Manipur News

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 2:26 AM, Mukta Okram <[email protected]> wrote:


All Glories to Sri Gujuji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Groura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay



Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Juru Maharaja’s padmacharan that after a long gaps I got Gurujis reply of my letters. I am so happy to get Gurujis reply as asirbad and amrtabani. I will try to upload in the blog at my level best but sometimes I could not open and sometimes the message could not send properly. That is why I send the letter through the email.


I am regularly reading Srimad Bhagavatam one or more slokas now it reach upto 4.11.30-32 Svayambhu Manu’s advice to his grand son Dhruba Maharaja not to kill Yaksas who killed his stepbrother Uttama by one of the Yaksas.


     HpS - ASA -  AGTSP     Yes, if you can work through the Blog it is so much more efficient, but it is our love for Manipur that makes us try to communicate anyway.

Seems that Dhruva Maharaja let himself go a little crazy, passionate, in his war with the Yaksa, thinking that since he is a Ksatriya, then one of his Ministers or family members will pull him back to goodness.


 According to astronomical calculation, along with the polestar there is another star, which is called Sisumara, where Lord Visnu, who is in charge of the maintenance of this material world, resides. Sisumara or Dhruvaloka can never be reached by anyone but the Vaisnavas, as will be described by the following sloka. Srimad-bhagavatama 4.12.27 and


As Sisumara, Visnuloka or Dhruvaloka are completely different from this material world, so a Visnu temple within this world is also completely different from this material world. 4.12.29


In these two quotations, there is a confusion that is the three names Sisumara, Dhrubaloka and Beikuntha or Visnuloka are the same loka? And we simply heard that any living entities who climbed up to the Veikuntha loka will automatically return and get the birth and death bodies but here Dhruva Maharaja get the Dhrubaloka and mentioned by Narada that he will never return and the birth and death life. Please clarify the truth.


              HpS - Yes, no one is forced to return from Vaikuntha. Is a thief is being chased by the police for stealing a woman's purse, and he runs into the French Embassy in Delhi, the Delhi police cannot follow him. Legally, the French embassy is NOT a part of India. Iindian laws, police, military have no authority there.

So, like that, no? Dhruva loka (which it seems is also called Sisumara) is an Embassy of the Vaikuntha world.


We the bhaktas of Thoubal celebrated Goura Purnima (appearance day) of Gouranga Mahaprabhu on the 5th of March in the evening (Sandhya) with abhisek and change of dresses with arati and other sankritans along with brata. And in the next day we invite some local people and arranged prasadam for about 35 members. For about 2 hours we performed nama sankritana and different bhajans.

   HpS - Super!!!


Please let us know   the timing of Guruji’s visit India and Manipur, especially for Thoubal unprotected neophyte devotees. No one is taking care from the ISKCON so the bhaktas and beisnabis of Thoubal  are waiting like orphan. But one day or other, some one or other will send any guide for us to guide in the way of spiritual life, in this hope we are chanting his holy names. 


Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das


HpS - AGTSP - Paoho. We are in Houston, Texas for 12-days, working very hard with Primary School, Internation Education Projects and with disciples. By Krsna's arrangement we will be in Delhi (Vraja) from the 7th-12th of May. After that it looks like we will go to India in Februrary of 2016 and stay for a few months!


9 years, 10 months ago by rohini in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Por favor acepte usted mis respetuosas reverencias

Estimado Gurudeva, espero que usted se encuentre siempre en bienestar, aunque estoy segura de ello.

El día domingo 1 de Marzo 2015 de 10 am a 12m, se realizó el Examen Bhakti Sastri 2015-G. Participaron nueve devotos. ellos son:

Omkara Krishna Das

Haribuddhi Das

Radharaman Das

Abhinanda Das

Vindhyabali Devi Dasi

Duija Patni Devi dasi

Jayadagopi Devi Dasi

Isvari Devi Dasi

Lilashakti Devi Dasi

Fue una mañana muy hermosa, en este caso porque son devotos mayores y actualmente autoridades de Templo. aquí en Perú. Eso nos dice de una nueva época entre nosotros, la educación formal en ISKCON Perú está tomando una nueva dirección.

Estaré informándole de resultados Gurudeva.

Hare Krishna Rama

Su discipula, quedo a su servicio.

Rohini dd (Administradora del Programa de Exámenes Bhakti Sastri)

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP pfanrh.    Desculpa poco demurra responder. Estuvimos muy intransito de Tennessee a Houston, luchand con el ambiente (-20*C a veces!), y tomando carga de demasiada cosas. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

MUCHAS GRACIAS, las noticias..  Super bien. Estamos esforzando mucho en esta area de educacion. Lea los noticias en el Kapi Dhvaja y aqui. Claro, NIMSAR esta pasando por situacion fuerte, y tenemos que adelantar la membreza y relacion con la Junta Nacional o cerrar como una rama en Peru, no?

O.K. Mas cartas! Aqui somos en Houston con Rtadhvaja Swami and Jaya-advaita Swami. Ya fiesta de domingo y especialmente celibraccion de Gaura Purnima.

Que pasa con su doctorado, la Draupadi?

Regarding trascription of audio file

9 years, 10 months ago by nataraj in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare krishna dear guru maharaj, 

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I have completed until 5 minutes 30 seconds of the first audio file maharaj. I am really sorry that I have been postponing the transcription of the Nectar of Instruction. I will try to complete it by the end of this week.

your servant

Nilachala chandra das

HpS - ASA -  AgtSP  Paoho  Thank you for the news, but more details. Is the content useful to you? Others? Is it hard to understand?

Hare Krisna from Madrid

Hare Krisna dear Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you're fine.

One month and a half ago, more or less, I wrote you in the blog, but i didn't get any response.

HpS - AGTSP Paoho. I think that was when we were traveling. We put notice in the Kapi Dhvaja that we couldn't answer any mail while traveling!!!   And gave addresses of few devotees that you could contact if it was emergency.

Here we're fine, in Madrid's Kuruksetra. Many many Krisna's Mercy falling down over our heads. I'm so tiny and I have to learn so things ...

My four principles well, my beads improving. Now I'm reading Manual reformatory of Japa by Satvarupa Maharaja, and it's helping me a lot to improve the quality of my rounds. I'm trying to chant 18.

I'm reading Krisna's Book too. It's delicious. I'm trying to follow the 2nd module of Bhakti Sastri, but I haven't got many time.We're coordinating a bhakti vriksa group in the temple, I'm helping to Yadunandana Swami in the Bhaktivedanta Institute and I'm still serving as Madrid's Temple's president (vaisnava dasa anudasa) Uffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

We had a preaching program in Ciudad Real to 200 kilometres from Madrid last weekend. There were around 25 people. The program's tittle was "Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions: The suffering" and then we had other program about Kirtan Yoga with a session of open questions and answers. Came on from Madrid Carcika Devi Dasi (my wife), Mantri Rama Das and Jambula Das. It was fine. The people want to go to New Vrajamandala and following more periodic programs there.

Now we are making a new program in Tarragona, near of Barcelona:

  • Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions: The suffering
  • Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions: The forgivenees
  • Workshop about Kirtan Yoga
  • Workshop of Japa
  • Ayurveda
  • Hatha Yoga

It'll be twoo days. We'll rent a big house to give acommodation 20-30 people.

Please, give me your mercy to be better person and bit by bit to be a better aspiring to devotee.

When do you come back to Spain? You said me you'll come back in 2015. We are waiting for you. When Gurudeva?

Thank you for all.

Your humble and fallen servant.

Dandava Das.

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP Paoho. I hope your get translations of DTC!!!   Looks like we are going to go to Spain end of May. Is O.K?   The programs sound very nice, but doesn't the Barcelona Yatra participate, organize, the programs there?
Please write to us with your inspiring news!!!!

Looking the moon

Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances

I know I'm in the dark box of the irresponsible disciples for don't write you often since you go South america. This lasts weeks were really crazy in the school; we had open house and we were preparing everything for that.
This week we have a new student for Gokul kidz class, Little Keshav, the family moved from Cincinnati.
 We are trying to give our 108% to the school. We just finish ours first 100 days of the school, please look the video :). Is in youtube

The simposium in Southamerica seems pretty amazing, lots of participation and really inspiring.  I was talking with god brothers/sisters in Mexico, we gonna send you a report soon. I like to be useful in vaisnava's service 

Waiting like a wolf for the full moon, we are anxious for Goura Purnima and hopefully for your association.

Thank you always because you inspire us in service.

Govinda Pramodini DD 

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! Paoho. We looked at the video. We give it a score of 97.79% perfectly made. The content is just amazing. Devotees from Texas who saw the presentation in the Temple were amazed. Thank you so much. We are working to include all Mexican devotees in the next North American Symposium, July 30th.

We arrive the day after Gaura-purnima and stay at least 10-days, maybe 21 days if Rama-giri-dhari Das is coming.

O.K. We call Saranga now.