Urgent Sankirtana in Bs As Argentina

4 years, 9 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category A

Hare Krsna

Hope you be super in your visit to Mar del Plata.

We have been talking with Professor Carlos Rua, Director of Oriental Studies at the Universidad del Salvador, and he has had a good impression of the conversation he has had with you and is willing to collaborate in many aspects, not only to write on Solaris but also to collaborate in difucion, participation of the activities, events to be carried out and in maintaining new dialogues. Rati Manjari has approached him the possibility of writing a few words about the meeting he had with you and has addressed these words ...

Dear Professor Huber Robinson:

Interreligious dialogue is an essential element for understanding and approaching different cultures. The exchange of different points of view, the Darshanas as the Hindus would say, is fundamental for personal growth. Sharing the experiences of life is enriching for every person and a growth in the search for a sense of one's own existence.

I was very appreciative of the talk we had and I greatly value the time given. I hope we can meet on another occasion I greet you very attentively,

Dr. Carlos Manuel Rua

Director School of Oriental Studies

Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Oriental Studies Universidad del Salvador


it is also possible that he is an interviewee for the documentary of education and the sacred.

Thanks for your efforts and inspiration.

i attached the letter written by Carlos Rua and photos of you together

your servent Ambarisa Das

HpS - ASA --- We saw the letter from the Professor. It is very nice. Our meeting with Prof. Nantes was also very nice. We can only hope that the super intelligence and beauty of Srila Rupa Goswami will be an explosion in their lives. See you again in three hours.

Hemos estado hablando con el profesor Carlos Rua, director de Estudios Orientales de la Universidad del Salvador, y ha tenido una buena impresion de la charla que hatenido con usted y esta a disposicion de colaborar en muchos aspectos, no sola para escribir en solaris si no en colaborar en difucion, participacion de las actividades, eventos a realizar y en mantener nuevos dialogos. Rati Manjari le ha acercado la posibilidad de que escribiese unasa palabras sobre el encuentro que mantuvo con usted y ha dirijido estas palabras...Estimado Profesor Huber Robinson:

El dialogo interreligioso es un elemento imprescindible para la comprension y acercamiento de las distintas culturas. El intercambio de distintos puntos de vista, las Darshanas como dirian los hindues, es fundamental para el crecimiento personal. Compartir las vivencias de vida es enriquecedor para toda persona y un crecimiento en la busqueda de sentido de la propia existencia.

fue de mucho aprecio para mi la charla que tuvimos y valoro considerablemente el tiempo dispensado. Espero poder reunirnos en otra ocasion lo saludo muy atentamente,  

Dr. Carlos Manuel Rua

Director Escuela de Estudios Orientales

Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Estudios Orientales Universidad del Salvador


tambien es posible que sea un entrevistado para el documental de educacion y lo sagrado .

gracias por sus esfuerzos e inspiracion

adjunto la carta escrita por Carlos Rua y fotos de usted con el.

su sirviente Ambarisa das

News from Radhakunda. VERY URGENT

4 years, 9 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



My dear guruji:

Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

Sorry for disturbing you again but we need your help.

One friend of the family wants to visit Peru, specially touristic places like Machu-pichu, he is an Indian citizen and he needs an invitation letter to visit Peru.

He is a very influential political person in India. He is the Chief Policeman in whole Madhya Pradesh, one of the biggest states in India.

Giridhari says "a very big guy here"

We were thinking that maybe the President of the temple in Chosica can issue this invitation letter for him and maybe invite him for prasadam some day.

We would like also to contact Drstya Divya, maybe she can help him to plan his trip and book hotels and guide him there.

We do not know yet when will he go, he's starting to plan his trip visiting Peru, Colombia and Mexico.

I don't know if you have also one disciple in Colombia who can help him to have a nice trip. Hes not an Iskcon devotee but he respects and helps devotees very much. It would be great if you could meet him in Peru and establish a relationship with him since, thinking in the future, he can help us when you decide to come to live in Radhakund with all government papers.

He's helping now Giridhari to do his visa thing.

My dear guru Maharaja, We would appreciate very much your help in this matter, please tell us who can we contact in Chosica to be able to help this person.

Thank you very much for your mercy.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!! I thought we answered this letter!? Sorry. We are traveling like mad now with crisis every hour. In Colombia I don't know anyone. In Peru we also don't know anyone who could handle this officially but I will send a letter to your email address with copy to Abhirama Thakura Das. I think maybe he can help.

Of course he speaks spanish.

Thank you.

Esta Noche

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Nacimos en la isla de Guam en el Océano Pacífico en 1948. Así que siempre hemos sido inclinados hacia el misticismo oriental.

Nos graduamos con el primer lugar en psicología de la Universidad de California, lo que nos llevó de regreso a Carl Jung después de que hicimos muchos esfuerzos en las escuelas de yoga.

Cristo y sus sacramentos nos acompañaron muy intensamente en todo esto.

Finalmente nos identificamos con el siglo XV santo y monje bengalí, Sri Krsna Caitanya, y todos aquellos que también aspiran a bañarse en Su tradición.

En esta tradición, la música sagrada y la comida sagrada son los medios y la meta. Canta y baila en la glorificación de Dios y, cuando te canses, toma refrigerios santificados y lee libros para complementar la purificación.

Tonight's Speech

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

We were born on the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean in 1948. So we have always been inclined Oriental mysticism.

We graduated with first place prize in psychology from the University of California so that took us back to Carl Jung after we made a lot of endeavor in the Yoga schools.

Christ and His sacraments aleays accompanied us very intensely in all of this.

Final we identify with the 15th Bengali saint and monk, Sri Krsna Caitanya, and all those who also aspire to bathe on His tradition

In this tradition sacred music and sacred food are the means and the goal. Sing and dance in glorification of God and when you are tried take sanctified refreshments and read books to supplement the purification.

Reciba Ud. Mis reverencias Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka swami.

4 years, 9 months ago by wilfredo in Special Category A

Hare krishna. Aqui en Lima ingresando nuevamente a su blog y contarle que sigo tan entusiasta en el servicio de asistente de pujari y de la compra de flores para las deidades de Lima Wilson Mandir, cantando y siguiendo principios regulativos. Ademas sigo estudiando el BG y asistiendo a clases en las noches, recuerdo también la entrevista personal que tuvimos el 13 de junio de este año 2019. Esperando siempre su divina misericordia.

HpS - TlgaSP. Casi muerto pero predicando en Argentina. Nos vemos en Chosica Domingo para ceremonia de iniciación!

Haz gran cosas para Krsna:

Lea cartas aquí para otros!

Bhaktivedanta Course (Bhagavatam canto 7 -12)

4 years, 9 months ago by parampadam in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing to get some information about Bhakivedanta Course (Srimad Bhagavatam Cantos 7-12)

Is there any formal acreditation yet? Any news?

 Last year seven student finished Bhakti Vaibhava course in my college, and next december another students group are finishing too.

 They ask to me to continue with Bhaktivedanta Course. What I would have to say them?

 Any information about this is very usefull for us.

Thank you very much!

I hope you well


Parampadam das

HpS - AgtSP Paoho. Nice to hear from you. I will send Atul Krsna Das address to your email. He is Director of Board of Examinations

At your service