Hoping Promotional Letter Edit was OK, ect. Slightly urgent

06/03/16  Esteemed Guru Maharaja:   Hare Krsna!!  Dandavats and Pranams     All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!!

For some reason, microsoft kept on blocking access to my account, so there was delay in accomplishing the edit for you.  Computer was at Geek Squad off and on.  Finally got the problem "permenantly" solved and then finished the project quickly.  Did the hard copies arrive on Tues?  I sent them next day mail, so they should have.  Did the attachment of soft copy open correctly?   If I did not correctly perform the assigned task, please let me know so i can further edit it quickly before you leave on next preaching mission.  Thank you so much for allowing me this seva.

Thank you most sincerely for the quality time we were invited to spend with you in Boise!!!! Becoming acquainted with God Brothers and Sister there was really a blessing!!!  Adjusting to non-temple life upon returning was really difficult.  Of course, taking Radha-Gopinatha's darshan upon return did soften the blow!!

etc:  You may remember Jaya Krsna Das.  He and family attended our home program here last year.  He asked you a question.  You said that, by his question, you could see he is in mode of goodness.  Anyway, I mention him because he has asked me to ask you a very specific question.  He is one of the most strict (attention to detail is remarkable) and serious devotees  I know.  It would not have occured to me to ask you the following question.  Knowing him makes me realize how little advancement I have made.

Question:  There is a website developed by a disciple of yours, Prahlad Nrsimha Das.  It is vedabase.com, an offering of Bhagavad Gita As it Is  in Tamil language.  Jaya Krsna Das has been asked to help with the editing or proof-reading of this e-publication.  Prabhu has assured him this project has been ok'd by GBC.  However, it is important to Jaya Krsna Das that you also have sanctioned or "authorized" your disciple to carry on this service.  If you are not agreeing with this service, then Jaya Krsna Das will respectfully decline to participate in the proof reading.  If you have "authorized" your disciple to do this service, he will be glad to help and is waiting for your reply to make his decision.  Authorized by you?

Lastly, thank you very much for teaching me the correct way to lead Maha Mantra kirtan at Boise Temple.  At Sac ISKON, the group just will not respond unless the kirtan leader leads the response.  I don't know if its the size of the room and the devotees are spread out, or the acoustics are poor so they can't hear each others voices, or what.  But, I have just become used to leading the response after doing so for the last two years and now do it without thinking.  When you gave me  instruction during the kirtan, I  lost my train of thought.  Because of my head surgery, this can happen and it is really difficult for me to find the connection in my "data base" again.  When I'm fully engaged and there is an interruption, it's like my brain crashes and I can't find the neuro-connections again for awhile.  It's like i temporarily seriously forget what I previously knew how to do. (Don't get a brain tumor is my advice (;>))

You are always welcome to correct me. I wonder you don't do so more frequently since I'm such a fool.  It may have seemed as if I was offended. I was not.  The truth is that when I suddenly loose the neuro connection mid-task, it is quite un-nerving, quite disconserting, almost like I don't know where I am.  It's a little scary.  Even though I understand the phenomonon, it is an emotional experience for me.  Hope this is clarifying.  You would have no way of knowing this about me.  It is fairly common for people with post-traumatic brain syndrom.

Remaining your devoted and unworthy servant,

Kalindi devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- Harer Krsna!   AGTSP   paoho.    Yes!    The hard copy arrived.   The soft copy opened and I was able to glance at the contents. They seemed fine. Thank you!      We talked with Dr. Samaresh and Rama-giri-dhari Das in India this morning and now we are editing the Promotional Flyer that will be the first use of the Prospect List. We will use it again and again and maybe update it and put it into a Database.
Thank you very much for the information about the brain reaction. Is very interesting. As a devotee it gives you such a chance to see how the donkey works and realize that you are not this Donkey.

Yes, Prahlada-nrsmha Das', Vedabase.com project is approved by the European BBT, Vanipedia and the BBT Archives. It is officially a branch of the ISKCON Anjana Suta Academy whose GBC Secretary is Tamohara Das, and we, as far as our authority goes have the very best wishes for him in the project. He is a very, very nice person, with a very, very, very, very nice wife and we discuss with him his ideas for the project. I don't really see any better Sankirtan in ISKCON than this project. Of course, there are other projects just good.

Send us more news as it occurs!
Come with us to the next letter!


8 years, 7 months ago by YugalaKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Estimado Gurudeva si esta carta ya le llego? no estoy segura por eso la mando una vez más, espero se encuentre bien de salud y en su predica, estamos algo locos, comienzo a entender que soy obsesiva como Ud. eñaló en algún momento, y eso me trae muchos problemas, estamos tratando de seguir nadando en medio de este océano, a veces estuvimos muy mal, priorizando cosas temporales, calentura casi a punto de perdernos, pero gracias a Ud. sabemos que es una locura, lo real son los santos nombres nuestra medicina.

Este mes nos visitan muchos Gurus esperamos recuperarnos por completo, volveremos a distribuir libros en otras modalidades no solo buses, y continuaremos solo en la mañana enseñando en colegio, agradezco a Fray Luis de León, a Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, e incluso al hablar del universo pude hablar de la invocación del ISO, tal vez no sea la mejor maestra pero mis alumnos van a cuestionarse mucho, fue un respiro poder  hablar de vida contemplativa, de ideales elevados, etc.

Creo que para mi protección y felicidad puedo trabajar en varias cosas, pero aun así, no puedo vivir sin distribuir libros, llego a esa conclusión, siempre que pueda distribuir un libro es como sentir la sonrisa de Prabhupada, en fin creo que solo los distribuidores de libros pueden entenderme.

Respecto del nombre de la escuela, como estamos en el país de los Incas, quisiera una fusión quechua y sanscrito, porque Little bears school,  suena muy americano. Algo como “Yachaywasi jambavanitos”, “Yachaywasi Lava”, yachaywasi es la escuela del saber en tiempos del Inca es quechua. Ya sabe el orgullo peruano

¿Suena bien o nada que ver?

Por favor sus bendiciones, por el momento tendremos pocos alumnos, el 12 iniciamos y lo invitamos a participar un domingo, nuestra asesoras a pesar de la insistencia no se pronuncian, esperamos pronto saber de ellas.

Lo estamos esperando.

Su hija caída:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - ASA -   AGTSP. Paoho.  Impossible for us to read the whole letter. We are wooden headed Donkeys in Spanish. So we put it in www.translate.google.com.  Honestly I think we are in the same situation. I guess many people are. We do not have a good relgious community, but that is VAD and is for another age. We can only expect society in Sankirtan parnters and even that is second class. First class is to connect to Krsna through many paramparas as our only, secret lover.

Yes, Little Bears, was just a stimulous. Maybe Little Cuyis, or Little Llamas????    Whoever can learn to fight for Rama.   Send photos of your students.

mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krsna gurudeva!!!

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP!

mis mas humildes reverencias a sus pies,

ASA - Pies de lobo.

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y a usted!!!!

como esta gurudeva? espero que se encuentre mejor de salud, todos los dias pido por que este bien. Queria contarle a parte de el reporte, los principios todos bien aunque ultimamente las rondas se me acumulan algun dia que otro, porque me cuesta levantarme mas a mangal aratik. atiendo a las deidades con todo mi amor, vamos con las clases de bhakti sastri poquito a poco con mi querida hermana candra muki que me ayuda muchisimo a comprender. Gurudeva  recuerda que le comente en nueva vrajamandala que tenia en mente un negocio (herbolario) con terapias naturales y clases de yoga?, pues gracias a la misericordia de krsna y de usted  con sus bendiciones ya conseguimos que nos aceptaran todo y en unos dias empezamos a pintar el local y a acondicionarlo para empezar el mes que entra.

HpS - Mucho esfuerza!  Quien va a ayudar (mas que Krsna)?

Tambien hay dos salas grandes para dar algun programa y cursos de cocina (esto tengo que acondicionarlo un poco), pero hay mucho entusiasmo y esperemos la gente se anime y salga todo bien, queremos muchas personas vegetarianas y conscientes de krsna!!!!!!!

Ojala en su proximo viaje a España pueda venir a visitar el lugar y hacemos algo especial donde podamos reunir a bastante gente. Estos dias no he estado tan conectada a japa joe porque tuve problemas con la wi-fi (cuando no quiere funcionar no hay nada que podamos hacer), por el momento si esta funcionando asi que estare mas en contacto con japa y el blog para poder seguir sus pasos :-) , me siento super feliz de haber podido compartir y escucharlo unos dias aqui y espero ansiosa su proxima visita. Queria viajar a india en noviembre pero no se si sera posible con el local casi recien abierto, le ire contanto acerca de eso y pues ya no lo molesto mas, espero sinceramente y de corazon que se encuentre maravillosamente bien de salud y que krsna lo proteja siempre porque lo necesitamos mucho.

las humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto de una sirvienta

mani-sati sita dd

HpS - Hay un sitio de ISKCON en Valencia? Presidente? Pienso un proyecto tan grande como describa requiere uno personas como socios, no?

Buen musica y buen comida. Quien no va a asistir?!


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu y Sri Nityananda

Le agradezco mucho su respuesta y la información sobre el guru tattva, estamos siguiendo las instrucciones que allí aparecen para poder acercarnos más a la sucesión discipular.

Aquí seguimos esforzandonos por expandir el movimiento, y nos tomamos como misión lo que hemos escuchado de muchos devotos; "a prabhupada lo satisface más una girnalda de jivas que una girnalda de flores", y en eso estamos, predicando y distribuyendo libros en las afueras de las universidades, ese es nuestro foco, que la gente joven se acerque a conocer el movimiento de Srila Prabhupada y obtengan la misericordiosa mirada de Sri Krishna.

Quería comentarle algo hermoso que sucedió para la aparición de Sri Nrsimhadeva. Pintaron a Salagram Sila como Sri Nrsimhadeva por su aparición el día viernes y se veía muy complacida. El día sábado se celebró el festival en el templo y mientras se bañaba a Salagram Sila se intentó sacarle la pintura y no le salía, por lo que pensamos que quería quedarse pintada como motivo de su aparición como Sri Nrsimhadeva, pero todo lo sabriamos el día domingo, ya que si se lograba limpiar era porque quería estar en esa forma y si no se podía limpiar era porque la pintura era muy fuerte. Pero lo que sucedió finalmente es que el día domingo, al día siguiente después de haber finalizado el festival la pintura salió facilmente y se pudo bañar igual que siempre. Aquí le enviaré una fotografía hariboool.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias, su aspirante a sirviente bhakta martin.

HpS - ASA ---  Super.  Continua en esta sendero como lo haces.  Adelante!   Adelante!    Krsna dirigie el carroza de Arjuna, "Iziquierda, dercho, disparar la flecha"!!!

Nos vemos pronto!        ! Muy pronto....

Dr. Kalyan's Answer

8 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Esteemed Swamiji
It is gratifying to learn about the fact that your preparations for the Peru event are in place and my suggestions have been welcome. I am sure that this noble initiative will fructify in further ventures of practical import. Wish you and your learned and messianic colleagues the very best . My fond regards and goodwill will be with you through your gruelling travels . Look forward  to seeing you when you are in India .

Copy of Peru Conference Letter to India.

8 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Jaya Sri Krsna!!

Esteemed Dr. Chakravarty, Prof. Samaresh et al,
It is very animating for us to be able to write to your esteemed self.  We are still in USA after our India, Europe tour. The work for the June 21-23 Symposium on "Psychology and the Sacred" is going on with great roaring and splashing. Your article for the parallel magazine, 'Solaris' has been translated. The short video interview that we did in your residence in Delhi has been sub-titled and will be one of two video presentations for the Symposium. The other is from Nobel Laureate candidate, Humberto Maturana. Also, your suggestion that the organizers approach indigenous groups that have efforts to preserve their cultures and get intellectual members of their communities to join the Symposium has been taken very seriously by the organizers. It was already on the edge of the marketing scheme, as Peru is a place where indigenous cultures are very active.

Dr. Samaresh mentioned that you had asked him if we were going to send your ticket for our physical participation in the Symposium and I hope with very fervent zeal that we had not given the impression that we were going to inconvenience your esteemed self at this early date by dragging you out of your splendid country to take you to the remote land of Peru!

In the beginning the Library and NIOS were aiming at a global event, but this was quickly reduced to a Western world event and finally it has come down to Western Hemisphere, and this has been manageable.  Is that alright?  In so many ways I see you as one of the chief strategists in this endeavor.  The general view now is that if things go on as successfully as they are now then there will be a plan for a Global event in 2017 or 2018. One of the principal organizers with the Peruvian National LIbrary commented, " This year, Hanuman Swami, we will make friends and enemies. Next year we will have your Battle of Kuruksetra".

The magazine will be ready for release on the 20th of June. We hope to have a copy of it to you before that. The prestige and actual content of the contributors is very high, and the interest in translating everything to more practical results is universal. None of the contributors are ivory-tower thinkers. We will have a copy of that to you as soon as it is even in the final review stage.  Please then give us more advice.  With the magazine in hand I will then also promote your ideas amongst relevant people, such as Hector Behar and others.

After South America I will be for two weeks in Houston for the 3rd Annual, North American, Education with ISKCON conference. Then we are planning to sit still and rest and work from Tennessee until January. Then seems South America and India again. I think this is the last year we will have much to do with administrative work and hope that we can start to contribute more with individual and collaborative writing and media work.

I guess I should not say anymore until the magazine is in our hands and we can use that as a basis for much, much more communication and promotion. If you bless us we certainly hope to be your agent in this effort.
Always at you service,
Hanumatpresaka Swami
Prof. Huber Hutchin Robinson