Daily Class - Module Review

7 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Anjana Suta Academy


SB 7.1-4

Module Review

(rev. 170925)

As we remember Śrīman Upendra Das pushed us to have Module Reviews. We study Srimad Bhagavatam systematically. Naturally the Chapters group themselves into different topical modules of about four each. Take them to heart.

A MR should include a Summary of the chapters, specific Cogent Points and Essay Topics. How does this all relate to our focus of book distribution? What points can we make for the teacher and future revisions? Under what circumstances was this MR made?

Example: Canto Seven Chapters 1-4, The Advent of Hiranyakasipu.

We are writing this Module Review as the first for our Anjana Suta Academy (WWW.JayaRama.US) Bhaktivedanta Curriculum Development Team. To our perspective we are faced with fundamental problems in developing Sastric Studies in ISKCON and we are involved in the politic of the matter as is delightful for a Sannyasi of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Module Summary:

(Mostly we just edited the first paragraph of the Chapter Summary)

In Chapter One, in response to a question by Mahārāja Parīkṣit, Śukadeva Gosvāmī gives his conclusions concerning how the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although the Supersoul and friend of everyone, killed the demons for the sake of Indra. He totally refutes the argumentthat the Lord is partial.  A second question raised by Parīkṣit Mahārāja concerns how Śiśupāla, although always blaspheming Kṛṣṇa from his childhood, attained salvation when Kṛṣṇa killed him.

As described in the next chapter, after the annihilation of Hiraṇyākṣa, his relatives were very much aggrieved. Hiraṇyakaśipu as his brother reacted trying to diminish the religious activities of people in general and instructed his nephews about a history just to diminish their aggrievement.

Chapter Three describes how Hiraṇyakaśipu performed a severe type of austerity causing great distress throughout the universe. Even Lord Brahmā became somewhat disturbed and personally went to see Hiraṇyakaśipu.

Finally, Chapter Four describes how Hiraṇyakaśipu obtained power from Lord Brahmā and misused it by harassing all the living entities within this universe. It finishes as Nārada Muni describes the characteristics of Prahlāda Mahārāja and how his father envied his own qualified son.

Cogent Points:

 (Of course these can be basis for Short Answer Questions)

Chapters 1-3 ASA we ask ASA team member Candramukhi Devi Dasi to do them as part of her Module Review presentation at the Saturday Morning ASA ABC Workshop.

Chapter Four:

From the Summary - “…he began enjoying life in great luxury and thus became mad.” … All the brāhmaṇas… they cursed him with determination.

7.4.2 – “If one possesses more and more, a benediction itself may become a curse, for just as achieving material opulence in this material world requires great strength and endeavor, maintaining it also requires great endeavor.”

“…one should not take benedictions one cannot enjoy peacefully.”

SB 7.4.5-7 – NDX – Sankirtan; science.

SB 7.4.8 - Therefore the upper planets cannot be appraised by imperfect men using imperfect man-made instruments.

12 – “No one in the three worlds can live in peace and prosperity without disturbance.”

13 – “There are three [ndx – cosmology] kinds of demigods — the Ādityas, the Vasus and the Rudras — beneath whom are the other demigods, like the Maruts and Sādhyas

14 - I myself [brahma] . . . offered prayers to him again and again just to glorify him.” [Devotees accept these arrangements as Krsna plan to annhiliate the demons]

19 – “In spite of achieving the power to control in all directions and in spite of enjoying all types of dear sense gratification as much as possible, Hiraṇyakaśipu was dissatisfied because instead of controlling his senses he remained their servant.”

21 – “If from the very beginning [of any endeavor] we seek shelter of the supreme friend, there will be no cause of danger.

30 – “Hiraṇyakaśipu had four wonderful, well-qualified sons,…”

32 – “…and he considered his teachers, spiritual masters and older Godbrothers to be as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

33 – “Prahlāda Mahārāja . . . was neither directly nor indirectly interested in the fruitive activities…” [Siksastakam: Fruitive activities described in flowery language. Na janam na dhanam]

37 – “For a small boy to give up playing is impossible…”

44 – “Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (3.25.25), satāṁ prasaṅgān mama vīrya-saṁvido bhavanti hṛt-karṇa-rasāyanāḥ kathāḥ” [Refresh it!]

Essay Topics:

(Others can add these during the meeting Saturday, CMDD can edit them in and send everything to Srivasa-pandita Das’s administrative team for archiving, no?)

  1. Why can we say that Krsna is equal to everyone if he killed Vrtasura and gave liberation to Sisupala?
  2. How do you see Srila Prabhupada adopted these principles to his preaching?
  3. Is Hiryanyakasipu’s cremation ground lecture correct?
  4. Discuss some of the technical aspects of Hiranyapasiku’s austerities and relevance to ISKCON yoga.

Rodrigo Otero's Pelicula

7 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna,

Con Oscar hemos trabajado mucho con Rodrigo de Peru. Tiene muchas buenas cosas panteistas. Sigue en pelicula de el.


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From: rodrigo otero

Amigos queridos,

Este 21 de Setiembre tendremos el estreno mundial alternativo de nuestra película LOS OJOS DEL CAMINO.

Aquí todos los lugares donde la pueden ver, seguro que alguno estará cerca de ustedes:

Aquí la lista de lugares, fechas y horas donde podrán verla:

(Iremos actualizando algunos lugares y horas)

1. CUSCO: Teatro Municipal, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm, estarán presentes el protagonista Hipólito Peralta Ccama y el director Rodrigo Otero Heraud en el marco del festival Cine Suyu Cinesuyu. HD.

2. HUANCAVELICA: Auditorio MAnchego Muñoz de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancavelica, organizado por el Municipio y la Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura de Huancavelica, 21 de setiembre

3. LAMBAYEQUE: Cineclub de Lambayeque, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm, Colegio de médicos de Chiclayo

4. LA LIBERTAD: Auditorio Antenor Orrego en Trujillo, 21 de setiembre 8pm

5. LIMA: Ventana Indiscreta - Cine Arte ULima - Cine Arte ULima, 21 de Setiembre 7.30pm, 22 de setiembre 7.30pm, 25 de setiembre 4.30pm, 26 de setiembre 1pm, 27 de setiembre 4.30pm, 28 de setiembre 7.30pm, 29 de setiembre 1pm. Proyección en DCP.

6. LIMA: Sala Armando Robles godoy - Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, 21 de setiembre 6pm, 24 de setiembre 6pm con presencia del director. Proyección en DCP.

7. LIMA: Centro Cultural Peruano Japonés, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm. HD.

8. LIMA: El Galpón Espacio, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm, 23 de setiembre 7.30pm.

9. LIMA: Alianza Francesa de Lima sede de Miraflores, 21 de setiembre 8pm

10. LIMA: Universidad Peruana de Arte Orval, 21 de setiembre.

11. LIMA: Biblioteca comunal del anexo de Ayas, Surco, Huarochiri, organisado por Vacas Felices el 21 de setiembre 6pm

12. LIMA: Cocachacra, Huarochiri, coorganizacion El Champal, 21 de setiembre

13. LIMA: Microcine Yuyanapaq, sector Corona Santa Rosa, Manzana C, Lote 7A, Tablada de Lurin, Villa Maria del Triunfo, 21 de setiembre 7pm

14. LIMA: Centro Cultural de España en Lima, 21 de setiembre 8pm

15. LIMA: El Último Cine Club, 23 de setiembre 6.15pm

16. LIMA: Sala de Cine EL ZORZALITO, FITECA, Comas, 23 de setiembre

17. LIMA: La Biblioteca San Isidro - El Olivar, 25 de setiembre 7pm.

18. LIMA: Universidad Catolica, 28 de setiembre, 12.30pm

19. LIMA: Cine Urban Hall, 29 de setiembre 6pm con presencia del director

20. LIMA: Casa de la Literatura Peruana, 30 de setiembre 6pm

21. LIMA: LUM - Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social, Domingo 1ro de Octubre, 6.30pm. HD

22. LIMA: ICPNA centro de Lima, 3 de octubre 7pm. HD.

23. LIMA: MALI - Museo de Arte de Lima 18 y 19 de octubre 6pm

24. LORETO: Iquitos - Auditorio Jaime Moro del IIAP - Instituto De Investigación De La Amazonia Peruana, Av. Quiñones km 2.5. Informes: Biblioteca IIAP, Tel. 265515 anexo 221, [email protected], 21 de setiembre, 11.30am

25. LORETO: Iquitos - Auditorio del COAR Loreto, Av. Cáceres con Jorge Chávez S/N sector Moronacocha. Informes: Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Loreto, [email protected], 21 de setiembre, 8pm

26. MADRE DE DIOS: Parque Manu: Estación Biológica Cocha Cashu, 21 de setiembre, 7pm

27. PASCO: Oxapampa, 21 de setiembre

28. PIURA: Alianza Francesa de Piura, 2do patio del local, Calle Libertad 269, 21 de setiembre, 7.30pm

29. SAN MARTIN: Lamas, Comunidad Nativa de Morillo, organizado por Waman Wasi, 23 de setiembre, 4pm

30. 300 TAMBOS EN 16 REGIONES DEL PERU, 21 de setiembre. Programa Nacional de Tambos del Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusion Social, y Videoteca de las Culturas del Ministerio de Cultura.

Y en los siguientes Países el 21 de setiembre:

31. ALEMANIA: München, Tageszentrum der Münchner Aids-Hilfe e.V., Lindwurmstr. 71, 80337 München, 21. September 7pm

organisiert Centro Cultural del Peru e.V. - Munich

32. ALEMANIA: Freiburg, Agronauten

33. ALEMANIA: Kassel, Uni Oldenburg, Geschlossene Veranstaltung 21. September

34. ALEMANIA: Tübingen, um 20 Uhr bei Waldemar - Schlachthofstrasse 9, Tuebingen 21 September, 8pm

35. ALEMANIA: Stuttgart, 21 de setiembre

36. ALEMANIA: Hannover, Waldorschule Hannover Maschsee, 21. September 8pm

37. ARGENTINA: Salta, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Cuecna Unsa,

38. ARGENTINA: Lago Puelo Chubut, Casa de la Cultura, 21 de setiembre 7pm.

39. ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires, Casa Cuzco Espacio Cultural, https://www.facebook.com/CasaCuzco/ Domingo 1ro de Octubre 7pm

40. BRASIL: São Bernardo do Campo, SP, organisa MSTL - Movimento Sem Terra de Luta, 21 de setembro de 2017, às 17h00. Responsables: Marco Arroyo y Eduardo Cardoso

41. BOLIVIA: Cochabamba, Universidad Mayor de San Simon

42. BOLIVIA: La Paz, El Espejo CineClub, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm

43. COSTA RICA: Centro de agricultura orgánica

44. COLOMBIA: TDH Bogotá, Cra. 32 # 25A - 23, Bogotá, 21 de setiembre 4.30pm, confirmar asistencia al teléfono: 316 878 3701 o al email: [email protected]

45. COLOMBIA: Cauca, Comité de mujeres de la Asociación campesina del Inzá Tierraadentro, 21 de setiembre 6pm

46. CANADA: Edmonton, Alberta, Dreamspeakers Film Festival, 21 de setiembre, 9pm

47. CANADA: Toronto, Pix Film Productions, https://www.pixfilm.ca/event 21 de setiembre, 7pm

48. ECUADOR: Quito, Cinemateca, 18 de setiembre, 7.30pm

49. ECUADOR: Quito, Octaedro, 21 de setiembre, 7.30pm

50. ESPAÑA: Barcelona, campus de la Universidad Autónoma, 28 de Setiembre 11am

51. ESPAÑA: Málaga, CAC Málaga Centro de arte contemporáneo de Málaga, Calle Alemania S/N, 29001 Málaga, 26 de setiembre 8pm

52. ESTADOS UNIDOS: Nueva York, Theater in Cinema Studies Department NYU, 22 de setiembre

53. FRANCIA: Bretaña, 21 de setiembre

54. GUATEMALA: TDH Guatemala, 21 de setiembre

55. INGLATERRA: CAWR, Universidad de Coventry, 27 de setiembre

56. ITALIA: Milano, Centro Sociale Micene, Via Micene 4, Milano, 24 de Setiembre, 4pm. Associazione Promozione Sociale Tuttimondi

57. MEXICO: Ciudad de México, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, en la Sala de cine Divino Narciso, Izazaga 92, Centro Histórico, 21 de setiembre, 1pm

Compartan con sus amigos si les gusta! Tambien tendremos dvds, libros y afiches para la venta!

Muchos abrazos a todas y todos!

Yeshu, Rodrigo y Maja 

Consult of Isvari dd (urgent)

7 years, 4 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear SS Hanumat Presaka Swami


I hope your energy and your health this better.

ASA - Same as yours. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

I am writing to you for the following:

1.- Please, you could give me the link of the recorded classes of Bhakti vedanta.

HpS - We Tweet them!    The Candra-mukhhi DD has them I think. We can get them but it is a lot of work to back and find then. Ask here first, O.K?

2.-Hiranykasipu is very intelligent, he has knowledge about the science of soul, his preaching to his family is very good.

ASA - To the level of Brahman or maybe Paramatma, but it is milk tinged with egoism: Be spiritual and intuitive so you can kill God.

Is the level of self-realization of hiranyakasipu in brahman level?

ASA -  Aaaa!   Yes. The self is Brahman, eternal, but then, "Eternally what"?

3.- Canto 1 and 2 of the SB, SP encourages people to read the SB, and for doing so you will become realized, already from the Canto 3, SP mentions other requirements, even says that it is not enough to chant only hare krsna,, also you have to read, associate, take refuge in a spiritual master.this leads me to think that in addition to levels there are different types of self-realization. Can you please tell me where I can find more information on this?

ASA - Of course, the easiest is the NOI Text 10!   Then look at the abc-ndx.docx in our Jayarama.us Archives under "Yoga ladder". Self-realization usually means Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. Then Bhagavan means Santa rasa, dasya rasa . ..      No limit.    A dog in Prana-maya, has gone beyone Anna-maya. In Anna-maya the baby and puppy identify them selves with the world. In Prana-maya then identify themselves with their body. In Vatsalya rasa we identify our selves with Yasoda-nandana, in Madhurya-rasa we identify oursleves with Gopi-jana-vallabha.


Please, forgime my offenses

with much appreciation and gratitude

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

ASA - Hare Krsna!!!

Iskon chile

7 years, 4 months ago by [email protected] in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Todas las glorias a usted querido Gurudeva! 

Me hace Feliz poder volver a escribirle. ..

Primero quería agradecerle su visita al templo de Chile y que me de su tiempo para poder hablar con usted, me hizo muy feliz tener su Asociación gracias querido Gurudeva, gracias por sus clases, por ser un representante del Señor Krishna e iluminarnos con su conocimiento! 

Quería comentarle que estos días después de la fiesta del señor Balarama en el Abishek estaba observando y empeze a ver detenidamente a los devotos, no se como explicar lo que sentí pero fue una felicidad increíble al verme rodeada de increíbles devotas y devotos, en estos días sólo pensé en ellos en lo que hacen en sus servicios en el tiempo que se toman para hacer las guirnaldas más bonitas para las deidas, seleccionar cada flor cada detalle, cuando cantan, cocinan, o cantan sus oraciones, sea que estén haciendo a mi me llena el alma de felicidad y me pregunto si merezco tanta misericordia del señor krishna por tener tan hermosa Asociación, le pido querido Gurudeva que me de sus bendiciones para poder seguir sirviendo a los devotos y nunca alejarme de ellos y de su buena compañía! 

Que tenga un hermoso día,mis reverencias!!!

Su sirvienta María Bernarda.

HpS - Do you also see there attachments, lust, anger and greed? Isopanisad says that we must se both. Of course, from the Paramahamsa platform we see even the "bad" qualities as good. From the viewpoint of the government the prison and the hangman's rope are good. Maybe you have been blessed with Paramahamsa vision!!   If we see the good and bad qualties in ISKCON devotees then we can help the good ones and correct the bad ones eg. tobacco is good for bruises but should not smoke it.
Jaya!!!  We hope we can see like you.

Devotional service in virtual reality?

7 years, 4 months ago by pnd in Special Category A

Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Thank you so, so, much for your Sankirtan service!!

Please excuse me for writing again about topics of free will, but I don’t understand some things and it seems somehow connected with understanding real identity of soul. Should I try to understand these?

HpS - From your general statement, yes, of course.

My understanding of soul is to be observer of what this subtle and gross body do.
I still don’t understand if for example desire to make specific project for Krishna and Srila Prabhupada is not just all how this subtle body is programmed to do. Is it really my desire?

HpS - 15%.

If me as the soul will be inserted in body (subtle and gross) of somebody else, will I will have same desire to do specific service, or will that be different or in case of bad body will not want to do anything useful at all? Will something change in that person live if there will be sitting different soul inside?

HpS - If you have a Hennessey Venom GT you are going to want to drive fast. If you are in a female body with female karma, vasanas from many lifetimes you will want to have a nice husband who loves you and protects you and your babies (FOR KRSNA).

Is it just that when we are fortunate to be engaged in devotional service, we as soul just observe how service is done (although it may be done by already programmed body, mind and inteligence) and by that soul starts to remember relationship which has with Krishna and real identity in spiritual world, thus wake up from all this?

HpS - Adau sraddha, sadhu sanga...  BG 4.10 purport. So many times Prabhupada paraphrases our spiritual development using this verse. In NOI (8?) he does it. I realize that I am not the sense objects. I try to serve Krsna by the little spark in my heart, "Brahmanda brahmita kaun.." but have to see it manifest in the sense objects, my mind. Jayananda Das was a mechanical engineer so he built Rathayatra carts for Krsna. You are a software engineer so you do Vedabase.io. If you were in a body like your good wife you would create the next Krsna conscious Emperor of the World. In the beginning we are just watching the service like children on father's lap 'driving' car, but as we get purified we contribute more by our choice, taste. This is our understanding.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

PS: I will send you Vedabase updates soon.