Ananda Maya report sadhana

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Todas las glorias al movimiento de sankirtan !

porfavor asepte nuestras reverencias Gurudev

Ahora en Monterrey estamos bien con nuestro servicio con bebe, Jay Govinda, pensando sobre su educación hablamos con made Gopi radha D.D. sobre proyecto de educación con los bebes vaisnavas pero nesesitamos viajar a D.F. para tener una información mas clara y consejos,

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!     Pfanrh.  Cuando puede ir?

Krishna Balaram deidades de nuestro humilde hogar (artik, ofrendas, kirtan) and made a Krsna garden home, poco a poco mejorando en este nuevo asram ... happy quiza estamos sintiendonos mas apego en esta etapa de la vida por los hijos y matrimonio pero mucha realización.

Nuestro servicio en templo es publicidad de eventos con Adobe Photoshop, flayers de festivales algunas veces servicio de fotografía de festivales en templo.

Krishna Janmastami I made a Giriraj sila cake offering.

16 rondas<img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" />, 4 principios<img alt="yes" height="23" src="" title="yes" width="23" />, lectura personal Srimat Bhagavatam & (darshan online), en templo Monterrey matayi Vilasini D.D. planeando enseñar  ingles para poder escribir y hablar ingles ella es disipula de H.G. Sankarsan Das Adhikari.

Mi esposo Gadadhar Prabhu, Servicio en restaurante & clase Srimat Bhagavatam en 7:30am and sankirtan en la tarde, muy inspirador para nosotros siempre muy entuciasta :) el habla sobre su ultima visita en Mexico D.F. muy felices de tomar su asociación y consejos muchas gracias gurudeva.

Muchas gracias por tomar su tiempo de leer esta humilde carta, sabemos que es intensos sus  dias , estamos leeyendo cartas de reportes encontrando muchas respuestas.

(A   G​  T  S  P!     Paoho.     Anybody else experiencing problems writing in the Blog?   When we hit the Enter key, for example, it tosses us to the top of the page.   Hmmm?

Windows 10??      Well, its still a great way to communicate and reminds us of how much better is the tele-communication in Goloka, Moooo!)=

I'm work whit windows 8.1 don't have problems with the page, but maybe windows 10 have 1 or 2 details.!

deseando se encuentre bien, pedimos  bendiciones para mejorar nuestro sankirtan y tambien porfavor le pido bendiciones para todo el yatra en Monterrey para continuar predicando conciencia de krsna .

Su eterna e insignificante sirviente Ananda Maya Devi Dasi 

HpS - ASA ---    AGTSP.    Gracias para tosas las noticias!!!     MUCHO atencion leer sus comunicaciones.  Esperamos todo adelanta muy bien en Monterrey.    Ciudad Mexico tiene mucho gente!    En Monterrey pued tomar apoyo de poco mas limpieza y tranquilidad, no?    De otro manera narco trafico pero, no???      Tiene que entender su ambient bien y que necesitan la gente para advanzar, y servir a ellos.  Servir a un inferior se llama msieridordia!

Much hacer.   Super reverencias al Gadadhara Das.    Bueno, si el puede tomar unas notas y escribir de sus encuentras en Sankirtan!

Cuidado!   Estamos adorando un Dios bastante travieso!!!

La torta es en forma de Govardhana, y comiendo?????

NIOS - DSB Report

Jai, Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Professor, Master Harsh et al,

Here we are still in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Our health is still very delicate with need to rest as much as 9-hours in a day now.  Our best medical advice is that we have to continue to adjust our work to live according to our Donkey's age.

In this regard we are basically working to develop a list of priorities and schedule that we can maintain personally and then responding from that perspective to the suggestions of others.

As of now this NIOS work is one of the very topmost priorities for us. We have had a series of discussions on maintaining the functioning of NIOS by shifting its operation to Texas and joining a broader educational corporation there, Goloka Education. This is taking time and energy and we shall be sending you particular notices on this.

Of course we have had our local work with Dr. Ravi and the big Celebrate Nashville Festival this weekend.

I received the final bill from Ma Saraadia press and now we only wait for the general accounting for this one project from your good self.

In this maze of NIOS work two projects seems prominent to us: Distribution of the books we have and the co-operation with the National Library of Peru on the annual journal, "Solaris", and an international conference on "Psychology of the Sacred". Both of these are moving along well with very, very senior scholars and editors. Particularly we have a meeting scheduled by phone tomorrow night with the Director of the Library, who has been beleaguered by hosting the International Monetary Fund, with Presidents and Representatives of 50-nations in Peru. He has written an EXCELLENT paper on the history of religion and psychology and at this point we are looking for someone who wants to go ahead very, very seriously in a dialog between Sri Caitanya's Bhagavata School and Occidental view of nature with this perspective of Jung. Unless we get this the journal and symposium will not have life. Can you help in this?

Besides NIOS and its administrative work, there is of course our personal Sadhana, without which we would be dead.  We keep that from 4.30-5.30AM On-Line and are committed to four classes on SB and BG weekly in Spanish and English.

These classes we feel should satisfy our very great debt to our ISKCON disciples and students.

Finally, we have our obligations as members of the Executive Committee of ISKCON'S Ministry of Education but we feel that those are being satisfied by their relationship with the aforementioned Sadhana Bhakti publication and education work.

Of course, there is more work to be done, structuring our strategy, but in-spite of all these challenges we are making tangible progress.

We will try to call both you are Harsh tomorrow and look for any mail from you as soon as possible.

We are anxious to hear about any work you are doing and if Pranava Das has contacted your good self.



altar services

my beloved Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obediences
agt Srila Prabhupada 

the issue is concerning as the devotees with first initiation
when there are  exceptional reasons can   perform altar services
Ananta Rupa Prabhu  instructed to accept this possibility from Jananivasa Prabhu

 and now ask for blessings from you and discuss about this issue

your servant 

kamagayatri dd

HpS - AGTSP paoho.    I certainly don't know the details. As far as I know only devotees with second initiation can go on the altar and bath and dress the deities. Maybe being doing arati if you are following 4-regs and chanting 16-nice rounds for for at least one year.  I seems authorization would have to be there from GBC and Ministry of Deity Worship in some sense. That is about all I know and could authorize.
Ananta rupa could call us if there is more to do.

Hope things are well for your work, family, personal battle with The WItch!   Hare Krsna!!!!!

Bhakta RAÚL ZURITA y reporte de cultura

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Goura Nitai

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

*Hace muy poco escribí a usted en blog monkey warrior mi reporte personal. Gracias a Krishna ya estoy mucho mejor, con más energía, fuerza y ánimo (“lo que no te mata, te hace más fuerte”     ASA - Si, ya leu esta otro carta!    Si es un devoto, lo que no mata, fuerten, pero pero para otros, lo que no mata, debilen, como en el futuro puede matan [y convierten a perras de la calle en Kolkata qu 12-perritos tomando leche y ella tiene que comer basura para producir perritos]. Ooof mejor ser un devoto y aprenda!!)

*Ahora quisiera preguntar ¿Es posible que Usted pueda celebrar con nosotros, los devotos de Chile, su Vyasa Puja? Para nosotros sería una gran gran bendición

HpS - Solamente estamos fijando nuestra calendario basado en los deseos de los devotos.   Para mi, "Mi Vyasapuja" es oportunidad glorificar, illuminar, todos los miembros del cadenca discipular. Claro, eso es Vd., mi, devotos de ISKCON, Prabhupada, Visvanatha Cakra varti, Narada Muni. Tenemos nuestra posicion. Que es?

*Jagad Guru y yo estamos viendo posibilidades e ideas para organizar su visita, programas y conferencias de Usted en Santiago, pero para un mejor servicio necesitamos saber las fechas de su estadía en Chile.

ASA - Vamos a escribir de esta punto en otro Blog Post hoy dia. Esperamos su misericordioso respuesta.

*Jagad Guru y yo hace un tiempo atrás visitamos al poeta Raúl Zurita. Raúl es muy amable con los devotos.  Estuvimos conversando una hora con él en su casa.

*Raúl le envía muchos saludos a usted. Le contamos que Usted piensa viajar a Chile en enero, Raúl nos dijo que lamentablemente no se podrá reunir con Usted porque en enero viaja a Estados Unidos para dar clases en la Universidad de Harvad, si no mal recuerdo. Raúl estará varios meses en Estados Unidos.

ASA - Cuando? Harvard es cerca. Podemos visitar. Con unos amigos, devotos poetas.   Tiene comenatario acerca de Peter Brook Mahabharata?

*Ese mismo día, después de la visita al poeta, Jagad Guru escribió en su facebook lo siguiente:

“… Hoy tuve la oportunidad de conversar con el poeta y premio nacional de literatura, Raúl Zurita y he recordado que un genio siempre es un genio, pero esa genialidad queda más al descubierto, y al acceso de todos, gracias a la humildad. Zurita es de ese tipo de genios...

Hablamos sobre el Mahabharata, el Bhagavad Gita, los efectos de la tecnología moderna y hasta de las diferencias entre los santos, los iluminados y los artistas, mis admirados artistas, entre los cuales el poeta usualmente es el más impredecible.

Todavía me sorprendo de su gran aprecio por nuestros regalos: el Bhagavad Gita Tal Como Es,  el libro Krsna, la Fuente del Placer (3 tomos) y la película recomendada por SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, Mahabharata (1989) del director Peter Brook”…

*Raúl nos regaló un libro de él para Jagad Guru y otro libro para mí.

*Por favor Usted cuente conmigo en todo lo que yo pueda servir/ayudar en su revista Solaris.

ASA -       SOLARIS    Banana para El Sun God!    Dog of the Sun God!      Miguel Polo va a ser Director. Aparece va a ser bueno.   Pienso 81% de el exito depende en Vd y sus afiliados.

*Ya estamos pensando en la organización de programas para el 2016 para celebrar los 120 años del nacimiento de Srila Prabhupada y los 50 años de la Fundación de ISKCON.

Por mi parte llevo 3 o 4 años trabajando en un libro de entrevistas (Usted, Bhaktibhusana Swami, Dhanvantari Swami, otros maestros/sanyasis y devotos mayores). Espero para esa fecha poder publicar este libro como ofrenda a Srila Prabhupada.

*Estoy terminando de escribir/corregir un libro de poemas. Es un libro de poemas místicos surrealistas y el libro está dedicado a Usted y Srila Prabhupada.

Bhakta Raúl Zurita le envía muchos saludos y él quiere que yo lo visite pronto.

*Querido Gurudeva este es mi reporte de cultura y servicios.

¡Por favor denos su misericordia para estar con Usted en Chile para su Vyasa Puja!

A sus pies de loto,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

Cual es el calendario de Raul?    Deciembre - Agosto.  Esta evento con biblioteca nacional puede incluyir el, no?

Bhakti Fest

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It's been some time, I just wanted to check in. Still traveling sankirtan, this time I'm with Bhakta Chang, a young brahmacari from San Diego. We were given a free invitation to Bhakti fest, (a popular yoga festival in joshua tree) so we tried it out last weekend. Of course, much of it is rather materialistic, and there are a great deal of prevalent misconceptions about Bhakti, Krsna, etc, but as far as festivals in the western world go I was pretty impressed. No intoxication, no meat, and everyone was chanting hare krsna all weekend! Probably they don't get much benefit from chanting, but most people were innocent and inquisitive.

Radhanath Maharaj is doing fantastic preaching out there, so many people are getting a chance to contact pure Bhakti. We adapted our style to preserve his relationship with the organizers. Mgmt there doesn't like what they perceive as 'proselytizing' so instead of stopping people we set up a little display table on the main drag and performed Kirtan with some other devotees in attendence. It was ecstatic, some people said it was their favorite Kirtan of the whole event, and somehow we managed to distribute quite a few books as well. I think one day we did about 40 big/maha big and collected about 180$, which was surprisingly decent for just calling people over.

Since then we've been mostly in San Diego, trying to get rid of some adhibhautika klesas before moving on. We've been waging chemical warfare with bedbugs for several days, and so far there's been some heavy casualties on both sides. Its taking a toll on our sleep and our sankirtan... but it's nectar. We joined Vaisesika prabhu for MSF here today, and he compared these challenges to Prabhupada's Jaladuta. My realization from today was that we all have some anxiety, it may be bedbugs, it may be tarantulas, but we've got to keep a song in our heart and perform our duty for purification.

HpS - Jaya!

I had another question for you about jiva tattva. I haven't spent much time on this topic since in general it can be distracting and nonessential, but I still see this as a relevant and significant topic nonetheless. Where do jivas come from exactly? When we say "Back to Godhead" does that specifically mean Goloka?

HpS-ASA --  AGTSP.   Such a controversial topic before, no?   "My Guru, knows more than your Guru!", "My Guru gave me better knowledge than your Guru!", "My Daddy can kill your Daddy!".

[Maybe your Daddy would not want to kill my Daddy]

In general Prabhupada doesn't seem to make a specific point about it so much, but mentions it in passing. Some people say that Naranaya Maharaja said, that in "Jaiva Dharma" Bh. Vinode Thakur says, that we fell from Mahavisnu loka, but I have never been able to find that, even in Maharaja's translation of "Jaiva Dharma", and no one has been able to show me the citation.

As far as I understand we could have fallen down, chosen to check out Maya Devi's Top Gun Theme Park, at any time and from any place, Goloka, Ayodhya, Vaikuntha, but also could have "fallen" from Goloka to Ayodhya and then got back up, or Goloka to Maha-visnu loka and then entered the material world from there. Murari Gupta is a Rama bhakta and Back to Godhead for Him means back to Rama lila, no?

HpS - Your note about Svasa was just lost. The Blog is having technical difficulties from our end for the last few weeks.  We never got the letter of recommendation. Can he send to [email protected] and drop us a text message to 209 505-3219 that he send it?

May all your
Burning Men be big ones.​    Please send us news as you can!!

Commission of Education

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Concerning the Commission of Education ISKCON Peru and the letter to Rama Giridhari dasa, I did not get any answer yet.

I hope you read the three papers I gave you here in Lima, waiting for your comments. Till this moment there are some arguments about the requirements for initiations. We will have another National Board meeting to discuss this.

We want to improve the work of the Commission of Education and develop this very important subject here in Peru, stablish a strong relationship with the Ministry of Educational Development, organize courses, inspire devotees to read and study Srila Prabhupada's books, etc.

We are having meetings with Rohini devi dasi about the Bhakti-sastri graduates, to see how the second initiated can help the Deitites service in Chosica. Also we want to have meetings with other devotees to develop others things.

We are organizing the ISKCON Disciple Course with Baladeva dasa, to be here last week of october. Previously, we passed it on-line with Param Padam dasa from Escuela Vaisnava. With Baladeva dasa we will co-facilitate here and then be certified to teach the course. There are eight devotees who want to apply and we expect more.

I am teaching the Introduction to Bhakti-yoga course every week from february to december, organizing the saturday evening program, Bhagavad-gita class and lecturing on it once a month, along with the National Board duties.

Gurudeva, no plans for children. We are getting mercy and protection from Sri Jagannatha.

Your eternal servant,
Jiva-Sakti dasa.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP  paoho.  Thank you for your austerities!!    We feel very sure that the standards for initiation should be basically the same all over ISKCON.   Of coutrse, there may be some local adjustment by country or by Diksa guru, but these should be relatively simple, no?   Prabhupada had one standard for the whole society, no?

I talked with Rama giri d​hari Das and he said that he got back to you!     I also have had trouble getting mail from him and other people in India.   Write to him again and say that you never got the letter from him.  Also, give you phone number and Skype I.D.

Second initiation is for Brahmanas, Ksatriyas and higher class Vasiyas, no?  Some Brahmanas are teachers, others worship the Deity and some receive and distribute charity or combinations there of, so we should not expect that all second initiated devotees will become Pujaris.
Deity worship should be adjusted according to time, place and circumstance. Sankirtan should lead the Deity worship, but without Deity worship it will be very weak.

Our ideas.