Duh Lass News

2 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

[11/1, 3:51 PM] HPSwami - Prof. HHR: Hare Krsna, you all, Nanda braja Das!

What's the news from ISKCON Dallas?

How's Jaya hari, Srinatha-k, ladies?


[11/1, 10:49 PM] Nanda-braja Das: Hare Krishna! Guru Maharaja Please except my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!! News is we are working on our sankirtan, even working together.

Srinatha Krsna Prabhu and I have meet with Nityananda Prabhuji about how to focus our development and service for devotees as a community. From new devotees (first contact) and forever. It was inspiring.

Jaya Hari Prabhu I'm not so sure, he seems good but we don't talk much anymore. We do see his enthusiasm in service.

My wife is well, we are in Bhakti Sastri together and she is doing very well. Our children are well. Janardan is really getting into Kirtan and playing mrdanga. Lila is very absorbed in school/college.

We see posts on Facebook and your Kapi Dhvaja about you and Vrindavan, we hope to join you there soon, eternally.

You're servant, Nanda-braja das. 🙏

HpS - Thanks for the news. AgtSP.

Respects to all.

Itis 10.00AM here, 9-minutes from Radha kunda.

We are trying to make progress in purifying ourselves of material conditioning.

Radha kund, Kala-chandji Dhama, have such opportunities.

Two b'caris cooking in the little kitchen altar, two ladies cleaning the continous layer of gnats and dust.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

Friday is Ekadasi, Gaura-kishora Das Babaji and arrival of Nitai-Gaura sundara Das in Vrndavana.

After review of letters we will take a quick bath and walk to Radha kunda for some Japa.

We have become GBC Secretary!

Of our bead bag. 😎

See you there.

Best wishes to make a big impact on Dallas.

Will Putin start a nuclear war?

Is this my last breath?

Aaaah we arrive Houston February 23rd.

Go to Mexico March 4th.

Stories of the Universe & Golden Avatar

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Regarding your question about the distribution of books in the “Stories of the Universe” project, I haven't been able to think much about it, however, people who are interested often ask philosophical questions about the stories and also about ISKCON temples. Also the videos are being used by many devotees when they want to preach to new people.

I will be away from Lima until January 2023, then I will return to Lima to continue my studies in data science and artificial intelligence. My parents are well but a bit in poor health, I am chanting 16 rounds (98% of the time), gayatri (70%), and I follow the 4 regulative principles. For more than 5 years Krishna has not allowed me to have a girlfriend, but I take advantage of the time dedicating myself to my project.

* The cost of Voice Actors for the “Stories of the Universe” project is $8270 (USD)

* And all other additional expenses such as payment of rights to Krishna art, song rights, video editing, English translation, consultancies, etc., add up to a total of $5500 (USD)

* So the total cost of the project is $13770 (USD)

Thanks to the mercy of Krishna I have been able to finance this entire project through my work, however, if Krishna allows me in 2023 I will start my next project: “Golden Avatar”, which is the summary of the Caitanya Caritamrita in 27 episodes, and will cost $10000 (USD). Therefore I have the following questions:

• I don't know if I will be able to have all the money to finance my next project. What recommendation do you give me to collect the funds?

• Most of the voice actors I have hired were non-devotees, and they characterized the characters in “Stories of the Universe”. What do you think if a non-devotee does the voice of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and other Vaishnava saints?

I have made many mistakes in this service, but I want to improve and continue for several more years

Thank you very much Guru Maharaj,

Hare Krishna

Jagat Pavitram das


HpS - AgtSP. Some answer to your question in our response to the post by Laksmana agaja Das.

If actors are demons then should not use them, but most people are just innocent and playing parts of Vedic characters stimlates their spiritual progress.

Put a little explanation about the books that are the basis of your presentions in the presentations and then a link where to buy the books. Aravinda Das?

Also, can put link to Vedabase.io, no?

Thank you!!!!

We have changed the world. The door is open, now we must go in!

If you do the right project then money will come. Watch for it.

LAD breaking news

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva and devotees. Pamho, AGTSP!

First, the good news.

1.-M. Ganga called me to teach the introductory course to Bhakti yoga for the San Borja temple. There are about 20 enthusiastic young devotees. It will be an 8 month course. It is amazing how devotees unite through service and differences are resolved naturally. In San Borja they are enthusiastic to implement education and they have blessed me by giving me that service.

2.- Some time ago I am helping Jagat pavitram in his extraordinary service of spreading the glories of Srimad Bhagavatam through his Universe Stories program. I have shared with him some points of view and I support him with the English translation for the subtitles. In the future, he plans to make the stories in English so that they will be more widely distributed.

3.- We continue with Raman reti performing a good program of sadhana and adoration to Sri Sri Laxmi-Nrsimha and Sri Sri Nitay Caitanya candra. Various readings and study. Also for some time now we are distributing prasadam to some local acquaintances apart from my family and devoted friends. Halava, cookies, sweet balls, etc.

The less good news

1.- I haven't been able to do my thesis yet. I followed all the courses, but I couldn't start the thesis. First, due to the pandemic and then due to lack of resources.

2.- Traveling to Mexico is very difficult for me, for the same reason as the previous one. Less go to India to take your association.

3.- Neither have we been able to start the NGO for the same reasons.

Well, the above three points depend on a miracle. I don't know what Krishna will want about it. On our side we make good efforts to do things. The direction of where to go and what can be done is up to Krishna. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my letters. I am very grateful.

Anything I can do depends on your mercy.

Trying to be your disciple and help Srila Prabhupada's mission,


HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! paoho. THANK YOU for the breaking news.

IS very nice that ISKCON San Borjas is promoting academic studies.

Srila Prabhupadaś books are a solid center to all the other activities in our life, no?

You posted about resources for Thesis, Mexico, India travel and miracles, but that is exactle what I have sometimes experienced.

Consider what big things you want to accomplish then watch for some miracles and opportunities that may happen. Eg. Some work opportunity will appear in Mexico the same time as our ASA visit.

Of course, preaching to our neighbors is a miracle in the current age.

We can put a man on the moon but we can't sit and talk with the man across the street.


Urgente Traducciones para los días sábados

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Estamos muy agradecidos por el darshan a través de gotomeeting los días sábados. Prabhu Upendra nos entusiasma con su bhakti por los libros de Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Si le parece adecuado, queremos retomar el tema de las traducciones para ese día.

A veces puede haber fallas pero en porcentaje de esfuerzo podría funcionar con sus bendiciones.

Prabhu Nikunja Bihari está dispuesto para el servicio y los días que no pueda buscaremos un reemplazo.

Anteriormente lo hizo, pero por circunstancias de salud no pudo continuar.

¿Le parece adecuado?

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

ASA - AGTSP. Si, es bueno associar con Prabhu Upendra Das.

El es BHAKTI sastri, no bhakti SASTRI!

Si, hay traductor es bueno!

  1. Tiene que entender la Ingles del Upendra Das.
  2. Necesita conneccion de internet suficiente bueno que no hay demasiado demurra oir y traducir.

Purnima Puppet Theater


Loka bandhu rama Das, paoho,

How are you?

No news?

We are 9-minutes from Radha Kunda in Vrndavana.

We hope to base here until 9 January.

We received a very nice text message from Lokanatha Das. That is free, but if we respond we must pay $10 for text message access for the day.

Can you text our response to him and include this explanation that we can receive messages but to respond it is more convenient to do it through someone who has Whatsapp.

Maybe he can get Whatsapp, but its nice to be in touch with you also.

He texted:

please accept my humble obeisa nces all glory to Srila Prabhupada more maintenance on the eye coming up this one i get sedated and stay conscious while being cut i adjusted to it by thinking it wont be any worse than some of the dentists ive had working on my teeth i made two shadow shows that still havent been performed and i stàrted looking at the story of Durvasa Muni cursing Àmbarisa 

to maybe make a show of theres a Berkeley Rathayatra Nov 6 but i dont think we do puppets no one has talked to me about it Hare Krsna

HpS  -   Hare Krsna, Prabhu. AGTSP. Paoho. We think about you frequently and how to contact you. I hope LBRD has forwarded the Whataspp message we sent to him and our communication situation is clear.

Your news is like a day full of sunhine for us.

We hope you can keep your body, machine, maintenance in the mode of pure goodness so that it can be a perfect instrument for your and Krsna's service in this world.

We also hope that you don't become discouraged and work to animate the 'Purnima Puppet Theater' so that your shadow shows can be broadcast.

If Krsna sends us some facility we would like to paticipate more with that work.

We will post this text to our Blog and maybe ist will generate from PPT action.

Can you access the internet?

We still publish our bulletin, 'Kapi Dhvaja', every two weeks at www.JayaRama.US, News.

If you can't get it, maybe Loka bandhu rama Das can forward it to you.

Hoping for more news.

Take a book for your occulist?

visita a monterrey

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y al movimiento de Sankirtan.

Gurudeva lamento mucho el no tener un alto nivel de comunicación con usted directamente a través del blog , mi naturaleza es de mucho trabajo y atención al negocio, estamos siguiendo su Sankirtan escuchando mensajes de nuestros hermanos espirituales, personalmente estamos trabajando como servir mejor.

En Monterrey tenemos buena comunicación con las principales Universidades y espacios culturales, nuestro esfuerzo lo alineamos con su próxima visita para agendar fechas y preparar una buena propuesta de predica.

La familia es nuestro principal servicio, Dios bendice, mi esposa es la paciencia en persona.

Actualmente gracias al equipo de colaboradores devotos en la ciudad tenemos un centro cultural de estudio de Bhagavad Gita todos los domingos con buena asistencia, el restaurante y hotel es una gran forma de acercar a las personas a la conciencia de Krishna de una forma positiva , la ubicación es muy buena muchas personas paseando los fines de semana, ambiente cultural y muchos museos en la zona.

Nuestro principal interés es servir es su próxima visita , mi principal comunicación es con madre Asta Sakhi y mi esposa Anandamaya dd. estoy comunicando detalles para su próxima visita pero hay confusión por cambios en su itinerario y comunicación.

El proyecto de la comunidad rural esta en una excelente ubicación a 60 km de la ciudad con autopistas cercana para visitantes, contamos con 4 casas habilitadas para recibir devotos así como también ya tenemos 2 domos geodésicos para camping , terminamos la cocina industrial y estamos generando resultados con equipo de dos devotos que están entusiastas y también realizamos programa de lectura y japa.

Madre Govinda promodini nos envía mensajes de noticias en el tour india .

Nos interesa ver con claridad su próxima visita cual es su recomendación, muy bueno la idea de ir a Cdmx. nuestro deseo es seguir su plan. Nuestro interés esta en establecer un programa rural educativo y ocupamos su consejo queremos inaugurar la finca en Gaura Purnima si esta usted presente y de acuerdo en Monterrey (las fechas de Gaura Purnima en nuestro pais es el 6 de Marzo 2023).

Gracias por su tiempo me vi en la tarea de escribirle para tener una mejor perspectiva sobre su próxima visita y buscar hacer los mejores arreglos para su visita a Monterrey.

Le compartimos algunas fotografías de la finca y el huerto.

Su Sirviente Gadadhar Gosai Das

HpS-ASA -- Gracias! TlgaSP!!! Super noticias para todos nosotros.

En una carta parallel hay discusion de calendario con Asta sakhi Devi Dasi.

Podemos comenzar comprar boletos de Houston on Monterrey etc. Manyana, Manyana!!

Ya vamos a gaura arati EN Radha Kunda. Nos juntamos!!