Spain travel

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I saw that Srila Gurudev, you don't plan to visit India this year.

A letter stating that you plan to visit Spain is posted in blog.

I wanted to seek permission and opinion regarding if I, can visit you for a week when you will be in Spain. I really want your association and would be grateful to meet you once.

Although I am not a good disciple but I am trying in my situation to improve.

Gurudev, what do you think. Is it advisable for me to visit you in Spain.

Is there any possibility that you might visit India.

I suddenly got inspired to come to Jagannath Puri. Took a sudden flight to bhubaneswar. I am editing this letter on way to ISKCON bhubaneswar.

I seek your blessings so that I can mercy of Jagannath bhagawan and increase my sadhana.

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

Your trying to be disciple

Rturaj Krsna Das

Puducherry, India

HpS - Hare KRsna, Dr. Sahaab!

We just finished a long, detailed, letter on exactly this topic! I think you may find 99.9999% of your answers there!

Asking for your guide, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻 Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 🌷

Gurudeva, as I told you before, I am back again in matajis asrama of Chosica. I came back to my service of dressing the deities.

It is been more than two months since I returned from India. This trip was quite an experience for me, a learning experience in several aspects. Now that some time has passed, I am having memories especially of my stay in Vrndavana and I would like to return in the future, but in a different with friends or a close friend......and if you were there... the better!

I continue to strive to do a good sadhana and also to read Srila Prabhupada's books more, as you have recommended to me several times.

Gurudeva, lately I am feeling more the desire to preach......sometimes it makes me sad to see the temples almost empty.....and I also do not feel completely satisfied with just doing service to the Deities. Serving Deities is really nice, very purifying for me, but even so I feel that something is missing...

I think I also have to engage in some form of preaching to reach people. Actually this is very in line with my nature, because I really like contact with people, talking to them, making friends..

At the moment I am trying to preach to the people who come to the temple. But, I am still thinking about what preaching project I can get involved in... I was thinking about looking for places to put book tables, fairs or something like that..

Waiting for your comments, your merciful guide, Gurudeva...🙏🏻

Your aspiring servant:

Mitravinda dd.

HpS/ASA - Your, agtSP, consciousness is great. Just intensify things. No changes needed.

Just look for opportunities to meet people in your natural setting.

Join a Peruvian girls football team if that is your nature.

Be KRSNA conscious and associate with people.

Everything else will follow.

Rohini Kumar das

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis reverencias.

Deseando que se encuentre bien de salud para continuar con increíble servicio.

Gracias a la micericordia de Krsna y los devotos, todo está bien con mucho servicio al regresar de Houston. Me pusieron de la encargado del almacén acá en New Vrindavan, así que tenemos mucho trabajo cada día.

Por favor cuente conmigo para ayudarlo en lo que esté a mi alcance, puedo acompañarlo en cualquier viaje que usted necesite hacer.

Perdone mis limitaciones al servirlo y espero mejorar cada día .

Su eterno sirviente

Rohini Kumar das

HpS - Gracias para los noticias yyyyy su ofrenda de servicio.

La 'almacen' is para la 'Botique' o que?

Offering song dance to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva 🎤🙏🏻💖

Remembered and Adored Gurudeva:

 Hare krsna!

 Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet🙏🏻🌹🌷🌺🌻🌻🌼🌻🌻🌺🌺🌷🌹

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

 All glories to you my dear and remembered Gurudev🙏🏻💖

 I hope this finds you in good health, and improving from your recent illnesses. May His Lord Nrshimha always protect you very much💗

HpS - AgtSP. We, you, always have good health! We are eternal, sat cit ananda. This body does not get diseases, it is a disease! If this body is rotting, then it is becoming compost for other new bodies.

 Thank you Gurudev for his instructions 💗🙏🏻

 I am very happy to know that I can serve you by sending reports about Mother Jambabati, it is a pleasure for me to help her, I have a lot of appreciation for her mother since I met her in Chosica.

HpS - Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

 Please forgive my offense in sending you my non-public message. I was actually worried about two people who have been so good to me. In the next letter I will talk a little about that.

HpS - Socrates, Canakya Pandita, Srila Prabhupada, SB all comment that it is better to have a wise man for an enemy than a fool for a friend! Hmmm?

Become EXPERT AT avoiding the Demons!

 In the Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada tells us that without the initiation of the spiritual master, the true link with Krishna consciousness never occurs... I was thinking about this... and then

 I was lucky enough to dream about you recently, while I was feeling sad for having asked you non-public questions. And it was very strange... because you asked me: should I continue initiating?.. and I answered: there are so many enthusiastic devotees..!! I think if.

 I don't know what my dream meant😊

 Gurudeva I ask you to please pray for me to cleanse my heart completely in this life🙏🏻❤. And not to prosper in previous bad things🙏🏻💖

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna! Monkey and Piggy pray that you will become very empowered, compassionate Saint and your whole family just the same!!

 I wanted to tell you that I am happy to see how you become more strict with yourself every year. This is a great example for me. Before you responded to some private messages in public and now you don't.

It makes me happy and helps me to continue being loving but also strict, especially with myself and that everything is to please our Govinda.

 This year Her Vyasa Puja was on the same day as his birthday! , I remembered so many moments lived with you and the devotees in Peru!.. so many beautiful celebrations at Ganga Sagara Mela!! The ceremonies and visits to the sea and the temple... I was very lucky to live all those moments...

 But each one must follow the path that Krishna is setting for us to Help Him... and I am happy to know that I am on the path that He sets for me and I hope to please Him💖

 It was my husband Franco Bone's birthday recently, on February 17. I ask for your blessings for him, please, so that he continues to advance in his spiritual life despite the difficulties. I remember that in a previous letter you told me that he could write a few words to his WhatsApp, but we don't have his number.

Tom Brown - We have +54 9 351 356 .... as number for the Franco, but it doesn't work for WhatsApp. If you send is a WhatsApp number we will send you our ASA number and not publish your number.

 I made a video with the song I made for Srila Prabhupada. He dedicates it to You for Your Vyasa Puja🙏🏻💖:

 I was in doubt about publish it and sending it to you... because my voice is recorded at home 😊, but I showed it to my Balarama krsna and the photo of you and Srila Prabhupada on my altar... and I felt that despite not being perfect, it is my attempt at sankirtan.

I remembered the verse where it is said that it is better to dedicate yourself to your service with defects than to do another's service perfectly.

 In any case I will try to improve my recordings with his blessings please🙏🏻 and serve better and better and please you, Srila Prabhupada and our sweet Govinda💖

 Here is the link 😊😅:

ASA - We loaded the link but have to go to Franklin, Tennessee now. So can't watch now! Thank you!!

 Franco sends you his humble reverences🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

 Gopal always sees you in the videos of his classes 😊 ..

 I try to download all the classes I can.

 Thank you for his prayers to my grandmother🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

 Please forgive any offense committed in this letter unintentionally and wishing to tell you about my sankirtan pastimes in my next letter, I say goodbye wishing to please your adorable lotus heart day by day🙏🏻💖

 His attempted disciple: Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi.

 Please accept bows from Franco and Gopalito🙏🏻🙏🏻


Thank you very much for the photos that you sent me Gurudeva! The 1st photo of Krishna Balarama studying reminds me how much I like learning Prabhupada's books with Gopal and Franco. and the second photo of Krsna❤ I read that Srila Prabhupada said that it is the photo that looks most like Krsna😱 so thank you for sending it to me🙏🏻💖...since the first time I saw Him, in a large life-size photo, I confess that I fell in love with Him very strongly and I could never get Him out of my heart again.

HpS/ASA - Oh!! Don't worship this Krsna! He is very cunning boy. He will tease you and make you go crazy.

About MTSU

3 months, 4 weeks ago by pablort in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna, Maestro!

The Video and Film Production, B.S., at MTSU is ranked #197 (out of 540) in the United States, which makes it be in the top 40%.

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna! That is so high!

Their curriculum is hard to judge because descriptions are too generic and short. They don't mention the expertise level of the faculty members. But they are considered to offer one of the best online Bachelor’s in Communications.

I also learned that MTSU is well known for some science careers, and for recording and performing arts. My opinion is that it will do the job, not at the highest level, but with high efficiency that shoud be boosted with the proactivity of the interested student.

Hope this helps.


HpS - Helps! It is a 900% improvement for our NIOS Strategy. We hope that our NIOS friends and members take full note of this. Sri Hari Das arrives this Wednesday. He was like Dean of Engineering, an expert in Hydrology, and retired from his post in India just a few days ago.

He and his family are very, very, seriously looking at locating her to join this NIOS project.

We can start sending more reports once he is here.

We will share this report.

Again thank you and give us help and direction any way you see fit.

Pasos en el Sankirtan - PMD

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I have started publishing on my social media, everything has gone well and I have been able to apply what I learned at the institute, I am happy with it, it is a good preaching vehicle.

Preaching must be oriented to each specific target audience, but are there elements that are applicable to all people? When I think about it I remember the archetypes.

When I was studying at the institute I had a “body and expression” course, it was like theater. One of the final evaluations was individual and free topic.

I did a monologue about how we are not the body and reincarnation, while I was talking I was putting on and taking off different jackets to represent the change of body. In the end I said: “And if we are not the body, what will be your next costume?…”. Everyone was left with their mouths open, it made them think a lot.

Please Gurudeva give me his blessings to always keep preaching and share Krishna consciousness through new technologies through culture and the arts.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

my obeisances

Your se


Piyari Mohan das

hps/asa - . you know the answer to the question above. 

you are on the right path, just learn to traverse it with more depth, agility. it is a spiral.