Vyasapuja offering and Personal Report, Nitya Kishori dd

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In the occation of your Vyasapuja I want to thanks that I have the mercy of your association, showing me the path, being an inspiration, and a representative of Krsna, of the guru parampara. Thank you for accepting me as your disciple, although I don't deserve it. In this age, we have the biggest fortune, that common and materalistic people like me can have contact with vaisnavas like yourself. Thank you for giving us your association through the blog, reports, webex... It reminds me that real life is in Krsna Conciousness. It reminds me that Krsna Conciousness is deep, intense. That devotional service for Krsna is very serious business. I pray I can make progress in my love (service) for Krsna and Srila Prabhupada under your guidance, in order to be your real disciple.

Marathon finished. I don't know yet my score exactly. It is not much much, around... 1800 small book, 120 LOB, 20 big books, 17BG... I am ashamed because I didn't my best. I did not work so hard. My mind becomes tired soon and I didn't push it to the limits, only some pushing to the mind. Now I feel sad and ashamed, because other devotees made more for Krsna, and it is not only for the result or honor. But there is a satisfaction when you give everything to Krsna, I see other devotees can taste this, but because I am "miser"(avaro) I didn't gave everything to Krsna, I kept attached to my comfort in mind and body, so now I cannot taste this spiritual satisfaction of having made a big endeavor for Krsna. So I feel sad. I feel ashamed with Prabhu Aravinda, because I think he expected more. He didn't tell anything of course, but I feel sad I cannot offer a better endeavor and result to my authorities and Krsna . Compared to other matajis I did half... But at the same time I am very grateful I could make something for Krsna, I am grateful for each book I gave, I tried to do it with as much devotion as I have. I hope, if I cannot go beyond the limits of my mind and body, at least I can become steady, and do this service all my life, and improve my love and devotion to my service, in order to really please Krsna.

I gave my email to some very interested people in the marathon, and they wrote to me with very nice comments about the books. One person even came the 31th to the temple (but I think he also had a motivation for me as mataji... so I tried to talk to him with other devotees present, and to preach to him very clearly, showing that it was to share spiritual knowledge that we approach people. He took a BG. But I was thinking what to do in this cases?)

Thank you Gurudeva
All glories to your service to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   paoho.   Thank you very much. I think that if you go ahead with this attitude you will solve all your problems. You will be able to render pure devotional service unmixed with passion for short term results.   Thank you so much.  Adelante.

Madman lalita madhava Das

All glories to :
Bhaktivendanta swami Prabhupada !
Sri Goura Nitay !
Sri Radhe syam !
Eternal thanks and service Guruji 
Here we are gurudeva, trying to survive in this materialistic system.
Beginning the year is not very good, I have received several blows emotional touched.
This year I have thought to resume my studies and work harder, that has meant having to 
leave my clothes saffron, a shame.
Along with this there have been some speculation about this decision, all accompanied by 
commentary lacking arguments and full of aggression.
It has affected me a lot, I continue my morning schedules at home with my deities.
I do not know how to make these things do not affect me, Im too sensitive when the 
family (devotees) do this kind of thing.
Well, I have experienced many things in this spiritual path, my lord krishna is still 
adorable and you my most important refuge and love.
I hope not to disappoint his weak servant
Lalita Madhava Das
   HpS - ASA -   Jaya!   TlgaSP     pfanrh.    No muchos detalles en su carta!    Y no muchas cartas.  Makes us smile...    So we can't give much detailed help.           Claro, siempre si tomamos refugio en los Santos Nombres y Sadhana of Srila Prabhupada vamos a tener suficiente inteligencia como relacionar con cosas.
Que piensa de esta significado y la proximo????


Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO,  AGTSP,

Respected Exalted soul, your qualities are beyond our comprehension.

       ASA - Thank you. AGTSP. We thought  we were incomprehensible t but your opinion has given us firm conviction. - Tom Brown, MONKEY.

There are so many things to learn from you ,till our death

we repeatedly read in SP purports that human life for austerity and training. Can one train himself , just by knowing the principles?  What are requirements of Training ? what are requirements for austerity?

hari bol
aspiring to be trained to please Guru Parampara

ASA - Krsna is always present as the Supersoul, Advaita-acharya. So we are being trained by force by His mercy if we want it or not.  That could take a long time.  Better we try to co-operate. Then we come to vaidhi-bhakti and the first principle of vaidhi-bhakti is to take shelter of an Acharya, and that means to hear from him. So you are doing it. By hearing irregularly you learn how to hear regularly. Srila Prabhupada is our Acharya we hear from him and everything is progressive.

Fin maraton diciembre DSAL

Hare Krsna Su Santidad Reciba mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias A Srla Prabhupada Bueno informando aqui B. Brian Téllez (bbt). :) ya termino la maraton aqui en Brasil y aunque el calor llego hasta 50 grados y la mente quería morir le agradezco por su inspirasion pensar en servir a mi señor HPS hacia que todo valiera la pena.

El DSAL no llego a la meta de 25 mil pero se lograron 17 mil libros de 120 cajas que cargábamos se distribuyeron 70 cajas aproximadamente. Aqui b. Burro quedo de 3r puesto en el cierre de la maraton pero casi no logro salir vivo mi vida espiritual se vio muy afectada por perder el sadhana y dormir poco, ahora otra vez haciendo el esfuerzo por conectarme a japa joe y asistir a mangala :0).

           ASA - Hare Krsna!   Hare Krsna!!!    TlgaSP!!!!!      Adjustar el ambiente para mejorar la Japa como la essencia de Sankirtana!

Su Santidad sus palabras refrescan este fuego de la vida material, no tengo mas q hacer con mi vida por eso la ofrezco a sus pies de loto!

     ASA - Pies de manzana.

Que hay q hacer para servirlo? Como puedo ayudar en su servicio y no ser una carga? Hoy salimos para méxico a la siguiente maraton porfavor disculpe mi irresponsabilidad al no levantarme temprano y cantar mis rondas prometo retomar el estándar. Su sirviente B. B. T.

      ASA - En su equipo hay devotos quien mantiene Mangala arati?

Empezamos Nueva Vrindavan en Colombia!

Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias! Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre bien Gurudeva. Como ve soy muy mal discipulo, le escribo tan pocas cartas!

Estoy en Colombia, hemos comprado tierra para el proyecto de varna-asrama...

El ultimo año en España tuve muy mal sadhana, no estaba cantando rondas, 0 rondas.

Gracias a Krishna estoy mejorando mis rondas en estos 4 meses que ya llevamos en Colombia. Cantando 16 rondas muchos dias, aunque otros dias no estoy todas cantando mis 16 rondas.

Los principios los estoy siguiendo mucho mejor, la vida en el campo es buena para esto, aunque estoy comiendo granos cocinados por no-devotos, como pan y pizza y cosas asi.

Estoy leyendo el Caitanya Caritamrita madhya-lila.

Nuestro trabajo aqui como grihastas ha sido buscar y comprar una finca, pero no es solo para la familia, si no que estamos comprando la tierra lo mas grande posible para que vengan mas familias.

La finca esta a una hora y media de Medellin, en un pueblo muy turistico llamado Guatape. Son 27.000 metros (2,7 has). Aqui esperamos poder organizar para recibir a muchas familias y vamos a poder hacerlo mas grande cuando mas y mas familias vengan.

Ya estamos sembrando frijol, maiz y papa. La tierra es muy buena aqui para cultivar! El proximo proyecto es comprar una vaca.

Aqui le muestro unas fotos de la finca:


Es un lugar muy agradable por la gente, campesinos que sus padres y abuelos y muchas generaciones atras eran todos campesinos. Siempre nos invitan a arepa y queso los vecinos, y un vecino nos regala leche todos los dias de sus vacas. Son gente muy pacifica, tenemos que aprender de ellos, lastima que toman aguardiente!

Seguiremos informando.

Esperamos invitarle para que venga a visitarnos pronto a Colombia, aunque debemos recuperarnos economicamente antes!

Espero que este muy bien, Hare Krishna!

            ASA -  TlgaSP!    Pensamos en los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada en primero lugar en cualquier cosa realizamos. Eso es el perspectivo para nosotros. SI, eso es la comenza, y despues expandiendo a tierras, agricutura, vacas, sociedad. Entonces solamente puedo comentar si esta poniendo buena esfueza en Nama-japa y Kirtana va a ver cosas expandiendo bien.    Si, tenemos preocupacion no oir de nuestras alumnos. Mas y mas de su lucha con la Bruja.

Manipur News

AGTSP   paoho....  Esteemed ASA Forum Bloggers.  Follows letter from Yamunesvara Das in Manipur. He is only devotee who communicates from there. We are going in like in March for two weeks to try to help with the preaching, B. S. Damodara Swami's  yatra.


All Glories to Guruji and Gouranga

Radha Krsna Ki Jai and Goura Bhakta Brnda Ki Jaya


 Please accept our humble obeisances that we had talk to Prabhu Partha Sarthi Das and handed over a hard copy of Guruji’s letter. Partha is doing the work of preaching and make Krsna conscious to bhaktas. Every this now we get are all Partha’s credit. He selected Guruji also and arranged everything for taking initiation. For taking Brahma Diksa (Gaitri) is also suggested by Partha for smooth running of the Thoubal Mandir. The 75th Birth Anniversary function concluded during December, 2012 were also his big contribution. He is going to Assam and Tripura states for preaching work. He is close associate of His Holiness B.S. Damodar Swami Maharaja. Partha is associated with ISKCON through B.S. Damodar Swami Maharaja and Maharaja himself instructed Partha for taking initiation. Before that he personally studied NOI and Upadesa Mrta, from these books he was totally became Krsna Bhakta. He is not taking interest in taking initiation. So he did not write personally, now he suggested Ekanatha Das and Bonomali Das for writing letter for the initiation programme.

          We had started construction of the accommodation and it will complete in time. The tentative programme also will be finalized soon, after that we will communicate along with the list.

          They have no bad impression of Thoubal Bhaktas but due to their busy, they could not write. Excuse them for the delay in writing.          We are trying to perform Guruji’s advice as Gouranga’s voice. Please need Guruji’s blessings otherwise we could not do anything. Partha is everything for us. He is helping us in all difficulties and Radha-Krsna Bhakti. Jugala Das and myself will accompany for Singapur, Malasya, Bali journey for getting spiritual knowledge.

If you have time please contact Partha by telephonic only then he could communicate everything about Thoubal and Imphal ISCON. He knew all.

Thoubal Bhaktas requested that Guruji’s picture in colour. Kindly send another suitable picture for worship.  

Yours fallen Servant

Yamunesvara Das