how to make eveything spiritual

5 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaj,


we never understood the importance of ritualistic following 16 rounds and 4 regs.

5.15.3 says

"If one rigidly observes the regulative principle of chanting sixteen rounds of the mahā-mantra every day, his dealings with the material world for the sake of spreading the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement are not different from the spiritual cultivation of Kṛṣṇa consciousness."

for the benefit of readers.

money follower.

ASA - Money follower or Monkey follower, or as in our case, Monkey Money follower?


HpS - ASA - It was very nice to get your association in Delhi, Noida. It was such a short "busness" trip that we did not have much time to associate with anyone on more brahminical terms. Please don´t give up on us!

In terms of your question our first thought is what we heard ine time from a lecture of something that Srila Prabhupada said that following these rituals of vaidhi bhakti are like the marriage ceremony. It is a formality. The marriage has already been arranged before the ceremony, but it is not without meaning. If the rituals are dictated by an Acharya according to time, place and circumstance they are the practical application of the general principles found in the Vedas, and beyond that there is the aspect of this standard being the contract between us and Krsna by the media of the Acharya. Even if following the rituals has some defect, it is the standard established by our Master and He will adjust for any mistakes.

There are three ways to do things! The right way, the wrong way and the ISKCON way!!

Yes, Sir!!


Standards for Jagannath

5 years, 4 months ago by Sugopi Radha dd in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I had a question about JBS deities. In the past, people have asked us to have Jagannath but we weren't ready so we did not accept.

On Saturday, someone brought them to our house. My parents think we are still not ready to worship them because our standard is not enough. I was wondering if you could enlighten us on what standards Jagannath requires and if you think we could be qualified to worship him. Thank you very much 🙏

Your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha dd

HpS - AGTSP.... paoho.... Very nice question for everybody. I don't think we have any perfect knowledge on the subject. JBS are 80% merciful as I understand. Gaura-Nitai 100% except for Vaisnava aparadha. Radha Krsna, very strict. Love, Cleanliness, Punctuality, Paraphernalia-Rituals.

Those are the priorities.

You can keep Them in the house and don't have to worship Them by Arcana. There are pictures of JBS in Srila Prabhupada's books.

On the altar, if you are following Japa vrata and 4-principles and can keep Them clean and have regular offerings of Incense, Flowers, Lamp, and Bhoga, then that would be nice worship.

Mangala arati, Evening Arati.

It can be simple eg. Incense, Lamp, Flower.



5 years, 4 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

Please excuse the delay of this report, the donkey is still low on energy, but, by his mercy and Sadai Nimai-Nitai we are improving. Next, there is an estimated budget for the realization of the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: EDUCATION AND THE SACRED, the LOB exhibition and the KALA KENDRA Fair.




4 videos from 1 to 1.30 minutes: 600


General Advertising (2 gigantography of 5mt x 3.5mt, 8000 flyers,

2000 16-page hand programs, 100 posters): 700

Kala Kendra Fair: 540

LOB Exhibition: 380



Stay and lodging: 650

Buffet + Decoration: 480

Simultaneous Translation (1 day): 400 


Image and sound recording and summary videos: 500


Artists and instruments mobility: 250

Bhoga for event week: 160

Mobility for exhibitors: 80

Total = $4,740


As responsible for the organization of these events, I have signed a document of commitment to the administration of the university assuming that any damage to the auditorium or esplanade during the realization of the Symposium, exhibition and Fair are our responsibility and we have to fix it.

Annex, I send you the letter of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and the Center for Asian Studies CEAS, approving the realization of the events and the letter of the Dean of Administrative Sciences authorizing the use of the Auditorium for the Symposium and the esplanade for the exhibition and Fair.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, your useless servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP. Paoho. Is good your body is better. Thank you for the budget. Yes, is a little late to make decisions now, no? Also there is $800 for Solaris and maybe $1000 for Oscar Natars?

Also, the four short videos - maybe just one now? We can use it next year also and make more, no? $1,200 for LOB and Kalakendra, what is that for?

San Marcos and the fairs are only three days and one week, no?

The other days that Radhika and his family are there, will we do programs with other institutions? Have we sent invitation to Wilson, Chosica, San Borjes ISKCON to host marvelous programs?

Thank you.

Por favor disculpa la demora de este informe, el burro todavía sigue con poca energía, pero, por su misericordia y de Sadai Nimai-Nitai estamos mejorando. A continuación, va un presupuesto estimado para la realización del SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO, de la exhibición LOB y de la Feria KALA KENDRA.



4 videos de 1 a 1.30 minutos: 600


Publicidad general (2 gigantografías de 5mt x 3.5 mt, 8000 volantes,

2000 programas de mano de 16 pp, 100 afiches): 700

Feria de Kala Kendra: 540

Exposición LOB: 380


Estancia y alojamiento: 650

Buffet + Decoración: 460

Traducción simultánea (1 día): 400


grabación de imagen y sonido y videos de resumen: 500


Movilidad de artistas e instrumentos: 250

Bhoga para la semana del evento: 160

Movilidad para expositores: 80

Total = $4,740

Como responsable de la organización de estos eventos, he firmado un documento de compromiso con la administración de la universidad asumiendo que cualquier daño al auditorio o explanada durante la realización del Simposio, Exhibición y Feria son de nuestra responsabilidad y tenemos que arreglarlo.

Anexo le envío la carta del Vice-rectorado de investigación y del Centro de Estudios Asiáticos CEAS, aprobando la realización de los eventos y la carta del Decano de Ciencias Administrativas autorizando el uso del Auditorio para el Simposio y de la explanada para la Exposición y Feria.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, su inútil sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

Urgent: Creating association

5 years, 4 months ago by Kamagayatri in Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Gurudev,

Please accept our most humble obeisances.

All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

We wanted to get your blessings on an endeavor. We have been associating with new devotees on Friday and Sunday: one who is a former disciple of Muktananda and another a former LA temple Bhakta (20 years ago). Both are pretty sincere. I asked them if they wanted to read scriptures together at the temple. They seemed relieved almost that I asked them (both are new to Boise) and we have our first meeting tomorrow. Also I asked a few other bhaktin types (Alicia, Andrea, etc if they would like to join a women sangha group and a some seemed enlivened by the subject. Ananta Rupa gave permission for the group meeting on Tuesdays at 7 and now we hope to also seek the blessings/permission from you Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Yes!! AGTSP paoho.

God bless you!

Also, with your permission and guidance, it would be the most practical and most honorable task to follow your current Tave Pache Pache (you are also welcome to say no of course and we will understand). Since I attempted to follow it a few years ago as a befuddling spectator and participant, I am somewhat familiar with the contents. Also when questions arise we could seek guidance from the Bhakti-Vaibava crew: Sundari Radhika, Sugopi, Sreenivas, Radhika Raman and Ananta Rupa etc especially when preparing for the upcoming meeting. Also with your recommendation if you deem fit, we could read 2 verses a week (starting with NOI) for the first 30 minutes, then read the study guide, answer questions together as a group, and have a short discussion (similar to the current Bh. Vai. format).

The main personal purpose is to create a sangha to study together, learn content together, and follow a schedule to study (following the guidance outlined in TPP Preface). The other aspect is the new comers who are really interested need association and especially need association with Prabhupada (then it may stick! who knows...). We are putting urgent in the subject field only because we somehow blurted out this idea to the woman folk this Sunday (it came from the Supersoul or from our desperate mind, who knows?) It may have come out of inspiration after hearing your recent reviews of NOI last week and we had a great desire to do Bhakti Sastri again (we tried to join a Gita Nagari group, but were rejected due to it being over capacity at over 80 students!!). We just know we can't do it alone, but we are hoping in this format and with guidance it may be possible. We apologize for not asking first. We are interested in your thoughts/opinions/guidance.

Thank you so much.

Your aspiring servant,

Kamagayatri Dasi

Urgente - Reflexiones Institucionales

5 years, 4 months ago by anandamayadas in Special Category A

Algunas Reflexiones Institucionales.

ASA - Respondaremos en la Ingles abajo.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, este es un apéndice de nuestro reporte.

A estas alturas la nueva Junta Legal debe estar instalándose, asumiendo funciones y solicitando documentos y poderes de la anterior Junta, esperamos que no demoren mucho en esa gestión. Sin embargo humildemente pensamos que es necesario sentarse a conversar no solo con los líderes administrativos sino también con otros devotos activos y representativos en el Yatra, acerca de la funcionalidad de la Junta Legal y la Junta Nacional, porque existe cierta confusión incluso en los mismos miembros de ambas Juntas acerca de lo que corresponde y no a ambas, y esto ha generado en el pasado la asunción y evasión de responsabilidades que no les correspondían.

Además pensamos que se debe aclarar la naturaleza de la Junta Legal, si será esta solo para una relación técnica o no de Iskcon con el Estado Peruano. Creemos como muy necesario que ambas Juntas tomen el apoyo del consejo de otros devotos representativos en el Yatra para definir esa figura. Nosotros somos de la opinión de fusionar ambas Juntas, y tener una relación más trasparente con el Estado Peruano, abriendo el padrón de miembros a aquellos que representan fielmente a Iskcon y dándole la posibilidad a la comunidad a que elijan a futuro sus representantes, protegiendo las propiedades y negocios con un comité de devotos mayores que sirvan como trustes (ingles) o propietarios..

Otro gran reto que tiene esta nueva junta legal es el mejoramiento de los estatutos, pero nuevamente eso tendrá validez en nuestra Institución en la interna, solo cuando definamos que naturaleza cumple la Junta Legal. En todo caso urge en el Yatra unos estatutos o normas institucionales locales, basadas en la ley de Iskcon, desde lo básico y también detalles que guíen el accionar de los líderes y miembros, que establezca perfiles de servicio y que defina responsabilidades e incluso sanciones en caso de que algún miembro rompa las normas. Seria más sencilla la figura con una sola Junta con sus propios estatutos.

Ya es tiempo de poner en acción el banco de datos (censo) para saber con quienes se puede trabajar, en que porcentajes, habilidades, talentos, profesiones, tiempo, etc. De los devotos y estructurar mejor nuestra organización.

“Cuando el gato no está, los ratones hacen fiesta” Perú tiene una idiosincrasia muy particular, pasa a todo nivel, es un tema que no se discute, ya que está en las noticias todos los días. Y también sucede en nuestra institución. Por eso seguimos sugiriendo que el Supervisor de GBC sea un devoto que viva en Perú, o que tenga su propio representante viviendo en Perú. Es una figura que está facultada incluso por la ley de Iskcon, y se menciona que podrían ser más de un representante incluso.

Tenemos la esperanza de que algún día los miembros de la institución nos elevemos gradualmente a madhyama adhikaris especialmente los líderes del Yatra, así la envidia propia del Kanistha adhikari manifestada como temor, desconfianza, sectarismo, grupos cerrados, corrupción y otros cedan a la comunicación, organización, amor y confianza propia de los madhyamas maduros. Quizás ahora pueda ser un sueño pero debemos apuntar a eso.

            Perdone lo extenso de la nota. Para servirle, en el servicio a Srila Prabhupada.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Some Institutional Reflections.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, this is an appendix to our report.

At this point the new Legal Board must be settling down, assuming functions and requesting documents and powers from the previous Board, we hope that they will not take long in that management. However, we humbly think that it is necessary to sit down to talk not only with the administrative leaders but also with other active and representative devotees in the Yatra, about the functionality of the Legal Board and the National Board, because there is some confusion even in the same members of both Boards about what corresponds and not to both,

ASA - Yes, and it seems that they themselves have arrived at the same conclusion, so we hear that Karuna-krsna Das will become the President of the Junta National so that power of the two will not be mixed.

. . . and this has generated in the past the assumption and evasion of responsibilities that did not correspond to them.

We also think that the nature of the Legal Board should be clarified, whether it will be only for a technical relationship or not of Iskcon with the Peruvian State. We believe it is very necessary that both Boards take the support of the council of other representative devotees in the Yatra to define that figure. We are of the opinion of merging both Boards, and having a more transparent relationship with the Peruvian State, opening the list of members to those who faithfully represent Iskcon and giving the community the possibility to choose their representatives in the future, protecting the property and business with a committee of senior devotees who serve as trusts (English) or owners.

ASA - This letter is a good place to start. We will try to include you in all the work we do on these things. We agree with your ideas completely. Now we have to prioritize them and implement those, no?

Another great challenge that this new legal board has is the improvement of the statutes, but again that will be valid in our Institution in the inmate, only when we define what nature the Legal Board meets. In any case, the Yatra urges local statutes or institutional norms, based on Iskcon's law, from the basics and also details that guide the actions of leaders and members, that establish service profiles and that define responsibilities and even sanctions in If any member breaks the rules. The figure with a single Board with its own bylaws would be simpler.

ASA - One problem, that may arise is that the property might need to legally be in the hands of one Association, so that the day to day actions of the Sankirtan did not threaten loss of the property eg. If someone has damage in Govinda's Natural Products and wants to make economic claim for damages, that is limited to Govinda's because the Legal Association is only renting the property and has done reasonable inspection of its use.

It is time to put the database (census) into action to know who you can work with, in what percentages, skills, talents, professions, time, etc. Devotees and better structure our organization.

"When the cat is not there, the mice are partying" Peru has a very particular idiosyncrasy, it happens at all levels, it is a topic that is not discussed, since it is in the news every day. And it also happens in our institution. That is why we continue to suggest that the GBC Supervisor be a devotee who lives in Peru, or has his own representative living in Peru. It is a figure that is empowered even by Iskcon's law, and it is mentioned that they could be more than one representative even.

ASA - This should be the President, Members of the National Council, no? These include Temple Presidents.

We hope that someday the members of the institution will gradually rise to madhyama adhikaris especially the leaders of the Yatra, thus the envy of Kanistha adhikari manifested as fear, distrust, sectarianism, closed groups, corruption and others yield to communication, organization, love and confidence of mature madhyamas. Maybe now it can be a dream but we must point to that.

       Sorry for the length of the note. To serve you, in the service of Srila Prabhupada.

ASA - We have arrived at almost the same conclusions independently. Maybe others have done the same. This Blog Post is good place to start. Print it. Circulate it. Discuss it. Write more.

Mis respetuosas reverencias Mi Guru Majarsh. Tengo una pregunta importante de responder.

5 years, 4 months ago by wilfredo in Special Category A

Reciba Ud. Mis repetuosas revererencias mi querido Guru Maharsh aqui en Lima continuando con mi Servicio Devocional y con mucho imteres a la respuesta que le dara a mi siguiente pregunta: Estuve leyendo el Libro PRABHUPADA de Su S.S Satuasuarupa Harash en especial el ultimo Capitulo Titulado LA ULTIMA INSTRUCCION ahi se señala algunas instrucciones pra la administracion y pra la vida cuidado de devotos. Mi pregunta es de las instrucciones que Srila Prabhupada a dado ¿Cual es la mas relevante? ¿De todas las instrucciones dadas para la conduccion administrativa y espiritual de ISCKON cuales serian las que se pueden aplicar en el contexto actual? ¿Cual es la manera de corregir o mejorar la adminitracion? Suplico que sea extenso en su respuesta y tambien pido perdon por cualquier ofensa cometida con mi pregunta ante Ud y Sri Krishna y Radaharani. Dandavats. Su Sirviente eterno VISALA DAS.

ASA - Me gustaría ser extenso y tal vez tengamos más tiempo para responder más tarde, pero si ve nuestras publicaciones, puede ver que estamos trabajando muy duro. Aún así, creo que puedo dar algo de ayuda.

Cuando estaba en San Francisco, Berkeley, un periodista le preguntó a Srila Prabhupada: "¿Qué pasará con tu movimiento cuando mueras?" y con gran fuerza respondió Srila Prabhupada, escuchamos esto de sus labios: "Nunca moriré. Viviré para siempre en mis libros".

Así que hay la mayor cantidad de instrucciones de importación. Tener una relación viva con Srila Prabhupada en sus libros. Administración significa organizar cosas para ayudar a los devotos a hacer esto.

Mañana y tarde sentados juntos y leyendo y discutiendo sus libros.

Corazón puro, buena inteligencia, toda la información vendrá.