Regional representantion report 08 (URGENT)

5 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in good health, recovering enough strength for the Education and Sacred event, if you allow it, we will be accompanying you in your service.

I'm giving you the 8th report of the Ministry representation to date:

  • Educational material has already been delivered to Bolivia. I sent the Introduction to Bhakti Yoga course developed by Jiva Sakti prabhu, LAD and the one I am developing in Chosica, in addition to Yadunandana Swami's study guide and complementary material from Australia.

HpS - Super. Read the books with guidance!

  • Additionally, the Bhakti sastri course developed by NIMSAR and BS study guides of VIHE and the Mayapur Institute has been sent. We trust they will find this material useful for the development of their educational program. The next step is to collaborate with them to acquire Bhakti sastri certification and achieve autonomy.
  • Regarding the Bhakti sastri certification, it is necessary for us (Peru) to recover it. For this I sent you an email asking to put me in contact with the BoEx devotees in charge of this. That way, Candramukhi dd. can perform her service as an examiner for the Peruvian yatra.
  • I have had conversations with the Arequipa devotees (specifically with your disciple Ramananda Raja das), to develop a basic education program for their yatra at the request of the local board of directors. They are asking for courses on Vaisnava etiquette, Deity Worshiping, Cooking, Kirtan and other fundamental topics. I think it's great, from this experience we can develop academic programs, or at least, study circles that may be the first step towards educational autonomy. The workshops will start on September and the first one will be taught by Anandamaya prabhu (Vaisnava etiquette).
  • Isvari mataji and I are working on the standardization of the Introduction to Bhakti Yoga course through a printed and official study guide that serves as work material for teachers and students. For this we are considering all the material developed in previous years for students in Chosica, Wilson and Miraflores temples. Once this material is finished, we will do the same with the ISKCON Disciples course to avoid capricious interpretations and to establish a minimum quality standard for official courses.
  • We already sent the article to Viplavah thanks to the careful correction of Rahika Ramana prabhu. We hope it meets the demands. Thank you for the opportunity!
  • Finally, we have been attentive to the development of children's education program in Chosica. There are parents and devotee teachers involved in this program and they meet weekly. The only drawback is that there are very antagonistic positions that erode the enthusiasm of the devotees involved. Despite this, they are managing to develop a project that I will share with you as soon as they send it to me. It is important for the managers of this project to receive advice on successful experiences, such as yours or other initiatives in America. As soon as I have it in my hands I will send it for your review.

HpS - I hope the work we are doing at the international level will be useful to you. Your work is going to be able to change things on the international level also. Hanuman Dad our Yadunandana Swami from Spain might visit to help us. Welcome to the cultural revolution meant to save the world!


Personally I will tell you that we are very happy, serving in the pujari on a regular basis and learning many things about worship. Since Indira Sakti and I have received the second initiation thanks to your mercy, dark aspects of our character have been revealed but at the same time we perceive things from a more appropriate perspective and with a much more positive attitude. I'm not sure that one thing is related to the other but it is what is happening. Meanwhile, we are under your shelter, that of Srila Prabhupada and the incredibly compassionate Sri Sri Radha Madana Vihari.

HpS - We plan to see Them in less than eight weeks and get Their mercy also!

Have a very happy Janmastami dear Gurudeva

HpSb- It was tough! Four days of festivals in a row! Couldn't get to the mail. 😀

We miss you so much

Your little servant

Gandharva dasa

New adventures of The Blue Baboon.

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho, AGTSP!

The other day I thought I wasn't doing enough service for ISKCON. I teach once a week in the temple; I have a Bhakti sastri study group; another group with which we study the Bhagavatam. I do not serve the Deities directly, but I make donations every time I visit the temple (it is prescribed in the NOD), apart from my monthly donation of 4 kilos of raisins. Still, it seemed to me that I was missing more. Precisely, my contract at the school where I worked was finished. Now unemployed.

Almost immediately an unexpected service came to me. After talking with you and various devotees about a proposal, finally at the ISKCON Peru Associates meeting (as a legal entity before the government) I was elected secretary. The new legal board has yet to be registered in the public records, but if there is no legal problem, I will start this new service very soon.

At first, I was not very excited about the service because there are many cumbersome details regarding the operation of that position. The legal board is composed of:

P. Caitanya candra, president.

M. Candra Mukhi, Vice President.

P. raghunath, treasurer.

LAD, secretary.

I still surprised. Krishna sent me a service, a heavy one.

ASA - Be sure that you keep the Association Record book properly!

Meditating further, I realized, obviously by inspiration from Paramatma, Srila Prabhupada and you (so many suggestions and accomplishments that you has told me), that my service can go beyond a formal matter of signing papers, keeping the minutes of the meetings (of course they have their importance). I thought that the communications matters can be a great opportunity to do internal and external preaching.

ASA - Yes!

As one devotee told me, the administration needs to regain its credibility. Wonders can be done through communication and an appropriate treatment of the institutional image. We have not interacted for so long with the community, with the political authorities, with the institutions of our locality, even with the neighborhood. And then we wonder why people don't go to temples.

Some time ago I heard this concern of a guru who said that we have to go out and participate in the dialogue of the world, that we are in our bubble and still continue with the old idea (medieval said) of thinking that people have to go to the temples. Before we were invited to events in Chosica, but as we do not attend, they no longer do so. Before there was even a large sign welcoming to the city with photos of different tourist places and there was the temple. With the new mayor the billboard was changed and we no longer appear.

So, we have to work more in that direction. Someone said that the administration meetings have to be 30% problems and 70% sankirtan. The ISKCON documents say that the main task of the administration is to organize the sankirtan. Then, my work will go that way. Inspired by the preface of Srimad Bhagavatam, we must distribute the Bhagavatam in universities and educational institutions in general. We must get them to invite us to conversations, give talks in cultural institutions, interact with other religions, be part of the community. Much can be done for Srila Prabhupada. There are so many preaching strategies in his books waiting to be realized.

Again, dear gurumaharaj, please give me your blessings to do this entrusted service well, and please instruct me in this regard that you have a lot of experience. I have some experience, vision, perspective. I hope to use it well, for the interests of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON and our beautiful Deities.

I will report regularly how I am doing in the service.

Thank you for your mercy towards me.

ss LAD

ASA - Very nice! Yes! Please report! It seems Krsna is giving an opportunity to all of us robbers!

Visit to Murfreesboro earlier this year

Hare Krsna!

This is Acarya-nistha Das brahmacari from Chicago Illinois. This was a Sankirtan report from back in June that we had a little trouble posting.

I Recently got to visit Murfreesboro for college outreach cultivation efforts. Some very favorable students at MTSU and we held a small program with some of them. I was privileged to stay with Hanumatpresaka Mahārāja at his ashram for the weekend. I was deeply impressed with Maharajas austerity and simplicity. Felt like Vrindavan in Tennessee. Ecstatic tele- Mangla arati with Peruvian devotees, class, Kirtan and our greatest treasure Krsna Katha.

Mahārāja gave nice talk on BG 12.10 at the weekly Friday program on Bhakti vs Karma Yoga; very relevant for grhastas yet was surprised hardly any questions: perhaps the topic flew over some heads.. Thank you again Mahārāja and we’ll see how we can try to contribute to the preaching there.

Your aspiring servant,

Acharya-nistha Das

HpS - AgtSP. Yes, a little slow in posting. 😀 Two months. We have traveled from the Boro to Houston, Lima, Buenos Aires and back etc. How can we help you? What is your Sankirtan style???

urgent: Sunday feast at Sri Govardhana

5 years, 6 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

And the last day of His Holiness's visit to Mar del Plata arrived.

The entire community was ecstatic with the transcendental visit. The most intimate day is coming, Gurudev on the farm.

We began with the class of Caitanya Caritamrita given by His Grace Panca Tattva prabhu, who felt a little intimidated by the fact that gurudev was among the listeners. Many questions arose and they were answered by Gurudev, we feel that we abused of his mercy a Little, technically, it would be three classes in one day. If Gurudev's doctor reads this, he would get mad at us. Gurudev seemed calm and happy as always.

Then the class would come with the children of the Gurukula, Gurudev began leading a bhajan with the harmonium and then spoke with the children about the importance of music and celibacy for spiritual advancement.

At noon the class arrived at the Sunday feast. The weather was ugly, so we had to rescue some devotees from the mud. There were people, more than usual.

Many things happened during Gurudev's visit. The Sakti of advanced devotees.

We hope to see you soon Gurudeva !!

You show us that this process is scientific and real!

Trying to follow it !!

Hare Krishna !!

Fiesta de domingo en Sri Govardhana

Y llego el ultimo dia de la visita de Su Santidad a mar del plata.

Toda la comunidad extática con la visita trascendental. Se viene el dia mas intimo, Gurudev en la finca.

Comenzamos con la clase de Caitanya Caritamrita dada por Su Gracia Panca Tattva prabhu, quien se sintió un poco intimidado por el hecho que gurudev estaba entre los oyentes. Muchas preguntas surgieron y las termino de responder Gurudev, sentimos que abusamos un poco de su misericordia, serian técnicamente tres clases en un dia. Si nos lee el medico de Gurudev se enojaría con nosotros, el parecía tranquilo y feliz como siempre.

Luego vendría la clase con los niños del Gurukula, Gurudev comenzó liderando un bhajan con el armonio y luego hablo con los niños acerca de la importancia de la música y el celibato para el avance espiritual.

Al mediodía llego la clase en la fiesta de domingo. El clima estuvo feo por lo que tuvimos que rescatar del barro a algunos devotos. Hubo gente, mas de lo habitual.

Muchas cosas sucedieron durante la visita de Gurudev. El Sakti de los devotos avanzados.

Lo espermos pronto Gurudeva!!

Usted nos muestra que este proceso es científico y real!!

Intentando seguirlo!!

Hare Krishna!!

urgent: Conference who is an educated man? At El loft

5 years, 6 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

In this program more aimed to the local devotee community and the general public, His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami gave an excellent class talking about the subject of education from the perspective of the scriptures.

The evening began with a very sweet kirtan and concluded with more than seventy devotees sharing the nectarean prasadam with Maharaja.

Conferencia que es un hombre educado? El Loft

En este programa ya mas dirigido a la comunidad de devotos local y el público en general Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami dio una excelente clase hablando sobre la temática de la educación desde la perspectiva de las escrituras.

La velada comenzó con un kirtan muy dulce y concluyo con más de setenta devotos compartiendo el nectareo prasadam junto a Maharaja.