Rohini kumar das

Hare krsna Guru Maharaja acepte mis reverencias.

Pasamos janmastami con 100 personas aproximadamente , teatro, kirtan y prasadam.

HpS - Noticia de Rama-giri-dhari Das en Navi-mumbai, India, Janmastami era 3-dias y 40,000 personas!!!!!!

Acabamos de tener el festival con Madhava prabhu tuvimos devotos de muchos paises mas de 30 devotos , chile, colombia ,ecuador, y del ciudades de peru. Todo error queda sin valor despues de tener buena asociacion y kirtan.

Gurudev estuvo por cusco m. Ojasvini impulsando un programa de harinam , este programa esta siendo auspiciado por un devoto sudafricano Bali prabhu. Y consiste en salir 3 horas diarias a harinama con 6 devotos y por un tiempo de 6 meses, cumplido esto el devoto Bali prabhu nos paga los pasajes y todo pagado a india , yo personalmente planeaba ircon usted Gurudev pero si hay la oportunidad de hacer este servicio seria bueno hacerlo. Usted que me recomienda Gurudev?

Su eterno servidor Rohini Kumar Das

HpS - Hari Nama!   Banderas?   Volantes??   Super.   Va a India con nostros????   Nuestra calendario en 

Esperamos que la programa pasa muy bien in Cusco y su vida personal tambien. NGD habla mucho de su comida en Lima y comentando tiene que abrir un restaurante en EEUU?  Ha!   Ha...  Cusco es accesso a TODO EL MUNDO.   Necesita un curso de cocina para turistas, donde puede ir al templo o cualquiere sitio un noche, aprender cosinar unos platos vegitarianos peruanos, encontrar a nuevo amigos, la filosofia, comer la ofrenda, obtener un DVD con mas instrucciones etc. Va a volver a Sweden etc. y mostrar a sus amigos!



Hare krishna Gurudev es realmente bueno escribirle otraves y siempre desearle lo mejor a usted en su servicio a Srila Prabhupada

quisiera saber en que ciudades estara cuando vaya a  India, si visitara Mayapur para el kirtan gustaria ir esta vez porfavor

HpS - Si, va a nuestra Calendario por la enlace en el Kapi Dhvaja, puede ver la programa que ya tenemos.  Aparece como un mes mas hasta todos los detalles va a ser fijados.

Deme sus bendiciones, muy humildemente se lo ruego quisiera visitar el santo dhan y acompañarlo en esos dias en esta oportunidad

muy probable que viaje solo pero siempre con Nityananda, gracias por su asociacion su estupido sirviente

parama karuna das.

HpS - Claro es muy importante buscar companero de viajes, y contactos en India. Va a India solo es como va a Peru solo.
Una cosa. Pienso era muy bueno si podemos hacer muchos bailes basado en nuestras canciones, como Gaura Arati, Jaya Radha Madhava Kunjabihari, Dasa Avatara Stotra. Va ser un gran conribution del movimiento de Srila Prabhupada.

Sanskrit for kids, Santiago Chile.

Dear Maharaj:

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you´re very well. We are very happy, working in our projects; Visvanath is organizing the temple´s festival, which has been very beautiful.

Since 3 months ago, I started to use the sanskrit set with the kids in the temple here in Santiago, Chile.

Because I live too far and I haven´t had more time, we are doing it every 2 Sundays; the reception has been very enthusiastic even with non-devotees kids.

The program starts with chanting mantras and then I do a small yoga class so the kids can move some, also I teach them some pranayamas so they can be more receptive for the sanskrit class. We end with simple prasada (fruits, sandwich or what the parents brings).

I´ve adapted some activities so they can be funnier for the kids, because we have a large range of age, from 3 to 13 years old. Nevertheless, I always guide myself by the books. It has been a great challenge to do this service as it´s difficult to have all the kids attention for 1 ½ hrs, but they always seems very happy and anxious to learn more sanskrit, besides they love to write in devanagari!

Please Maharaj, we need your blessings so the program keeps working, improving and giving fruits. There´s a lot to do and learn!

Your aspiring servant

Gita Vali dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Thank you so, so much for this news.   We are trying to develop this Sanskrit learning for oursleves also.  Many citations where Prabhupada encouraged it if it was possible. It gives access to so much knowledge, refined understanding of Prabhupada's translations. We are trying to organize the 3rd Latin American Symposium on Education with ISKCON in Brazil, April 2017. Of course, we will try to make this Sanskrit study more available then. We hope that your good selves or others from Chile can come.
We are sure Krsna will give you good intelligence to expand this and engage us as you can!!!


Isvari news (little urgen)

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


I inform you of the following:

1.-The chairman of National Council is: Caitanya Candra db, su mail :[email protected]

Vice president o Vicechairman: Caturatma d ([email protected])

Secretary: Karuna krsna db: [email protected]

 Natioanal Council have a 3 year period. They have too your mail.

2.-With respect to compile the Actas it will make Yamunesvara d (he was secretary before Jivasakti d), he has recordings of meetings and will transcribe.

There are a lot of homework for Yamunesvara p.
HpS - Thank you. Seems nice. B'cari for President and Grhastha for Vice President.  We are concerned about reconstructing the previous decisions, because we must all know what are the rules, but right now hoping that the current Secretary can publish the results. We will put a little of this in the DTC now.

3.-I had a brief conversation with Caitanya Candra db and he said to seek a devotee who communicate agreements meetings.
HpS - AGTSP!   Paoho...  Do you mean he will seek someone can who can communicate the agreements from the meetings?

4.-NIMSAR report latest, I forgot write in the title "little urgent", excuse me.

Pray of the health of your body are is better.

5.-2 consults? 

_Most students of Berkeley University are revolutionaries, this is due to its education system?

HpS - I don't know so much since we are not there so much, but I think that now they are no longer revolutionarys. Chinese are more prominent and so is kind of Artha, Economic Development, focus.

I think it is because incentivize to sutends to investigate. You know anything about this?

_What difference betwen Special Category A and B? 
Piggy: Category A is like non-Calendar, Personal Sadhana, Sankirtan Reports etc. Discussion of certain themes like Education in ISKCON etc.
Category B is same thing but more permanent topics, more conclusions of Category A

With affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd
HpS - ASA -  Thank you very much for your efforts!!

Can we perform "Agnihotra" - with more clear question. India Calendar

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, in my previous letter, URL :
    we had asked, can we perform "Agnihotra"?

    we means to say, can we learn & perform "Agnihotra", other then what we (ISKCON temples)
    do Agnihotra for Initiations, Weddings etc. Except these, can we learn & perform other
    Agnihotra  also? If so what those should be?
your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA --- Ahhh!   I don't know much about this. It is not the work of a Sannyasi, more for Grhastha.  There are devotees in ISKCON who do this for these different Sanskaras.  I think Mukunda Das, the Head Pujari in Vrndavana would know about this and of course there must be Brahmanas in your Yatra who do this. For example there is the Hari Cutting Ceremony and others, no?

Do you have any photos from the book-release in Delhi??? Or do you know anyone who does?   We are planning on fixing our India schedule three months in advance. We arrive 31st December so we will start buying the tickets 31st September. Actually we have the tickets and program up until the 10th of January with Delhi, Tirupati, Madras.

Hare Krsna!