
7 years, 8 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It has been a while since my last letter. Family life is a little busy for me right now. Our third baby is due in about a month so it will be busier than now!

HpS - Very nice. AGTSP.

I am still in Calgary but have been struggling with spiritual life- not too much association with devotees in our similar life situation and age. We will be moving to a different community next year where there are more young couples with children and a small gurukula. My husband is planning on teaching there. We are looking forward to it. I try to motivate my mind by listening to lectures by you. It helps a lot. 

Japa is not very consistent at the moment due to family demands. But I make it my goal to complete my rounds everyday. That's the only thing that keeps me going.

HpS - Get up early and get your rounds done. Have a partner by telephone. That wakes you up or you wake them up.

I do have a question- I see that there are a few devotees who sell tulsi beads that look very fancy and all. Some of the devotees go to yoga shows or conventions and set up a table to sell. My question is, can non-devotees who buy tulsi, not knowing anything about tulsi, wear these necklaces?

HpS - As far as I know it is O.K. It is like taking charanamrta without knowing it. Probably not good to mistreat the beads but neutral affection for them seems to be a greater benefit. We don't know for sure.

I was curious about this because I would also like to do the same thing. 

your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - Dhananjaya Das told us that Prabhupada said that he could package Gaura-Nitai deities and sell them as (Indian) Good Luck Statues and tell people that if they took care of them properly they would bring good luck.

Vijitatma Das. Our god brother who has been a fanatic book distributor forever sells tulasi beads to attract people then books.

I wish they would start exporting them from Peru. She grows very big there.

More news next month. Unless you are chanting good rounds you are giving your babies powdered milk. Ha!   Ha!  Hare!

Understanding "tattvatah"

7 years, 8 months ago by Bishal Singha in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranaam unto your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- Lettuce feet. AGTSP!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hope you are in good health. My father prays unto your lotus feet for darshan during your India visit(if possible atleast a few days' visit to the North East or he may personally come to have your association).

We published the plan.  You saw it?

Guru Maharaj, I apologise and beg for forgiveness if my letters create a nuisance in your tight schedules of seva.

No!  They are good questions to many people read then dialog. We hope it is useful to you.

Guru Maharaj, I have been scratching my head over the term "tattvatah" in B.Gita 4.9. Now Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport ".... One who can understand the truth of the appearance of the Personality of Godhead.." ; "... One has to understand this fact with conviction.."  Also devotees in general say tattvatah means to know factually. What does "knowing factually" mean? Referring to 18.55 where Lord Krsna unequivocally asserts only His devotees can understand Him, to me it feels knowing in fact is like how the mother of Donald Trump would know her son, his psychology, inclinations, abilities, likes and dislikes; and not just the knowledge of Donald Trump as The President. Simply put, there is a difference in knowing Krsna and knowing about Krsna. The former requires a personal relationship and the latter is just fact-finding. (I still feel there something's more as I am not satisfied yet) Please give me your opinion.

Also proportional to one's tattvic understanding, I think an equivalent amount of reciprocation should exist between the aspiring devotee and The Lord. Now from scriptures we have got knowledge such as ("I am not this body,  I am eternal servant of Krsna etc). Nevertheless, we continue acting on the bodily platform. So certainly such theoretical knowledge cannot be termed as tattvic understanding. (why cant we act in that way despite knowing it?)Analytically seen, I think this is due to our lack of faith (100%) in such statements. If this entire chain of reasoning is correct then what is the reason for this lack of faith? Is it because Krsna is not revealed to us yet? Also Lord Krsna reveals proportionally to one's surrender and  one surrenders when one has faith on Him, isn't it? So this entire thing seems paradoxical. Is it like taking a leap of "blind" faith in surrendering to Krsna (Like hypothesis in Science) and then slowly when Krsna reveals proportionally, our faith becomes corroborated(experimental verification) which reinforces a higher degree of surrender. Guru Maharaj, please be merciful and forgive me if I causing you inconvenience.

Dandavat Pranaam unto your lotus feet.

Your fallen servant


HpS - ASA -- Your question is very good, but is not simple to answer in detail. That is why the same thing is mentioned many times from many persepectives, no?

Knowing that the USA is running with a certain administrative character is knowing Donald Trump as Brahman. Knowing him as the President is paramatma and knowing him in Dasya, Sakya or as you mention,Vatsalya, Madhura-rasa is Bhagavan. Really we have to come at least to Santa rasa, Maha-Visnu, before we achieve BG 4.9.. Two other Visnus are still with material component.

Faith does not mean blind faith, that is condemned. Se BG 4.34 purport. Krsna always gives us enough knowledge, but will we apply it?  That is being faithful.


Krsna is always the male, aggressor, He gives us knowledge, then we have innate ability to evaluate it. We are Sat CIT ananda.


More will come as you advance by applying what you know.

Hope very much to see you all in just a few weeks!


7 years, 8 months ago by priyasakhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, ya me comuniqué con Prabhu Jagad Guru, y le envié información de nuestro proyecto educativo aquí en Chile.

En la última clase del Curso para Disípulos, revisamos éste verso:

gopayed devatam istam

gopayed gurum atmanah

gopayec ca nijam mantram

gopayen nija-malikam

"Uno debe ocultar su ista-deva (su deidad adorable), ocultar su guru, ocultar su mantra, y ocultar su japa-mala"

Hari-bhakti-vilasa, 2.147

Quiero preguntarle, si usted me puede dar un significado más detallado de éste verso?. Yo intento analizarlo, pero no logro entenderlo del todo.

Agradezco Sus palabras Guru Maharaja.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- I don't know if this is really applicable. I remember reading that Hari-bhakti-Vilasa is unnecessarily ritualistic, but Sanantana Goswami had to go with the flow of the time and everyone were smartas.. following rituals. We tend to let everyone know that we are worshiping Radha Krsna, That Prabhupada is our Guru and there are pictures of Prabhupada with his Japa in public, but those may have been Diksa-malas... We put ours out because it helps us concentrate. we like to see them..   etc.

Please let us talk of your educational programs. Ask about them in class.


Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Sril Prabhupada

We have been working on the agenda for the meeting on Friday the 14th, and the purposes are basically the following:

  • Receive the report of the programs in progress, both in Chosica and Lima and what are their doubts, difficulties and achievements to date.
  • Know the new educational proposals and what are their expectations and objectives.
  • Know your opinion about it.

We also suggest the following program:

4:30 - 4:40 Purposes of the meeting (Karuna Krsna dasa)
4:40 - 5.00 Presentation by SS Hanumatpresaka Swami on MOE and ASA
5:00 - 5:10 Jagat Pavitram dasa program summary reading.
5:10 - 5:25 Exposition by Laksmana-agraja dasa
5:25 - 5:40 Exhibition by Isvari dd. and Candramukhi dd.
5:40 - 5:55 Exhibition by Abhirama dasa
5:55 - 6:10 Exhibition by Yugala Kisora dasi
6:10 - 6:25 Exhibition by Jiva Sakti dasa
6:25 - 6:45 Conclusions by Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja and Karuna Krsna dasa

(Sorry for the germanic structure but it's only a point of reference, It coud be a liitle bit more flexible).

We'll be waiting for your kind answer and suggestions

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS-ASA - Es ist sehr gut, mein herr! !     !
ISKCON Peru Uber Alles!

We want to go to the Arati!  That is at 6.30PM, no?

Then, we have public program at 7.00PM to 8.00PM, so we can have a general discussion with us, KKD, BhBhusana Swami? He will be there we can invite him to join as he likes, no???

"Gotta Serve Somebody"

7 years, 8 months ago by jaramara in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

"Gotta Serve Somebody"


You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Might be a rock'n' roll adict prancing on the stage
Might have money and drugs at your commands, women in a cage
You may be a business man or some high degree thief
They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a state trooper, you might be an young turk
You may be the head of some big TV network
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame
You may be living in another country under another name.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes 
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a construction worker working on a home
You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome
You might own guns and you might even own tanks
You might be somebody's landlord you might even own banks.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes 
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side
You may be working in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair
You may be somebody's mistress, may be somebody's heir.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes 
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk
Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk
You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread
You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may call me Terry, you may call me Jimmy
You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy
You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray
You may call me anything but no matter what you say.

You're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

So dear Guru Maharaja:

Thank you for give me the chance of serving God throug the lotus feet of the greatest saint ever Srila Prabhupada.

Miss You



HpS - Thank you. We are sitting on the floor. Our fanny aches. It is cold and dark. We getting us strictly for Mangala arati. Many times we don't see the Big Picture and have a big strategy but we try to pick something that seems like a good thing to do for Krsna and then from devotional service we expect knowledge and detachment, morality, to come.

"vasudeve bhagavati..." SB 1.2

What is an ideal life?


7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

This fine music video (rap) to defend free energy movement is made very finely and they also say: human body electromagnetic, please unleash the secret. https://www.facebook.com/hermes.aeoliah/videos/109437852558991/?pnref=story . So who can fool the youth!!! HK

HpS - Hare Krsna, Senor Nanuk,

We are in Chile. Every day is a great flood of people, programs. We. try to do a little mail. We tried for several minutes to open the facebook page but then couldn't open it because we don't have a facebook account. it is too much for us. we can do more mail after 26 July. in the DTC's we put our news if you please.