Crecer Vaisnava and Report KSDD

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you

Please accept my obeisances

Long time ago I do not write on the blog and I beg your pardon.

HpS-ASA - AGTSP! It is small fault compared to our many! So good to see you.

Although I read daily your instructions and I can find similar situations to what I am living, so, I take your instructions as if they were for me.

My personal report:

For your mercy without cause we maintain ourselves chanting 16 rounds, following 4 principles, regular morning Sadhana, daily lecture of srila prabhupada’s books and we regularly listen to classes online. We maintain our service on the temple. Raja bhoga on Wednesdays and garlands on Saturday.

I’m trying to support Prabhu Arya-Srestha Das, according to my possibilities. Even there still are things that hurts me, but I’ve left it aside and above that I see him as a great devotee that has gone through adverse situations; so I’m trying to be a support and not a burden. Our deals are cordial and he is striving to correct his mistakes, we share Rajas Bhoga service on Wednesdays… after all… we will always be united by the service to you and Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA - As you describe the situation, we would say that any gentleman is very fortunate to have the association of a lady like you. Thank you. Our respects to, Prabuji also.

My sakirtana report “Crecer Vaisnava” :

For your mercy without cause I have worked in this service for almost 6 years. Our intention is to bring support tools for parents and instructors vaisnavas. We have a facebook page, we have 3000 followers and the last statistic we have a range of 12.2 thousands of visits in one month.

-His holiness Guru Prasad Swami, has given us his authorization as GBC of our zone and he likes our service.

-We share articles for Grihastras, Parents, and Instructors. Quotes from Srila Prabhupada, material for kids, videos, songs, work books, children’s book, etc…

For your mercy without cause, this year various vainavas have joined to our team and we are realizing new material, they are really anxious in collaborating and it inspires me to continue.

Like maybe you remember, Crecer Vaisnava, translated the book of Homeschooling some time ago. So since that time I am in touch with Prabhu Abhirama about it, we are coordinating each other and he things that it would be possible to publish it in Mid-year. 

-In addition we have organized some conferences online with Mataji Aruddha about the Homeschooling topic, in different Yatras. (Chile, Mexico City, Cueramaro and Tulancingo) many parents have been attracted to the topic, and we have done links with some devotees that realizes home Education, since we are Crecer Vaisnava we are tracking them.

-Following the conferences we have achived a group of studies of the Homeschooling of Mataji Aruddha. Actually there are 15 devotees on the group. The parents are really enthusiastic and committed. We are learning a lot.

-We published a bimestrial magazine ”Educando para el hogar Crecer Vaisnava”. On it we share articles about devotees like Mataji Urmila, Mataji Aruddha and also we interviwed to senior devotees from different Yatras… Parents are eager to learn about the experiences of others and it looks like a good tool.

This is a little proof of what we have done during this time, we would like very much to be useful for your Sankirtan, we ask you to instruct us in how we can please you. We would like to know, ¿How can we subordinate to the Anjana Suta Academy?

HpS - I don't think there is any need to be formally a "Branch" of ASA. This communication is wonderful format for being part of the Occult ASA. You have your formal authority from the local Temple etc. O.K.?

Thanks Gurudeva, because you are the one who pushes us to try to be useful on the transcendental Sankirtana of Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive me for the long letter. We reiterate our obeisances and eternal thanks.

Your aspirant to servant

Karuna-Sakti DD

HpS - Is not too long. Is very wonderful thing you are doing. We hope it goes to Spain, Peru, Argentina etc!!!! Send us news from time to time.

Regional representantion report 04 (URGENT)

5 years, 8 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to your merciful guidance!

There is very little left for your arrival to Lima and we love the idea. Your association is the best time of the year, Gurudeva.

Here some ideas about the educators' event:

The weekend of June 29 and 30, is it okay?

you propose:

  • What is an Educated Man? How do we Learn? - HH HpS
  • What Educational Programs are their in Lima, Peru, Globally? What is MOE? - Gandharva das

Additionally, I propose:

  • How much education is good education? (education for Varnasrama) - Karuna Krsna das
  • Standarized education and personalized education - LAD
  • The role of the teacher and the teaching styles- (Candramukhi dd)
  • Home education and Vaisnava values (reading fragments from the book of Aruddha devi dasi) - Priya Carnana devi dasi
  • Krsna Consciousness and the Waldorf Method - Patraka das
  • Lectures and workshops, debates??
  • We can broadcast the whole event (both days), I have to talk with Jagat Pavitram (our own resident engineer 😌
  • )

Eager to know your opinion

Your insignificant servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Hare Krsna! This time we got your letter immediately. Thank you. We texted you some ideas this morning. Did you get those?

Reception Friday night.

Lectures Saturday morning

Workshops in the afternoon

Cultural program at night

Closure Sunday. O.K.?? One workshop would be 'Uncle Gismo, Drawing Baby Krsna'.

Everybody should have a Synopsis of their presentations here within two weeks, and a power point by the following week! 😁

Regional representantion report 03 (URGENT)

5 years, 8 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

HpS - ASA - Drat!! We missed this "URGENT" letter. Please forgive us and don't be discouraged. Try to engage us again!

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories unto you!

I hope you are in good health,

ASA - Allergy and Old age. Good friends for a devotee!

I hope your programs are progressing as wait (wanted), I hope that Lord Nrsimha always protects you. I am writing to inform you about the progress, stagnation and setbacks in the MOE's representation service.

  • I talked to ARTD last week who told me about your idea to call some educators of the Peruvian yatra as well as some foreigners to meet in Chosica and exchange some discussion issues. I understand that, since time is short, it is about organizing an event that corresponds mainly to people in charge of education. Nothing very big. ARTD mentioned Jiyada Nrsimha (Bolivia), Panca tattva (Argentina), Gopala (Chile), in addition to extending the invitation to a devotee from Ecuador (Katunya Nitay? Rupa Gosay?). However, Karuna Krsna prabhu has just returned from BRasil (GBC College meeting) and he tells me that Jiyada Nrsimha prabhu travels to Spain and that Panca tattva prabhu had thought travel to Peru for the event of Education and the sacred (November).

HpS - Awk. We were only thinking of devotees in Peru, Lima area.

  • Karuna Krsna prabhu is in accordance with our intention to carry out this meeting, perhaps it would be convenient that some invited educator come and be able to connect with others by teleconference. What topics do you suggest, Gurudeva? I think it's important to review the philosophy concepts of education, I do not think that any educational program that seeks relative success does without clarifying and defining these aspects.

HpS - Again, just local devotees. Themes: What is an Educated Man? How do we Learn? What Educational Programs are their in Lima, Peru, Globally? What is MOE? Presentations by many people. Spanish, English.

  • I have been in contact with devotees in Guyana, apparently they have no further contact with the Ministry and Tapana Misra prabhu asked me to contact them. I ask for your permission to collaborate in some way with their program while the corresponding representation is made official. ARTD told me that the case of devotees in Colombia is similar.

HpS - Of course, have fun!

  • Progress is being made with the local agenda, the devotees of Lima are interested but not all are equally cooperative. A few like Candramukhi dd and Jagat Pavitram prabhu keep a fluid communication and comply expeditiously with the acquired commitments, others are slower and others indifferent. I must assume that I will see the same in other yatras.

HpS - Yesssss but we move ahead.

  • Baladeva prabhu accepted the position of Bhakti sastri examiner , is enthusiastic and has offered his support. We are waiting for your approval, that of Prabhu Mathuresh and the National Board. Administration service has been offered to Jiva Sakti prabhu, but Candramukhi dd has expressed his will to participate actively in the BS program. What do you suggest? The political climate is very polarized, there are educators who remains in margin, others participate to achieve a change and others have decided to defend what is indefensible. The truth is that due to this political confrontation communication with some educator devotees is difficult.

HpS - We will be in Lima in a few days. Let us discuss it then. Fix some time for these programs for the two weekends we will be in Chosica, 15th and 29th. We will arrive Friday night and leave Sunday afternoon.

  • Finally, I talked with prabhu Mathuresh, he invited me to the June meeting in Cochabamba in that way I can contact local and La Paz educators. Good deal!. It is very likely that I will travel to Bolivia with Indira Sakti for those days, Gurumaharaja.

ASA - We were hoping so. NIOS can even help with some of the travel costs.

That's all for the time Gurudeva. I look forward to your response.

Your tiny servant.

Gandharva dasa

HpS - Again. Sorry that this was delayed. If you don't get a response within five days, then Text us on the Blog.

Urgente: Distribución de libros en Universidades y distribución de prasadam


PAMHO, Hare Krsna Querido Guru Maharaj, estamos siguiendo el sadhana, las 16 rondas y 4 principios y la atención a las deidades y salagramas silas, ahora pintamos a govardhana todos los días con tilaka y le ponemos flores, ellos comen lo que cocinamos; en las mañanas frutas, dulces de kiwicha y su baño y untamos con guee, hacemos gaura artik algunas veces. tulasi está hermosa.

ASA - Wow!

Estamos distribuyendo libros en las universidades y los institutos pedagógicos con mi tía paterna llamada Ángela, en la ciudad de Huancavelica a ella le gusta mucho hablar con los jóvenes, ella se levanta temprano y canta 6 rondas y aveces 16 rondas, es semivegetariana, y pienso ¿Porqué con tantos años conociendo la conciencia de krsna no se ha iniciado?

HpS - Hace 10-anyos despues de Srila Prabhupada encontra a BH. Siddhanta Sarasvatri antes de iniciacion. Cada persona es diferent, no?

Hay mucha gente favorable, que ayuda al movimiento, y tienen tan buenas cualidades y hasta inclusive podrían desenvolverse mejor que uno en el sankirtana, yo me siento muy feliz distribuyendo libros y me reencuentro conmigo misma, y he pensado que es un servicio que pienso hacerlo por el resto de mi vida, ahora estoy sacando los documentos de la universidad todo está marchando bien, el informe de mis prácticas y la tesis, probablemente expondré de aquí a un mes, pienso trabajar pero nunca dejar de hacer sankirtana.

HpS - Doctorado para Sankirtan.

Quería contarle sobre Milagros es una señorita de 50 años que tiene un local comercial y quiere poner un restaurante vegetariano, y trabajar con devotos, le dije que le ayudaría a formar y a que marche su negocio, ella es buena, vegetariana, es impersonal, pero quiere que se distribuya prasadam, estamos ahí viendo como va las cosas.

Guru Maharaj aveces tengo la necesidad de viajar, quizás sea mi mente, estoy viendo la probabilidad de viajar a Bolivia y hacer sankirtana en asociación de Madre Anadi adi Govinda, ella es muy amiga mía hasta que pueda encontrar un trabajo en mi profesión o salga el negocio de Milagros. También quisiera viajar a India, tengo el deseo intenso pero aveces tengo temor de cometer ofensas y no estar preparada, me pregunto gurudev; ¿Cómo saber cuando uno está listo para ir a india?, siento que si voy no querré volver al Perú.

HpS - Cada persona es diferente, pero es importante ir con un, unos, devotos quien ha ido antes. Ellos puden evaluar si Vd esta lista. Claro, si puede vivir en el Ashrama de ISKCON Peru, puede vivir en el Ashrama de ISKCON Vrndavana.

Seguimos con nuestra lectura del Bagavatam con mi buen [Muy Buen] esposo Gadai, tercer canto segunda parte, donde kardama muni va al reencuentro con visnu, y visnu le dá instrucciones para que se case con Devahuti.

HpS - Le gusta ser un sannyasi, ir a india y no volver, pero visnu lo dijo que tiene poco apego se purifica, no?

Guru maharaj en verdad quisiera hablar con Ud. porque al parecer según mi carta astrológica me sale que tengo posibilidades de vivir fuera del país, no lo sé quizás hablando con Ud. pueda aclarar estas dudas que tengo, quiero estudiar inglés e italiano, Gadai y su familia están sacando su doble nacionalidad italiana, nos gusta la idéa porque está más cerca para ir al santo dham y quedarse en un momento por ayá, porque siento que eso es el objetivo final de mi vida.

HpS - Si, puede ser bueno. Adelanta pasa por pasa. Segura que la proxima pasa es bueno antes de dejar la tierra anteriort.

Esperando volverlo a ver pronto querido Guru maharaj, gracias por tanta misericordia para con nosotros, Ud y Srila Prabhupada son nuestro mejor ejemplo de vida a seguir. no tenemos mucha asociación de devotos en Huancayo, pero conversamos con amigos devotos del extranjero, que son muy buenos.

Tratando de seguir sus instrucciones.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Nos vemos super pronto.

Journal of SB

5 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj. Pamho. AGTSP.

You are the soul whose purity is purifying us.

HpS - We are asses whom Srila Prabhupada has sacrificed a lot of blood, sweat and tears to make a half-way useful telephone for his words.

We are trying to read sb 25 pages per day.

ASA - That's a lot! Try to do it for some time eg. one, two weeks and see the result?

What we can do multiple comparison from sb

Like allegories. Analogies. Comparison and development of prayers.

Speakers motive and prayers.

So we think it will be nice if we have a journal/ periodical especially on analysis of sb.

As sb is the heart of library. The more v analysis more v know it.

HpS - Ana-lysis, breaking down by cutting (?) is Jnana approach. It is VERY good, but the test is how it leads us to more advanced stage of Jnana which is Dhyana, smaranam. Sravanam, kirtanam, smaranama and that leads to Prema!! Under-standing, analysis is the first step in Smaranama comtemplation.

In this way we can engage the whole world ,literature, poetry, etc.

HpS - Yes, Jnana goes to Dhyana, poetry.


Personally i prefer bhagvatam analysis than deity analysis.

I hope I can be manager/ editor of this journal/ periodical/ magazine.

Can u give your views on same?


HpS - Start by writing for another Journa eg. Kapi Dhvaja, Blog, Viplavah.