URGENT invitation to a colloquium of P. Univerisdad Católica de Chile

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudev, 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, 

I would like to ask you something very particular. Is about a very good invitation for you. Then, I'll send you the whole report later because the invitation is an urgent issue.

María Elvira Ríos, a Claudia Lira's colleague and part of the "Centro UC Estudios Asiáticos" is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Aesthetics of UC (Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile); PhD of the College of Mexico (her research areas are Buddhism, China, ecological reflection of Buddhism). María Elvira is inviting you to a colloquium about philosophy and compared religion, the ecology and the sacred. 

It should be pointed out that currently, PUC (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) is the best Latin American university according to the respected QS World University Rankings® 2019, 132 in the world, the same position of University of California.

Your influence due to your effort and nice preaching all these years are waking up the interest of such nice institutions.

They don't know yet how many people could attend, but they're waiting for 30 people that will be there the whole day, for sure. I mean, academically very interested in the topic, and in general 50 people will attend the talks.

Soon they will send the program, advertising, and everything. I sent to them your biodata already.

The proFile of the public is varied because they are looking for to spread colloquium not just in academics and students, but to the general public and associations linked to environmental projects, like religious centres.

The best contribution that they are hoping from you, apart from your presence that is itself an "enormous support" (her words), is that you could speak about "how the Hare Krishna community take the doctrine to the ecological practice, the sacred spaces versus the conception of the protection of the nature" (I'm just quoting and translating her)

Your presentation will be 20 spoken minutes and 10 of questions. Their special request from us is strict dovetail to the given timeframe because of the intense program. I think that is a very interesting opportunity and new networking to our main event the next year. 

The only thing that is missed now is the title of your conference.

She requested us almost one month ago but I couldn't write to you before. I was managing with two devotees the Mahatma Maharaja's first visit. 

Hare Krishna dear gurudev,

Here happy serving you with the devotees.

Jagad Guru Das

HpS - AgaSP. Yes. We want to join. For title we can use Light of the Bhagavata, Ecological Wonders from Classical Asia. Okay?


I wanna die!!! Bless me please.

Beloved Guru Maharaja thank you for answering my letter, I left the temple 4 days ago, I no longer live there, after 10 years. I have distributed 540 large books and 50 Bhagavad Gitas in his 4 days, it was incredible, by force and dedication that comes from your practice and high devotion, I am emotionally destroyed and I have a strong existential crisis, so I occupy all the time in sankirtan, tomorrow we will do Sankirtan Harinama with the devotees of the temple, I found a family that can help me open a Ashram for university students, I travel to Colombia tomorrow and Maha Visnu Swami asked me to return to Mexico to join her group to travel through South America, I really give up Guru Maharaja I don't know how to stay longer in this world, I hate being here in this world Matter Guru Maharaja, please beg me to explain how I can get out of this jail, please help me. I love you more than everything. 

his servant Vrajendra Kumara Das

HpS - Good!!! Very Good! You will go to hell for Krsna!

That is all there is to devotional service.

Serving Krsna in any circumstance.


16-GOOD ROUNDS AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! We hope after two weeks to hear from you.

Rohini kumar das

Hare krsna Gurudev por favor acepte mis reverencias .

perdon por no ser un buen discipulo y servirlo correctamente , no pude tomar su santa asociacion una vez mas . pero solo por ver su predica me da fuerzas para continuar . actualmente continuo en Asunción-Paraguay la ecargada del templo es m. Madhava discpula de jayapataka swami y me dio servicio para ayudar en la prédica congregacional . espero ayudar en algo . no puedo decir que me sera facil tomar renuncia en esta vida todavia tengo deseos de tener esposa , hijos . así como le mencione en cartas anteriores estoy asociandome quizas pronto me case y me quede predicando en paraguay . tenemos deidades de GN en casa , hacemos mangalartik, leemos SB ahora estamos en capitulo 8 del primer canto , yo distribuyo prasadam de lunes a viernes ... VRINDAVAN DELIVERY se llama nuestro programa de distribuir prasadam . cada fin de semana al templo ayudando ahora en los festivales . ojala pronto pueda venir a predicar por aca Gurudev estaremos esperando su respuesta para hacer los areeglos necesarios . su eterno servidor Rohini kumar das

HpS - internet horrible. Viajando. Muy difícil cartas pero sus noticias súper. Adelante. Será ghrastha como Bhakti vinodr Thakura. Espero nuevo cartas.

Kirtan, your guidance and association

5 years, 4 months ago by aja.govinda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glory to Srila Prabhupada and your glorious service unto him.

I sincerely apologize for my foolishness and for not replying and checking to reply to your responses because I was not checking my Gmail because of it being full of too many emails. It is my great misfortune that I forgot to check my Gmail for your responses. I missed your Vani darshan due to my foolishness and ignorance.

In your previous emails you instructed me that I should do Kirtan to improve my married life spiritually. I find your guidance to be so perfectly apt for me because when I did kirtan with students in our programs at Texas A&M University - Kingsville, I felt emotionally and spiritually fulfilled. We were very fortunate to have held our programs in the university student union building ball room and invited students and several students came and we held nice Kirtan and Bhagavad Gita reading programs after which we had Prasadam in a student’s house. Now our students are planning to incorporate our Vedanta club as an official registered student organization in our university. I have attached photos of our events also.

I am also eagerly awaiting to take your auspicious darshan when you are next in Houston. I hope I did not miss your Houston visit this summer because I was in India and out of the country. This time I hope to be of some service to you as last time I was not able to serve you as I aspire to. I feel dead in my spirit without devotee association and I need a connection with Devotees and a way to connect with them is to engage myself in services under your guidance. I hope to when I next obtain your Holy association in Houston.

I beg to just be able to gain darshan of your holiness and get your Holy Association.

Still learning from my mistakes,

Your most foolish and aspiring servant,

Aja Govinda Dasa

HpS - ASA - And you are married. Small thing. Ha! Ha! Ha! What is you good wife's name. Introduce here to everyone. I'm sure they want to know all about her.

Our visits to Houston, etc. will be in the Calendar by Friday. What is your calendar? When retrurn to USA:??

URGENT - Dhruva Checking in, Education and Sacred

Dear Maharaja,

Pamho agtsp agthps 

Checking in...

Dr. Mabbett 

Dr. Mabbett and his good wife kindly welcomed me into their home. I was in their association for nearly 4hrs. Dr Mabbett and I recorded an interview for 1hr and 20 minutes about Dr. Mabbett’s history and experience in education, as well as some philosophy and a discussion of what is sacred, and pedagogy in general. Then they fed me vegetarian risotto and chocolate cake. One of their friends heard I was coming and came for lunch also. She was with us all the first time we went to visit Dr. Mabbett together in 2013. The mood was very friendly and they have invited me back next time I visit Melbourne. After all Dr. Mabbett years of study and education, he sees family as sacred and his message to leave behind is that as educators we need to find ways to get people out of the boxes they are trapped in due to technology (smart phones) and group think.

HpS - Super!!!!!! Are you going to edit the movie??

Education and the Sacred 2019

I have been requested by Sriman Abhirama Prabhu to write an article for this year’s Solaris, on Education and the Sacred. Usted requested me to interview your friend Dr, Mabbett on this topic. What would you like me to do for the Solaris article; would you like me to write about Dr. Mabbett, or would you like me to write up my own presentation? 

HpS - I think Solaris has reached its deadline for submissions this year, but we will be publishing lots of stuff. I would suggest that you just send the above description of your visit to him as news and then included explanation of the future of the recorded interview. Give little bio-data of Dr. Mabbet.

Quick, simple, off within 24-hours.

Local relations

I have been doing service in the pujari room for 3months, once per week. Its in the evening, cleaning paraphernalia. Very nice, quiet time. We steal Krishna’s heart by stealing the hearts of the devotees. We steal the hearts of devotees by serving Krishna along side them. 

On Prabhupada’s appearance day I finally sat with the Temple President for 30-45min. Actually I was watching my daughters in the play ground at the time and he came and sat with me, starting a conversation about how quick children grow up. His only child is currently leaving the nest at 17 years old. 

I told him how, for two reason I investigate popular knowledge paradigms; the first is to deal with my own doubts and test if I truly have the highest knowledge and the second is to learn how the world thinks the way it does. I explained that what I do is I study a people until I find what their philosophy is standing on, paying careful attention to their language and concepts and then do three things; once I see that their philosophy is but a part of Prabhupada’s I gain conviction and confidence that my path is the highest, I defeat their philosophy using their own langue and concepts, and I present Krishna consciousness in their own language and concepts. For example, I can present acinyta bedha abheda tattvain terms of panentheism, which is a theology that developed out of A. N. Whitehead’s process philosophy. Temple President was very pleased and he pulled out his homage to Srila Prabhupada, in which he mentioned that currently ISKCON is lacking in the area of making sure we are understood by the public and that’s because we haven’t taken the time to understand them. We spoke about a great many things, relating to Prabhupada and his movements changes over time. Prabhu mentioned how Srila Prabhupada changed his tactics six times before Hare Krishna explotases. He also said that many devotees join due to one aspect of Srila Prabhupada’s teachings but then they cannot adapt with the time place and circumstances being too attached the the aspect they joined for. 

It was a very productive conversation. My generation must find ways to connect with the generation above us for a smooth transition into the future ISKCON. 

HpS - Wow!!!! Socrates and Plato? Need beards and togas!

Brahmin initiation 

Recently I received an email from my gurumaharaj offering me the opportunity to take second initiation. Although I am extremely unqualified, I will not miss this opportunity to progress on the path of Bhakti.

HpS - ..... jayatam dvijate..... keep your eye on the ball.... the whole game is to wake up....


Currently everyone is doing well in our family. Dhanesvari DD is maintaining her weekly service at the temple with the accounting, as well as maintaining our children nicely. My in-laws are in good health and enjoying their retirement. My daughters are thriving in all aspects of child life. 


My sadhana is going on but it always can be better. When I am under a heavy load from university, work, family etc. I meditate on HH Jayananda Goswami building ratha carts and just try to focus on how what I am doing is service for guru and Krishna, minute as it may be in comparison. 

Public engagements

I have been giving yoga philosophy talks at New Govardhan’s Krishna Village yoga school, and yesterday even my good wife and I drove to Brisbane to speak at the same Urban Monk program that usted spoke at in 2017. It was a great program with 25 quality guest who were engaging deeply with the content of my talk. The talk was title “Life after ego dissolution”, in which I spoke on BG 7.4-5 and took the guests on a journey down into the death of the false-ego and then a reawakening of the true self in Bhakti. Even my youngest brother, who is currently studying maths and physics at that university, came with his girlfriend, which was very good for our relationships. Also HH Lakshmi, Sriman Raktak Prabhu’s eldest daughter, was at the Urban Monk program. It was so nice to see her there full of spiritual shakti while she studies at university. 

HpS - It is so nice to see people becoming devotees inspite of any material defect.

Final thoughts

Thank you very much for everything maharaja. I would not have about 95% of what I have in my life right now if Krishna did not arrange my meeting you.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada is keeping after us through so many inept tools.... we can only hope that you mature your path more and more. very scrutinizing to perfect your self quickly.

There was Indiana Jones!

Now there is Australia Dhruva!

Cultural Anthropologist from Hell!

Eternally in debt

Your servants 

Team Cholo Kangaroos.