Departure of his disciple Yadu Puri d (Mendoza). Urgent

7 years, 7 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.


On the part of Baladeva prabhu I inform you that your disciple Yadu Puri das (Mendoza) left the body on the morning of the 31st, had a heart attack and found him sitting in an armchair in his house, he lived alone.

Thank you very much.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - Thank you. Hare Krsna!    He did not maintain contact with us, but we remember that he was very interesting person, art dealer, artistic. We hope to see him again!  We hope that devotees have a nice Kirtan, Sunday Feast, with his picture present, offer Maha-prasad, and remind him of his relationship with Krsna, ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada.


7 years, 7 months ago by [email protected] in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a usted querido gurudeva.


Hace un mes que me fui de brasil, estoy en Argentina con mi familia, descansando un poco y compartiendo con ellos ya que hace más de un año que no los veia.

HpS - Jaya!

Estoy muy feliz de estar en mi casa y poder servir a mi madre y hermanos. 

Quiero contarle que estoy tomando clases de canto con mi hermana ter kadamba devi dasi.

ASA - Tra!  La!   La!   La!  La!

También quiero comenzar a ir a la Universidad:(Son algunas cosas que tengo en mente)

Ahora Estoy tratando de organizar todo para ir a Chile para poder verlo y poder hacer alguna servicio para usted. También estimó mucho una charla con usted! me gustaría preguntarle varias cosas! 

Que Krishna lo siga protegiendo!!! haré krishna!!!

Su sirvienta María Bernarda 

HpS - ASA -- Gracias!   BG Capitilo 7 o 9, NOI-3 seguro:"maya tatam idam sarvam..."

But who is a bot and who not, is I guess they want for us, to think, it's their strategy

7 years, 7 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

For together people would be strong.

It's just a game, and like my ex said it's kali-yuga when she left me for younger ones..

...but if you didn't know. It must have been real nice to be satanist in 70's for they do their work just the same way nowadays, as they did then: through pedophily, all kind of filth and even child sacrifices. Alesteir Crowley did recommend the young intelligent male children to be the best sacrifices in his notoriously famous books.

ASA - There is one person in Africa. He was known as "General Butt Naked". He had a small mercenary army and they "had a deal with the devil" that if they would go into battle naked with only AK-47s, a woman's purse with re-loads and Adidas tennis shoes, then they wouldn't be killed.  I don't know if it always worked but he survived it and now has become a Christian preacher!   He used to go underwater where children were swimming and catch them and take them off for sacrifices. So, these things do go on. Maybe not everywhere, but someplaces and like you say, maybe even closer than we know.

For example, we met a person visiting the Temple in Mexico. He was PhD from like Pennsylvania or some place. He was working with a bank in New York and the minimum deposit was like 3-million dollars. He told me that he knew all the big money people in Mexico and externally they were all nice Catholics but everyone of them, he said, were involved in Santerria, black magic, with cat sacrifices etc.

As far as we understand it was impossible to get the birth hour of Ronald Regan. He believed in astrology. Also if you rearrange the letters in his name: Ronald Wilson Reagan it comes out Insane Anglo Warlord, not one letter short or one letter extra.

Food for thought.

[Maybe little derranged food].

We consider these things. Try not to artificially expand or dimish them and put them into practical service.

I know the masons :) haha. [;o)] they are super stupid :) and childish. They're world is like a fairy tale, you may ask Jules Verne, who was in masonic order too. Can't but laugh at their "work". How can even Kaalii or Durga watch these fools. And how many Jad Bharats they're going to put in a well-------------    well, PAMHO! and Hare Krishna! Good day !

THE power is still distributed by fractioning and governing, and nescience is their fuel, everybody knows that, some just want to be fooled. Like the bankers did, but not for long, we destroyed them through our blockchain technology :) ,, which is decentralized..... much much more, and tens of times cheaper and even easier to use. That's how we became the new elite... (at least in money) HK :)'

HpS - ASA --- How does the SB fit into your logical structure?  Certain citations?   Certain chapters??

And yes

7 years, 7 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

Please accept my humble obeisances.

My concern is, if some country in the world would be still so tamasic, that they don't know about scalar energy and weaponry. They will run into a risk to be affected on more subtle levels by this tech, and never knowing it, but from BRICS countries at least russia and china are monitoring the use of scalar or HAARP type weapons.

Like in Fukushima, US told us that they used HAARP after the earthquake to take down some ionization clouds and both China and Russia monitored it before the earthquake, that's what they say.

Was it way or another, the Fukushima plant itself was American, and who else's it would be but the infamous Tesla hater's J.P. Morgan's General Electric's plant. Morgan's son was no better than his father, about the Wardencliffe tower... they owned it... it was compensation for the fact that everybody knew that Morgan tried to blow him up, and did so for Tesla's castle in the upper state New York, but he wasn't in it at the time. But if some country's leaders and scientists are very tamasic, then I think only good allies could save them from being bullied and manipulated with the tech. With different variations of the Tesla howitzer..

Hare Rama.


Closed minded

7 years, 7 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Special Category A

Please accept my most humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva 

I have a question which is a bit rumbling in my mind , why does diferent religion separate us  instead of bring us all together , for example ive met with people that they are very catholic and act more like we are so diferent we can't share our  Love for the Lord cause to them the Lord is just JESUS and anyone else is just wrong and false GOD , my mind can understand that  . why are they so closed to the fact that GOD has many names and it manisfate or show himself in diferent way through time .

The fact that catholic or an evangelist are CLOSED minded makes me think so much why is that ? 

Please clarify me  Gurudeva  or correct me . 

dandavats to your Lotus golden feet.

your silly servant 

Japa nama Rama Das 

HpS - NOI 4  and 5.   There are Tamasic devotees for Siva, Visnu, Jehovah, Allah, Science.  They want to be glorified at the expense of others so they take try to put down other's faith, religion, so that theirs looks bigger easily. Correct?  Othe thing may be that they push aways others out of ingorance, not hearing the right think about who they are, then they can be changed by education!   Teaching by example, even for a long time.


7 years, 7 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

I am not really sure if OTC smoked tobacco, but Tesla realized when he first met him, that he is a prodigy. He never got any conventional schooling in physics, but Tesla teached him quite much, is my little knowledge of him. I have now read his revelationary book called: Dimensions of Mystery--A message for the twentieth century(1958), it can be found from the net easily. But it is mostly about, what I can tell about God, about Lucifer [as in Satan in "Paradise Lost"?   The Archangel?], and different vibratory and conscious states in between them, and also as name tells us, about different dimensions.

Iridescent bubbles would then, Maharaja, be only for demons, for OTC-X1 craft was controlled by meditation, when outer core goes in sync with inner, rotating different ways (inner clockwise-outer counter clockwise), Ralph Ring tells us that the craft changed to jelly like, so one could put finger in to it, like jelly. So Otis Carr explains this so that, it had own living gravitational field, energy field, which was controlled in his craft with big quartz crystal, and then the craft transversed where they wanted it to go, by thinking that place. And they got samples from that place when they came back.

Ralph Ring was also in the team who made for Jacques-Yves Cousteau, his aqualung. And in some government research, but he couldn't take it, because he was finally said that: we are here to search, not to find. By the chief of the project. Ralph Ring always says that the craft needed nice thinking or meditation, not-nice wouldn't move the craft [o:)

But ok little bit about scalar energy terms, in this very nice report by cia: , there is different options for the equations of scalar energy, in Maxwellian terms, so to say.

The report also says that scalar waves would have some similarities with soliton waves

ASA - We went to the site above. It is very interesting. The world is so big. It seems that mainstream physics, science, engineering has developed this one line of electro-magnetic energy but there would seem to be so many others. EME started with Lode Stones, no?  Then they developed it.

Not so much in this craft, but the effect is created when magnetic field goes over Utron. And still Ring says, that this could be nowadays achieved by digital contolling and with no moving parts, but my opinion is, that, it would be too heavy to have so many electric-magnetwindings , hehe :) :). So why not make it like Otis did? :) OTC said: ”The dimension of pressure are straight line; the dimension of motion is curvature. Pressure creates motion and motion creates pressure. Therefore, motion is dimensionally fourth. Finite space is a condition of the field, and the static universe is as real as the kinetic one. From the spawning point of inertia, numerous dimensions beyond the fourth are logically equated — static or dynamic, all matter is available energy— IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT’’

I try to examine little bit more him, at least his book; Dimensions of mystery is very interesting.. Jaya Garuda!

P.S. Eric Dollard made already as a child, a rod with amplifier and earphones and he heard energy lines snapping in the ether when he moved the metal rod horizontally.

This is something I added to my webpage the last time.. may the cool breezes be flowing, like electricity just the same time as brahma-muhurta, on this planet :) , such vast forces, storming through 1,5 hours, before suns photon bombardment. A vast storm of electricity going forward as fast as the sunrise, through ley-lines (which I do not know so well, even though I have seen; tired, something like ether, but those should be measurable already) and through all.! Keppe said well: the most important forces for humanity are those which are most difficult to see with scientific equipment, like the alpha waves in the brain, compared to beta... (For he has fought against Aristotelian view a long time Maharaja, He is also theistic scientist and defends Higher Living Intelligence's and Force's rights, or something like that, Platon.....)

Hare Krishna

ASA - 6.11PM We have to go to NGD etc.