artificial following rules

7 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaj

This link is from GVT.  It will be nice if you can comment on it for blog readers,6160/

I think many people are aritficially commiting to intiation.

HpS - ASA -- It seems like a very general article.  Very good. Rather than "I think" or "Everyone I know", it would be nice to see some survey results. Of course, the demographics of the survey would be nice to know.   As we have heard the Kinnsey Report gave specific results on pressure for sexual relations etc., but was that Westerners?  It was 50-years ago. General survey reports can help in a general way, but we are faced with our own specific situation, and then we need specific details of how people like us are dealing with things.

Prabhupada had a reasonable amount of time to make basic adjustments, see the situation, so his perspective seems to be very valid, it is, just as the article says, a matter of how to apply his perspective.

We disagree "However, in marriage, all other religions condone sexual intimacy as a God-given privilege."  The Catholic church also had a standard like ours. Maybe they have changed. Also, Sufi leader I know also explained a rather strick standard in their Muslim tradition.

What level of attachment to gross sexual action do we have. Always some people more than us, always some people less than us, then understand from Prabhupada how to make INDIVIDUAL progress.

Otherwise The Evil One will catch us and make us work for his Clothing Industry.


I don't know what is U.G. or underground

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

For example all the normal e-mail is as easily read as postcards for others. so... PAMHO   it is not about time, or place in this game, it's all about our own energy, every moment.

ASA - Marshal McLuhan, "Media is the Message", is one of our Sankirtan gurus. He says the same.


So I just wanted to copy you this one comment on the picture of Tesla turbine and a valve, hehe. I have already changed some of my investments to buy this printer (attached). It's uv-laser based (stereolithography type, desktop), Swami Maharaja

+David Fowler What is little known ?
Tesla was able to synthesize a matter of energy and making their fireballs to demonstrate fusion. Personally says that for him the greatest success, the discovery of scalar waves (ie. Not Hertz waves).
  An interesting story is that Tesla sabotaged the Philadelphia experiment, in what was involved at the beginning, because he was afraid of the human misunderstanding of the use of such force, by mankind.
  There is also an electric car, for which he used the energy from the ether, how he said (for us it would be dark energy, for easier understanding if possible, my opinion).
   As for weapons - For the English, system is designed fireballs. He imagined that by using two frequency electrical products of ball lightning that destroys, at a distance, ships and planes. States that would use the patent would be protected from attack from the sea and air. Churchill rejected the offer, say they will not spend money on crazy ideas' old man.  
  After this talk Tesla suffered a traffic accident. He was hit by a taxi on the sidewalk. It is not certain that the accident was accidental.
   Tesla gave the Russians the four patent for a secret weapon. In fact, it's one patent, called scalar interferometer decomposed into four parts. This Tesla's invention based on the distortion of space raises the wall of ion plasma and real sort of electronic shield. Through the wall can not pass anything that has a molecular and atomic structure, but it breaks down into plasma. In this way, the material is transformed into energy. This means that every bullet, cannonball of a shot, tank or military vessel collision with "ion wall" dissolves into the nucleus and electrons, that converts into a large light-emitting ball.
    Russians are already working on some projects with Tesla (electron beams). The idea got watching smokers how make a circle, in a circle of smoke. The wave catches wave - to know when sailors in a tranquil ocean suddenly appears, a wave 'killer' of 20 meters or more.
  Late last year we heard from Russia, to make new weapons on new physical principles (guess joniziranje air, but something attempted 60 'years - something to use as control weather)
    Behind Nikola Tesla was left 60,000 scientific documents. Success in some of the experiments is achieved, avoiding Hertz waves and dispenses Einstein theory as incomplete.  
   It is necessary to get out of the general framework recognized that bise arrive at what is Tesla managed, and to date no one has repeated. That none of the serious scientist would not do it, because they will be anathematized in scientific circles.
 Tesla had corresponded with Stalin. In Stalin's name was written by Robert Kemp, chief engineer and inventor, USSR
  last letter - "Nikola Tesla - a friend of Lenin, artists, philosophers and brave adventurer in science, people deeply mourn you. You gave them far more than you ever got. Your associates in inventorship and Science miss. Such people, like you, are irreplaceable."       Hare Krishna :)
ASA - Thank you this information. We can only use about 35% of it. As you can please put it more and more in our language that is very helpful.
Your humble Monkey and Pig and Uncle Gismo.


7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

They want only power for their families, they can be the least counted on, they will stab you in the back, immediately, as you turn around.

Maharaja, it seems the worst demons thinking about Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati's prophecy,

ASA - Which prophecy???

...and most just want something out of it, most hypocritical people. And the women, they are just super-stupid, little beings.

ASA - These are Chimeras?

Was it then Iskcon or not. Hare Krishna.   Most hypocritical little movement this is, at least in here.

ASA - Of course, Srila Prabhuapada is the Founder Acharya of ISKCON so we take it as transcendental at Vrndavana-dhama. Of course, we see violence, filth etc. when we go to Gokula, but we take these, realize these, are just adjustments for the level of gross materialists. Somebody may go to the Chinese Embassy and demand to eat French food, so Embassy adjusts for him We may go to ISKCON Temple and see "super-stupid little beings" (Kusmandas?), but if we have transcedent vision we can see how Krsna is personally taking charge of their illusion. The demons, like Putana, no, in Braja are very special. Big topic, ISKCON

ALL THE GLORIES TO SRIILA PRABHUPAADA!   These Aparadhis, like those little people listening Bhakti Rakshak on the zones.

ASA - Now you mean Bhakti-rakshak-sridhar Maharaj?  So many details necessary to discuss these different people!  We heard from Sridhara Maharaja about Guru (from perspective of our Acharya) and he said something which has made life very simple for me. I remember he said that the standard of Guru is trnad api sunicena. I try to have as many, ulitmately eveyone, as my Guru, not trying to reduce the number.

Thank you for your association! Please come and visit us a 902 Hillcrest Dr., 37129, USA on a safe Vimana soon!!


7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

PAMHO! yes those fools censored in facebook messenger, even my talk about chimeras and how it would feel to be born as some army chimera. HAHAHAHA. this is sooooo foolish.

It's very good in my viewpoint that for example Muslims fight back, but we could even fight back above Mahesvara's forces (that name I heard was 114 times in Qoran).

Isn't that Shiva's name.
ASA - Yes!

Actually chimeras are quite hellenic somehow or I mean quite nicely dark ages thing. This is the world.

Hmm, historical appearances, so called aliens have always been shapeshifters, but that will be also censored, My Lord.

Hare Krishna

ASA - Trolls fit a lot to the description of Raksasa: Shapeshifters, big, ugly, man-eaters, and I can't find it with a Search at, so maybe it was the original SB that Prabhupada brought from India, but in the Translation he wrote, "...gandharvas, fairies,...". Morgana was the Queen of the Fairies in Arthur's legend. They lived on a floating island, Avalon etc. The Gandhava-loka is like 90-miles above the Earth.

it is just so unbelievable why all want live like donkeys

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

Especially in that country you told you were, when we have Keppe, but not in english in wikipedia. It's all censored, but in finnish it is, and very well.

It seems that that country is infected by oil money, believe Maharaja, I know what it is as my grandfather was a mason chemist in Neste Oil, his whole career, as line chief.... PAMHO it is sad, may Krishna forgive us for it is/was kali yuga, was it Böschemeyer with whom he (Keppe) made some new field of psychology, Im not into that.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!  Thank you..


7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

one more info letter only: the current (amperes) make the magnetic field as electric field is made by voltage, it is the e-field. But Maharaja, the main thing here is that in disinverted physics, those are only the manifestations of the so called essential element or the ether like we say. or scalar or zero-point energy (like light is only part of the scalar energy most likely, which can be also be freed from neutrons, like in leds, same kind of nano tech with chemistry as is the iran link below). so much inventors all over the planet, former SU, Iran (with nano-materials and school in france, Keshe-foundation), the publication of the scalar equations by, well, how I would say it, well your government, Maharaja. though I very well know that you only respect it from vedic perspective. i am not that stupid ,, Maharaja.             HARE KRISHNA

HpS - Jaya!  But also from perspective of building Tesla coil when I was 13-years old, and two years of physics at university of California etc!   We are also learning from you.

Thank you.