Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj : How you remember Krsna

4 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,

 Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. HpS - Still have Middle World feet. Advancing. AgtSP!

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

 All glories to Guru parampara.

How you remember Krsna, other than chanting? If you see something do you remember Krsna?

HpS - Do you mean "smaranam"? Let us look at it that way. Remember by so many stimulus: Lions. taste water, Deity, Temple, ability in man, books.............

How many times you remember Krsna very intensely in a single day?

HpS - Gopi bhava = 0. Just intense moments maybe 2-3.

  How you see Krsna every day?  HpS - Same as in first answer.

What is very close to your heart for Krsna?

HpS - Not too much, we are still pretty mundane. We like to see Lord in His Deity in our house and pray to Him about what He wants for lunch etc!

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - We just try to be in Santa and Dasya Rasa doing our Vaidhi bhakti, rituals, m. arati, and doing our Karma yoga eg. Journal Writing for Krsna. We just hang in there and hope for the mode of goodness to open up a chance to serve and then try to take advantage of it while it is there, but we can see that yes we can come to the level of Vaikuntha if we continue and Srila Prabhupada is so kind!! Avoid Offense Seven,


4 years, 9 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

At the request of Arjuna das y Abhirama Takhura das, today i give you the proposal schedule of the Gotomeeting - Facebok live class in Chile. 

FMP- In full morning programs [5.30 Chilean time - 4.30 Nashville - Tennesee time] differents chileans devotees going to chant the Sri Guruastakam.

SBC- Srimad Bhagavatam class going to be at 7.30 Chilean Time [6.30 Nashville - Tennessee] most of the time. What happened with the friday and saturday class? Keep the original schedule (7.30 Nashville - Tennesee time)?  ASA - Public programs, 7.30Am Chjile, Informal. 7.30Am Tennessee.

And, the days that you don't give the class, can give it another devotee? ASA - Certainly.

FEP- In the evening programs we start with Gaura arati song [18.00] and then Nrisimha pranam singing by chileans devotees. The class starts 18.30. 

[General suggestions] 

Monday - Srimad Bhagavatam class

Tuesday - FEP

Wednesday - Srimad Bhagavatam class 

Thursday - After the Hawaii class Do you want do FMP? ASA - Yes but cannot do it.

Friday - Srinivasacarya class [We can translate?] - FEP [Srila Prabhupada´s Party]

Saturday - Srimad Bhagavatam Workshop 

Sunday - FEP [Sunday Party] 

So, depending of the topic that you will present, in the next letter we organized this with details. 

Please Let me know that i must improve in this service. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Your servant

Pyari Mohan das.

HpS - Thank you! We will make some adjustments...

“Donkey-1” Follow up on Zoom meeting

4 years, 9 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja, again and again thank you for joining us and giving a wonderful presentation. Devotees were satisfied :-)

HpS - It was so nice. Raghu from Amsterdam!!!

We had some audio problems. Your audio was disappearing from time to time. I could follow your thought almost all the time, apart from when you spoke scientifically about perception and sound, where you used some words and expressions that I am not familiar with. However, we have a recording and will listen to it.

You told me to enroll in a university course about perception. Thank you for the suggestion. I have done that. I finished one small course of 5 lectures of 25 minutes each. It was short but complex for me. Next, I will try another course which is longer and with many more materials.

HpS - Then you can talk from academic base with scientists. Ie. they claim to be based in rational empiricism, but then we see what empirical knowledge really is! It is based upon mental perspective etc. You see what you want to see, what your culture has conditioned you to see.

A comment about your point that nagara sankiratana is great in Argentina. I would like to mention that Buenos Aires population is 3 million people. This is almost a whole of Croatia. Pula town is 50 000 people. I guess there are hundreds of devotees in Argentina, and for them is much more practical to perform and organize such events. Here we are a few. And it looks more like a cry alone in the wilderness. I remember Krsna Ksetra Swami telling us about great Sunday Feasts in Buenos Aires with 400 devotees. Of course, I appreciate your idea and inspiration here. I just wanted to put up another perspective on the matter.

HpS - Yes, yes... Ha! Ha! Hare! Here we are like five families of initiated devotees. We can go out with three flags.

If I remember properly, you planted a pear tree in your garden. How is a pear doing these days?

HpS - I am still a proud father. Bharata became a deer! I may become a ..... It is growing....

We planted different green leafy vegetables, chillis, paprika, zucchini, tomatoes and many flowers in our garden.

Without wanting to burden you … , do you think you could join us again in the future at our meetings? Do you know some devotees from USA (or anywhere) who would be willing to give a talk on Zoom for our sanga?

Your servant, Namacarya Das

HpS - I will let them respond here. What about the Hawaii classes? That is Thursday at www.e-sanga.org but yes, let us organize some more European broadcasts!!!! Thank you!!!! You are a general in the Sankirtan Army.

Book Reading Groups/Tools

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Dear devotees, leaders and GBC members

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In anticipation of your kind support, we are formally launching the Srila Prabhupada’s Books Reading Marathon to increase readership of Srila Prabhupada’s books during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are very confident that with your continued support, we shall be able to generate the necessary momentum to make it a success.

We also humbly request your support in circulating this message widely to the devotees within your respective communities and encourage them to participate in this effort wholeheartedly.

We have increased the resources available on our website:

(visit https://iskconeducation.org/books-are-the-basis/),

and already have 8 different online sessions in different languages.

Grateful for your kind attention and help in this effort.

Tapan-misra Das

Executive Secretary, ISKCON Ministry of Education

Hare Krishna! I need your instruction

4 years, 9 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

Hare Krishna 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

Obeisances Gurudeva 

Thank you for the online programs and for reply my questions. 

Gurudeva, please, i need clear out my mind. Following your instruction about travel 4 years to know better my nature, i was thinking about travel the next year (2021) to Europe, Spain, and then to another countries, maybe India, Italy and then EE.UU. 

Now here in Chile we have to do so much to be more strong and keep growing. I was thinking, if your like and consider it a good think, stay here in Chile and help in administrative services or whatever it take. 

Maybe i can travel to EE.UU a few months and study with Pyari Mohan das and return to Chile. Also i want to start my university study, i like very much study and keep learning. 

Please help me, give me your instruction and i follow you. 

Your eternal servant

Pyari Mohan das 

HpS - I do not know the details of what would be best. I do know that one of the essential things in making decisions about details is to consult with Brahminical and Administrative authorities, and the Lord in the Heart (and maybe also the Lord in the Stomach).

In general, there will always be administrative problems in any Yatra, community, so we should not wait for them to be solved before visiting other Yatras. We can help with problems there are Brahmacaris traveling from there can help with our Yatra, just no to do it whimsically, co-ordinate with authorities, but it is your right as a Brahmacari to travel.

Hare Krsna (FMP flores Nrsmhadeva)

4 years, 9 months ago by Cruz Santa in Special Category A

Hare Krsna querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Deseo la salud de su cuerpo se encuentre bien y deseo que esta gira virtual por Sudamérica no sea demasiada carga para sus ojos.

HpS - Gracias! TlgaSP. Infirmidad es buen amigo para devotos. Impulsando a exito completo. Espero deja su cuerpo pronto y su cuerpo espiritual sale!!

Su imparable Sankirtan al servicio de su amado Guru Maharaja, es mi mayor aliciente. Gracias.

Como sugirió en FMP envío algunas flores para Lord Nrsimhadeva 😊. Gracias por su constante y misericordiosa asociación.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - Mostramos a El!! Thank you so much for all you YEARS of determination to serve Krsna. Go ahead became a Saint!

When we presented your flowers to Him it looked like He might have had a little tear on His left cheek!