dilution of SB

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Just wanted to share, even Bhakti Vinod Thakur thougt something inappropriate about SB, what about conditioned souls

"The Bhagavat, like all religious works and philosophical performances and writings of great men, has suffered from the imprudent conduct of useless readers and stupid critics. The former have done so much injury to the work that they have surpassed the latter in their evil consequence. Men of brilliant thoughts have passed by the work in quest of Truth and Philosophy, but the prejudice imbibed from It's useless readers and their conduct prevented them from making a candid investigation...This prejudice is not easily shaken when the student grows up unless he candidly studies the Book and ruminates on the doctrines of Vaishnavism. We are ourselves the fact. When we were in college, reading the philosophical works of the West and exchanging thought with the thinkers of the day, we had a real hatred of the Bhagavata. That great work looked like a repository of wicked and stupid ideas scarcely adapted to the nineteenth century, and we hated to hear any arguments in It's favour...Oh! What a trouble to get rid of prejudices gathered in unripe years."
(excerpted from The Bhagavata Speech, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, 1869)

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Thank you so, so much.  Right in the Introduction to the SB:

"In the modern age Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu preached the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam by practical demonstration. It is easier to penetrate into the topics of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam through the medium of Śrī Caitanya's causeless mercy. Therefore a short sketch of His life and precepts is inserted herein to help the reader understand the real merit of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

It is imperative that one learn the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from the person Bhāgavatam. The person Bhāgavatam is one whose very life is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in practice. Since Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu is the Absolute Personality of Godhead, He is both Bhagavān and Bhāgavatam in person and in sound. Therefore His process of approaching the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is practical for all people of the world. It was His wish that the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam be preached in every nook and corner of the world by those who happened to take their birth in India."

Dr. Samaresh suggests that we shoot for release of our next book by Prime Minister of India while the HpS and Monkey and Piggy are in India, 7-12th of May. Are you ready!??  Sri Hari Das says he can help from Mathura, visits to New Delhi.
We will call you all. You are the hope of Asia.

bhaktina isabelle_sadhanna report

<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

I present my respect and sincere reverences.

Thank and glorify Srila Prabhupada, who always are giving us shelter in his lotus feets and books. May Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.

How are you Gurudeva? How is the sankirtana?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!  Paoho... We are suffering from our hypocrisy and also making progress toward Goloka by Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON mercy.

We read in the blog that you were chilling and with some liver discomfort, I hope you recover soon. *

Sorry for writing at this time of year, Maya ran over us a little, but the Maha Mantra, your mercy and Sri Govinda, rehabilitated us. We're begging for daily intelligence to understand things, asking Sri Nrsimhadeva to protect us from our false ego, from committing offenses and to act in the best way possible as servants. As you say, Maya is our coach.

Trying to be concise I present my Sadhanna report:

-We are following (fighting bravely) 4 principles and 16 rounds.

-I've started reading the Srimad Bhagavatam!!!

-I'm studying the Disciples Course with Param Padam prabhu.

-We have sown Srimati Tulasi devi seeds! I'm excited, I am chanting my rounds near the pot looking forward to the first outbreak!


  • My service in the Wilson temple visual communications, have been elected as my official service to the temple. ( a requirement for the initiation)
  •  Bhakti Vriksha, I'm worried because the group do not increase, but they're encouraged members who are increasing their rounds, doing enthusiastic service to the temple and having realizations. We are organizing ourselves a Bhakti vriksha festival to attract people. I remember that once Gurudeva spoke about organizing festivals on Prabhupada's books: NOI, NOD, etc. would contribute to the Sankirtan of Gurudeva, I'll talk to Jagat Pavitram prabhu and Omkara prabhu to implement this great idea. I'll also ask Nimsar if they can colaborate in giving the conference of the respective book. We also need to have a conversation with the Sankirtan authorities to have a good amount of copies of the book for that day. In the medium term I hope to tell you more about this project.

Thank you very much for your mercy, because of it, problems become very important lessons.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

*PS 1: When His Holiness returns to Lima, maybe you try a natural remedy, which is a drink made from a bitter local herb called Hercampuri, it purifies the blood, facilitates blood circulation and energizes the body, I think it might relieve some discomforts.

PD2: In your last visit to Lima, in the first class you gave in Wilson you wore he garland I promised you in a previous letter =)  In August a beautiful garland and a big  jar of organic peanut butter will be waiting for you!

HpS - ASA --- Very nice. You are on the correct path. Just go ahead as fast as you can but don't fall off the path.  Enthusiasm and patience. Pray to Krsna to get stable material situation.

Viaje a España.


   Querido Guru Maharaha, Seguimos haciendo servicio en Malaga. Sin practicar sexo ilicito, ni licito. Sin carne ni huevos ni pescado, . Nada de juegos de azar; nada de intoxicantes. Todo esto, gracias a Su Misericordia ilimitada. 17 rondas minimo. La gran medicina del alma. Aun asi espero que con el tiempo todo esto mejore. Tendré que incrementar la paciencia.

Seguimos los programas regularmente, sobre todo los matinales.

He dado tres dias de clase sobre el SB 1,1,2 y una clase de CC. Los devotos quedaron contentos. Hay que mejorar Jñana y Vijñana.

Luchando arduamente, continuamente, constantemente, lamentablemente, etc con la mente, ego falso, y los 5 sentidos. Asi que no se puede decir que estamos sólos.

  Seguimos haciendo servicio en Malaga.

Un dia de Sankirtan: 2 Problemas materiales  soluciones espirituales, en 3 horas y un descanso para la espalda, sentado unos 15 m. Aunque lo importante es salir. Malaga es un sitio dificil, algun dia más saldré.

  17 rondas minimo. La gran medicina del alma.

  Para mi estos son tiempos dificiles al mismo tiempo que pienso que es maravilloso el camino que estoy recorriendo, a más dificultades más purificación, es un hecho que hay grandes cambios. Estoy planteandome nuevas posibilidades y caminos dentro del mismo camino. No es el momento de hacer cambios de templo o lugar. Aunque si pueden ser cambios de perspectiva, tiempo, de  adaptación al clima, circustancias etc.

Todos los Vaisnavas son almas espirituales que de alguna manera estan entregando su vida a Krishna, y por lo tanto también son hermanos....

   ¿Va a ir a Nueva Vrajamandala? Si es asi ¿que dias? Estaría bien que nos viesemos, si no es asi, espero verle pronto en otra ocasión. La vida espiritual no es facil......espero poder seguir 4-16 vida tras vida. Aunque haciendo balance se puede decir que todo va bastante bien. Momento de continuar.

Perdone otra vez todas mis ofensas....

Jharikhanda-gaura Das

HpS p ASA - TLGASP pfanhr... Estamos afilando el itenarario ahora. Puede ver aqui en el Blog. Adelanta. La unica cosa que necesita es DETERMINACION INFNITA!!!

Spain Itenarary!

Hare Krisna, Dear Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances. AGTOP.

Two days ago I wrote you an email with your defintive dates, but your email returned an error like if it doesn't exist your mailbox.

Then, yesterday in the morning I saw a message by you saying you don't have any notice from Spain so you'll buy the tickets.

Please, confirm me next flying:

  • 13th May Brussels (main airport) to Madrid
  • 15th May Madrid to Florence or Pisa (taking land at noon)
  • 18th May Florence or Pisa to Madrid
  • 22th May Madrid to Brussels (early in the morning) 

Please, send me your personal information of your Passport (1st and surename, passport number and date of expiratión) to [email protected].

I'll buy your tickets and I'll send them at your email adress, but please, send me a sure email adress. 

Thank you so much.

Your humble servant.

Dandava Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Thank you so much. We bought them yesterday. You may have seen that notice. The details are also at www.jayarama.us/kd/cal.htm

What do we do while we are there?

First few days in Madrid, no?    Then weekend to Italy.   Then when we return we have a Monday through Friday.  Suggested one lecture on Jung - Science, Psyche and Spirituality - The Encounter of Carl Jung with the Ancient Mysticism of India at Complutense University. We could invite Salvador Dali (and all other surrealists) et al.

Sananda Devi Das is working on it??!

Get her four little trotters [little pig's feet] back into the Holy Spirit [Espiritu Santo].

Jasoda . . .

Va http://jayarama.us/archives/jung-miraflores.pptx

HpS - ASA... Sankirtan.

Returning Sita to Rama

9 years, 10 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics


Here is a letter we sent to Dravida (BBT) with copies to Vaisesika, Gauda-candra and Hanuman Das (BBT). We look at the BBT as Rama and we have found Sita, these ideas, to return to them.


Hare Krsna, Dravida Prabhu,

AGTSP. paoho.  We hope you are well and primarily only want to be engaged by you in Srila Prabhupada's service. We talked with out old friend the Gaudacandra Das at the BBT, and he said that you would be a person to talk with for ideas for BBT publications.

Of course, we wonder if BBT is doing on-line, e-book, publications?

Two specific ideas we have are:

1. SB SUMMARY: In Spanish the SB has the Chapter Summaries at the start of every Chapter. These are by Bhaktivinode Thakura, no?

In English SB they start in Canto Five.

Can the BBT print a SB companion booklet with the Summaries for Cantos 1-4. Also, it would be nice to just put all the First Lines of the Summaries in one section in the same booklet. The First Lines are of course a summary of the summary. It would be a summary of the whole Bhagavatam in like 300-sentences, no?

Also, Srila Prabhupada picked one Verse to start each volume. Those could also be put in the same booklet.

Name it ... ?   Sarvavatam: SB in a Moment? ???

2. RATHYATRA SANKIRTAN:  We have Rathyatra everywhere. Why not consult with the Vaisesika Das, and make up a photo master, like a DOCX file, PDF file with exciting format, color pictures, kids friendly, can't stop reading it, that could be handed out in thousands to the people along the Rathyatra route with a super inspiration to contact the BBT and buy books on-line, at the Rathyatra and at the sponsoring Temple.

Leave some space so the whole dude could be easily run through a photo copy machine and local information printed in the space provided.

Of course, color printing of them could be done locally, but it can also be done in mass in different countries on 4-color press by BBT and then sold to different Yatras.Yatras could buy tens of thousads because they would use it again and again.

Thank you.


HpS - Anjana Suta Academy

pasatiempo de sankirtan

9 years, 10 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports





ASA ---- Aaaaah!  TlgaSP!

UN LINDO PASATIEMPO entre varios q ocurrieron esta maraton fue cuando nos toco llevar 25 cajas de medellin a monteria dos ciudades colombianas, el devoto donde nos queabamos nos llevo hasta la terminal de buses, y nos dejo las cajas muy amablemente en la entrada del terminal, el problema es q no se a que arquitecto se le ocurrio diseñar ese treminal de tal forma q para abordar el bus teniamos que bajar tres pisos con un par de secciones de escaleras de 20 escaleras masomenos cada seccion, sin construir ni una rampa para poder llevarlos en una carreta por lo menos.

ok hay estabamos alguien tendria que cuidar las cajas y el otro iria a negociar la cargada de los libros (solo viajabamos dos devotos yo y Jaladaraka un sankirtanero guerrero de muchos años) asi q yo fuy a buscar un bus q nos llevara.

preguntando en cada ventanilla me di cuenta q solo las lineas mas caras de buses viajan al destino q teniamos planeado, el presupuesto eran 110 dolares  y cada pasaje valia 60 dolares sin contar las 25 cajas q teniamos; el calculo que hizo la señorita de la ventanilla fue como de 250 dolares

:O     I M P O S II B L E


hay estaba otrabes yo hablando con el conductor: ES LA GRAN MISION DEL SR CAITANIA AYUDENOS PORFAVOR  es lo unico q recuerdo de todo lo que le dije, ok los voy a ayudar paguenme solo 10 dolares por cada caja, jajajajajajajaja me empece a reir y le dije yo venia antes para q me dejara los pasas mas baratos y ud me pide que le pague mas por las cajsss no tengoooo porfavorrr AYUDENOSSSSS,..................... NO PUEDO respondio el conductor y un poco afanado me dijo ademas es el ultimo bus de hoy  y salimos en 10 minutos.

no habia otra q pedir la ayuda como cientos de veces lo hemos hecho de Sr Guru y Sr Gourangaaa........... al pasar de max 2 minutos aparecio atras del conductor una encarnacion de su misericordia GM un hombre de contextura ancha le dijo al del bus, AYUDELES PUES HERMANO NO VE QUE SON MISIONEROS DE DIOS!! NO TIENE NADA QUE PERDER, el conductor seguia determinado con que no podia hacer nada, asi que este hombre sin pensarlo saco un rollo de billetes los cuales fueron convertidos en laxmi pues pago todas las caja y uno de los pasajes, yo estaba realmente perplejo y mientras le agradecia me dijo!! NO CANTEN VICTORIA SALIMOS EN DIES MINUTOS Y TIENEN Q BAJAR TODAS ESAS CAJAS APURENSE!!!!!!

subi corriendo y le conte al P Jaladaraka nos enpezamos a matar de la risa, yo alse 6 cajas en mi espalda no se como y empece a bajar las escaleras lo mas rapido q pude cuando un guardia me vio en estas agarro una carreta no se de donde y nos dijo utolicenla el devoto Jaladaraka subio 10 cajas a la carreta y comenzo a bajarlas escalon por escalon, mientras corria por las escaleras se me calleron 3 cajas y una viejita sorprendida le pisio a su hija y al esposo de su hija q me ayudaran, el guardia se cargo las otras cajas q llevava en mi espalda y me dijo q fuera por las q me quedaban que eran aun 9 cajas mas asi que pedi a otras personas q me ayudaran a subir oras seis a mi espalda, en esas ya habia vuelto yalak y se cargo lo q faltava en la carreta, estabamos sudandoooooo pero muertos de risa el Sr Gaura no habia enviado un ejercito como de 6 personas y los ocupo en su servicio tracendental............. total en 8 mins tubimos todas las cajas listas para subirlas en el bus el conductor el ayudante y los guardias estaban muy sorprendidos de nuestra determinacion, y nosotros de la determinacion de Guru Y Gauranga por ayudarnos a cada paso, le regalamos un BG al buen hombre q pago las cajas y cuando subimos al Bus era super primera clase con aire acondicionado, internet pantalass etc, jajajajajajaja cuando estubimos sentados nos miramos cara a cara con Jaladarak Prabhu y al ve nuestros rostros llenos de sudor recostados sobre un asiento con cojineria fina empezamos a reir como loocos.

miestras hicimos el viaje pude ver en las pantallas los lugeres donde hariamos sankirtan pues tenian internet quisa eso en EEUU sea muy comun pero en Colombia solo la miscericordia de Gaura Nitay nos pondria en una vimana como esas!!!!

Gracias Gurudeva por permitirme ocuparme en este servicio!!! porfavor permita q mi gusto pot el sankirtan incremente mas y mas con el pasar de los años y q pueda inspirar a otros !!!

su aspirante a sirviente

Vrajendra Kumara Dasa

HpS - Jaya!  Muy bromistoso. Funny. Hemos pasado cosas similar con cajas, pero estamos bastante timidos relacionar con personas de esta manera. Esta creciendo con hermanos????  Gracias!