Flores flores y más flores

Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Desde un pequeño cuarto de servicio a un lado del Templo de Sri Sri Radha Madhan Gopal Mandir en México le mando un cálido y afectuoso saludo. Espero se encuentre bien de salud.

Estoy tratando de ser como la pequeña ardilla que ayudaba a construir el puente hacia Lanka. Para alguien tan insignificante parece ser un servicio exhaustivo, pero aún así hago lo que puedo y trato de hacerlo con amor. Me encuentro todavía como encargada del servicio del cuarto de flores. El templo atraviesa desde los primeros días del virus en México, una crisis económica que orilló a los administradores a tomar la decisión de quitar la adoracion con guirnaldas a la Deidad. Pero gracias a la misericordia de Krishna a través de los vaishnavas y la convicción del jefe de Pujaris, se ha mantenido el estándar de adoración con guirnaldas de manera intacta. Justo en estos días, algunas madres se están reincorporando a sus servicios de guirnaldas y el servicio se me está suavizando un poco.

También, hice una pintura de una réplica de una pintura de Radha Krishna al óleo. La entregamos y ofrecimos en Janmastami!. La fiesta fue decorada muy opulentamente. No austeridad!. Ahora nos preparamos para Radhastami! Igualmente muy emocionados y ansiosos de prestar un amoroso servicio en el advenimiento de la consorte de Krishna <3

Le ofrezco humildemente todo mi pequeño servicio y esfuerzo a sus pies de loto. Por favor perdone mis ofensas y mi ignorancia.

Su aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Marina


Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.From a small utility room next to the Sri Sri Radha Madhan Gopal Mandir Temple in Mexico I send you a warm and affectionate greeting. I hope you are in good health.I'm trying to be like the little squirrel who helped build the bridge to Lanka. For someone so insignificant it seems to be an exhaustive service, but still I do what I can and try to do it with love. I am still in charge of the flower room service. Since the first days of the virus in Mexico, the temple has been going through an economic crisis that led administrators to make the decision to remove the worship of the Deity with garlands. But thanks to Krishna's mercy through the Vaishnavas and the conviction of the head of Pujaris, the standard of garland worship has been kept intact. Just these days some moms are rejoining their wreath services and the service is getting a little mellow for me.

Also, I made a painting of a replica of a Radha Krishna oil painting. We delivered and offered it at Janmastami !. The party was very opulently decorated. No austerity! Now we prepare for Radhastami! Equally very excited and eager to render loving service at the advent of Krishna's consort <3I humbly offer all my little service and effort to her at her lotus feet. Please forgive my offenses and my ignorance.Your would-be servant Bhaktin Marina

HpS - Super!!!!! Please follow the protocol for sending letters mentioned in the Kapi Dhvaja or our ape mail clerks may lose your letters! Super! You are apart of the internal team. Even little squirrels can sink big ships.

Sankirtan en cuarentena

hare krsna Guruved por favor acepte mis eternas y humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada. La predica no puede parar aun con la situación actual de cuarentena.

Cuando todo esto comenzo aparecieron 3 chicos en casa queriendo aprender . entonces intentemos compartir lo poco qu3 sabemos con ellos . cantar rondas , vienen hacer mangalartik algunas veces, leyendo los libros, enseñandoles a cocinar y ofrecer. Su entusiasmo por aprender es contagioso y nos mantiene ocupados constantemente. Tambien continuamos distribuyendo prasadam algunas personas. Basicamente eso Gurudev en todad mis actividades eso es lo unico rescatable. Perdone mis ofensas . su eterno sirviente Rohini Kumar Das

HpS - ASA -- En Uru Guay???


Please use the LTE protocol in The KDh

Mercy from bbt

pamho agtsp obeisances guru maharaja I hope this letter finds you in good health. By the mercy of the bbt, I am currently serving the mission of sankirtan by searching for the books in the warehouse and taking them to dispatch throughout the country under the instructions of aravinda prabhu.

also distributing books on the internet and sending them.

Thank you very much for your tireless example.

 bhadrasena das

ASA - AGTSP ! Paoho.... In Mexico?? Pay Roo???

Pack Y Stan???

Use LTE protocol in Kapi Dhaja Please... \'o'/

"KDPC" LAD, here, Sir. (Politics and the Pandavas)

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

About a year ago I was summoned to be part of the legal board of ISKCON Peru. You told [HpS/ASA - Suggested! 😎] me to try it for a year. Well, a year has passed and nothing happened. Therefore, as you encouraged me to help a little in that area, I now ask your permission to decline.

HpS-ASA - You also seemed to push it a little and try to get some reaction from the President etc. Ooof! We can't give up on the Institution, but if one way doesn't work, then as friends of each other and servants of Srila Prabhupada we have to try another way. Srila Prabhupada tried for years to get The League of Devotees et al.

So, if you think it is best to resign, at this point I certainly bow to your ideas, but with this attitude that with whatever ability and nature we have we will never stop trying to expand ISKCON not only as a community of friends, but also as a formal institution. O.K.?

In reality, administration was never my true service, it was always education, for that I have trained outside and inside ISKCON. In civil life I got a master's degree, I only need the thesis that was frustrated with the pandemic. I'm not sure yet about the PhD. Within ISKCON I have taken practically all the courses they have. I am now taking Teachers Trainnig III. Whenever there is an opportunity, I study. I consider myself an eternal student and an eternal teacher. Everything I learn I share with my students. I have a Bhakti sastri group, another of Pada padma and one of the Disciples Course. I also have seminars every Friday. And I listen as much as I can to your lectures and the lectures of other devotees from whom I learn a lot.

So, I'm going to do my thing. Personally, I believe that the solution to the ISKCON problems, whatever it may be, I do not believe that it will be solved by the administrative area and I say it with knowledge of the facts. The solutions will be given by a concerted force from the various areas of ISKCON, which seems quite far from reaching, cohesion, cooperation, unity in diversity. You are very optimistic, I am not. However, I have not stopped fighting, I always do what I can, but the area where I can help a little is in the educational area. I already have experience of when I enter administration I do not help at all. What's more, I create more inconveniences. That is why I am declining the position assigned to me. In any case, it was never legalized. I think other devotees will do much better.

With my girlfriend [Fiancee], Raman reti devi dasi, we [and I] are very excited doing Sankirtan projects. We want to do different things. Distribution of prasadam, Food for Life and also with gourmet prasadam for the wealthier classes. We plan to do bhajans in the open air and whatever we can. Make contact with the Municipality of Chosica or some NGO to do bigger programs, if Krishna allows it. Actually what we always think is to start something and Krishna will decide if it becomes big or we continue on a simple platform. We will live a "high thinking life." That is our moto.

I always wanted to preach in schools and educational and cultural institutions, let's see how things are presented. I also want to dabble in universities, but again, I will put my effort and Krishna will show me where to go.

My asrama situation I would describe as a process from grhasta to vanaprasta. We will do charity and serve together in the temple 2 days a week in the morning, apart from everything described. Really, I have seriously thought about this, I think Raman retir will be a big boost in my life. She is very determined, very organized and will not let me slack. Now, when I don't feel like it, I just watch Netlix with a pint of chocolate ice cream and oatmeal cookies. With her I will be very inspired to do service. "Women are the inspiration of men and in that sense they are better [stronger] than men" S.P. [https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/9/27/#bb15340 ]

Thanks, gurudev, for all your inspiration. I learn a lot from you. For me it is an honor and a pride to be your disciple. I am always trying to follow your discipline. Your instructions are my soul and my life, really. I'm not perfect, but I try my best.

What strikes me about all this is that I am not a blind follower. I don't do things just because you say them, but I really feel them important and they coincide with what I think. I don't really understand this feeling, maybe it's my big ego, but I feel happy. Happy to have met you, happy to have accepted me as your disciple, happy to be in this great institution, happy to have the friendship of so many wonderful devotees, happy to have Srila Prabhupada, happy to be who I am, happy to have found a devotee who is going to help me become a better person, happy to belong to Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan movement, happy to have Prabhupada's books, happy to be able to offer Krishna wonderful prasadam, happy to be alive here and now. And when it is my turn to leave, I will be happy because I will go to another place to continue doing what makes me happy.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

HpS - Oh, Many Happy One! Thank you for your letter. You must be a great fool also, because I agree with so much of your analysis of the situation, plans etc.

Well maybe several fools can reach some intelligence.

I agree with all you are saying. We made our point above also.

Only thing I thin might be different is that I think from my intelligence and from what I have heard from others eg. Hector, Jagad-guru (CNN) et al, that a very likely scenario is that we will not go back to normal. Krsna may allow an antivirus for the Karuna virus, but then peoplel will not trust the industrialization model as much as before. Of course, the solution is to start to return to the Vedic model of mostly self sufficient villages that link to the county, nation, world in a practical sense.

So your Sankirtan plans may want to look in that direction. Maybe your should become teacher/counselor for the Mayor of Chosika (A Different Kind of City). Next letter.

Picture of Happy Dogs attached.

Write with the breaking news!!

Urgent Panama Temple wishes to invite you

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Panama Iskcon wants to invite you for this Sunday 23 of August for Bhagavatam class , 8:15am Panama and Texas time .

We will send you a zoom link and it will connected to Facebook (Iskcon Panama) , you will only have to click on the zoom link and we will stream the lecture or by go meeting and stream by fb.

Let us guru maharaja what do you think and lets make the arrangements for you

thank you so much.

your humble servant

Japa Nama Rama Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. Please use the KDPC listed in the Letters to the Editor secion of the Kapi Dhvaja to get rapid attention to your letters. Very nice to hear from you!! It is too quick. Our Calendar is usually set like two weeks in advance. Look at the Calendar section of the aforementioned Kapi Dhvaja.

Do you have a cat?

Classes to ISKCON Chile - Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja & Radhastami

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Hacemos uso de este blog para contarle al mundo que la clase de la Vyasa Puja de Srila Prabhupada se transmitir en vivo y en directo este miércoles 12 de agosto a las 18:00 hrs. Dde Chile, a través de:


Buscamos que la prioridad a la hora de las preguntas sea para las personas que pregunten desde Facebook, ya que ellas no tienen la oportunidad de conectarse habitualmente por GoToMeeting.

An important question, gurudev.

Do your prefer translation? Whatever you want.

Now, if you can send me the presentation before, I can share from my device directly.

Nuestras reverencias. We appreciate a lot that you are giving us your super valuable time.

Hare Krishna

HpS - Thank you. We were not able to post this immediately, but the class was very nice! It is like lighting one candle with another, no?