Lost, Surviving, Seeking Shelter

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj,


I've been focusing on my book, applying for grants, teaching and trying to use social media platforms to publicize KC through dance.

Maharaj, I wanted to ask for some advice regarding this...I feel like maybe there is a calling to do something with regards to reaching out to many people through KC and dance.

However my digital platform is quite small still. I'm feeling a bit lost and it's really difficult to survive after leaving my dance school. Seeking some transcendental vision, knowledge and light🙏

You're aspiring servant,

Yajnaseni D D

HpS - Thank you for your letter and association.



In Kali-yuga we can see that women (like you), children, old men (like us) and animals are all in very difficult position, but there is one Greatly Good Thing. Just chant HK! and get liberated and go to Goloka and learn how to dance from Lord Balarama.

He is a a very great dance teacher.

So, the real thing is how much we can be engaged in kirtaniya sada harih. Am I writing this letter without chanting??? Stop!!

Krsna writes the best letters.

Within that then 16-enthusiastic rounds, Kirtans morning and evening... then!

We can see our Dharma well.


Music, Dance, Drama are Gandharva veda. We are doing GV, not Vastu, not Ayur, not Danda... LC was always dancing out the meaning, Bhava, of the songs, no?

So..... it is great preaching.

We need and ISKCON Dasa-avatar to show to other traditions.

We need Gaura-arati dance. It is a very descriptive son.

Jaya Radha Madhava. Udillo aruna. So many songs need to be put into dances.

  1. Who are you?
  2. Who are we? Find maybe five people who have some good idea about the first question and then connect with them.
  3. Then What is the Plan?
  4. What Things do we need.

Set a standard of rounds you are going to do until the next Purnima. Really consider what you can do, live or die.

Hmmm. 4/day... 11/day... 1/year on Janmastami... but DO IT. Then you will advance in "Who am I". (NOD)

Then.... Krsna will put you in contact with different people.

Was life easy for Kunti?





Devahuti?? Hmm. How is it going to be for Yajnaseni D D.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhqkRGISQr8 (4.36.00)

There are several girls working in this area. One I know but she is in Spanish language. She writes here. Prati-jalps.

Do what you can do now, but get your Japa down

Hope this helps a little.

Hare Krsna Hare Rama.

Sankirtan- Crecer Vaisnava

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada!

Y todas las Glorias sean a Usted que nos ocupa en el trascendental sankirtana de Su Divino Maestro.

Deseando se encuentre en buena salud escribo para rendir el informe anual de actividades que, por su misericordia, realizamos a través de “CRECER VAISNAVA”

Crecer Vaisnava Tiene como finalidad realizar actividades en línea de soporte educativo. Nuestros esfuerzos están dirigidos a familias Vaisnavas con hijos de hasta 12 años de edad. Participar de este programa ha sido muy divertido y revitalizante, tuvimos algunas dificultades causadas por mi salud, pero intentamos continuar.

*Durante el 2020 iniciamos una sección llamada “Club del Krsna Book” estuvimos estudiando un capitulo por semana. 

Fue un proyecto para familias muy agradable. Las familias proponían actividades; adivinanzas, drama, narraciones y un cuestionario del capítulo asignado por semana. Nosotros respondíamos preguntas y establecíamos dinámicas de profundización. (Estamos compilando todo para hacer un libro que concentre todas las actividades sugeridas.) Fue muy agradable pero tuvimos que suspenderlo a mediados de año por los problemas con mi salud.  Cuando el programa se detuvo, un grupo de 3 familias que asistían, iniciaron por su cuenta el estudio del Bhagavad-Gita para niños de 12 y 13 años, recientemente hemos estado en contacto con ellos para apoyarles y ellos también me han ayudado bastante. Estamos trabajando para retomar este proyecto en los próximos meses.

*En el área de Traducción

El equipo al fin termino la traducción del libro publicado por el Grihasta Vision Team titulado “Conexión del Alma y Corazón: Una guía devocional para el matrimonio, Servicio y Amor” Ahora estamos trabajando en el proceso de revisión y corrección de estilo.

Tenemos la esperanza de que estos esfuerzos sean de gran benéfico para los Grihastas de habla hispana. La publicación de este material estará a cargo del equipo del Grihasta Vision Team, encabezado por madre Uttama Devi Dasi.

*Libros y material de estudio para niños.

Estamos trabajando en 2 proyectos. Liderados por 2 devotas pintoras (Madre e hija)

Se trata de un libro de Ramayana para niños de 8 a 13 años. 

Y otro de “Los avatares” aun estamos en proceso de definición de estilo, en cuanto tengamos algo avanzado estaré informando con mayor detalle.

Además de lo anterior, estamos trabajando en otros cuadernillos de trabajo menos ambiciosos que resultaran del Club del Krsna Book.

*Revista Digital para Padres Educando en el Hogar para Crecer Vaisnava.

A partir de este año retomaremos la publicación de nuestra revista digital considerando las recomendaciones de un devoto que trabaja como editor para una revista, y para hacerlo más sostenible, únicamente realizaremos 2 publicaciones al año.

Por el momento es todo, Muchas gracias querido Gurudeva su misericordia sin causa es lo único que nos mantiene en pie, tratando de ser útiles en el trascendental Sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada. 

Aprovechamos para enviar nuestra pequeña ofrenda en el marco de su trascendental Vyasa Puja. Esperamos que le agrade. https://youtu.be/eS5kV5Hr9Ic

En honor a su Vyasa puja, mi hermana Pati-Prana DD preparo un pastel para Sri Nrsmhadeva, Para Sri Gopal y para Usted y mi madre Citraleka Sakhi DD hizo otras preparaciones (envió fotos). Yo apoyé en la compra de flores para la celebración de su VP en el templo y por su misericordia sin causa obsequie 6 Bhagavad-Gitas a los vendedores, todos lo recibieron con mucha alegría y retribuyeron con Flores.

Gracias por ocuparnos en servicio Gurudeva.

Su Sirviente

Karuna-Sakti DD



Nuestro Equipo:

Apsara Gopi DD (Bolivia), Lila Sukhi DD (Argentina), Natyelli Garza (México), Cristina Tlatoa (México), Bhakta Javier (México),Bhakta Eduardo (México), Bhaktin Dafne (México), Tulasi DD (Perú), Amrta Ganga DD (Chile), Ishta DD (México), Bhaktin Maia (México) y Karuna Sakti DD – Coordinación General (México)

Nuestras Redes:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/crecervaisnava

ISSUU     https://issuu.com/crecer_vaisnava

Algunas descargas https://n9.cl/gseo


Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada!

And all the Glories be to You who occupy us in the transcendental Sankirtana of Your Divine Master.

HpS - OUR divine master. 🙏


Wishing you are in good health, I am writing to present the annual report of activities that, by your mercy, we carry out through "CRECER VAISNAVA"

Crecer Vaisnava, its purpose is to carry out online educational support activities. Our efforts are directed at Vaisnava families with children up to 12 years of age. Participating in this program has been a lot of fun and revitalizing, we had some difficulties caused by my health, but we tried to continue.

* During 2020 we started a section called "Krsna Book Club" and we were studying one chapter per week. It was a very nice family project. The families proposed activities; riddles, drama, storytelling, and a weekly assigned chapter quiz. We answered questions and established dynamics of deepening. (We are compiling everything to make a book that concentrates all the suggested activities.)

It was very nice but we had to suspend it in the middle of the year due to problems with my health. When the program stopped, a group of 3 families who attended, started on their own the study of the Bhagavad-Gita for children of 12 and 13 years, recently we have been in contact with them to support them and they have also helped me a lot. We are working to restart this project in the coming months.

ASA - !!! 😃 !

No better program in the world! Todo disponible in Espanyol.

* In the Translation area the team finally finished the translation of the book published by the Grihasta Vision Team entitled Heart and Soul Connection: A Devotional Guide for Marriage, Service and Love. We are now working on the proofreading and proofreading process. We are hopeful that these efforts will be of great benefit to Spanish-speaking Grihastas. The publication of this material will be the responsibility of the Grihasta Vision Team, headed by mother Uttama Devi Dasi.

HpS - and Partha Das! They are my old friends for decades.

* Books and study material for children: We are working on 2 projects. Led by 2 devoted painters (Mother and daughter). This is a Ramayana book for children ages 8 to 13, and another of "The avatars" which we are still in the process of defining the style. As soon as we have something advanced I will be informing in more detail.

In addition to the above, we are working on other less ambitious workbooks that will result from the Krsna Book Club.

* Digital Magazine for Parents Homeschooling to Grow Vaisnava: Starting this year we will resume the publication of our digital magazine considering the recommendations of a devotee who works as an editor for a magazine, and to make it more sustainable, we will only make 2 publications a year.

For the moment it is all, Thank you very much dear Gurudeva, your causeless mercy is the only thing that keeps us standing, trying to be useful in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental Sankirtana.

HpS - A secret (?) - I am at least 90% idiot. Whatever good qualities I show are from the unlimited determination and mercy of Srila Prabhupada. Let us all thank him He left Vrndavana. It is inconceivable how happy he was there but he begged with tears in his eyes, sweeping the courtyard of the Goswamis to be able to accomplish his mission assigned by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta.

We take the opportunity to send our small offering in the framework of his transcendental Vyasa Puja. We hope you like it. https://youtu.be/eS5kV5Hr9Ic

In honor of his Vyasa puja, my sister Pati-Prana DD prepared a cake for Sri Nrsmhadeva, For Sri Gopal and for You and my mother Citraleka Sakhi DD made other preparations (sent photos). I supported the purchase of flowers for the celebration of his VP in the temple and by his mercy without cause I gave 6 Bhagavad-Gitas to the vendors, they all received it with great joy and gave back with Flowers.

Thank you for engaging us in Gurudeva service.

His servant, Karuna-Sakti DD


Our team:

Apsara Gopi DD (Bolivia), Lila Sukhi DD (Argentina), Natyelli Garza (Mexico), Cristina Tlatoa (Mexico), Bhakta Javier (Mexico), Bhakta Eduardo (Mexico), Bhaktin Dafne (Mexico), Tulasi DD (Peru), Amrta Ganga DD (Chile), Ishta DD (Mexico), Bhaktin Maia (Mexico) and Karuna Sakti DD - General Coordination (Mexico)

Our Networks:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/crecervaisnava

ISSUU https://issuu.com/crecer_vaisnava

Some downloads https://n9.cl/gseo

HpS - ASA - We are sure, 'mahatmanas tu mam partha..." (https://vedabase.io/es/library/bg/9/13/), that whatever diseases you have with your body are under Krsna's supervision as part of your service. Take them that way!! See you in Nabadvipa with Nimai. Respects to all the children and parents. Best wishes to develop Vaisnava Crecer and coordinate with devotees around the world.

DTC - Lightening coach

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Paoho! AGTSP! Reached High Springs, Florida a few minutes ago. We stopped at Pensacola last night to rest after 8hr drive. Today drove for the remaining 4hrs. Weather is very nice mid 80's. 🙏

Hare Krsna

3 years, 11 months ago by Gadai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a Su Sankirtan Eterno!!!

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

En esta Maratón de libros que fue en diciembre 2020 distribuí 437 libros entre pequeños y medianos de Srila Prabhupada.

También 158 libros de S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami y 54 libros de S.S. Bir Krishna Das Goswami.

Espero que Srila Prabhupada este muy feliz.

Estuve todo el mes de diciembre con la asociación de Prabhu Adveita Takur Dasa y Prabhu Jivesvara Nityananda (discípulo de S.S. Jayapataka Swami).

En enero seguimos distribuyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Ahora febrero estamos en cuarentena.

Mi esposa Nadiya Nivasi Dasi sigue trabajando desde casa por internet.

También tomando los cuidados necesarios ante este virus, pero bueno, solo esperamos NUNCA olvidarnos de Krsna y Balarama.

Tengo algunos proyectos sobre la siembra y que sembrar y también sobre la medicina naturista. (todo dependera de la misericordia del Señor Krsna).

Solo Krsna sabe cual sera nuestro destino...

Mi actividad sigue siendo la misma, distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada y sembrar.

Cuando termine está cuarentena, mi actividad seguira siendo la misma.

Sankirtan local!!!😊😊😊

Hablo de manera regular con Prabhu Janardana Dasa, hablamos sobre algunos proyectos que están vinculados con la ecología y la siembra, viendo ideas para ayudar al Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada.

Mí Sadhana, 4 principios, 16 rondas, mangal artik 5 am, lectura de los libros de Srila Prabhupada marcha bien. Hay algunos días donde no puedo conectarme a FMP, por el internet (la señal falla).

Escribí mí reporte anual en Reports.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, me despido, que Nrsimha lo proteja mucho.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and His Eternal Sankirtan !!!

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, please take my respectful obeisances.

In this Book Marathon that was in December 2020, I distributed 437 small and medium-sized books by Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - 😮 😮 😮



Also 158 books by S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami and 54 books by S.S. Bir Krishna Das Goswami.

I hope Srila Prabhupada is very happy.

HpS - Not only very happy, but deeply happy. The seeds are planted and now they will grow.

I was the whole month of December with the association of Prabhu Advaita Thakur Dasa and Prabhu Jivesvara Nityananda (disciple of S.S. Jayapataka Swami).

In January we continue to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books.

Now February we are in quarantine.

My wife Nadiya Nivasi Dasi continues to work from home online.

Also taking the necessary care against this virus, but hey, we just hope to NEVER forget about Krsna and Balarama.

I have some projects on sowing and what to sow and also on naturopathic medicine. (everything will depend on the mercy of Lord Krsna).

Only Krsna knows what our destiny will be ...

HpS - Because we have free will, somethings even He does not know. The Gopis surprise Him. Little children with the help of their mother makes surprises for their father at his birthday party.

My activity remains the same, distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and sowing.

When this quarantine ends, my activity will remain the same.

Local Sankirtan !!! 😊😊😊

I speak regularly with Prabhu Janardana Dasa, we talk about some projects that are linked to ecology and planting, seeing ideas to help Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan.

My Sadhana, 4 principles, 16 rounds, 5 am mangal artik, reading from Srila Prabhupada's books is going well. There are some days where I can't connect to FMP, over the internet (the signal fails).

I wrote my annual report in Reports.

Well Guru Maharaja, I say goodbye, may Nrsimha protect you a lot.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa

HpS - You are very nice example of Lord Caitanya's devotee. Thank you for your association. Please engage us in your service.


Bhadra-rupa Das - Sankirtan!

Dear Maharaj,

Dear Radhika Raman Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It has been a long time!

My daily prayers You are kept safe and protected by Lord Nrisimhadeva in this special time we are living in the world.

I attached the video clip of my solo album inspired in the Gita Govinda (as personal instruction asked by GM) which was released worldwide by Sony Music International Japan:


The lyrics of this attached video clip which is sung in Spanish belongs to one of the Ashtapadis from the Gita Govinda and it is performed with the same "Raga GUJJARI"" and in "Ekatali Tal" used by Srila Jayadeva Goswami.

Here are the lyrics of this video clip originally sung by Srimati Radharani who reveals secrets to her intimate female companion about her feelings describing the spell-binding beauty of Sri Krishna's form:

"His black hair with his peacock feathers,

from my sweet young boy,

is like a thick black cloud,

surrounded by a colorful rainbow.

I'm unable to stop thinking of my Shyamasundara

because He’s my love

He is playing on his flute, Mohana

Music flows out from his lips movements,

these are sweet like “Bandhu”flowers from Vraja.

Oh my Shyama, we will see each other beneath the Kadamba tree.

His amazing overflowing love makes this song sing.

Cupid's power is immersing me in intense love for my beloved Prince,

My sweet love, My beautiful young boy,

He is my Shyamasundara".

The musical instruments used in this video clip are Inca's wind instruments (from 5 000 years ago), my flute invention "De La Calle Quena Flute (the inca's headjoint connected to the European transverse flute) and Latin and European instruments from a classical symphony orchestra. The musical style used in this video clip is "Huayno" (an andean style from the pre-inca time) with European musical arrangements (harmonies, counterpoint, orchestration etc). 

This album is an official profound research artistic collaboration between the Sangeet Natak Academy of Delhi in India, the University of Geneva, Switzerland and the Ithaca College in New York, USA.

If you would like to share this video clip with the Vaishnava community, please you are most welcome Dear Maharaj and Radhika Ramana Prabhu..

I kindly beg for your blessings to finish in this lifetime with the rest of the 292 poems by the acaryas vaishnavas which was asked by my Guru Maharaj as a personal instruction to compose their music.

Always grateful with your saintly association, 

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das 


Dear Maharaj,

Dear Radhika Raman Prabhu,

I forgot to tell you that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, the Record Collectors Magazine (the Japanese Billboard magazine), one of the most prestigious and popular music magazines in Japan, elected this album "Rainbow of Endless Love" (with the previous video clip), as one of the best albums of 2020, along with albums by Elton John, Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton, Charlie Parker, Santana, Bruce Springsteen, AC / DC, and Jimi Hendrix.

Thank you for your association.

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das

ASA-HpS - AgtSP! Paoho. It is very delightful to hear from you. All success in broadcasting the mercy of Srila Rupa Goswami and his Acharyas. For our readers let us append your webpage address: https://www.luisdelacalle.com/

Our first project is Kirtaniya Sada Harih! Then, very prominent now is making a movie: Diary of a Traveling Creature - The Ultimate Trip. Maybe Monkey and Piggy will stop their boat at your door one day in their quest.

A very interesting clip of Peter 0'toole in Man from La Mancha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo7VlD66ISM

Futura revista a los vecinos y food for life para ellos

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Acepte por favor mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Quería contarle que desde febeero estamos distribuyendo prasadam a las personas en situación de calle en el barrio, todos los sábados. Tal vez esto aumente con el tiempo.

Nosotros cocinamos y los distribuyen miembros de la comunidad que conocí haciendo Sankirtan.

Deseamos pronto ver su revista que hará para barrio, así poder tomar el concepto y hacer una aquí para nuestros vecinos.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I wanted to tell you that since February we have been distributing prasadam to homeless people in the neighborhood, every Saturday. Perhaps this will increase over time.

We cook and are distributed by members of the community that I met doing Sankirtan.

We hope to see soon your magazine that you will do for the neighborhood, so we can take the concept and make one here for our neighbors.

HpS - Thank you for the news! It is super... By your association we hope to get to our Neigborhood, Village, Bulletine: Hillcrest Howler. Hillcrest is name of the street. We live like at the crest of the crest of the street, and Howlers are types of monkeys. So maybe we can adopt that ego. We wrote notes for it but not yet published. Your association gives us much impetous.