AKSA Report Noviembre 2015

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

According to what we have lived here in Chosica, especially the last years, our perspectives have been changing about where to live. So we are planning our years 2016-17-18, and it seems Sita-lalita is going to continue with her studies of English to be a teacher in the ICPNA (institute in lima)  and she is also starting to prepare to apply to Lima s Conservatory Bibhatsu Arjuna is also going to study english in the ICPNA in Lima, and he asked us to dedícate this year just to that, after finishing his secondary (this year he finishes) and in his gap year, he is going to decide what he wants for his future.

So we have thought of living in Lima starting 2016, but not in the house of my parents in law or my family, but, we would rent a house, and at the same time it could have other functions Some time ago we have been thinking of opening a Cultural Center in Lima, where we could live, have a business as a boutique, restaurant, cultural workshops and especially a place that can be useful to preach

HpS - ASA - Sounds so nice.

Because we have to live in lima, because of work and studies, to prevent expenses, this is our way to be not so close to the temple, but to be hooked with preaches, and to shelve living confortably at home watching televition and enjoying with the family and Friends In fact, we have more details about this proposal, and even we have advansed talks with a couple of partners devotees and Friends with whom we would work for this Project Now we are at the stage of asking for advice, and yours is the most important for us. What do you think?

HpS - Sangat sanjayate Kamah.  Our desires and ambitions develop from the company we keep. So seems nice to get a residence near to devotees with whom you can preach. We don't know details, but Caturatma, Palika, Abhirama, Maria, Patrak are all in the same area. Maybe that is a good place for a preaching program.
Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!

Also, you can see our days for visiting Lima in January and February. We will have initiations for Sita and Karuna those days?

What do you think???

Your servant Anandamaya das

Querido Gurudeva,

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias. Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Debido a lo que hemos vivido aquí en Chosica, especialmente los últimos años, han ido cambiado nuestras perspectivas con respecto a donde vivir. Así que estamos planificando nuestros años 2016-17-18, y al parecer Sita Lalita va a continuar sus estudios de Ingles para profesora en el ICPNA (instituto en Lima)  y comenzar a prepararse en el conservatorio de música (Lima), para presentarse a admisión. Bibhatsu Arjuna también estudiaría ingles en el ICPNA de Lima, y nos pidió solo dedicarse a eso por un año, después de acabar su secundaria (este año acaba) y en este año sabático, va a decidir que oficio tomar para su futuro.

Entonces hemos pensado vivir en Lima a partir del 2016, pero no en casa de mis suegros o de mi familia, si no, alquilaríamos una casa, que tenga otras funciones Desde hace un tiempo estamos pensando en abrir un Centro  Cultural en Lima, donde podamos vivir, tener algún negocio como boutique, restaurante, talleres culturales, y especialmente nos sirva para poder predicar

Debido a que tenemos que vivir en Lima, por los estudios y mi trabajo, para evitar gastos, esta es nuestra manera de estar lejos del templo, pero seguir enganchados con la predica, y dejar del lado de estar cómodos en una casa viendo televisión y disfrutando con la familia y amigos De hecho tenemos más detalles acerca de esta propuesta, e incluso tenemos conversaciones avanzadas con un par de devotos socios y amigos con quienes trabajaríamos este proyecto Ahora estamos en la etapa de pedir consejos, y el suyo es el más importante para nosotros. Usted qué opina?

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