Hare Krsna Gurudeva, pamho, Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

I hope that you are well and that you will have a very good trip . May Lord Nrsimhadeva protect you in all directions.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!   paoho....  We answered another letter on the same topic while we were traveling, no?   Now we can get to this one. We are very busy in Tennessee but at least not traveling every few days!

I continued editing ( slowly) the videos of the NIOS tour 2015. I upload 2 of them for you to see them before I publish. If you wish you can tell us your opinion so we can improve them.

HpS - AGTSP   paoho.  We will look at them tonight when we are at NGD's house. We don't have a good enough connection to watch them from our ASA Office. Thank you. 

1-Trailer Jung:  Argentina (Cordoba y Bs As) y Chile. 


2- Trailer Jung Cordoba.


The image quality is not good as the original video, later I'll fix that.

The full conference at the National Library of Chile is also finished but I could not upload it yet. We will do it soon from better internet connection.

HpS - So much of our effort in these Jung's things was based upon starting a dialog with our contacts in Peru. A little bit happened but now it is like 97% stopped.  We are very much re-evaluating our educational efforts. Our Sankirtan has to go on in the association of devotees. With whom do we share our passions for preaching? Srila Prabhupada? Others?   Without Sankirtan everything else has no motivation, especially in the Kali yuga!

Talking about me, I'm not having a good time. The four principles are ok, but finish with the 16 rounds is 10 times harder than before. I do not feel connection with the holy name ... I'm not going beyond the surface and I can not reach deep introspection.  And I feel stupid and lazy because I know what I have to do to improve things ... but  I fail.

Last night I dreamed  that you phoned us and when I answered I heard you chanting japa. So I thought _ah! is FMP´s  time! And I woke up just before the alarm in time to go to Start Meeting.

Muchas Gracias Gurudeva.

P/D: I attached some pictures from the construction of the asram.
My father came a few days with his truck to help us. We collect stones from the way enough to make the foundation.

intentando ser su sirviente/discipula 

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - Yes, is very, very nice to see your names in the list each morning.

Text 7  and 8 of NoI talk in detail about this level of chanting, service.

Sometimes we have no Karma-yoga motivation, so we don't chant serve, because it is not our 'nature'. This was Arjuna's situation, no?  He could not walk away from the fight. His karma was there. So, his yoga had to be there. In Chapter Six, Yoga ladder verse (?) Prabhupada says that in the beginning we are attracted to a certain kind of service, but later we fall in love with Krsna. So, if we can come to the Jnana-yoga level that is more secure than the Karma-yoga level. Then I can serve because I understand this is Krsna's desire, even if I don't feel it 'karma'. Of course, that kind of yoga will gradually give you a taste that goes beyond being a girl. You will become a sexless philosopher.
That is interesting thing for Grhastha ashram or even being someone's "daughter".
"My daughter is a sexless, intellectual", but as it goes on that Jnana-yoga enriches our Karma-yoga and then we become a sweet, philosophical wife and daughter. In he beginning there is natually a little tendency toward impersonalism.

Super fotos!  Become the Prince and Princess of your District.