
4 years, 11 months ago by denukha108akd in Special Category A

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Jaya Guru Maharaja

Mayapur Dham Ki Jaya! Jaya Goura Nitai!

Reciba por favor mis reverencias Gurudeva.

Por fin podmeos comunicarnos, somos los muy ignorantes para asuntos de la web y tuve muchos probelmas para escribir desde el Cell. Estamos en Mayapur Dham, pudimos llegar a India!! Unos dias de servicion en el templo de Sri Radha Parthasarati y ahora aqui en la tierra santa de Mahaprabhu. Fuimos recibidos con muchas facilidades, desde un inicio, todo ha sido maravilloso y auspiciso, estamos esforzando por cantra 20 buenas rondas, leer Upadesamrta y hacer algunos humildes servicios, como dar prasadam y barrer los samadhis de S.S Goura Govinda Swami, S.S Tamal Krsna Maharaja y S.S Bhakti Tirtha Swami. Nuestra idea es ir tambien a Jagganatha Puri Dham, Sur de India (como Usted nos instruyo( y finalmente) Vrndavan.

Oramos y suplicamos por tener sus bendiciones y de mis hermanos espirituales para poder tener uan adecuada conciencia aqui, en especial de Sriman Raktak das, P Jagad Bandhu das, Prabu Jayadeva Goswami das, Prabu Abhirama das, Madre Asthasakhi Devi dasi y Madre Jambavati dvei dasi, por quienes tengo un especial aprecio y admiracion como mis mayores.

Hemos tomado Darsan de nuestro Siksa Guru Jayapataka Swami y por fortuna despues de tanto tiempo, nos reconocio y nos dio sus bendiciones para ir a Puri. Es por su Gracia que pudimos llegar, solo por su misericodia Guru Maharaja. Hemos visitado Yoga Pit y otros sitios sagrados… tambien el Samadhi de Su Santidad Jayananda Prabhu, lloramos a sus pies agradecidos por poder hacer un diminuto servicio para Sri Jagannatha en Mexico y Guadalajara.

Postrado a sus pies, su eterno aspirante a sirviente:

Akincana Krsna das

ASA - Gracias ..... AGTSP ..... Siempre recomendamos que escriba diariamente, cada hora de sus experiencias. Incluso cosas simples como "Almorcé Prasadamen el Salón del Templo ", porque dentro de cinco años, cuando leas estas notas, te traerán todos los recuerdos. Sí, los Dhamas se cubren en el Kali-yuga y no es el Yuga Dharma viajar a los Dhamas, pero ... si realizamos el Yuga-dharma de Sankirtana, Japa-nama, entonces podemos penetrar la cobertura de Maya y ver, ver, ver el Santo Dhamas. ¡Todo en ellos es espiritual!


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Jaya Guru Maharaja

Mayapur Dham Ki Jaya! Jaya Goura Nitai!

Please receive my obeisances Gurudeva.

Finally we can communicate, we are very ignorant for web issues and I had many problems to write from the Cell. We are in Mayapur Dham, we were able to get to India !! A few days of service in the temple of Sri Radha Parthasarati and now here in the holy land of Mahaprabhu. We were received with many facilities, from the beginning, everything has been wonderful and auspicious, we are striving to sing 20 good rounds, read Upadesamrta and do some humble services, such as giving prasadam and sweeping the samadhis of SS Goura Govinda Swami, SS Tamal Krsna Maharaja and SS Bhakti Tirtha Swami. Our idea is also to go to Jagganatha Puri Dham, South India (as you instructed us (and finally) Vrndavan.

We pray and beg to have your blessings and my spiritual brothers to be able to have an adequate awareness here, especially Sriman Raktak das, P Jagad Bandhu das, Prabu Jayadeva Goswami das, Prabu Abhirama das, Mother Asthasakhi Devi dasi and Mother Jambavati dvei dasi , for whom I have a special appreciation and admiration as my elders.

We have taken Darsan from our Siksa Guru Jayapataka Swami and fortunately after so long, he recognized us and gave us his blessings to go to Puri. It is because of his Grace that we could arrive, only because of his mercy Guru Maharaja. We have visited Yoga Pit and other sacred sites ... also the Samadhi of His Holiness Jayananda Prabhu, we cry at his feet grateful to be able to do a tiny service for Sri Jagannatha in Mexico and Guadalajara.

Placed at his feet, his eternal aspiring servant:

Akincana Krsna das

ASA - Thank you..... AGTSP..... We always recommend that you write daily, hourly of your experiences. Even simple things like, "Had lunch in the Temple Prasadam Hall", because five years from now, when you read these notes they will bring back all the memories. Yes, the Dhamas do become covered in the Kali-yuga and it is not the Yuga dharma to travel to the Dhamas, but... if we perform the Yuga-dharma of Sankirtana, Japa-nama, then we can penetrate the covering of Maya and see, see, see the Holy Dhamas. Everything in them is spiritual!

Urgent: BSU Program (Bananacicle)

4 years, 12 months ago by Boisekids in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you so much for mentioning that you can do a program at BSU when you come to Boise this year. The topic you suggested, "How to think? C.G. Jung in Modern Science and Traditional Mysticism" looks perfect to us. Looking for advice from Anjana Suta Academy and other devotees on which day you can do the program so I can start working on it (the university requires us to start the process at least one month before the event). Thank you so much for sustaining us through your mercy Guru Maharaja.

Your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!!!!!! paoho.... We arrive like 9AM on thursday 19th, so we could do programs 19th or 20th at BSU, no? Just co-ordinate the dates with Radhika-raman Das, Anantarupa Das. How to think!! We can then invite people to programs on the following days!

Call for Articles

4 years, 12 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Follows our letter to the Ministry of Education members and followers. It is a call for articles for the next Viplavah, March 9, 2020. You can also submit articles!!

= = = = = =

Hare Krsna, Prabhus,

AGTSP!  Paoho...

Hope this meets you well with Krsna driving your chariot.

We already have some excellent articles for the next Viplavah: Strong reading list for knowing Islam for interfaith dialog, report on the Bhaktivedanta Lawyer's Association meeting in Gainseville, North American Sastra Samela June 2020 etc.

We need:

Inspiration and strategy from our Minister of Education.

Quarterly Reports from Executive Committee Member: Who are you? What have you done and what do you plan to do during the past and next quarter etc, and same from Executive Secretary including reports from and status of Zonal Representatives.

Articles from Guru-bhakti Devi Dasi about BMA meeting, Subhra Devi Dasi about Primary School Education ni North America, Gandharva Das about Ed. Dev. in Andenan Community, Abhirama thakura Das General Ed. Dev. in South America, Rama-giridhari Das several articles not posted in last Viplavah, Radhika-ramana Das - "Next Issue" for the Summer, August Issue.

If we don't hear from you then our Sub-normal Staff of Mental Midgets from the Anjana Suta Academy will write something for you.

Lettuce set a dead-line of 23 February, Amavasya, three weaks from now, for articles. Of course, if you send them earlier then we will have chance for an editorial exchange.

That will give us one fortnight for final editing, formatting and release on...


ISKCON Ministry of Education, pioneering Spiritual LIfe into the Next Frontier!

Hermanos Espirituales Mayores

5 years ago by hps in Special Category A

Gracias por la carta. Pido disculpas por haber tardado 10 días en responder. Nos ha llevado tiempo recuperarnos de los viajes y, por supuesto, todos sabemos que las fuerzas físicas y mentales del pasado 55 han terminado. Ahora tenemos que trabajar con nuestra inteligencia.

No le hemos pedido específicamente a nadie que se encargue de guiar a nuestros discípulos en ninguna pais. Claro Jayapataka Swami, Radhanatha Swami toma esta papel diferente que yo in detalle, pero personalment no le hemos pedido específicamente a nadie que se encargue de guiar a nuestros discípulos en ninguna pais.

Cualquiera que conozca la ciencia de Krsna puede dar consejos. Si hemos tomado segunda iniciación y estamos siguiendo el proceso, entonces ciertamente podemos dar consejos, pero cualquiera que conozca la ciencia puede dar consejos en términos de su desarrollo, ¿no?

Además, esperamos que aquellos que han sido iniciados durante muchos años en ISKCON hayan desarrollado un buen conocimiento de esta ciencia, pero ese no es siempre el caso. Podemos venir con conocimiento, no podemos seguirlo tan estrictamente como una persona más joven.

Yo soy funcionando como Diksa guru para unos, pero para nosotors ese es como el sacerdote, Brahmana, quien haz la matrimonio. Es un fomalidad pero no sin significado. Tambien estoy funcionando como Siksa guru. Es normal como tomamos Diksa guru a uno quien es nuestra Siksa guru prominent.

Si no son transparent a Srila Prabhupada, todo tipo de servicio como 'Guru' es invalido.

Entonces, puede tomar Siksa, consejo, de otros discipulos, Diksa de nosotros, o de discipulos de otro Diksa gurus. Todos son modos ser discipulo de Srila Prabhupada y ultimament El Guru Supremo, Krsna!

Viplavah Link

5 years ago by hps in Special Category A

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: ISKCON <>

To: ""

Sent: Friday, January 17, 2020, 10:09:05 AM CST

Subject: VIPLAVAH (December 2019 Edition)

View this email in your browser<img src="">                               Hare Krsna Respected Devotee,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please find linked a pdf of the latest issue of Viplavah (the ISKCON Ministry of Education’s quarterly journal).

We hope this edition will be useful and interesting to you in many ways. 

Thank you.

Hare Krsna. 

Your servant, 

Nrsingha-tirtha dasa

ISKCON Ministry of Education

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