HpS Vyasa Puja, Vrindavan - Report

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge.

Hare krishna Gurumaharaja,

All glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

We would like to thank all the disciples, wellwishers, and devotees for their generous donations towards H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami's Vyasa Puja festival in Vrindavan. With their support, the festival glorified Srila Prabhupada and the entire Parampara in a successful manner.


Sarada Gourangi Mataji

Caitanya Caritambrita Prabhu and Subhra Mataji

Radhika Ramana Prabhu

Srinath Krishna Prabhu and Divya Devi dasi

Subhadra Maji Devi Dasi

Sridhar Prabhu

Charu Nimai Prabhu

Syam Giridhari Prabhu - Richmond

Dhaneshwari, Dhruva Prabhu and Family

Dr. Rituraj

Kalpalatika Mataji

Lalita Gopi Mataji

Ranchor Krsna Das

With their help, we collected a total of ₹257,208.00 (3,050.74 USD) with which we covered expenses of the program, transportations, feast prasadam etc. Also, many other devotees supported with their personal service to the program as well.

The program started with the glorification of the entire parampara until Gurudeva by Radhika Ramana Prabhu and Srinath Krishna Prabhu, followed by krishna hoite catur-mukha bhajan by Asvarya Radhika Mataji. Then the Auspicious address of Gurumaharaja on Vyasa Puja Occasion, then glorification of Gurumahaja starting by Panca Gauda Prabhu the temple president of ISKCON Vrindavan, followed by other senior devotees that have worked and preached with you in different areas and parts of the world.

56+ Bhoga items were offered to Srila Prabhupada along with Ohe! Vaishnava Thakura Bhajan, then Pushpanjali and aratika, and finally cake cutting. Then we all went for the cultural program in the Temple courtyard for Odissi Dance and Manipuri Pung Chalom and Rasa Dance presentations witnessed by at least 1,000 people. And closing with feast prasadham in Balaram Hall.

*The program was short and sweet

*Attended by few hundred devotees in Balarama Hall

*Sumptuous Feast prasadam of 12 items for over 1,200 devotees in Krishna Hall

*56+ Bhoga Offerings to Srila Prabhupada (with Mexican, Manipuri, Italian, American, NorthIndian and russian cousines)

Vyasa Puja Program Recording:


Cultural Program Recording (Minute 34:50 to 1:42:00):


In the evening in Radhakunda program, we had the opportunity to hear video offerings and glorifications from devotees in Spain, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, U.S.A, Australia, Mayapur.

Urgente: Vyasa Puja y actividades para niños

2 years, 1 month ago by priyasakhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a Usted!

Tuvimos unos hermosos días de organización para celebrar Su Vyasa Puja junto a la familia espiritual.

Todos muy entusiastas para lograr hacer una hermosa ofrenda para Usted.

Lo celebramos en el templo junto al programa de la mañana.

Algunos discípulos y aspirantes hicieron mangal arati en el templo.


-Guru Puja (Pujas: Raga Sindhu Das y Arjuna Das)

-Sri Guru Vandana (Dhanistha dd)

-Clase por; Parasuram A. Das (muy hermosa clase)

-Ofrendas (Muy emotivo)

-Bhajan: Krsna hoite catur mukha... (Priya Sakhi dd)

-Puspanjali: Lalita M. Das

-Cocina : Matar panir, arroz, dhal, pan y té de anís (Raga Sindhu, Ananda Vardana, Narottam A. y Parasuram).

-Tortas: Manjuali ddy Bhuvana Mohini dd(esposa de Sripati Das)

-Decoración, guirnaldas y recuerdos: Alankrti dd, Diana, Estefanía.

En general todos estuvieron muy comprometidos en esta ofrenda para Usted.

Adjunto Fotos.

También quiero contarle que hemos realizado 3 programas para niños.

1.Festival de Janmastami: 

-Los padres llevaron prasadam tipo snack para los niños (Palomitas de maíz, galletones, jugos, bolitas dulces, arroz dulce).

-Proyectamos pasatiempos de Krsna en dibujos animados (Krishna aur Kans).

-Juegos, pinta caritas, colorear imágenes de Krsna.

(casi no tenemos imágenes)

Fue un programa muy exitoso, que acogió a muchos devotos, ya que el festival se celebró en teatro IF, llegaron todos los padres con sus hijos.

2.Govardhana Puja: 

-Obra de Teatro "Lluvia devastadora en Vrndavan"

-Participaron niños y padres.

-Lalita Madhava y Juan Elgueda nos ayudaron con la música en vivo.

-Acyuta Gopesh y Marco, nos ayudaron con efectos especiales y sonido.

-Bhaktin Yasmin hizo la escenografía.

-Lamentablemente no logramos hacer una grabación de la obra, solo hay videos pequeños.

Tuvimos muchos buenos comentarios de la obra, a pesar de tener muchos defectos, pero los devotos quedaron muy satisfechos con el resultado, y nosotros nos sentimos muy felices de dirigir la obra junto a los devotos. Un servicio muy hermoso.

3.Festival Ratha-Yatra:

-Pinta caritas (Katherine, Estefanía, Indulekha, Srutipriya, Kunti)

-Pasatiempos de Krsna con "Kamishibai" (Alankrti dd)

-Manualidad (Armar al Señor Jagannatha en 3D)

-Cuadro selfie y Cartel (Estefanía Colella)

-Los disfraces no fueron organizados por nuestro equipo, pero fue algo muy lindo, por eso le envío fotos.

Adjunto fotos.

*Terminamos el estudio del BG. Próximo año continuaremos con Sri Isopanisad, Upadesamrta y NDD.

*Quiero aprovechar de hacer unas preguntas. Srinam Radha dd, una devota Hindú, me pregunta si mi nombre espiritual se acentúa en la vocal "A" sAkhi o en la vocal "i" sakhI.

Espero que este reporte sea agradable para Usted.

Su aspirante a discípula y sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

Regarding TPP in kolkata

2 years, 1 month ago by pranjal in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

I am thrilled to receive your reply

My whatsapp number is +91 903xxxxxxx

As on 1st jan 2023, I can see tpp in amazon.com but unable to locate it in Amazon.in

I am eager to get the books through any medium.

Thank you very much

Your aspiring servant


ASA- Thank you P'jal Prabhu. We answered you on Whatsapp. If you don't get our answer there then please write again here!

Playing on the Heidelberg Big Mrdanga.


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Haribolo again Gurudeva, here I am again. I sent you a letter on your Sri Vyasa puja. Nevertheless, I was convalescing so I guess I did not glorificate you properly.

I just want to say again THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, for all these years that you mercifully give us your association, your very good self has the ability to connect with so many people. It does not matter if they are scholars or workers.

Another thing that I admire is your commited to your saddhana, to Srila Prabhupada, to all Krsna consciousness principles.

Your classes ¡¡¡¡ You always give such amusing classes. A top- notch professor. Due to You inspire your disciples to love the vedic literature. I am not exagerating if I say that you make Krsna consciousness REAL.

Through all these years I have been in your classes, preaching programs (Bharatiya Sanskriti and so forth), trips, I even witnessed a display of Karate from You in Miraflores. I just fell blessed.

To sum up, I just want to tell You, that I treasure all these moments within my heart. And due to those moments I continue in the process.

See you in Mexico Gurudeva ¡¡¡¡¡

Trying to be your disciple

Looking forward to have your association pretty soon

Candramukhi dd


HpS - Thank you. I think everyone reading will agree that you have been a constant sailor or the ship also throw all of its storms, tranquil South Pacific waters etc.

I am convinced that it is stay Krsna conscious or go to a very nasty hell. Some times in goodness, sometimes in ignorance but don't fall off the boat.

TB is asking if you are you going to be the second initiating lady guru in Peru?

How to get Tpp in Kolkata

2 years, 1 month ago by pranjal in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Hare Krishna maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

I am part of youth devotees who stay in Iskcon youth forum centre at Bhaktivedanta Research Center Kolkata.

Your holiness was there in september and we all were very fortunate to get your association.

I wish to get 5 signed copies of tpp book. Please guide me if there is a way if they can be sent through post or is it possible if one of my friend can collect them personally in govardhan.Whom should I contact for the same?

I am trying to follow your footsteps . We are also putting efforts to do outreach programs in Jadavpur University among engineering students . Seeking your blessings

your aspiring servant Pranjal


Esteemed Pranjal

Hare Krsna. We will be by Radha-kunda until 9th. Then we go to Delhi, Mumbai, Imphal, Silchar, Agartala, Delhi ...... Madrid, Spain.

Sorry it took some time to answer you. We had a big festival and we were drowing in engagements.

If someone can come to Radha kunda while we are here they can get them that way.

They are also on Amazon India now.

One devotee here. Vipina Bihari Das is shipping.

If you send me your Whatsapp number I can call you. I won't publish it here.

Thank you!

Hari Bolo!!!