climbing 22,000 feet of Mount Everest in nothing but shorts and shoes shows it’s working.

The Chāndogya Upaniṣad says this of the relationship between the elements of the universe:

From this Self (Atman), ākāśa arose; from ākāśa air; from air fire; from fire water; from water the earth.

In the Śānti Parva of the Mahābhārata, the sequence of dissolution of the physical universe is as follows:

Under extreme heat, earth becomes water, then fire, then wind, then ākāśa, then space, then mind, then time, then energy, and finally universal consciousness.

The fact that energy can be generated from primordial ether (akasha) is a fundamental tenet in the Vedas, and, of course, akasha also generates other elements. Much before the mass to energy transformation became established physics, such transformations were a part of Indian cosmology. Vivekananda spoke not only about it but also how the mind through prana can do things that are outside the pale of known science.

More recently, quantum physics has shown that the vacuum state is associated with a zero-point energy, and this zero-point energy has measurable effects. Indeed the vacuum is teeming with creation and destruction of particles.

At another end of the subject, the idea of an akashic field as the medium of consciousness has caught some peoples’ attention. Amongst them is the Hungarian scientist Ervin László whose 2004 book Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything posits a field of information as the substance of the cosmos.

László’s speculations go counter to the Vedic view. Although Vedanta and the Vaiśeṣika postulate the field of ākāśa, it cannot be the field that carries consciousness. Consciousness is not an entity like other fields of physics because if it were so then the equations of physics will be incomplete. Physics as we know it can only be about inert objects and not the experiencing self.

Both Vivekananda and Tesla were hoping for a mutual confirmation of Vedanta and physics. But time was not ripe for it 120 years ago for physics was yet to bring in observers into the picture as it was to do thirty years after their encounter through the framework of quantum mechanics.

Now with the understanding of the zero-point energy of the vacuum and of the cognitive system through the discipline of neuroscience, we may be much closer to explaining the interplay of prana and akasha and the sense in which they correspond to established scientific concepts.

Hare Krishna, let the earthquake thunder and lightning lay in perfect balance, otherwise it would be hard to be only in so called material world, such ghastly thing

HpS - ASA -- It is a little too specific knowledge, out of our specific area. We have been working on Carl Jung community. Some approach the elephant from the back some from the ears.

We always take BG Chapter 7, bhumir apo 'nal vayu.... as the fundamental description and then go to SB Canto Two, Brahma's decription, then Canto Four, Maitreya to Vidura, then Kapila to Kunti.... Canto Five describes the Lokas which we understand as being perceived by different ways of conditioning from the five gross and three subtle elements. Of course, the varieties are limited as different species.


7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

Please accept my humble obeisances.

The version of Ralph Ring is that before that happening mentioned in wikipedia about Otis T. Carr, they did fly with Otc-x1 which was controlled with some kind of big quartz he says and light and somehow like that it was controlled, by the clear mind, or good mind, and actually there is witnesses also about the saucer, when the engineering crew all flew and picked up some sticks and stones from the place.

There were 2 witnesses, and they were police, it is said. http://projectcamelot.org/ralph_ring.html     anyhow, utron is genious form. That link tells also that there were aboard 3 engineers when they say they flew it ten miles.

Ralph Ring says that Otis said to them that tomorrow they gonna put lights and things on it and fly it in public, as a public demonstration. But then just day before it, there came government, or army, and took all.

So Maharaja my question is, how he could have flewn that then? And how he could have paid the investors back? This is in controversy with your letter before, where it was said that demons, or like they are in 10th canto, uncivilized people explains Srila Prabhupada, tries in every way keep that planetarium down. And it would be very very childish to believe that they wouldn't use every way possible, not least the wikipedia.

Actually those are very good weapons for their fake histories. Maharaja you really don't have to answer to this publicly. this is just, for me, the only way to get contact. I printed your pictures and also picture of, well I put it here. Hare Krishna

P.S. They did exactly same to Tesla but he was too famous and rich already to be forgotten wholly, because of AC. this is just me, the colourfull snail


Hare Krsna!!

I don't remember that I said anything that would contradict what you said. Maybe I sent that quote from the Bhagavatam about Lord Buddha fighting with atheists who were flying to different planets. How they do that and if it requires a change in body also is another thing, but that is from a different Kali-yuga, says so in the purport, but... the principle of inter-planetary travel is possible in Kali-yuga, says there.

artificial push vaidhi bhakti

hare krsna maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

its incredible to see that your grace puts so much effort to help others irrespective  of  their evolution level.

ASA - Whoop!   Whoop!    Oink!   Oink!

I am actuall mentally numb to write anything due to my own stupid behavior.

ASA - Numbki!

But SPOG arranged for circumstance leaving us no work on internet, so we thought its better to  write to Blog.

ASA - Supreme Personality of Blog-head.

It was surprising to see in node 7865  by Abhimanyu ji from Chile.

" Yes, if we artificially push Vaidhi bhakti, Japa for example, weeds can grow with the creeper and it can result in many crazy things.. I knew several cases of where people stole the tape of Prabhupada chanting the Gayatri mantra and listened to it and then went crazy."

Can you kindly tell us more  about " artificially pushing Vaidhi"...and how it can water the weeds.  Where does Srila Prabhupada write about it?

ASA - http://www.vedabase.com/en/cc/madhya/19/158   . . .   Is O.K?     Daksa worship the one true God, but he also wanted to hold the the Great King's Rod!

...till now our own assessment was we are just being little lazy/ unintelligent in pursuing Vaidhi bhakti. But your answer seems to direct about something else.

As you are our  guru (not Diksha guru) can you please tell us what rules/angas according to you are not artificial for us?

HpS - We don't live with you so much to give detailed advice, our mis-fortune, but finding a devotee who you can read and share your experiences with is one that we can all do, no?  We just read what they are reading each day at the Boise Temple and then Text our little thoughts, then look for a bigger Sanga once a week.

Of course, as much as we chant HKHKKKHHHRHRRRHH we are always making progress, First thing our of your mouth each morning HKHKKKHHHRHRHRRHH! 

horse victim upastha vegam

ASA - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasta         One thing leads to another. Seek the root of the sin. Then you can apply the Mantra, and the whole tree will be clean again.
If we are sincere for a long time, it means that our attachments are deep. Some of them are rooted in our ontological rejection of Krsna. Those are DEEEEEEEp!      NOI 7!
Usually our sins at this stage are not, something that has to be rejected. They are attachments based upon something valid. We just have to figure our what it is.

One devotee we know. She was always agitated sexually but following the principles. Them she had one more child, the one who seemed to be waiting to be her daughter, and she was never agitated after that.

What is the real cause of our sin?

Are we suppressing a real power?

Consults (littlr urgent)

7 years, 8 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.


I wish this better and have been able to rest.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!!   Paoho...... Thank you..

2 brief consultations:

1.-Is Seattle conference broadcast by SM? or  what options are there to be able to hear?

ASA - SM!   We will announce, but please keep asking for details.

2.-You mentioned that pure devotees can suppress the 3 breaths. Where can I find information about this?

HpS - ASA -- I read it a long time ago. Seems to have been Manu samhita or Parasara Samhita. No explanation was there but we notice that if we try to not breath then the desire to breath comes. It pulls on our muscles. If we resist it subsides then comes again, deeper and more intensely. So, being able to resists thres suppressions of breath is very pious. Of course, we have to develope that withdrawl for the senses, body, naturally. It is like doing Nirjapa Ekadasi. If you do not do it right you can hurt you boddy.

This is all for Sankirtan, Book Distribution, to get to deeper sources of energy.

thank you very much

with affection

ys  Isvari dd

HpS - ASA -- Much thanks  to you all.


7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glory to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA -- Please accept ours. May all your high-voltage transformers be well.

Did you know that Vivekananda Swami was Tesla's mentor, I just myself also discovered it.

ASA - Wow!   Where is news of that. I was born the same day of the year as Swami Vivekananda. He was Bengali.

And Otis Carr [Wikipedia] was Tesla's protegee. And Carr's former employee Ralph Ring runs a worldwide program, where there is something called pods, worldwide and they try to do a copy of Otis Carr's OTC-X1 craft, from which we have exact plans available, published in 1957 by OTC company. It is a nice craft, but I have my Bedini motor, which could spin this gyroscopic model as a motor maybe (very fast, as did Schauberger's machine for vyaamaanika shastra design starting 1935)... also,,

and these so called Utrons (video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=armtgrYbzPM [I would also have some rodin coils :)]). It's a form from one side complete square, other way completely round, the profile. From one angle elliptical and one right angle half section, is a pyramid profile(attached photos have it). I have done some research on pyramids, by welding some, but not much. They are very interesting magnetically, now that we have magnet meters in some free compass softwares for the smartphones, showing is it micro or milliTeslas, the magnetic field, so to say. I am trying to get now to the team of Ralph Ring: http://bluestarenterprise.com/otc-x1-efforts/ . Trying to become a pod myself also :) :) . Just have to pray it happens! Here is video how it works: http://www.bestsongspk.com/watch/pEgYsV64GDM . The utrons could be made from varying materials, and even hollow compartments for some liquids, they are then exposed to field magnets (electric magnets).

HpS - We have to be careful of our Intenet Data, so we will try to watch these little later. Thank you so much.

And I have a question concerning this text of Norberto R. Keppe in his text:

Following the discoveries of Henry Becquerel, this physicist placed a magnetic field in the trajectory of uranium radiation, leading it to split and take opposite paths called alpha and beta. This confirms my idea that scalar energy carries within itself forces of attraction and repulsion, which propel the particles of matter in the same direction. The same happens with: 1) positively charged alpha rays (like the proton), 2) beta rays (identical in function to the electron) and 3) gamma rays which act electromagnetically producing light (like neutrons). Rutherford even succeeded in transforming one element into another, such as nitrogen into oxygen through alpha radiation, and boron into potash. His explanation was that by bombarding the nucleus, there would be mutations and disintegrations -- not because it was formed by altering the energy of the nucleus. This experiment proves the modern definition of mass: a scalar resonance imprisoned in a determined location.        

So could this be maybe some elements or compartments for the three gunas? For Maharaja, at least 3 sides of Krishna we should know, at least :). I have understood. Such a beautiful things. Transforming uranium to lead I haven't myself maybe heard, but cold fusioon is ultimately interesting phenomena. But surely very interesting thought. These photos are not from my own equipment unlike in http://akasha-plane.weebly.com , they are. :) Hare Krishna Please accept my humble obeisances

ASA (U.G.) - We don't have much to say about the quote yet. What are the "scalars" mentioned. Here in Murfreesboro, Tennesse (the Boro), NGD is a director at the Mental Hospital, Trustpoint. It is the only freestanding mental hospital between here and the capitol.


It is approved as valid medical treatment. Why don't they do a lot of it? Because it costs too much.
Jaya! Lord Nrsmhadeva!

Respuesta de Akincana Krsna dasa

7 years, 8 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.
Por favor reciba mis reverencias.
Gracias por su respuesta.
Seguiremos su instrucción y haremos lo que me indica. Este Domingo es el baño del Sr. Jagannatha, le ofreceré como me indica Maha Prasadam y el domingo 7 habrá una ceremonia de fuego para Él.

Pedimos con humildad sus bendiciones para la celebración 15 de Ratha Yatra en Ciudad de México será el 21 y 22 de mayo.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Akincana Krsna das

HpS - ASA -- Super!   Jaya, Jagannatha! Esperando tocando la corazon de muchos!   El Alcalde!

Nos vemos 21st Junio. We will make a movie?  Gifts, photo, USB, for Peru, Santiago?