GURU Tattva discussion

5 years, 1 month ago by sacsingh in DTC, Special Category A

Dear Maharaj, PAMHO! AGTSP!

Hare Krishna from Sacramento.

Please watch:

From your primary siksa guru, Hansdutta Prabhu have you met him recently?

HpS - Been in transit! Hansadutta Das is one of our primary Siksa gurus. 🙂 I watched the video. Its nice but I think we have discussed all these points before.

I had a conversation with him and recorded it for your you above, Hansdutta says nobody in Iskcon is guru, that means HPS is only a formalities guru not the diksa guru. Srila Prabhupada only appointed ritviks, and confirmed by Puri Maharaj.

HpS - 😀 again I think we have discussed Alok this before.


And finally this:

ISKCON GBC ritviks discussion - will most likely be approved IN 2020!

Whats HPS view on this you accept or need further discussion?

Please note to HPS disciples: I hope you boys and gals aren’t offended by my questions to HPS. My intention is to establish Srila Prabhupada and strengthening people’s connection with Srila Prabhupada this is seriously lacking because the gurus don’t educate disciples to accept Srila Prabhupada as diksa and siksa guru both. I see my questions has raised some doubts or questions among HPS disciples that is HPS really a diksa GURU or only siksa GURU. My opinion is he is only officiating and siksa guru after the ceremony HPS becomes your god brother essentially.

Now comes the part of tṛṇād api sunīcena!

Some preaching material from Sacramento -

HpS - Jaya! Again. Again. Again. These are all things we have discussed here before. I hope our opinion is clear. We go on discussing it but for us you are not presenting anything new, so we are happy to talk in person some time but we seem to have exhausted this forum sad much as possible in terms of mutual understanding.

AgtaSP! Sixteen good rounds, four principles strictly.


5 years, 1 month ago by Aristasena in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Estimado Guru Maharaja:

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

we Para informarle que organizamos una propuesta entre varios hermanos espirituales, que sería la base para una reunión.

Feliz llegada a México. ¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabupada!

Dear Guru Maharaja:

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

To inform you that we organize a proposal among several spiritual brothers, which would be the basis for a meeting.

Happy arrival to Mexico. All glories to Srila Prabupada!

HpS - AgtSP. Paoho. Yes we got it. We also had the nice meeting yesterday with the Psychologist! When can we meet? We were thinking during the retreat in Cuernavaca and also before the Sunday festival. One basic principle is separating the functions of Diksa guru from our Sankirtan work.


5 years, 1 month ago by Aristasena in Special Category A



Estimado maestro espiritual, acepte mis rendidas reverencias. Estoy muy contento por su próxima visita. Con relación a la carta anterior siento mucho no haberla escrito de manera adecuada. Creo que lo más prudente es tener una propuesta concisa basada en las necesidades que como hermanos espirituales hemos podido expresar, que responda a nuestras inquietudes por mejorar la organización; a través de comités y equipos de trabajo que nos permitan no limitar el potencial y el entusiasmo de servicio. En general estamos motivados por lograr esta propuestas, a la que se suma Prabhu Jagad Bandhu. Así que hoy tendremos una reunión en la que se hará a un lado la crítica.

               En lo que se refiere a mí, he tenido que retirarme del servicio en el templo desde el mes de septiembre, esto debido a que en el trabajo se me han incrementado las responsabilidades. Este año ha sido así. Por otra parte, he estado dibujando y tengo una propuesta al respecto para el servicio a Krishna. Espero que se dé la ocasión de comentársela y que sea algo con lo que usted pueda estar complacido.

               Me despido.

               ¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabupada!

               ¡Jay Gurú y Gouranga!

               Aristasena dasa.



Dear spiritual master, accept my rendered obeisances. I am very happy for your next visit. In relation to the previous letter, I am very sorry that I did not write it properly. I think that the most prudent thing is to have a concise proposal based on the needs that as spiritual brothers we have been able to express, that responds to our concerns to improve the organization; through committees and work teams that allow us not to limit the potential and enthusiasm of service. We are all motivated to achieve this proposals, to which Prabhu Jagad Bandhu joins. So today we will have a meeting in which criticism will be set aside.

As far as I am concerned, I have had to retire from service in the temple since September, this is because my job responsibilities have increased. This year has been like this. On the other hand, I have been drawing and I have a proposal in this regard for the service to Krishna. I hope you have the opportunity to discuss it and be something that you can be pleased with.

I leave.

¡All glories to Srila Prabupada!


¡Jay Gurú y Gouranga!

               Aristasena dasa.

HpS - Let us discuss this when we are in Mexico starting tomorrow. 🙂

clarification and "rittik" [ritvik] – representative of the acarya

5 years, 1 month ago by sacsingh in Special Category A

Dear HPS. Hare Krishna from Sacramento, California. AGTSP.

If you remember when you were in Sacramento I did this recording link below.

HpS - AGTSP! It is always very freaky when we see ourselves in videos!

Thank you for your replies. Now I need some things clarified according to what I have read, so I am quoting your replies from the other conversation.[]

ASA - Yes. The Six Goswami's would meet and discuss philosophy, strategy, no?

HPS: As far as I know Jayathirtha chanted on my beads, Bhakta Das recommended me for first initiation and Nita Das chose my name. Whose disciple am I. Ha! Ha! Ha Ray!!

Question: This means that Srila Prabhupada authorized his senior disciples to do your initiation on Srila Prabhupada's behalf. Does this also mean you had a "rittik initiation" [ritvik] – representative of the acarya"?

HpS 2109 Dec 1 (191201) - The problem for us is that we have never seen Srila Prabhupada us this word Ritvik one time in any Purport, so we don't see it as a word with any depth. I am a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Anybody who is intiated by his disciple is his disciple. They are also diciples of Narottama Das Thaura and Lord Caitanya. Disciple means one who follows the discipline. Prabhupada's comment.

Who is your Diksa guru? I would say that I am the diksa guru in connection with Prabhupada. If I fall down from my connection with Srila Prabhupada or I just die at 76-yers old, there is no need to take Diksa again. You were connected to Srila Prabhupada, no?

HpS ._. Answered above, no? We are not opposed to people having as much direct relationship as they can with Srila Prabhupada. We are just trying to act as one channel. If that involves be a link in the formality of initiation. O.K. If that involves explaining the books O.K. but our only desire is to just be a transparent via media to Srila Prabhupad and Krsna.

Question: So HPS as an official ISKCON Guru, is following the same system of initiation on behalf of the Acarya? So the initiate is actually a disciple of Srila Prabhupada as per the letter below and HPS is just doing the formalities, explaining the books, inspiring, setting a good example, etc.. and most importantly connecting the initiate to Srila Prabhupada? I want to know what is the consciousness or mentality of HPS!

Or HPS thinks that person HPS is initiating on behalf of Srila Prabhupada is HPS disciple, meaning that HPS is initiating and HPS is the authority, not Srila Prabhupada? You get it..where I am going with this..very subtle.

For example: if HPS says something that contradicts Srila Prabhupada's version, we can accept Srila Prabhupada's version (error on side of caution) and neglect HPS version..

HpS - Certainly, but trnad api sunicena... we try to discuss it with HpS and so often he says, "Oh, wow, thank you!".

Srila Prabhupada uses the word my disciple over 89 times in his letters, so him being the Acarya he can claim because without him I won't be here. but the officiating person cannot claim because he has no rights, he is acting under order.

HpS - One thing, as far as I know Prabhupada never authorized the letters to be published. There is even a letter to Brahmananda where Prabhupada says not to distribute his letters unless they are specifically for wide distribution, but Hansadutta Das, one of my principal, Siksa gurus, got a hold of them and published them so I guess the BBT had to follow. I like reading letters, but I belong to the Jayadvaita Swami school which puts the in a different category from Bhaktivedanta Purports.

Then, I don't understand your reasoning very well. From one perspective we can say that Srila Prabhupada has no authority of his own either. He is just acting under the aurhority of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta.... back to Krsna is the original Guru.

I like Sridhara Swami's comment... Trnad api sunicena... amanina manadena... our goal is not have as few Guru's as possible, but as many, to see everyone as our Guru, but... the proper style.

I can be a Madhyama adhikari and accept disciples but unless I do it in connection with Srila Prabhupada it has no meaning. Of course, we only accept people as disciples, students, who have a clear idea of who is Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON and who are we. BG 10.10-11. The Paramatma is Guru... That doesn't change with the fire sacrifice.


Regarding Guru Nanak:

"Common man should accept the ācāryas. They must follow. Ācāryopāsanam. Just like in India the Sikhs, they follow Guru Nanak. So Guru Nanak says, "Yes, Kṛṣṇa, incarnation of God." So they should accept, that's all. Not that every Sikh is expected to be unlimited as Guru Nanak. That is not expected. But they should follow Guru Nanak. Then they will understand. Guru Nanak says, "Kṛṣṇa is incarnation of God." The all the Sikhs should accept, "Yes, Kṛṣṇa is..." Then it is all right. It is not expected that every Sikh will understand Kṛṣṇa. Mahājano yena gataḥ sa panthāḥ [Cc. Madhya 17.186]."

HpS - Thank you!!


Letter to: All G.B.C., All Temple Presidents—
9 July, 1977
To All G.B.C., and Temple Presidents
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. Recently when all of the
GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrndavana, Srila Prabhupada
indicated that soon He would appoint some of His senior disciples to act as
"rittik" [ritvik] – representative of the acarya, for the purpose of performing
initiations, both first initiation and second initiation. His Divine Grace has so
far given a list of eleven disciples who will act in that capacity:
His Holiness Kirtanananda Swami
His Holiness Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami
His Holiness Jayapataka Swami
His Holiness Tamala Krsna Gosvami
His Holiness Hrdayananda Gosvami
His Holiness Bhavananda Gosvami
His Holiness Hansadutta Swami
His Holiness Ramesvara Swami
His Holiness Harikesa Swami
His Grace Bhagavan dasa Adhikari
His Grace Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari
In the past Temple Presidents have written to Srila Prabhupada
recommending a particular devotee's initiation. Now that Srila Prabhupada
has named these representatives, Temple Presidents may henceforward send
recommendation for first and second initiation to whichever of these eleven
representatives are nearest their temple. After considering the
recommendation, these representatives may accept the devotee as an initiated
disciple of Srila Prabhupada by giving a spiritual name, or in the case of
second initiation, by chanting on the Gayatri thread, just as Srila Prabhupada
has done. The newly initiated devotees are disciples of His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, the above eleven senior devotees acting as
His representative. After the Temple President receives a letter from these
representatives giving the spiritual name or the thread, he can perform the
fire yajna in the temple as was being done before. The name of a newly
initiated disciple should be sent by the representative who has accepted him or
her to Srila Prabhupada, to be included in His Divine Grace's "Initiated
Disciples" book.
Hoping this finds you all well.
Your servant,
Tamala Krsna Gosvami
Secretary to Srila Prabhupada
Approved: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

HpS - Thank you again. For me it is simple. I am following Srila Prabhupada and I am going back to play with Krsna and anybody following me following Srila Prabhupada will also go back. Back to your service in the Sankirtan movment at any level and it will all become very clear.

Photo of us attached.

Carta de Madre Lavanga

5 years, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Pamho! AgtSP! la Madre tiene su cuenta en el blog pero no tuvo exito, no se ve el texto.

Muy apreciado Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami, reverencias a sus pies.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Agradezco mucho la oportunidad de poder comunicarme directamente con usted.

Mi nombre es Lavanga dasi (GPS) Luz María Villarruel Ponce, lo conozco desde la primera vez que vino a México creo fue en 1996, he intentado seguir sus actividades ya que su prédica me parece sumamente importante.  

Me entere que nuevamente somos afortunados de tenerlo con nosotros y quise estar más informada para poder participar en las actividades que tienen planeadas y apoyar. Así que madre Asta Sakhi dd muy gentilmente me indico que estar en este blog es la mejor forma.

Por favor Su Santidad, considere que soy su sirvienta y permita que pueda yo apoyar su proyecto educativo, estoy invitando al conversatorio “La Educación lo Sagrado” a unas amigas maestras, ojala puedan poner este día en su agenda.

Con profundo afecto y consideración.

Su sirvienta

Lavanga dasi

HpS - AgtSP Paoho. Please use to read this letter. We will be happy to see you on Mexico. Please read our Kapi Dhvaja, news bulletin, on our Webpage

Thank you. Very best wishes for your Sankirtan.


5 years, 1 month ago by Aristasena in Special Category A



Apreciable Guru Maharaji. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Espero que se encuentre bien y esté gozando de buena salud. La presente carta es para comunicarle que hace algunos días tuvimos una reunión entre algunos hermanos espirituales (Madre Lalita Gopi, Madre Gopi Radha, Prabhu Sacinandana, Madre Saranagati, Prabhu Aristasena). La finalidad de la misma fue iniciar un dialogo mediante el cual pudiéramos expresar nuestras inquietudes y preocupaciones con respecto a la forma en estan pasando la comunicación y organización de sus visitas.  

             En la conversación dada entre hermanos espirituales se sugiere que se forme un comité de devotos con segunda iniciación a fin de generar equidad en la toma de decisiones para hacer posible la integración y participación. Dicho comité estaría integrado por Prabhu Jagat Bandhu, Madre Lalita Gopi, Madre Gopi Radha, Prabhu Sacinandana, Madre Saranagati, Prabhu Aristasena.

               Teniendo la encomienda de ser comunicador sobre las anteriores inquietudes, y deseando servir a sus pies de loto, se despide su sirviente.

Aristasena das

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!




Dear Guru Maharaji. Please accept my humble obeisances. I hope this letter gets you in good health. The present report is to inform you, that a few days ago we had a meeting between some spiritual brothers (Mother Lalita Gopi, Mother Gopi Radha, Prabhu Sacinandana, Mother Saranagati, Prabhu Aristasena). The purpose was to initiate a dialogue through which we could express our concerns regarding the way in which has been conducted the communication and organization of your visits. What was considered was the following aspects and conforming a Committee, which, if you approve, take charge of these matters and a direct communication to you:

We suggest forming a committee of Prabhu Jagat Bandhu, Madre Lalita Gopi, Madre Gopi Radha, Prabhu Sacinandana, Madre Saranagati, Prabhu Aristasena for organizing and representing México´s Yatra, of spiritual brothers and aspirants. Also the communication charge that allows a contact to you.

[Translation, Lalita Gopi d. d.]

HpS - Hare Krsna. AGTSP. Paoho. Primero Ingles y despues

Thank you so much for this letter. We ask people to use the Priority Code given in each Kapi Dhvaja because that means that they should be looking at and reading the Kapi Dhvaja. If the don't do that then we have to repeat and inform them of so many basic things that are mentioned in the Kapi Dhvaja that we cannot possible have efficient communication.

We try to answer other letters but especially when we are traveling it is very difficult. We have six hours of regular preaching programs daily and converse with dozens of devotees.

Next, from Bhakit Svarupa Damodara Swami, our Sannyasa guru, we learned that in this kind of format we can glorify devotees by name but best to villify them only with reference to general principles.

Criticizing other devotees is very delicate and we should do it in terms of Upadesamrta 5.

In terms of communicating with us, we are always trying to start with the Kapi Dhvaja and personal communication while traveling. Then there is this Blog. Anyone can write in the proper way and then we all can make decisions about initiations, travel plans, public preaching programs and engaging junior devotees in good programs.

Just because we give Diksa to someone does not mean that we have to be their principal Siksa guru or Sankirtan leader. It can be natural. Of course Srila Prabhupada is the principal Guru in both of these cases, no? Our Sankirtan party is the Anjana Suta Academy and we can coordinate cooperation though that institution rather than by an institution of devotees who have taken Diksa from us. O.K? Of course, Vyasa puja is an annual event related to this Diksa process and there are others that are a part of our Sankirtan. Diksa and Sankirtan are connected. You have to investigate how to coordinate the two.

As far as a committee goes, let us discuss it when we are in Mexico. You and me, others.

If we communicate here then we can form committees, working teams etc. very naturally. O.K?

Waiting for your next letter (with current Priority Code 😁).



HpS - Hare Krsna. AGTSP. Paoho Primero Ingles y despues

Muchas gracias por esta carta. Le pedimos a las personas que usen el Código de prioridad dado en cada Kapi Dhvaja porque eso significa que deberían estar mirando y leyendo el Kapi Dhvaja. Si no lo hacen, entonces tenemos que repetir e informarles de tantas cosas básicas que se mencionan en el Kapi Dhvaja que no podemos tener una comunicación eficiente.

Tratamos de responder otras cartas, pero especialmente cuando viajamos es muy difícil. Tenemos seis horas de programas regulares de predicación diariamente y conversamos con docenas de devotos.

Luego, de Bhakit Svarupa Damodara Swami, nuestro gurú Sannyasa, aprendimos que en este tipo de formato podemos glorificar a los devotos por su nombre, pero lo mejor es vilipendiarlos solo con referencia a principios generales no nombre.

Criticar a otros devotos es muy delicado y debemos hacerlo en términos de Upadesamrta 5.

En términos de comunicación con nosotros, siempre estamos tratando de comenzar con el Kapi Dhvaja y la comunicación personal mientras viajamos. Luego está este Blog. Cualquiera puede escribir de la manera adecuada y luego todos podemos tomar decisiones sobre iniciaciones, planes de viaje, programas de predicación pública y la participación de devotos jóvenes en buenos programas.

El hecho de que le demos Diksa a alguien no significa que tengamos que ser su principal gurú Siksa o líder Sankirtan. Puede ser natural pero tambien puede ser otro, por ejemplo Bh. Bhusana Swami. Por supuesto, Srila Prabhupada es el Gurú principal en ambos casos, ¿no? Nuestra grupo de Sankirtan es la Academia Anjana Suta y podemos coordinar la cooperación a través de esa institución en lugar de por una institución de devotos que nos han dando Diksa. ¿OKAY? Por supuesto, Vyasa puja es un evento anual relacionado con este proceso de Diksa y hay otros que forman parte de nuestro Sankirtan. Diksa y Sankirtan están conectados. Tienes que investigar cómo coordinar los dos.

En cuanto a un comité, podemos hablemos de ello cuando estemos en México? Tú y yo, otros.

Si nos comunicamos aquí, entonces podemos formar comités, equipos de trabajo, etc. de forma muy natural.

Esperando su próxima carta (con el Código de prioridad actual😁) HpS - ASA