Arrived in India

2 years, 2 months ago by srinath in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We finally reached India after 3 years! We can't wait to come and meet you in Radhakunda. We hope and pray that your energy levels are good. We watched your katha on Srila Prabhupada before his disappearance day. It was so very instructive to us on how a disciple should make the instructions of the Spiritual Master his life and soul and how you have taken the instructions you heard from Srila Prabhupada and have made it your life and soul.

We are currently in Pune near Sri Sri Radha VrindavanChandra temple. We are with the devotee (Madhuri Rasa Mataji) who helped Divya take up Krishna Consciousness when she was in Pune before we got married. Divya had promised Radha VrindavanChandra that she would bring me to Them after our marriage. It has taken us 4 years to come. In the morning today, I got the opportunity to do Srila Prabhupada's Guru Puja in the temple. I really feel it was your mercy Guru Maharaja because there are so many wonderful devotees here and I don't know anyone here to recognize me and ask me as a matter of courtesy. We have been doing Srila Prabhupada's Guru Puja service in Dallas for 4 years and see it as Srila Prabhupada accepting our service.

Before arriving in Pune, we were in Thiruvanantapuram. Divya's elder brother lives there and they just welcomed their first child. They named her Sankirtana. We also visited the Adi Kesava Perumal temple and took dust from the place where Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to recite Brahma Samhita. We leave Pune tomorrow to Nagpur to meet Divya Sri's parents. She has not seen them for 3 years. Her father lost his hearing last year when he got COVID and she has not even been able to speak to him properly. It will be good for her to spend some time with them. On 19th we travel to Delhi where we'll meet up with Radhika Raman prabhu and my friend Caru Nimai Prabhu from ISV, and travel to Radhakunda together. Ranchor prabhu has very mercifully arranged accommodations for us in Radhakunda next to your asharam. We can't wait to come and meet you and be with you Guru Maharaja. We will be there till 24th evening and leave to Delhi along with Radhika Raman prabhu. On 25th we travel to Mayapur and return to Chennai on 29th.

On 1-Jan, we are celebrating our father's 70th birthday (Bhimaratha Shanthi), we have our visa appointment at the US consulate on 18-Jan. It is taking one month for the passports to be returned with the visa stamp nowadays. We will get our passports back from the US consulate with our visas stamped sometime around 18th Feb. We have booked our return tickets on 23rd Feb back to Dallas. On 27th Jan, Srirama is getting married. Divya and I have been going around and distributing wedding invitations this time, since it is getting difficult for my parents to do so.

In between all this, I have been working also. It is the first time I have come to India for such a long time. Usually, it is for 2-3 weeks. Day before yesterday, I was texting Nrtya Kisori mataji that I was missing the Dham and the devotees in Dallas and immediately, we met a devotee from Dallas in Radha Kunjabihari temple yesterday. Krishna has been very kind and merciful and we can't attribute it to anything else other than your causeless mercy Guru Maharaja!

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa


It is cold here!

Maybe for Divya's health you should stay in India?

We thank you so much for the news!

TPP distribution ideas

2 years, 2 months ago by shatakshi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Maharaj,


Tentative date to receive Vrndavana printed TPP is 10th.

Meanwhile we are trying to line up pre bookings. Here are some ideas on how to distribute the book once it’s out. Please let us know your esteemed thoughts 🙏.

1. We may host a 3 day seminar teaching from this book Dec 22,23,24 (VP being last day). Devotees will have opportunity to get TPP personally autographed

ASA - Thank you all! You can see in the VP calendar suggest in parallel post that there will be some promo at VPuja.

I was thinking we might get out for Parikaramas the days before VP.

Then we could present the book on those.

2. We may circulate a page in audience to get names for autograph.

ASA - Hmmm. Just requires pen and paper to implement.

3. We are trying to put the book for selling on

4. After discussion with some devotees who seek spiritual books, we suggest to place cost of book: 300₹, special occasion discount: 200₹.

ASA - We had similar thoughts.

5. We might ask vrindavan temple book shops and VIHE and online book stores, BBT to place their pre-booking orders with us.

ASA - Yes.

6. We may ask for book reviews written/recorded by HG Bhurijan Maharaj, HH Radhanath Maharaj, HH Sachinandana Maharaj, HH Rasamrita Maharaj, HH Jayadvait Maharaj, HH Gopal Krsna Maharaj, and HH Kadamba Kanan Maharaj.

ASA - Yes. Reviews and suggestions from different people! They need to be approached personally.

Please let us know your thoughts on this. If any other devotees would like to contribute, please share ideas 🙏.

your servant,

Subhadra Mayi DD

ASA - One idea is that it is not a timed book. So, we printed 1,000 copies so that we would have a stock in India for maybe one year.

Devotees visiting can take some back to their countries.

What about Rasabhihari Lal and Sons?

Seems we need a stock in Mumbai and other places where we have friends with clear promotional information, like who to contact for orders and how to pay.

Thank you so much.

Thanks to your Uncle...

Vienna Mission

2 years, 2 months ago by jhd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Guru-Maharāj,


I refer to your last instruction regarding the preaching centre in Vienna, Austria.

I just spoke on the phone at length with Vrajajana dās Adhikary in Vienna (Temple President), regarding my offer to perform service there indefinitely.

He explained that presently they are doing the minimum programme consisting of Sunday Feast, Wednesday BG class and Harinam. It sounds as though the location and amenities are adequate for me to stay there full-time and that there is scope for more regular programmes.

My offer was to help whichever way I can to support the existing programmes and expand it where possible.

To this end, we have agreed that I shall stay there for at least a couple of weeks as of Monday, 28 November 2022 and then discuss more permanent preaching plans thereafter.

I await your blessings to the foregoing proposal, so that I may pursue it with full enthusiasm.

Your servant,

Janārdan-hari dās.

HpS/ASA - From half the planet away and thus very little knowledge, we think that it seems fine.

Why not start one evening program a week like Wednesday of Thursday.

Then, later if things get hot, add a full Saturday morning program for intermediate level devotees.

Focus on how people can get a taste od chanting Maha-mantra and teaching SB.



2 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Gurudev, if you have extra copies of tava pache pache with you. HG Rituraj Krsna Das Prabhuji wants to's not available in Indian

ASA/TB - We are printing in India now.

Sankirtan visita Mty.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias Gurudev

Nos gustaría compartirle que conseguimos contacto en dos universidades de Monterrey

UDEM: anteriormente en 2012 usted visitó la licenciatura de artes.

Tecnológico de Monterrey: el contacto que ofrece este espacio está interesado en su trabajo en NIOS y temas de Jung.

Ambas opciones son excelentes con posibilidad de conseguir espacio para un buen programa de prédica significativo por nuestra parte proporcionamos información de NIOS y mantenemos contacto constante con las personas que están facilitando el espacio en las universidades para su próxima estadía en Monterrey.

Nos gustaría saber cómo servirle mejor con su opinión.

Por nuestra parte estamos en contacto y agradecemos su respuesta, en otro informe le compartiremos los avances en la finca, ¿cree que podamos compartir en el blog el contacto WhatsApp de Anandamaya en la siguiente carta para lo devotos y devotas que requieren información y reservación de hospedaje en el campamento ASA(finca) o en Monterrey?

Sus sirvientes Gadadhar Gosai y Anandamaya Dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept our humble obeisances Gurudev

We would like to share with you that we have contacted two universities in Monterrey

UDEM: Previously, in 2012, you visited the Bachelor of Arts.

Tecnológico de Monterrey: the contact that this space offers is interested in your work on NIOS and Jung's topics.

Both options are excellent with the possibility of getting space for a good significant preaching program. We provide information from NIOS and maintain constant contact with the people who are facilitating the space in the universities for your next stay in Monterrey.

We would like to know how to better serve you with your opinion.

For our part we are in contact and we appreciate your response, in another report we will share the progress of the farm, do you think we can share Anandamaya's WhatsApp contact on the blog in the following letter for devotees who require information and reservation of Lodging at the ASA camp (farm) or in Monterrey?

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. If you want to share her Whatsapp contact here, that is fine. It is an open forum, so anyone ca read it.

Maybe make a temporary address, e-mail, is better.

WIth the University it depends on the interest of the sponsor.

We have done porgrams with Art Schools, Philosophy Departments etc.

We could also present for Historians,

Theater/Drama School

Political Science.

Who are the contacts and what is their interest.

Also, programs in Rural Development, agriculture.

We can do one day or we can do several programs because we will be there for one month, no?

His servants Gadadhar Gosai and Anandamaya Dasi

ASA - 🦆🦆🐒 🐷

Candramukhi's report URGENT

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I have been following your tweets. Thanks for keeping us posted with your activities.

As I told you I am just working in two universities, one full time and in the other I teach English for journalists. Besides that I am in the language center of another university. All of this work is still long distance education and I do light work.

I did not write too often, due to I did not have anything worthy to report. On Sunday I couldn't go to Chosica due to I have to prepare one special class for the university. Nevertheless, On Saturday I went to Shakti (Jaya laskmi's center). Patraka das lend us his Govardhana Silas. I took care of them for a week and I performed the abhishek and puja for Govardhana. It was really nice to have them at home. They help us to improve our sadhana.

We also celebrated Srila Prabhupada dissapearance and HDG Vyasa Puja

Ulyses is getting old, but he looks stronger than ever

That is all I have to report. HAPPY GOPASTAMI ¡¡¡

Hope to see you soon

Trying to be your disciple CMDD

HpS - ASA -- Thank you!

AGTSP! You have so much chance to preach!

Continue makng the work of 16-good rounds early in the morning first and then just your comportment will be preaching and you will become the Mother of so many very elevated children, students.

Now 10.59AM. Quick bath and parikrama to Radha-kunda!

Every day we can walk to Radha kunda!!!!