Todas Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las Glorias a Sri Guru y Gouranga.

Mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias a usted Gurudeva.

Hare Krsna !!!<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> guru maharaja, le cuento que el mes de diciembre pude distribuir 48 libros por la misericordia  de srila prabhupada  y la suya, todas las glorias al sankirtan de srila prabhupada!!!,<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> tambien tubimos la visita de maharaja jayapataka swami estubimos haciendo servicio completamente felices por estar en compañia de tantos devotos, sabiendo que somos sirvientes del  serviente, para navidad hicimos un intercambio de regalos entre los devotos.

Tambien tengo una pregunta, estoy leyendo el krsna book, entonces lei hacerca del nacimiento de yogamaya y de su desaparicion y me confundi, pense que subadra es la misma yogamaya , ya que en los libros no hay muchas referencias de subadra pero, ¿quienes son los padres de srimati subadra? ¿que representa subadra?.<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />

             HpS -  ASA ---  TLGASP!    Muy bien su Sankirtana!!!  Subhadra es Yoga-maya.  Es la potencia interior.  Organiza cosas para los pasatiempos de Krsna.  Es en carga del mundo material para los pasatiempos de Krsna.    Es hermana de Krsna, hija de Yasoda y Nanda Maharaja.

.... Mi querido gurudeva, mis rondas van bien perdi unas cuantas rondas pero ya las recupere las rondas estan al dia  y cada vez tratando de cantarlas mas entusiastamente  los cuatro principios cumplidos a veces se hace dificil pero seguimos firmes.

Cada dia estoy mas agradecida a usted guru maharaja por otorgarme su misericordia por tener la conciencia de krsna mi deuda cada dia se hace mas grande y cada dia estamos mas seguras de que la meta de nuestra vida es servir y complaser a la suprema personalidad de dios y a usted , refugiandome en sus pies de loto , gracias gurudeva.

Su humilde eterna sirviente apsara gopi devi dasi <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />

              HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP!    Pienso mas que tratar "complacer" a Krsna, solamente es trater de vivir con el. El es MUY fuerte.  Solamente si estamos con el, por medicion o cual quiere media, todo pasara bien.      Adelante.   Busca Krsna!

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada:

Hare krsna mi Querido Gurumahajara, acepte mis humildes reverencias :

Estamos aqui junto a Baratha das (recien llegado de chile) en Buenos Aires ... a los alvores del año en vispera junto a los monos de Srila Prabhupada danzamos el mangalaratik con el corazon en sus pies de loto.. fue muy extatico!!!

Pronto mi camino a Brasil comienza para estudiar bajo el amparo de Su Santidad Dhamvantari Swami, y despues por la misericordia de los devotos vamos al Dham india para Kartik... espero poder verlo pronto pues un necio como yo nececita un poco mas de Su asociacion Vapu.

acepte nuestras humildes reverecias

sus eternos sirvientes 

syama kunda das  y Baratha das

             HpS - ASA -  ---    TlgaSP!!!!     Esperamos mas reportajes!!!

back to bs as

hare krsna 


all glories to you guru deva.

all glories to all the vaisnavas and devotees of gaura hari.

we were arrive two weeks before from Vrindavana. now in Buenos Aires.  the last days in Vrindvana we were with Vrisabhanu Nandini in Varsana in the Japa Retreat of H.H Sacinandana Swami and H.G Bhurijana Prabhu. was very nice and help to improve my chanting and realation with Namaprabhu and be more careful and conciouss of sambhanda, relationship with the holy name.

               HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!!    AGTSP....   (((paoho))) ....   If we improve our 16-rounds minimum then our Sankirtan, preaching, administration, family relations, money ...   will all improve maravelously. These are our essential service to Krsna by the media of Srila Prabhupada!!!     We try to follow in your footsteps. we are in Bs As finishing the 60 programs of Mayapur Dham for the Tamil Nadu TV, that would be spend like 3 mounth to finish, and generates some anxiety to finishing on time.  Then we will travel to Cordoba and help to open a preaching center in Huerta Grande, and other in las Termas in Santiago del Estero, in the north of the country.  Also we have to find some land problably  more in the north like Salta, Tucuman. that s the plan to star the comunity proyect with turism development, spa, organic agriculture, and studies program, seminars. One proposes and God Disposes!

              HpS -  Ooof!  Open three centers!     With whom?      1) Who am I, what is my nature and assignment?  2)   Who are we, what is my relationship with other people who have answered question "1)" like me?     3) What is the plan, based on 1) and 2),       3) What things do we need to do the plan?         What you have descrivbed is "2 and 3", no?                  "1 and 2"  are clear?      Preaching center depends on the response of the people.  They have free-will.  We can be pure and look for the innocent people that Krsna sends, no?

....if we are following your desire to engege us in service i m sure that we can have succes, Krsna do the magic only we have to be available to participate.

    HpS - Hmmm!    Seems nice to us, but that is your plan and your things, land, but who will do it?    Has Krsna asked you to do this through the Vaisnavas and especially Prabhupada's books?   Jaya!

thank you guru deve we depend of your mercy

             AGTSP!!!   paoho

....there are a few serious devotees who want to participate in these. also i m trayin to engage persons to help to develop these proyect. step by step.

             Ah!   Our questions already answered, but it seems you are the only leader????   Any partners who share your vision? ?

... like a year ago we started doing some interviews to diferent devotees in spain, india, etc who were in the begining of the hare krsna movement in argentina. so we have the proyect to do a documentary of the histoty of the hare krsna movement in Argentina in paralel of the history in argentina from the 60 to now a days. the idea it s to present for the peaople in general a madure view of a espiritual movement and in a human way with his problem and virtues. becouse seen the visioon and realizationof each devotees like a person could be very atractive. what do you think?

            HpS -  Again, 1, 2, 3 & 4   but it sounds very nice!!!    Seems to our stupid self that you should make a picture of your audience. Give him a name and write a little biography of him. sadhana same day very good some day wake up after mangala arati and lose my first gayatri. other days my japa its better and a fell conection by atention and praying please Radha, Hare take me out of here i forgot my identity please put me in a place  with your servant.

but i m not fix and my create interference with the heart. 

thank you guru deva, to be patience with me .

traying to became your servant Ambarisa M Das

              HpS -  Let's work,   work,   work on getting up early  and getting the Japa done early and Mangala-arati!!  Maybe less results but we won't fall down.

Reverencias desde Argentina- Nara Narayana

All glories to Sri Krishna Caitanya and Sri Nityananda! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Guru Maharaja Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.
           ASA - Jaya!!!   AGTSP    Nara-narayana Ki Jaya!!!  So nice to hear from you!!
I hope you are well and is improving in your health. I am following your itinerary and activities from internet, it´s very inspiring to hear about you.
Guru Maharaja excuse the lateness of my report. Thanks to his blessings i am living in the temple here in Buenos Aires, with Bramacaris, as you recommended to me and I want to say that it was good for my advancement, I regulated lot in my votes, sadhana, sankirtan and my rounds. I feel it was very productive and helped me a lot.
Next January I will have been in the temple for six months, that was my agreement with the authorities here in the beggining. My stay here is good but I feel that I need to make a change and move a little to keep me inspired. Now  I asked  to the authorities to go to Brasil to the seminar Bhakti Sastri  with His Holiness Danvantari Swami. they and my family gave me blessings for this project, just missing me your blessings, please Guru Maharaja give me your blessings.
    ASA - Sounds nice to us.  Real thing is to try to serve Krsna where ever  He puts you, but travel is nice if you are a B'cari.
Also I have the desire to go someday to visit you to Peru or somewhere where you are, and serve you in whatever you need.
Maharaja, hoping that you are well I send my most humble obeisances.
your servant
Bhakta Nara Narayana 
PD: Maharaja for this marathon of Srila Prabhupada´s books, I have set a goal of distributing 108 Upadesambrta! for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and yours. haribol!!
          ASA - Jaya, now it is January 1st.  How did you goal go???!!!!

Retomando el servicio

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno

Hare Krsna querido Gurudev, reportándome nuevamente, estoy levantándome a las 3 am y esforzándome por cantar 8 rondas antes de entrar al puyari, le cuento que nosotros hemos regresado a la cocina del puyari, hay probabilidad de que nos quedemos un año en Chosica, los planes de sankirtana viajero se han postergado nuevamente, es curioso a pesar que hicimos de todo para viajar no pudimos viajar, pues hubo muchos obstáculos, quizá nuestra mente  o quizá el lugar y circunstancia y a última hora se cambió planes para quedarse en la cocina, pues yo no soy un cocinero experto ni mucho menos tengo buena sazón pero ahí estamos ahora las deidades nos dieron otra oportunidad, no controlamos nada.

En horas libres trato de hacer un poco de distribución de libros en chosica con algunas devotas del Cuzco, hay nuevos títulos; La luz del Bhagavata pequeño, canta el mantra hare Krsna con George Harrison, La vida proviene de la vida, bhagavad gita poket, La ciencia del autoconocimiento, La ciencia de la autorrealización y otros.

            ASA - ! !    !        !!!

Esforzándonos por Cantar 16 rondas, 4 principios y Mangal Artik, las deidades de casa están siendo atendidas, todos los días las levantamos y algunos días las baño y cocino algo para ellas, el servicio en la cocina es hasta medio día y con la probabilidad de que nos dén un día de descanso, al menos ya no es tan agotador como era al inicio,  estámos tratando de exterminar a las cucarachas con limpieza y un poco de insecticida, es divertido y entretenido limpiar la cocina como dice P. Gadai, hemos empezado a tener un cariño muy lindo a Radha Madhana Vihari que no queremos separarnos nunca de ellas, son tan misericordiosas conmigo porque yo no soy un buen cocinero y hasta ahora no entiendo porque estoy en la cocina, pero voy a intentar  cocinarles rico para ellas, estoy aprendiendo con los devotos una que otra preparación.

Bueno no le quito más tiempo, desde aquí un abrazo lo queremos mucho, esperamos verlo pronto de nuevo y perdone por nuestras ofensas.

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

         ASA - TlgaSP...  Por favor accepta nuestras reverencias humildes. Es muy curioso que Vds no puede salir y Prabhu Laksmana ha ido.  Posible Krsna, Senor Caitanya, Sacimata, es muy atenta a todo lo que pasa.
Krsna no necisita cosas muy complicados. Tiene que cocinar como Krsna es su hijo.

NIMSAR + Bhakti Sadacara 2.0 from Viña del Mar CORRECTED!!!

FIRST LETTER GET DISORGANIZED!!! I`m sorry Gurudeva... Hopefully this gets all right....

     ASA - AGTSP  paoho.  We skipped the first letter.

All Glories to Sri sri Gouranga Nityananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami!!

             ASA---  Oink!    Oink!!

Please accept my most humble obeisance 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja. Again, Ignacio. I`m writing to send you the vision and mission for NIMSAR and also the objectvies of Bhakti-sadacara. Here it is:


 a) About Contents:
      i) Build a solid basis of the philosophical principles taught in the Gaudiya Vaisnava

          HpS - Philos =   Love,   Sophi = Wisdom.   Same as our tradition, Bhakti, not impersonal Jnana tradition of knowledge.  You want to build a solid basis of principles of love of wisdom from Gaudiya tradition.  So that would be how to chant Hare Krsna, Dance and Honor Prasadam....    Result would be 16 enthusiastic rounds and 4-principles strictly.       You must teach what you know.  Write a Bhakti program that Bhakta Ignacio is realizing!      Very nice.

 b) About teaching:
      i) Focus on generated meaningful learning

ASA -  How will it be generated?  Isn't the teaching meant to generate it???             Meaningful learning.. Learning that is realized?   Learn the recipe for pakoras and then cook them and offer them?

     ii) Adapted to different educational necessities    ASA - Huh?   Foreign language students?

    iii) Evolve into depth not only into extensively - ASA - NOI Text Eight talks about this.  First continuous then  concentrated and then deep.        But what do these terms mean...   Hmmm...  more detials needed.  Seems  beyond Bhakta course.  Into Sannyasa candidate.   First is to learn, practice, how to chant sixteen nice rounds daily and follow four principles strictly for six months

     iv) To educate people to help in the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
                     ASA - Jaya....  Preface of NOI... Our level.
  c) About learning - ASA - Huh??  About, within, above..?
      i) Gradually growing up in a “spiral learning” of complexity and abstraction

              ASA - Seems nice but better depth and breadth.  Learning the same things but in more detail and practical aplicability.

     ii) Develops students that are academically and praxiologically self-sufficient.   ASA -  What do you mean?  In one sense only God is self-suffiencient.  Your Bhakta program will make people God in (180-days)!  Aaachaa.



 a) About contents
      i) Develops a personal understanding about the philosophical concepts dealt in the books written  
          by A.C. Bhaktivedanta swami

 b) About Teaching
      i) Systematizes programs that respond to different educational necessities
     ii) Improve a based on principles education
 c) About learning
      i) Give tools that allows the students to be self-sufficient in academic and praxeological issues
     ii) Stimulate the student to take responsibility and independence in making decisions on their own

    iii) Develops enthusiasm, confidence, patient, discipline, healthy relationships, authenticity, self-
          assessment, and value 
of the Vedic culture

ASA -  Same comments as in the VISION section.   These terms VISION, MISSION, do not seem to be terms in Srila Prabhupada's basic diction.  He uses "Mission of Lord Caitanya in the Preface of NOI.    Seems useul if you focus your work on the Preface of NOI first..  Chant, meditate on it and extract practical principles of a Bhakta Program for Bhakta Ignacio..

3) BHAKTI SADAARA`S  ASA - Sad-achara.   Good character.


ASA -  At this point we stop because we feel that it is too, too, analytical for our present level of development.  Like in the Preface of NOI Srila Prabhupada mentions Radha-rani, but to what depth.
Write a Program for Bhakti Ignacio that you think will really bring Bhakta Ignacio to the standard of being a Formal Aspirant


    i) Create a personal logic about the basic concepts of the Gaudiya vaisnava
      (1) Recognize the principles that  determine the philosophy of the Gaudiya Vaisnava
      (2) Describe the principles of the Gaudiya Vaisnava
      (3) Exemplify the main principles with situations of the daily life.
      (4) Reflect in the impact of these principles
      (5) Apply these principles when solving problems of the daily life situations.

   ii) Produce strategies of self-knowledge
      (1) Identify one´s strengths  and weeknesses to develop devotional service
      (2) Exemplify circumstances that realize these aspects
      (3) Design strategies to turn problems into opportunities to improve devotional life.

  iii) Deconstruct the vision and mission of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
      (1) Describe, analyze and extrapolate the main principles of the vision and mission of Srila

Trying to serve you


        ASA - AGTSP    thank you so much.   This is very good effort, but hope that our comments are useful!!   Ur application and then write your results.