Candramonkey's VP offering

11 years, 12 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



AGT Guruparampara ki jay

Gurudeva I was thinking about all my Vyasa puja offerings and I realized that we never thanked U enough ¡¡¡ And I am not really sure If someday we will be able to cover all the things that U do for us…

I know that many of my Godbrothers are going to talk about your many many good qualities like humility, intelligence, always happy etc. But this time I want to thank U, for being an example for all of us…

All the devotees who had the opportunity to travel with U, and watch or listen your classes abroad  are witness of how much love do you have for peru, U always talk about how great is this country, the sweet fruits, all the variety of potatoes, our gorgeous deities but all of this do not die with words. You actually teach us constantly with your example.

For instance U give us the example and donate for the maintenance of Sri Sri Radha Madana BIhari, and for most of the festivals as well. And U always give us marvelous ideas in order to collect for them, and U personally collect for Them when U are abroad.

You are constantly worried about devotees here in peru and all over the world  and not just your disciples, I guess that many many devotees can say .. HpS helped me with this… You teach us that we are a family the big great family of Srila Prabhupada, you do not hesitate to help your disciples or devotees in general whenever they are sick, need some surgery,etc You are a great acarya who makes the teachings of the NOI as your own life. In this case text 4.

Your main concern is not a big reception at the airport , a big meal your main concern is to spread the most marvelous gift that SP gave to us HIS Books … So you use your time, intelligence, etc in order to train not just your disciples but  all devotees in general to preach Srila Prabhupada’s message,philosophy…

while studing SP  books as VEDAS .. U gave us the idea of study Bhakti Sastri first we hesitate but with your guidance and blessings we did it. … if U did not encourage us to do that course maybe we will not have the will to read SP ‘s books, and take them in our hearts.

 Now thank to U NIMSAR ex VEDAS  are studying Bhakti Vaibhava  the study of the first 4  cantos of SB . Our very mean of conquest on this age…… thanks to U we can have SP ‘s association and we can be  in contact with Krsna through His literary incarnation idam bhagavatam nama …

As Hansadhuta told U.. "Hanuman Swami U are a man ahead your time” and he was not wrong with your sense of humor , intelligence, sincerity, love u have accomplished so many things and have developed many programs that helps us a lot for instance japa joe everybody can connect and chant rounds with U  and when say I  everybody is everybody not just your disiciples u are not sectarian at all.. who may be so merciful to be worried about other’s sadhana ??? U help and guide us in order to improve our rounds the yuga dharma for this age...and I strongly believe that Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krsna  must be very pleased not just with all  your service but also with the kind of human being that u are.

Now I remember one pastime that we lived one day before your VP 2 years ago.. One devotee was trying to help u packing and u unwittingly forgot your Hanuman deity in prabhupada asram in Chiclayo U realized this at the airport, first U got a little upset and told me I left this japa bag in one place in order to remind me to pick up hanuman, but someone “tried to help me and kept it inside my bag” I got scared..then  umm I thought I will rescued hanuman and  then U were completely calm and told me is ok maybe Hanuman wants to stay on Prabhupada Asram

Next day I arrived with Your Hanuman we were on a camping for your Vyasa puja and devotees presented U  your cake and instead of starting to recite mantras, mudras, etc U started to balance your Hanuman deity from side to side while we were chanting and in that way U offered the cake to Lord Hanuman.. in that very moment I realized that none ritualistic thing may win the most powerful force in the world pure love for Sri Sri Radha and Krsna… in that very precise moment I understood that Krsna  only accept the sincerity of our heart our love no our mudras or mantras and so forth . Your heart is so pure, humble and so innocent like a child , therefore Krsna will always accept all your service.

I love u all so much Beloved Gurudeva and I always thank Srila Prabhupada and Krsna for giving us  the opportunity to know U.

All GLories to our Founder Acarya A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

All GLories to HH Hanumatpresaka Swami 

All Glories to the whole parampara

Your eternal spiritual daughter

Candramukhi dd (Candramonkey ) <img alt="" src="" title="" /> <img alt="" src="" title="" />

         HpS - Hare Krsna.    We will all have material desires entering our minds until the day we die. Srila Prabhupada commented that he had been a Sannyasi for many years, but still he thought of his fomer wife sometimes. He said that was natural, but he didn't go back, that was inteligence. So we pray that the qualities we manifest by inteligence can also consume our heart.

Good On-line Course


Esteemed Monkey Warriors, Vanara-sena,
If you go to you will see a super website with accredited university courses for free. Even more specific there is a course starting like January 26th on designing and implementing on-line courses. HpS would take it for sure but he will be traveling so the internet will not be good enough, but Patrak Das will take it and maybe you should to.



Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Parama Karuna Gaura Nitay

Todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno
Por favor reciba mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias, Guru maharaj, queria preguntarle algunas dudas;
Que deberiamos de hacer para que se mantenga limpio y ordenado la cocina, sabiedo que hay cucarachas, como explicarles a los devotos para que mantengan la cocina limpia. he pensado venir en las noches para dejar limpio y ordenado la cocina, pero P. Jitendria nos dijo que no es nuestra responsabilidad si el turno noche deja sucio y desordenado, ¿Entonces que hacemos?
Guru Maharaj, en mis horas libres yo quiero salir a distribuir libros en los micros de lima, pero P. Gadai me dijo que no es recomendable para una madre como yo, pero P. Gadai dice que si puedo salir a hacer sankirtana persona a persona, pero muchas devotas que salieron a chosica a hacer sankirtana persona a persona se frustraron porque es muy duro y dificil. ¿Ud. que me puede aconsejar?
Eso es todo Guru Maharaj, sus consejos nos ayudarán mucho para seguir en este servicio de la cocina y la disttribucion de libros.
Hare Krsna, que se mejore su salud.
Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.
            ASA - Jaya!  TlgaSP   pfanrh.    De una manera nunca vamos a superar las porblemas de esta mundo material.  Esta mundo material es hecho de problemas.  Cuando no hay problemas, no hay un mundo material.  Las cucharachas, las austeridades de predica son todo nectar.   Las cucharachas son enimigos veniendo para maha-prasadam.  Las perrsonas burtos en la micros son Gopis orgullosos que no quiere rendierse a Krsna.    O.K.  Como servir las cuchurachas como puede tomar prasadam bien...  no se los detalles.   no soy alla.    entonces nuestra consejo es continuar como esta.  Canta bien y busca consejo de Krsna en la corazon.  Lea y busca consejjo en los libros.  y habla, como esta, con bastante buen devotos, y entonces su plan adjustar el mundo material para Sankirtana va a ser bueno!

Bhadrasena das

Pamho agtsp haribol gurumaharaja Reporting from mexico still alive doing sankirtan and food for life. Reading, chanting,dancing, eating prasadam and being happy. Asociating with sital Tulsi dd jps very nice mataji i join in India . I met very nice godbrothers in bolivia foutains of inspiration advaita thakur p and yugal kishor mataji . Hope to see you soon . Jay srila prabhupada

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP.  Pfanrh...     Muy bien oir se Vd.    Vd. es nuestra discipulo de Argentina?????

Dear Gurudev!!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances to your lotus feet.

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

Dear Gurumaharaj,

Hare Krishna!<img alt="" src="" title="" />

I waited quite long for an opportune moment to write to you because I really do not to disturb you on your activities.

I would like to express my enourmous happines because I had your association in Arequipa; also because there I got the opportunity to associate with many spiritual brothers and systers like Gaura Gadadhara (whom I truly love), Yugala Mataji, Patrak Prabhu, Manasi Ganga Mataji, etc. We had beutyful days together, specially that day of picnic in the beach.

Devotees in Bolivia we are very good. During december we got the visit of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. He came back to Bolivia after more than four years. They were exiting days: I had the opportunity to speal with His Holiness, I shower him the work I make and he was delighted. He expressed his desire of me going to Lima to restore Parama Karuna Sri Sri Gaura Nitai from Wilson Temple. That was something that shocked me on a spiritual level. It was a beautiful joy, I hope some day this whish could become true – depending always on your blessings Dear Gurudeva.

We continue living in Cochabamba with my husband Vrishabanu. My service is regular (assisting in the kitchen, being pujari, some Sundays I give Bhagavad Gita classes and other services like restoring Deites from different devotees – I already fixed more than 20 pairs of deties, from different parts of the country and Perú).

I continue studying art. I had left the studies for two years, but Krishna made me comeback. This is my way. I really hope this service is pleasing you Dear Gurudeva. We have more plans with Mathuresh Prabhu, one of them is to produce a natural size Murti of Srila Prabhupada for the new temple to be built here in Tiquipaya.

You want we to do Sankirtan and that is what we are doing. On 2012 I participated in the Marathon, I could distribute many many books, including Bhagavad Gitas and now I have to go to La Paz to teach how to do sankirtan to a mataji. I humbly request from you to shower your blessings on us both so that we can distribute many books in La Paz.

This year I would like to serve more the Sankirtan of Srila Prabhupada, I would like to continue studying and to be able to do some service that can really help your mission and satisfy you.

Please do not forget this servant that loves you very dearly.

Narayani dd

Ps: I am sending my annual reaport and my Vyasa Puja offering via email.

HpS - AGTSP....   Paoho...  Is very nice to hear from you.    You are on the right path.  Because of previous work Krsna has given you so much facility to do some very real service.  Your intelligence of your service and nature will become more and more deep and your association with other devotees, your husband, will also become deeper and deeper.  This is what we think.  Thank you so much. Please go ahead with full enthusiasm.