$$$ ASA

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
2015 Sep 21 - Oct 13 IN-OUT Donations+ 0(17,859) Donations- 0(3127) Travel- 2744(11,539) Supplys- 47(2563) Postal- 20(413) Bhoga- 7(47) Telephone- 10(933) Occupancy- 0(74) Professional Fees- 0(330) Printing- 0(50) ACCOUNT BALANCES 21 October Payable 2484

From Kalindi Devi dasi in AuburnCA

10/07/15   Dearmost Guru Maharaja: Kindly receive my sincere dandavats and pranams.  All glories to our incredible founding acarya, HDG Srila Prabhupada!!!

ASA - !

1.   Greetings from Sri Sri Radha Gopinath's Auburn Ca residence.   As Their unworthy servant and yours, please know i pray for you daily.

HPS - ASA - Probably why we aren't delinquents.

2.   i try not to take too much of your valuable time by not writting to you more than once in two months approximately.  OK?  How many times a month, 2 months, 3 months do you want me to write?  It is understood i could contact you more often in an emergency.

ASA - I guess as often as you want to. Just see the other mail and join the flow, no?

3.   The Sacramento ISKON devotees have asked me again to humbly request you please visit us twice in 2016.  In your reply to my last correspondence, you said the scheduling should be made directly with you.  So, i am hoping to get some tentative dates on the calendar in your reply to this letter, if you would be so merciful.

ASA - In the Calendar you can see that we are booked to South America and India until 2016 April. After that we may be stuck in Nashville.  Hmmm!   Sacramento East.

4.   The Sacramento ISKON devotees rented a community hall and advertised a Janmastami event. It was a huge endeavor for us.   Krsna reciprocated wonderfully and the attendance was approx 400! Program began with traditional Indian dance; then abishek for which everyone was invited to participate.  It lasted 1 1/2 hours!  Then prasadam which we all cooked and brought to the hall. Yours truly was appointed to make 4, 16 qt. pots of panir-potatoe-subji in tomatoe sauce base.  Also, our beloved Radha-Gopinath were selected to receive abishek!  i made outfits for Them to wear and They were just too sweet.  Then kirtan.  Then lecture.   Then more kirtan and arati with 56 preparations!!!  Then Midnight to 1am arati!   Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja was  a home program.   Also, Sri Radhastami was a home program but none the less ecstatic!

ASA - Ooooof!    Permanent progress.

There's been book distribution and Hari Nam Sankirtan. A big event featuring book distribution this Sun from 3pm to 11pm!

5. Radha-Gopinath now have Their own curry-leaf plant!

6.   Just finishing last book of CC. Finished "Srila Prabhupada's Miracle" by Vaikunthanath das.  i'm devouring with heart and mind "A Comprehensive Guide to BHAGAVAD-GITA" by H.D.Goswami.  Finished "Heart of Devotion Nine Essays for Spiritual Reflection" by Satyaraja Dasa.

7.  Took association and prasad at our house with Vikasananda Krsna Das and family (he's our facilitator.  You didn't meet him as he was at New Dwarka Dham when you were here.  He's really a great leader.) Also Jaya Krsna Das and family (he brought your japa mala to you here after we got home from the program)  Having Sashi Prabhu and family this Fri. evening.   They, in particular, are most anxious for your next visit. They have been praying for the "right" diksa guru for years.  They very much desire to host you in their home in Folsom. We pray you could stay with us if it pleases you on your second visit.

8.   Health is holding up ok.

9.   When you were visiting us, i approached you re. 2nd initiation.  You said that beginning 2016, Bhakti sastra course completion is required. Do you have a You-Tube presentation of this course?   Or does GBC have standardized text now?   You mentioned we could perform ceremony over the phone i think. Is it also possible to perform ceremony during one of your visits next year?

HpS - No program on line for us. See if Mayapura Institute has an on-line course. Maybe you could take it with a study partner.

10. Puja room now has 10" by 8" composite murti of Srila Prabhupada with 2 sets of clothes. He's   wonderful!!!

10A.   Rounds seemto be more and more relishible by Lord Caitanya's mercy!!!

11.  Thank you for being my eternal friend and cherished diksha representative of Srila Prabhupada!!!!

"...one must simply allow the pastimes of Lord Krsna to blow within one's heart like a favorable breeze, then one will surely find spiritual peace..."  SP purport SB 12.13.2

ASA - Super citation.  Guess it is Gopiparanadhana Das.

Offering dandavats and pranams again and again!

YUS, Kalindi Devi dasi

ASA -   Thank you for the letter. Looking forward to service in Goloka!!!!         Thank you for the news.  Some photos if it is possible!!!


Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krishna Querido Gurudev

 Si quiere comunicar en privada de unas cosas,

si puede,..... voy a tener algunas reuniones con Maharaja Gunagrahi en unos 20 dias, y las Autoridades administrativas, voy a tener que pararme  bien,  bueno, entiendo la diplomacia religiosa, y se mantener lo que pienso, hay una buena relacion salvando las diferencias...Quizas el tema aqui lo cual no quiero extender mucho publicamente, Quizas lo que he visto con los años es que el sistema de funcionamiento del templo es que muchas veces produce y colapsa en un ciclo de tiempo, desde que fue Creado....,para seguir hablando

 Espero que puede adjustar su situacion de Ashrama un poco mejor!!!!    Pienso es posible.​

Si, esto es  lo que pienso, voy a ajustarme y tambien las autoridades me dan algunas facilidades..... Y me Recuerdo cuando Srila Prabhupada dijo que el 50% de su obra estaba lista , solo falta el otro50% El Varna Asram Dharma, veo que estoy improvisando en un monton de cosas, tengo algunas Ideas , me gustaria en un futuro poder ayudar en el desarrollo del Asram de Brahmacaris, lo cual veo como recien nacido, por lo antes dicho, ya que en los templos de Sud America se los puede ayudar a los  brahmacaris  en general a lo sumo 5 a 10  años y despues no esta claro el lugar para que pueda mantenerse y seguir desarrollandose, 

En relacion con Filosofia,voy a cursar lentamnete la carrera, no quiero tener mas predominancia de asociacion con cuetiones materiales  que espiritual , a la vez quiero probar, por que si funciona voy a ampliar mis capacidades en la predica,y si no me funciona  lo dejo,

Mi deseo es madurar mi relacion Con SRI SRI RADHA KRISHNA, PANCA TATTVA, PARAM PARA,SRILA PRABHUPADA Y USTED, asi como con todos los devotos

Siento que Krishna ha quitado en gran parte el miedo de adentro mio, y me a dado confianza de como actuar para agradarle a El ,

Ezforzandome por merecer el Prema Bhakti, he intentando por todos los medios de evitar las ofensas,y controlar la lengua, con gran entusiamos a pesar  de las dificultades

Muchas gracias, Usted hace que mi vida sea mas Bienaventurada y Dichosa, que seria de Mi sin Usted

Su Sirviente Adi Yajña Das

HpS - ASA - agtsp. paoho. pienso que toda esta carta es publico, no?    claro, hay cosas privados en cual quiere institucion, familia, equipo de futbol, candraval-radharani.

si, creacion - destruccion. nama-hatta, gaudiya matha, iskcon.  es normal, pero, espero, hay advanza eterno en cada pasa tambie. sin polygamia, vivir en las aldeas y b'cari ashrama [para todo la vida para muchos] no vamos a solucionar vida sana.

nos gustaria participar.

esperamos podemos encontrar mientras estamos en s.a. ya voy a comprar boletos para chile y argetina.    super animador su carta.      essencia b'car, sannyasa ashrama es literatura, oir y hablar ecstatico.

Ramvijaya urgent

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:



Thank U GM for all iur effort,inspiration and association.. FMP, Twiteer, blog, etc.

GM Ramvijaya is comming and I have 2 doubts:

Which topics a person who is going to give the class that day may discuss? What should we read, sing?

And Putana represents false guru, so ravana what represents. When we throw rocks to Ravana what are we actually doing?  Thank u in advance

GM this is not related to the topic but I was looking my pictures and I found some of ulyses when he was a baby.. and i thought when is this ulyses now.. jaja.. I realized that we are changing bodies within this life also. I am attaching some pictures.

Thanks in advance

Iur eternal servant 


HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!   Paoho.  Thank you for your Bhakti!         I think there are some Rama-vijaya, Lanka-vijaya verses in the Ramayan section of the Ninth Canto. Also, Krsna-dharma's Ramayana is in English at vedabase.com.

All the deomons and what they represent are by Bh.Vinode Th. and are from Krsna lila.   I don't know how Ravana "represents" any thing.   Throwing rocks is just to help Rama defeat Ravana. Of course, we think of our own demoniac desires, deep in our hearts, and throwing rocks at Ravana is aiming to destroy them!

Cute pictures!     I guess if puppies weren't cute then their parents would eat them.   Ha!   Ha!   Ha!

Have you done a bio-graphy with your mother yet?     Ask her about here life, how things were growing up.  Good for her to look at her life and judge it.  Good for us to see how the world has developed.

Dialog with Manipur

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

From: Mukta Okram
To: HpSwami - yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2015 5:10 AM
Subject: Fwd: Correspondence with Guruji

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Maha Prabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Brndiki Jay


Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji's padmacharan that I so happy that I could not express by words after getting Gurujis Amtabani through email. Even now we the initiated bhaktas did not go to the Mandir, because the new committee's moth of arrangement is based on the earning and not in the way of spiritual activities. But shortly we will try to modify the present system and will start mangal aarati daily. Now adays there is the Pujari to do Mangal aarati  in the morning, without a pujari to do aarati is not possible that is why we did not go to the mandir.

The aarati which I had mentioned in my previous letter is a programme organised in the house of a bhakta. Such type of programme (Ahorarati 24 hrs narration of Gouranga Mahaprabhu's past times) are special. They invited different Manipuri Goudiya Beisnavas from different localities, the ages above 70 yrs. They all spent the whole night along with us. And during the narration we did aaratis (astakala) eight times with different songs.

To day I had downloaded the topics discussed in the Kapidhaja about Guru Tattva.

Every Sunday from 2-5 pm we did narration of Radha Tattva through the Book Radha hrdaya taken from Brahma Beibarta Puran  of Brahma Sanghita. Some songs, slokas and Shiksha Astakama of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and time to time topics we discuss. All were possible with the blessings of Guruji. 

After getting Gurujis tour programme with tentative dates we will chock out different programmes of our Mandir.


Yours fallen Servant

Yamunesvara Das


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!    H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami, Ki JI!

Thank you for your letter, Yamunesvara Das.  We extend our respects to you and all the devotees of Thoubal yatra.

1. We cannot get to this e-mail sources easily. So receiving and responding to your letters is greatly delayed.  I think there are earlier letters from you and also one from Dasa Hari.   Can you please arrange to send those to the Blog!!!

2. We don't exactly understand your comments about not going to the Mandir.  Is that the Thoubal mandir or the Imphal Mandir?  They require a certain economic contribution before allowing anyone to enter? Of course, you can do Srila Prabhupada's mangala arati in your homes, but we should certainly seek adjustment to any wrong doings in any of our ISKCON temples!

3. The all night observances with Gaudiya vaisnavas that you describe seem potential of great spiritual satisfaction and opportunity for purification and empowerment in the cause of Lord Caitanya but ...   do you also include the books of Srila Prabhupada in your recitations and contemplations?  His Caitanya-caritamrta and Srimad Bhagavatam include wonderful potency to adjust all dangerous, subtle mistakes in our offers to Krsna and Gauranga.

4. We are working now on our visit to the East and Manipur and should have more news after the next week or two, even buy tickets.

Again, please have all correspondences to the Blog, so we can get contact with all of you in a practical fashion!!!  Also, for urgent communication our USA mobile phone is 209 505 3219.

Thank you,



urgent-Flyer+Contact list

Hare Krsna Senor Maharaj
Pamho, AGTSP..
Jaya Rama !!!!!
The list is reaching is about to get completed need to do some final checks/verification.
Who will make the flyer, How will we do it ? 

ASA - Thank you!!!    We will talk to Dr. (with you?!!) and see that list is O.K. with him.  Then we can engage Gauranga-tech, Rama-giridhari Das et al, to work with us on the marketing, promo-letter, method of approach.  We will call soon.

Do you think its better to talk about these over skype ? i think 930 am 10 oct , lima time is fine.

ASA - Here is very, very good for as much as we can do, because we need the collective ASA intelligence to help. Oink!    Oink!    WHoop!   WHooop!
My wife is helping child a lot. she make sure he does not watch any screen!!! she reads him Panch-Tantra stories..
the back ground of Panch Tantra is - king had sons , he was disappinted that sons are neither devotees nor materially astute. So he send hims to teacher who tell him stories like bhagvatam (story inside a story) to be materially astute

ASA - Yes, we know Pancha​-tantra stories!  There are some excellent audio dramas of them that we heard in English by some Yoga group. Where??   What is Hitopadesa?

We see our son as political leader not as engineer or  doctor ot teacher....

SP says "We want that the mass shall support us, but we want that the class shall preach for us, that is the distinction."  ...http://prabhupadaletters1972.blogspot.in/2007/12/27-december-1972.html

is it okay if we see him like that

ASA - Seems fine to me!    There is children's Srimad Bhagavatam also, no?   Pioneer work. Looking for material for active mind.   We will try to find more for you.  Sunday school program.     Especially can you integrate with Ram-giridhari and Prana et al?  They are not perfect, but you can make them better for your personal benefit and the whole world.  Achintya bheda abheda tattva.   If you fail to save your kid, the whole world will go to hell.

sadhana is still sine wave but mean is not zero, and freq is decreasing...

ASA - Yessss, to us it seems your mean has really gone up.
any other service ?


HpS - Just struggle, struggle, struggle to pronounce clearly.  With your help we will contact Dr. and go ahead in this line.  Everything you are doing seems to be moving in the right direction. Don't change the direction, just improve the efficiency.

Offer our respects and hello to your good wife!