Dallas Ratha Yatra

8 years, 8 months ago by chas d lind in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaja, enclosed a snapshot of the Dallas 2016 Chariot carrying Their Lordships Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva & Lady Subhadra to the awaiting Devotee's of Texas.

Was an interesting journey, our 2nd time at their Ratha Yatra, the community is very enthusiastic and accomodating. Drinks are passed out to all who will take while the parade is on, there is a small trailer to carry any who need to ride along and, of course, Prasadam is also distributed.

The weather was amazingly cool for May in Texas, we relished the moment and danced, chanted and followed the complete route. Police where very efficient and protected the avenues while we all carried on, no problems for the whole event. Returning to the Temple we enjoyed the park atmosphere of the Temple property. Nice lawns with tents of food, info and apparel to procure. We took much Prasadam from the TKG Academy booth, was a fund raiser for them and the baked goods were exquisite Seems the school is in need of expansion and more income, we did our part with investing in spanokopita's, savory pastries and a little ice cream... best deal of the day!

After attending other Ratha Yatra's the Dallas fanfare is the most intimate we've been to, the low-key ecstacy was a different change from the sometimes frenetic sidelines of the bigger festivals. As observed, the Lord's Rasa's adapt to every event and this was no exception, all involved were smiling along with Their Lordships.

Our next Ratha-Yatra will be in San Francisco, will see if I can bring some of that Southern hospitiality along!

All Glories to your service!!

your servant in training,

caitanya caritamrta das anu das

ASA - Jaya Jagannatha Swami!   Thank you for wonderful report!  We are Boise for two days now. We have been packed with programs every day. Just like the Goswami Academy!

From 10.30am - 3.30pm was the inauguration of the Kaliya fountain on the new property. We had to work pretty hard with the Kirtan, yajna, talking with guests. Now few minutes with you all and then... Donor appreciation night in front to the new Hall - 160-donors.

Hare Krsna!

When do we have time for Dr. Samaresh or Peru conferenece?   Hmmm. Krsna will arrange. He is the Master of the Universe and our only job is to see to His happiness (returning to Braja!).

Kirtan Program


Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories toSrila Prabhupada.

Maharaj, as per your instruction for Sugopi's last year's Vyasapuja offering, we started a musical group with other devotees (Three of us, Mark, Inger and Juniper) and did a kirtan at a yoga studio on February 28th. The response was very very nice. All the attendees (15 total) bought a copy of Bhagavad gita.

The following are the comments on their facebook page:

"Thank you, thank you Boise Hare Krishna Temple for a wonderful Kirtan, tasty treats and stories from the Bhagavad Gita! We hope you will
come visit us again soon!"

"This was so amazing! I was deeply moved to tears! My entire body was tingling! So cool!!"

The Yoga Center also wanted Srinivas Prabhu to give another 2 hr class on Yama and Niyama. I am also approaching more yoga centers for
Kirtan. Thank you for your instructions Maharaj, and please give us sincerity and strength to follow your instructions. I hope to execute them for the pleasure of you and the guru parampara and not to inflate my false ego.

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

HpS - ASA - When we moved the Temple from San Francisco to Berklely Jayatirtha wrote to Prabhupada that the "preaching was good in Berkeley", and Prabhupada responded, "you have discovered that the preaching in good in Berkeley because you made the endeavor there. Wherever you make the endeavor you will discover that the preaching is good".

I see in it in my own life again and again. When I surrender to the situation, the preaching, Krsna shows me opportunities. Then we have to use our intelligence and sincerity how to do something in a new enviroment!

Urgente solución!


Gurudeva me gustaria que Ud. explicara y refutara estos temas en alguna conferencia futura con el libro viaje facil a otros planetas,  tengo una encrusijada debo explicar la teoria de Big bang, la cual es atea esta en la curricula educacional, y es la teoría emblematica, recuerdo que la mayoria de profesores cuando tocan ese tema dan una charla sobre la falsedad de la biblia y de la teoría creacionista, quisiera explicar esta teoría enfatisando su falsedad y me gustaria pasar la pelicula de Oscar de la luz de la bhagavata, que me recomienda, la geografía es interesante, ahora la veo mas como sankhya muy basico, que me sugiere, como ayudar a que los alumnos no rechasen o duden de su religión y a la vez conozcan de teorias cientificas y no sean influenciados por ideas ateas e impersonalistas de cientificos limitados.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Tiene que colectar la teoria del Big Bang en una forma simple y entonces podemos criticar.

Si puede tener con Hare Krsna Das en Mejico, el probablmente tiene gran lectura en esta area en Espanyol!

Sobre el libro Krsna

Por favor acepte mis reverencias ! 
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada !

Su servidora, Karuna sakti dd y madre Lavanga dd. 
tenemos un colectivo artístico "Natabara". Tratamos de predicar produciendo teatro, danzas, etc. etc.

Actualmente estamos dirigiendo algunas danzas, una de ellas es danza rasa, por la facilidad de la coreografía. 
Se presentarán en el festival de Ratha Yatra de México en el mes de mayo.

Contamos con 13 madres jóvenes para esto, 2 días de ensayo por semana en el templo.

Estamos estudiando el libro "Krsna", cada madre expone y dirige una representación teatral de 10 minutos de un capítulo.

Empezamos con los demonios que Krsna mato, para llegar al tema de la danza rasa en estos días.

Mi pregunta es, Usted tiene o conoce una guía de estudios del libro Krsna qué nos recomiende?

HpS - No, pero Prabhupada da mucho explicacion y claro hay canto diez en Ingles for Gopi paranadhana y Hrdayananda Goswami, y comentario de Vsivannatha Cakravarti por HH Bhanu Swami in INgles.

Danza rasa es deficil.

Jaya Radha Madhava, Gaura arati, Dasa avatara,   UDILLO ARUNA!   Ellos son super para Drama/Danza, no?

Muy bien.  Va a clubes de Rotary, Lions. Vesten todas mujeres de los Leones en Saris.
Por favor, digamos cual  es su consejo para poder estudiarlo mejor.

Hemos enviado un video de ensayo a SS. Bhaktisundar Goswami y le agrado mucho, SS. Guruprasad Swami, recientemente nos vio reunidas y nos alentó a continuar. 

La danza no es bharatanatyam, pero esta muy completa  y expresa muchos humores: encanto de la flauta de Krsna, felicidad, sentimiento de separación, Gopis imitando a Krsna en diversos pasatiempos, etc.

Mi intención personal, es, si alguien ve la danza, esa persona siente que esta leyendo el libro Krsna. 

Necesitamos sus bendiciones por favor Gurumaharaja.

* Mi salud no ha estado bien últimamente, pero, ya esta mejorando, realmente no es grave. 
La gravedad es el temor a perder la conciencia en Krsna por los  malestares.  Esto hace que admiré muchísimo a grandes santos como Usted.

Perdón por mis ofensas por favor. 
Su siempre y eterna servidora. 
Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Muy bien!   Jaya Radha-madhava!   Gaura arati!   Y Udillo aruna.  Udillo aruna es el mejor cancion que tenemos para predica!

La muerte es la sumen total de mal salud. Mal salud es preparacion para el cambio de cuerpo. No es tan importante. Utiliza lo que tiene para Sankirtan. Mire Prabhupada, hueso y piel, y aun tocando el Gran Mrdanga y el sonido pasando por todo el mundo!!

Kirtan Program



Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaj, as per your instruction for Sugopi's last year's Vyasapuja offering, we started a musical group with other devotees(Three of us, Mark, Inger and Juniper) and did a kirtan at a yoga studio on February 28th. The response was very very nice. All the attendees(15 total) bought a copy of Bhagavad gita.

The following are the comments on their facebook page:

"Thank you, thank you Boise Hare Krishna Temple for a wonderful Kirtan, tasty treats and stories from the Bhagavad Gita! We hope you will
come visit us again soon!"

"This was so amazing! I was deeply moved to tears! My entire body was tingling! So cool!!"

The Yoga Center also wanted Srinivas Prabhu to give another 2 hr class on Yama and Niyama. I am also approaching more yoga centers for
Kirtan. Thank you for your instructions Maharaj, and please give us sincerity and strength to follow your instructions. I hope to execute them for the pleasure of you and the guru parampara and not to inflate my false ego.

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

HpS - Hare Krsna!   More, more!   Good songs to make into Dance Dramas: Jaya Radha Madhava, Gaura arati, Dasa-avatara, Gurvastaka and Udillo aruna!!! See you tomorrow.

Whatever fruit Sugopi selects in the morning; kitri of split green-peas, oats, carrots-celery, salt and butter for lunch; and hot milk after everything is wonderful Bhoga for Lord Nrsmha-deva.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay!!!

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisances.

Thanks for coming,  your association was very inspiring for all of us. We continue in Madrid now I’m studying the Upadesamrita and the Nectar of Devotion. I read these books before but I didn’t spend some time in study, for me the Nectar of Devotion it’s incredible. In the first part Srila Prabhupada achieve to do an amazing theological definitions of the different levels of the Bhakti Yoga. Its funny cause some nights ago I dreamed with the six Goswamis, they were in one room reading some texts in sanscrit. I was out of the room and in one moment I said something to other person and somebody from the room close the door because we were disturbing them. I felt very worry because I incommoded them but after some moments, they open again the door. I don’t know why but the last nights I have a lot of oneiric activity… many strong dreams with friends, devotees, bhutas. Some of them not very nice for example I remember one of them where I was with one spiritual brother and this devotee was talking very bad things from you.

Now many devotees are going to visit the temple in the next days, for example today arrive Yadunandana Swami and Patita Pavana Prabhu from Canary Islands, in one week Dhanesvara Prabhu will come and in a few weeks Harichakra Prabhu will return from India and his plans is to live in Madrid temple.

The service in the temple is ok I continue with the pujari and Kirtan Rasa and his wife are doing an amazing service with the lunch program. I feel that I have a lot of fortune to have their association.

One of the personals purposes that I’m trying to improve is to be more conscious of the time and try to spend in the right way, I realized that if I don’t try to focus in the important things my mind will spend my energies in many stupid things.

The last summer I was in Malaga temple learning puja with the head pujari of the temple, the experience was nice, but the devotee many times was very busy and he dint have enough time. Now I have the opportunity of going some months to study in the Mayapur academy and pass the course of worship (4 months) also I would like to take class of mridanga, the authorities of the temple think that it’s a good idea and they say me that the temple can support the trip. The idea is to return after the courses, share the knowledges and continue with the service in Madrid. Gurudeva what do you think? Is it a good idea?

HpS - To go to India just to learn Mrdanga??  Seems you could learn enough from devotees in Spain, no??

Also from some months ago, I am part of the formal authorities of the temple; this service is very dangerous… Some advice for survive?

HpS - Put personal, vaisnava,  relations before administrative relations. It has worked for us in practical experience also.

4 regs ok

16 Rounds ok

3 Gayatris ok

Thanks for your instructions and your time.

Your servant Mantri Rama Das.

Photo of Lignum Crucis, maybe you remember that i said you that i went to pilgrim to a place where the catholic church have the biggest piece of the world from the cross of Jesus, people start to pilgrim  around 1500. The name of the place is Santo Toribio de Liebana. The scientics said that the wood is more than 2000 years and its from the same kind of wood that they use in Jerusalem to crucify the people.

HpS - Thank you so much for your letter and your news. Don't get trapped in just the external features of Bhakti-yoga. Chant and act with as much love as you can. Understand the logic of Krsna consciousness so that you can concentrate well on the Mantra.

Learn the word by word meaning of the Gurvastak.

Are there regular classes, reading every morning??