CC Verses for April 21, 2024

8 months, 3 weeks ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja and devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

Happy Ram Navami to everyone. This is a Blog Post for next Sunday morning ~ Srimad Bhagavatam workshop on weekly reading on Sri Caitanya Caritamrta . On coming Sunday (April 14, 2024), we will continue reading CHAPTER SEVEN: The Lord Begins His Tour of South India, verse 7.113 onwardsThank you. Thank you to H. G. Lakshman Prabhu for doing translation for class on April 14, 2024.

It is the mercy of Maharaja, to engage everyone in reading books of Srila Prabhupada.


Upendra dasa

Traveling Contractor

8 months, 3 weeks ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, Maharaja! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you.

Belated Ramanavami wishes...

May 22 is Narasimha Chaturdasi. The plan is to have the altar ready by that day so that the Lord can reside there in his Yoga posture....

Had a bit of an emergency at my residence here this evening. Someone drove their vehicle on to our house perimeter wall and broke the water line. There are no shops like Home Depot here. So, I had to run around looking for a shop where I can find PVC pipe and all the necessary parts and tools to fix the broken pipe...

We have the biggest temple festival of our state. The festival kind of started today. The actual festival is on 19th and 20th...

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!!! Thank you!!! Seems it might be in KRSNA's plan-of-work for us to visit Houston for the installation. Called Saranga Th. Das to say hello and check the dates but haven't heard back.

BAG MAINTENANCE: Our mind, fears, plans is a bag for the soul. Body is a bag for our mind. Car, Garage, House is a bag for our body!!! Better to live naked in the jungle? 😆

From Radha-Kalachandji dham

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Things are going as well as can be expected here Guru Maharaja.

HpS/ASA - Goloka with the daily demons snuffed? Kuruksetra???

I am engaged in service, chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regs.

HpS - Jaya, Gurudeva!

The Krishna House project is going well. I am learning quite a bit about who I am and how to perform my services.

One thing I am learning is how attracted I am to systems and organization.

It has a tendence to lead me to not appreciating people as much as I believe I should for my service.

The saying people over projects sometimes doesn't compute for me.

However, I am making adjustments and learning to be a better person so I can show up better for people and be a better people person. This has been helping me in my service.

HpS - I was surprised how personally attached some people are to impersonal, but geometrically elegant, systems. Then some people feel so, so, happy to be part of such a system.

Followers of Advaita were Smartas.

Followers of niTyananda we Avadhutas.

Nimai got big, big, kick out of both!

I have been asked to attend GBC college. I got this invite the same day I decided that I could use some time to better myself professionally.

I think it maybe Krishna's arrangement after inquiring from a few devotees about what in entails. It seems like a good program. What do you think Guru Maharaja? Do you think this is something I should do? If you think so, if you would be so kind to give me your blessing it would be very encouraging to me.

HpS - I don't know. In some ways it was too Smarta for me, but it was really nice personally associating with the organizers etc.

The rules of Sanskrita Grammar are eternal like.... the Holy Names Themselves!!

See the letter we just wrote to Manjari!!

Try it out and then make your next step.

Guru Maharaja, you told me some 12-14 years ago that I am a coach, that this is my nature. I am working on being the best transcendental coach I can be. I genuinely ask that you please let me know if there is anything I can do that would be pleasing to you. Please

HpS/ASA - Well, anything that you can do to make Srila Prabhupada's heart glow with happiness, is all that I, or any devotee aspires for.

Yet there is one thing that maybe, maybe you might be able to do in this lifetime if it is possible.

Can you sell just one more Weed Whipper?


Thank you so much,

Your servant

Nanda-braja das

HpS - Really hope to see you soon. Thank you.

So many respects to all the Towers of Light in ISKCON Dallas.

CC Verses for reading for April 7, 2024 ** SB workshop

9 months, 1 week ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja and devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

This is a Blog Post for next Sunday morning ~ Srimad Bhagavatam workshop on weekly reading on Sri Caitanya Caritamrta . On coming Sunday (April 7, 2024), we will start reading CHAPTER SEVEN: The Lord Begins His Tour of South India. Thank you.

It is the mercy of Maharaja, to engage everyone in reading books of Srila Prabhupada.


Upendra dasa