Boise in August and your film

3 years, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept our humble obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaja, I heard today in class that you will be coming to Boise in August. Please let us know what we can do. Buy your plane ticket, arrange programs...

HpS - A thought. Maybe.... Many things needed to accomplish that. Make it useful. At least we can have online anniversary of Deity installation!

The Boise temple is surviving. We are in a transitional phase in terms of leadership as you probably know.

My services are increasing all the time and I’m trying to maintain balance in all aspects. I definitely feel like a monkey or a dog in devotee dress. An imposter trying to get by, hoping no one will notice. Ultimately trying to know my own shoe size.

Maharaja, Anadi “my” wife has been doing 6 Mungal [Mangala] arti pujari services a week among many other services and her back is giving out. She’s been in so much pain that she could no longer do them and we have no one else here at the moment to do the services so I have been covering her services on the alter. I have had very little training and it’s been very intimidating and stressful but also very blissful. Please give us your blessings in regards to this temporary arrangement.

Maharaja, what are your requirements for second initiation? I have not completed my Bhakti Sastri yet.

HpS - Basically that you have come to a Brahminical level by your service. []. Find Brahma muhurta useful. Regular Japa. Reading for purification and to acquire knowledge. Bh Sastri is not required but in general good.

We have a lot of small libraries or big mail box kind of things in our neighborhood. They say leave a book take a book. We’ve been putting a lot of small Prabhupada books them steadily for the last few months and books are going and not coming back. Is this okay to distribute books like this? It almost seems too easy.

HpS - I remember one funny monolog by Janis Joplin (what do you think of this: where she asks her doctor about her drinking habits and her black doctor says, "Honkey you doin, juz fine". What you describe seems just the same: Nitisara Das, you doin juz fine! Keep it up.

I am excited about this Diary of a Traveling Creature: The last trip. I would love to serve the project in some way. I have many song ideas and access to a very nice recording studio here in Boise. But I want to go where I am needed so please let me know how I might be best suited for this if I am at all. A good old close friend is writing screen plays for Hollywood films now. He says it all depends on who you know and what big actors and actresses you can get. He may be able to help the project in someway.

Also, I personally know a man named Jonathan Taplin. He was the manger for The Band, produced the concert for Bangladesh with Goerge Harrison, produced Martin Scorseses first film, I believe he was a professor at Berkeley for some time, he’s also written some successful books on music history and releasing music in the modern world. Anyway, I’ve worked with his son on three full length albums and have a good connection to him. He is God conscious and may be able to help as well.

HpS -Super. Tomorrow we can look at Ambarisa/Vrsabhanu's work and see if our perspective is up on Youtube. What you are saying fits so well into what we want to do.

Welcome to:

Hari Wood

I really appreciated what you said a few months ago when you were talking about Gandhi the film. “Movies happen because God wants them to” I am keeping this in mind as I am trying to release another album and struggling and almost giving up.

Maharaja, please forgive me if I am wasting your time here. I also have faith and trust that you don’t waste your time.

But please let me know if any of this is useful to you.

I know that my main service to you is to chant my rounds enthusiastically, follow the principles strictly and rise by 4am to do morning program. I have so long to go just to improve these services so this is what I’m trying to focus on and prioritize.

Your classes continue to give me hope and inspiration and get me through almost every work day. Thank you Maharaja for having mercy on me and giving me such a clear connection to this most highest philosophy.

We hope and pray that we may see you in August. Please let us know what we can do to facilitate.

your aspiring servant,

-Nitisara das

P.S. Thank you so much for your letter. We relished every word and illustration. We have been discussing your question about Gandhari. Was she a good mother to Duryodhana? Is this a question of following Vedic culture verses following Vaishnava principles? How do we understand?


30.04 - 33.04

105.39 - (108.05) - 109.08

Some ideas. SP only gives a few comments about her as we know. So many characters, men and women, in the Maha-bharata seem to be like us, devotees with material attachments, going through strong experiences to get free from them.

PROYECTO: Historias del Universo

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Acepte por favor mi reverencias

En este auspicioso día de “Rama Navami” estoy publicando de manera oficial el proyecto: “Historias del Universo” que es un resumen del Srimad Bhagavatam en 33 episodios, que narra la vida de los personajes más importantes del SB. Ya publiqué el “Episodio 1” y cada semana estaré publicando un episodio nuevo de 10 minutos en promedio.

*Están participando 3 actores de voz para la interpretación de los personajes

*Estoy suscrito a una página: para tomar las canciones necesarias y utilizarlas en cada episodio.

Este proyecto se está publicando por Facebook, youtube e Instagram. Aquí le muestro el 1er episodio por youtube (con subtítulos):


Por favor deme sus bendiciones para este proyecto

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Jagat Pavitram das



Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my obeisances

On this auspicious day of "Rama Navami" I am officially publishing the project: "Stories of the Universe" which is a summary of Srimad Bhagavatam in 33 episodes, which narrates the life of the most important characters of SB. I have already published “Episode 1” and every week I will be publishing a new episode of 10 minutes on average.

* 3 voice actors are participating for the interpretation of the characters

* I am subscribed to a page: to take the necessary songs and use them in each episode.

This project is being published on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Here I show you the 1st episode on youtube (with subtitles):

Please give me your blessings for this project.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Jagat Pavitram das


HpS - We have near mortal Hay Fever reaction, but resting and Pranayama has put it under moderate limits. Consulting with out Dr. Amit Singh. Parents devotees and he was Gurukula dude.

Good to hear from you.

We looked at Episode One from your link and had many, many thoughts. To try to discuss the most salient:

So many of the images are BBT images. Do you have copyrights to use them. I have seen then stop projects that seemed to be well done in the past.

Srila Prabhupada, to our understanding, was rather pragmatic about these preaching efforts: Are people buying books. At the end of the episodes do you have promotional links for purchasing BBT books?

The technical quality and narrations are quite good.

Seems you need to get an audience reaction to evaluate the project for further development.

One big Indian cinema director approached Prabhupada for his blessings to serialize the SB as a television show. SP kept saying over and over again, "Do first two Cantos", but he kept insisting all ten Cantos. In the end SP said, "Okay, do that." Look at SB 2.2.12 ( at the end of the purport especially.

That then brings the idea of mixing information on a subject from 1st and later cantos. Maybe we must hear about Brahma's later pastimes of creation along with the other education the SB is giving us to bring us to the more advanced cantos. Of course, devotees who are familiar, spiritual advanced, would seem to like to hear these extracted lines of different persons. Eg. Someone can extract all the education on Sri Dharma from 1st to 10th canto and advanced devotees will appreciate it.

These are some of our thoughts.

We can't really enter too much into giving you much more detailed guidance because our donkey is old and his feet are slipping. Get advice from others also.

What we see so far is very nice, but there are the considerations mentioned above.

Thank you!!


Odissi Service, PkDas, JPJ-radha DD Please help.

Dear Maharaj,


Some very humble choreographic work on a bhajan from Abhay Charan sharing here on the blog as per your guidance:

Ami jamuna Puline:

Odissi Sarasvati Mangalacharana:

Maharaj, I have been working with the Odissi repertoire and have spent the past decade contemplating how to give it our Vaishnava perspective/flavor (this is a draft video, narrative needs to be adapted to final video):

Maharaj, I humbly seek your guidance 🙏. How am I to institute a Vaishnava pedagogical system that I can practice and teach that has KC significance for our coming generation?

HpS - Awk!! We don't know much. Parama karuna Das may read this! He was professional dancer with the National Ballet of Argentina and Peru. Radha prati jalpa Devi Dasi has been dancer for many years. She writes here. We will try to get her involved.

I'm currently working to create a pedigogical system and documentation within a book, and before I make any decisions I seek your transcendental guidance. We have some pure dance items and steps that are neutral (non-expressive) that are used to just teach student mind-body coordination/rhythm, balance, limb-isolation, strength, flexibility. Currently in my Natyasala Academy, I teach body conditioning and Odissi basics, theory, and repertoire. In a traditional odissi repertoire: 1) Mangalacharana, with kadachit Kalindi lyrics 2) Battu/Sthai, pure dance item, choreography string of postures to rhythm 3) Pallavi, pure dance item developed further by more complex rhythm and raga 4) Abhinaya: pastimes of Radha and Krsna, Dasavatar etc 5) Moksha, pure dance item ending in 'om'.

How would we envision/reinvent this repertoire from a Vaishnava perspective? I am delighted waiting eagerly to hear from you :) 🙏.

HpS - Again this way, way, beyond us. I don't know any devotees who are working on. Of course Manipuri devotees might be a natural resource for this. Please send a note by WhatsApp to remind us to send contact for devotee in Manipura. She is senior professor of biology at Manipura Medical College and about your age I think. She may be both a good technical resource and a good friend.

Maharaj, if I may, I want to ask one more question: what is my duty with regards to Odissi and KC? Please shed some light 🙏. It seems both have come to my life on their own accord and under your guidance I have found glimpses of a meaningful connection between the two. I request you to please shed some light on how I may serve, my occupational duty 🙏?

HpS - Basically the same answer as in the above comments. Of course, it is nice as we can find an audience to appreciate what we are doing. Basis is good rounds. Sincere rounds even if they are not good. Ask other people for advice. From my perspective we chant good rounds and then Krsna can get the advice through to us. It is like turning our head in his direction.

Your aspiring servant,


Pankajanghri Prabhu Photos

3 years, 10 months ago by sugopiradha in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja 🙏

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Attached are two photos of Pankajanghri Prabhu.

Your insignificant servant.

HpS - Such a pleasant persons, Pankajanghri and Jananivasa . Sometimes, when we were in Mayapura they would invite us to take breakfast, little Radha Madhava Mahaprasada with them. We took their one week deity service course long time ago.

We love to chant before their picture.

Only pray that our Harinam kirtan is useful in their service wherever Srila Prabhupada wants them to stay!!!

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.... ... .. ...

Miracle Opportunities in Manipur

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaj HH Hanumat Presaka Swami. Please accept our obeisances at your sweet merciful lotus feet.

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,

We wrote a letter long, long time ago .....waiting...waiting for a reply....still waiting. But today, we have to write this urgent letter.

HpS - AgtSP! We wrote in the KDh that we had too many letters at the New Years, so we tried to extract prominent things and gradually answer those, and please write again. So here we are!

Manipur is opening another university . Would you kindly suggest what course we can open here which will be appropriate for the devotees? The Commissioner of the University will be visiting soon and we plan to put our ideas forward. They already have a department of Yoga. We can propose the exchange programme between Manipur and Peru too. This has come at a very appropriate timing. We are eagerly waiting for your instructions Guru Maharaj.

HpS - I would say that first you should think about what kind of program YOU want to motivate. Then look for other people who have personal motivation to present something. A general, intellectually defined program won't be as stable as something starting with personal passion and commitment that then goes to the intellectual and mental and sensual level.


Personally, we are finishing with all projects and consolidating our works lifetime with the aim of producing a series of maybe five movies, videos, of stimulating quality.

Light of the Bhagavat, the book, art etc. is a very nice program! Maybe someone would like to do that! It could be a regular symposium: Cultivation of the Human Spirit... Light of the Bhagavata, Light of the Bible, Light of the Scientific Revolution.

Hope this helps.

We are attending mangal arti regularly now. Just back from Vraj.....thank you Guru Maharaj....thank you for your immense mercy. We dressed up the Deities of ISKCON Vrindavan on Gaura Purnima....Sri Radha Shyamasundara in Manipuri attire. Gaura Nityai felt abandoned that day.....all eyes on Sri Radhe.......

HpS - Ahhh! Devotees here noticed that and commented on it twice. You are influencing the world with YOUR love, passion.

We offered our obeisances at Barsana.......astasakhi villages.....Nandagaon......Saket.... How we wish we could accompany Govardhan parikrama with you Guru Maharaj. We miss you so much. We stayed a night at RadhaKund. We are sending you some pics,

HpS - We will meet in this world or another.

We continue our preaching at the medical campus too. We have an induction programme as part of a new curriculum by National Medical Commision. We requested HG Ramanuja Das to take 2 sessions on Time management and Stress management. The students were very happy about the session. We spoke on Training the mind. Thank you Guru Maharaj for your grace.

HpS - If someone likes it LOB is a good basis. We have the art in big files. It seems appropiate for Manipur and the general theme of the original conference would be good. Then Philosophy and Modern Practice of Literature of Srila Rupa Goswami (NoD, NoI).

We are planning to open a preaching centre close to our hospital. Rent is 9500 rupees per month. Please give us the strength and the will to serve you better dear Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Wow! Seems like a lot. Some one there every day?

Special things are possible in Manipur.

Hope other devotees in this Blog are enthused to help.

your most insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

Gita-govinda/Bhadra-rupa Das

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Bhadra-rupa Das writes us:

Dear Hanuman Presaka Swami Maharaj,

Dear Radhika Raman Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, this album which was inspired by the Gita Govinda has also created a big impact for the Ministry of Culture from the Government of India represented by India's National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama in New Delhi, which is the highest authority of Arts in India.

I attached an article written by the India's National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama of New Delhi about their impression and the description of how it was conducted in the research of this album guided by this prestigious national academy. In this article, this national academy mentioned twice the name of my Guru Maharaj as my spiritual master who gave me this instruction and HH Hrdayananda Maharaja, as the artistic director of this album. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, according to this attached article, this album has written history in Indian music.

In this attached article, this National Academy stated this album as:

"This is the first time that a full music album based on the Gita Govinda has been produced and released by an international music company such as Sony Music. This album aims to create a niche for Indian music in the international music field and industry".

"This album is proving a global sensation, a product of Dr Luis De La Calle's comprehensive effort, leaving no stone unturned in taking a historical/mythological work into a musical album on the global stage. This kind of intelligence inspires others to come out of their shells and do exceptional work". 

The National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama of New Delhi will send this attached article to the Indian media (newspapers, magazines, radios and TV) across the country for its publication.

By the mercy of Srila Prabhu, for nex music albums which will be inspired in the vaishnava padavali, we will have full support from the Indian Government.

I humbly beg for your blessings to continue successfully with this personal instruction from my GM to finish it in this lifetime.

Thank you very much for your saintly association.

Your servant,

Bhara Rupa das

HpS/ASA - The article is at:

We hope Prof. BrD can participate in our movie, Diary of a Traveling Creature, and Solaris.