- “KDPC” - Spanish poetry and a little bit more

Hare Krishna dear Maharaja !

Please accept my respecful obeisances...

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I just hope you are in good health or the best as is possible.

ASA - Do cockroaches have good health? Does Lord Brahma have cholera? ? . ?

I'm writing to you regarding one of your answers, 5 weeks ago approx., when I sent an attempt from a Bhaktivinoda poetry's translation:


You said: "Save copy of the poem. Maybe work on the translation more. You can also write another poem in Spanish based upon the ideas."

So, I wrote a new one with a new lyrics, more personal, but trying to keep the original spirit of what I felt Bhaktivinoda wanted to transmit, and keeping the same verse structure as Bhaktivinoda's original. It goes in spanish at the end of this message. Please, accept it as an humble offering in this special Balarama Purnima day (in fact, night: full moon is hanging on the sky right now).

ASA - Moon, moon in the Sky, Do you see witches flying by?

I want to take this opportunity and let you know that I'm so happy working for Solaris again, this is very very important for me in every sense. So, thank you so much for give this opportunity to me and letting me try serving you using my skills... you are so merciful... The dynamic duo is again in the house and little monkey is back! 

Thank you so much for everything,

all glories to Srila Prabhupada !

Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - ASA --- We have been run over by a herd of rhinocerous today. Maybe 1000 with pearls in their ear ring stampeded this way.

Seven people called on the tele phone. 42-were in class today, the Hawaii, ballet...

Now we will continue with our search for Sita. We are sending out drones all over the universe.

We hope your song travels just as far. We have a lot of ground to cover. Journalism is the devotees best service. !!!! Hari Bolo!!!! Hari Bolo!!

Bh V Tha wrote pages of song BOOKS, what to speak of songs!!!! So much to translate??

​Canto al Alma del Saragrahi Vaishnava (Oda a Bhaktivinoda Thakur)

1. ¡Qué pobres aquellos 

Que pierden sus días

En alborozo sin sentido y alegría festiva!

Consciencias ocupadas para siempre

Por formas venenosas de líquidos alcohólicos.

2. Estallidos de cristales sobre la calle 

Que brillan y hechizan el mirar

De quienes se sienten atraídos

Hacia el abrazo de licor perdido 

Y entregan el corazón;

Esclavos del vino que nunca ves superar

Lo que ha sido llamado desgracia y deshonor.

3. ¿Acaso estaría el hombre destinado a ser

Un bruto en su actuar y sentir?

¿Será esa la suerte del que finalmente creyó 

Ser el dueño de todo lo que le rodea?

¿Apartarse de la intuición y del sentido común?

4. La gloria del hombre tiene significado 

Cuando relata con gracia cómo alcanzar lo Divino,

El hombre está hecho para vivir y amar

Aquel hermoso abrazo que afirma desde el Cielo.

5. Vehículo de carne nuestra desgracia

Cárcel mortal que encadena

El alma, 

Por muy antiguos errores ha sido confinada

Y dentro de un cuerpo 

Debe intentar elevarse de nuevo.

6. ¿De qué sirve este juego infantil?

Nunca ganamos, nunca disfrutamos,

Realmente nunca lo alcanzamos...

Y decae dentro de cien años

Una rosa marchita que se lleva el viento.

7. Ni tan solo un rosado matiz queda

De esta y la otra vida 

Ir y venir, antes y después, 

Dentro y fuera del tiempo, para nada;

Alma solitariamente independiente se le ve pasar

Con el bien y el mal sobre la mente.

8. ¡Eco profundo se escucha rugir

La voz inmemorial del pensamiento! 

¡Qué feroz se ve su aspecto!

Envueltos en asombro divino 

Nosotros leemos los Libros Sagrados de la Naturaleza.

9. Para el hombre su vida es un problema oscuro

Cortinas y humo de izquierda a derecha

Y no se encuentra aquel alma

Que venga a decirnos 

Lo que existe más allá de nuestra vista.

10. Y entonces una voz, reconocida y tan profunda, 

Sentimiento que aparece intenso dentro de nuestro interior;

¡Ser Humano! ¡Eres un alma eterna!

La muerte nunca te podrá disolver.

11. Para ti, el Ser Supremo en lo alto 

Eternamente mantiene

Una reserva de felicidad, allá arriba,

Sin tiempo ni final; 

Tú eres el que anhela Su más puro amor.

12. ¡Oh mi amor eres Tú! 

Poder benigno que hechiza

Ahora derrito mi alma ante Dios

¿Cómo poder describir con palabras de la tierra

Aquel suave y expansivo sentimiento?

12. Disfrute, tristeza, 

¿Qué más de lo que hereda la carne?

El alma que duerme 

Finalmente concluye que puede participar.

13. Y entonces, mis amigos, para qué tal disfrutar

De qué lamentarse por todos los demás;

Las mujeres, el vino y la carne de las bestias,

No encontrarás ahí jamás el amor que anhelas.

14. Tu naturaleza es amar a tus hermanos

Y devolver tu corazón a Dios

Solo Él sabe que tu esfuerzo ha sido sincero;

Testigo cierto y claro.

15. Olvida el pasado que duerme

Y deja de soñar con el futuro

Actúa siempre en el tiempo donde estás

Y el avance llamarás.

16. No digas esas frías ideas sin razonamiento 

Que el alma se crea espontánea 

Y que será destruida;

Las inertes reglas mecánicas de la Naturaleza Material.

17. Solo el Ser Supremo entiende

Por qué nos dio la vida y todo

El alma puede extinguir

O conectarla con los placeres elevados

Su promesa eterna cumplir.

18. Así que tú, Alma, 

Empuja tus pasos hacia adelante

Lucha contra todo acto malvado 

Odio y Lujuria son sus soldados 

¡Haz de ser un héroe de verdad!

19. Mantén tu posición original 

En el mundo espiritual

Tan firmemente como puedas 

Nunca dejes que la ilusión te derrote

¡Aguanta alma héroe!

20. Alma del Śaragrāhi Vaiṣṇava

Tú eres el ángel más hermoso

Tú que guías,

Guíame a Vrindavan

Y dime el poder de Su espíritu.

21. Allí mi alma descansa 

Una vez libre de la materia 

Sobre los brazos infinitos de mi amante

Paz eterna y amor trascendental

Son la magia de mi canto.


Boise Temple Administration

4 years, 5 months ago by balabhadra dasa in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada, our founder acharya.

In the interest of brevity and out of anxiety I am wanting to keep this very, very quick. It appears that Krishna has coerced me to open my mouth and offer my services as ... (Censored by Buck Wite) . I am nervous as all heck,

ASA - Heck from "hecate", name for the Devil.

(it is a secret mission that maybe involves crossing the Arizona desert)

If it looks like my offer will be approved and accepted by the community and its leaders, I am seeking your permission and blessings to assume responsibility for this service. Otherwise I will be too confused about whether or not this is Krishna's arrangement. Personally, I would love the opportunity to (complete this project and journey), as it would give me a sense of devotional revival and purpose in my life. It will probably be after Janmastami before things are finalized and made official, but I thought it best to seek your blessings now in advance, so that I can proceed in confidence, in the event that my hopes are realized.

ASA - Well if they give you a 20 mule team Borax wagon and lots of water, then it seems practical. As my old Grand Pappy used to say, if its important put it in short, plain Engish, what everybody expects out of the situation. Get everyone to sign it. Only agree to things for a fixed time eg. six months and then review it after that. Good luck. It seems like a nice service but you'll be away from home for few months!

Padapadma Question Bank Development (KDPC)

4 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I just sent the selection of open book and short answer questions to both Yahoo accounts. I hope my choice is correct. Please continue to consider me for this service in the future.

Your servant, Gandharva das

HPS - ... and we opened them (I think it is the same files) and read through them and made some commentarys in the class on Saturday and sent you the link and....


Bhakti-vaibhava Curriculum Development

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Bali-mardana Das has continued with the effort to integrate our Pan-american Bhakti-vaibhava studies with the facilities being offered by the Vidya-pitha in the Govardhana Eco Village near Mumbai.

The report from Gauranga-darshana Das, Hemarupa Caitanya Das and Sankirtana Das from there side is that they are still posting the materials for on-line study at there website for Canto Six.

Our ASA idea is that the esteemed devotees in San Jose with Srivasa pandita Das and Houston with Radha-krsna Das and Hari-lila Das, who are finishing the six canto study should integrate with the sixth canto on-line course from the VP for the mutual benefit and for development of the program for all time.

We will try to keep you informed.

HpS - ASA Sastric Studies Development Committee.

KDPC: Madana-gopal, Queries summary of Isvari

4 years, 5 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


All glories to your sankirtana!

All glories ASA team!

By Srila Prabhupada's mercy, we can have the association of the wonderful sankirtana of ASA Team, Krsna allow us to continue associating with this team.

Thank you very much by answer my previos letter.

Please, I have 2 question more about SBG class of tuesday ( in a previos of a previos letter I asked these questions but i do not writed well key word) :

HpS - ASA -- I think you did things fine, but we were just slow in ansering.

1.- What topics do you suggest for the participation of the devotees?

You gave topics about the great devotees (vaisnavis) of Krishna, could we continuos with this themes?

ASA - We answered. Hope it was O.K.

As a contribution, I give these proposals:

1. SBG canto 1 chapter 7 Drona son punished.

2.SBG canto 1 chapter 8 Prayers of Queen Kunti and Pariksit saved

3 Teachings of The Queen Kunti 26 textos (the book) (It seems to me hear from you, mentioned that in the purport of this book is general and it do not refer directly to the verse, is it?

2.- Can English-speaking devotees take up these themes or will they develop other theme?

Please, give me your guide. I am trying to help to my spiritual cousins sisters.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with respect and apreciaton

ys Isvari dd

Note: Abhinanda d after quarantine has started working, he doing home and office furniture.

HpS - Yes, answer in previous letter. Our slowness.

"KDPC" Consult about topics (tuesday class)

4 years, 5 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


All glories to your sankirtana!

I hope team ASA (Monkey,Piggy, Tom Brown) are very good.

I request you please, Give me your opinion on the following:

I.- Trying to understand and follow the line of subjects that you gaved (about vaisnavis), I think that this topics could be exposed in the next class of tuesday:

1.- Prayers of the Queen Kunti and Pariksit saved. SBG 1 chapter 8

2..-The Son of Drona punished. SBG chapter 7

3.- Teachings of Queen Kunti. (have 26 textos)

These chapters are very extensive and would be divided into several sections.

Is good this topics? or What topics do you think is most appropriate?, please give me your opinion.

HpS - AGTSP these are nice. I think an index of "Stri dharma" in the first two cantos would be a wonderful contribution. Some of Kunti Rani's prayers talk about or show Stri dharma, but others talk about other wonderful topics.

II.-Can english-speaking devotees be included in these rol of themes or will they develop other themes?

HpS - I don't know? Let us see if they respond. It takes time to build a team. Maybe a transcendent team!

THank very much for your mercy, Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

Whit very affection and gratitude

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - ASA ----- Thank you!! Everyone. We hope your daughters are growing up to do wonderful things for society.