Little urgent Mathures Prabhu on board

7 years, 11 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP!

I had a nice conversation with Mathures Prabhu. He accepted to be examiner for Bhakti sastri for ISKCON Perú. We agreed to do it with a team. We'll see details later. He likes very much the idea to continue our work with ISKCON Perú. However we have to clarify some issues on the basis of acintya aveda veda tattwa. He says everything through ISKCON, I say that ISKCON and ASA can work perfectly together in a cooperative way. I don't know why administrators have this fear that doing something a little different is a deviation.

I still have this two parallel goals: work for ISKCON and work for ASA. Ultimatetly is the same porpuse. I think that we have to continue with this debate among ISKCON administrators and entrepreneurs for the sake of ISKCON development.

We can talk more when you are in USA.

Thank you very much.

ys LAD

ASA - We will write a DTC addressing this point now.

Niscayena urgent

7 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



These days without your association is killing us :(

FMP is ok... Isvaridd, syamananda pandit, Indulekha dd join but they are not to fix... Nevetheless I continue .... with confidence

Regarding preaching.. In wilson.. Centro de Estudios Vedicos from wilson called us and asked that we lead the Bhakti Sastri Program. I accepted It will start soon in February.

I do pujari once a week in Wilson. I give classes of Bg once a month there also, and the festivals like Nityananda Trayodasi.. we made more than 135 preparations for Nitai. We lead abhishek. Etc

We are taking workshops.about health coach, gem and aromatherapy. It helps us a lot. You asked me which gems I use I am attaching pictures. We are helping Jambavan's sister. We feel good helping others. We as well

I continue in UAP. This month we have a.worksho for the.teachers.

Mom and sister are Ok. Ulyses is Ok.. we gained weight but now he is normal again. Our little kitty has grown a lot. Sweet Mia. 

Thank U Gurudeva for all.iur inspiration meet U again soon

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Thank you many for the news and photos. We will write a DTC now with our news.

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.3 to 1.1.8

7 years, 11 months ago by Sundari Radhika in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Following is the summary of 1.1.3 and 1.1.8 as discussed last Sunday.

Classification of Chapter 1:

  • Verses 1-3 : Prelude to Srimad Bhagavatam
  • Verses 4-8 : Setting the scene for Srimad Bhagavatam
  • Verses 9-end : Six questions

Verse summaries:

  • V1:  Absolute truth
  • V2 : Srimad Bhagavatam is the essence
  • V3: Devotees who relish SB
  • V4: Naimisharanya and devotees are well-wishers of everybody
  • V5: Qualities required for the speaker and the listener of Srimad Bhagavatam
  • V6: Goswamis’ qualifications
  • V7: Six philosophies
  • V8: Secret of success in spiritual life

Other Important points:

  • To really understand Srimad Bhagavatam, we have to come to the stage of non enviousness.
  • Verses 1,2 and 3 are spoken by Vyasa.
  • Srimad Bhagavatam is the ripened fruit of Vedic literature, full of juice, it is not to eat but to drink.
  • Krsna is Akhila rasa murti.
  • While reading Srimad Bhagavatam Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Gadadhara Pandit used to shed so many tears that the whole Srimadbhagavatam’s ink disappeared and it became empty.
  • If we hear Srimad Bhagavatm from a non devotee it is like drinking milk touched by a serpent.
  • No one should sit on Vyasasana until they are free from the 4 vices: meat eating, intoxication, illicit sex and gambling.
  • In Naimisharanya Vshnu never closes his eyes.
  • Ashtavakra is a monist.

HpS - ASA -  Thank you!!!   What is the reading for next Sunday???

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

ASA-Perú little urgent

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho. AGTSP!

I'm looking forward to have your assotiation again by ASA FMP. Now, I'm doing it myself and some days in the temple.

I've have a nice conversation with Karuna Krishna Prabhu about education and we agreed to work together as ASA under your protection and blessings. I'm nobody, practically nothing, without your protection.

I'm presenting myself as a member of ASA-Perú and I'm thinking of join people together in a conglomerate as ASA-Perú with a broad perspective, no attachements or administration bandages for now. In time, I think, people that really want to work together can get together in a more formal team. I still have the desire to have a formal institution in peruvian educative system. I have to be a little patient cause experience tells me that the most difficult part is to create a team. I've been in several that couldn't become something lasting.  

As M. Yugala suggested and talking to Karuna Krishna Prabhu, seems that Maturesh Prabhu is a nice option for Bhakti sastri examiner. I think that if we create a team around him we can work well. Again, it should be as ISKCON-Perú.

I hope your sankirtan is going well, and please, your blessing for mine.

Thank you for being always there for me when I need you. I want to be a help for you not a burden.

Trying to be a decent disciple,


HPS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!   AGTSP.   paoho.   It is very nice to hear from you. We went out early to talk with one Diocean Catholic Priest. He has the Kripa Foundation. It is the biggest NGO in India with 169 branches. They counsel and very much help people with chemical addiction and aids. He is head of one of the three Jungian groups in India and it turns out he is friends with Radha-natha Swami. We will work with his organization. Then we changed some small Rupee notes into big Rupee notes and visited a professor of Harsh's at the IIT Bombay Campus. One of the top three institutions in the country. He also appreciated Solaris very much and is very doing work in objective scientific verification of yoga. He likes Srila Prabhupada's books.  Home through rush hour like Lima traffic. It is 35 degrees Celcius here in February. 

We are really 70-years old. Can die of heart failure anytime, but in general O.K.

Go ahead with your own Sankirtan relationship with Srila Prabhupada with the perspective of your friends in ISKCON and the ISKCON institution, GBC et al. We may be able to see Jayapataka Swami in Mayapura.

Summary- Srimad Bhagavatam Review

7 years, 12 months ago by Sundari Radhika in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We started our regular Srimad Bhagavatam review classes here at Boise Temple. Following is the summary of Introduction, preface, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 as discussed last Sunday.

Introduction and Preface:

  • Srila Prabhupada's  purports are relevant for anybody at anytime.
  • Srimad Bhagavatam is the spiritual communism.
  • Material scientists are unsuccessful in finding ultimate truth
  • Srimad Bhagavatam has to be read sequentially.
  • This is the only scripture that talks about absolute truth right from page 1.
  • Book bhagavatam should be understood with the help of person Bhagavatam (Lord Chaitanya)

Text 1:

  • Srila Prabhupada elaborates on [meaning the word] Vasudeva.
  • Vasudeva is the Cause of all causes
  • Srimad bhagavatam is the commentary on Vedanta sutra
  • Origin of creation is also discussed in the purport.
  • Matsya Purana also refers to Srimad Bhagavatam. So Srimad Bhagavatam is older than Matsya Purana.

Text 2:

  • First 2 slokas are 30% of the entire chapter.
  • Srimad Bhagavatam starts where Bhagavad-gita ends. Reject all material religions.

Thank you,

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

HpS - We sent our thoughts about Verses 3-7 and posted them here. We, HPS, Monkey/Piggy, are so much dulled by association with matter that our intelligence is not alive to the SB so much. This Sanga will change this.

Urgent: report academic sankirtana in Perú

<pre> Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances. </pre>

Next, is a preview of the ´academic sankirtana´ for June of this year:

I.- This year, the activity is a Little smaller than last year´s, the reason being that we are going to establish-starting in March-the Organizing Committee, and the International committee of Honor for the mega-event, by June of 2018: ART AND THE SACRED; that is our priority. For this year there is no consensus with Miguel Polo, Hector Bejar, Victor Krebs and others as far as the name of the event being: International Symposium II “Psychology and the Sacred”, Bridges between East and West, Lima Peru.

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP paoho. Thank you so much for letting us join in these programs!

II.- Dates: From June 26th to the 29th, 2017.

HpS - We can start to fix dates in Bolivia (Ecuador), Chile doing coordinated events!

III.- This year we are going to give emphasis in the implementation of the DIALOGUES with prominent especialists and members of the ´academia´ (These will take place in the mornings and evenings; conferences for the public at large).

Suggestions for topics for the morning dialogues:

  1. The time-factor in the Psychology and the Sacred.
  2. Bhagavata culture and psychology: enlarging the notion of the Sacred.
  3. The Sacred in Psychology VS. The psychology in the Sacred.

ASA - Other topic: What is your Cosmology, goal, methods and techniques. What is current activity in your community, how can we join?

Proposed evening program:

II International Symposium “Psychology and the Sacred”



(Understanding the relationship between Psychology and the Sacred)

1st roundtable meeting

Ravi Gupta

Darrol Bryant

ASA - They are coming???!

2nd roundtable meeting

Miembro de la comunidad Sufi

Ramón Mujica Pinilla

José León Herrera (Director del Centro de Estudios Orientales de la PUCP)


Second sesión, Topic: THE LINKS BETWEEN” ME” AND “THE OTHER”

(Acting upon that relationship: Paradigms, compassion, solidarity, empathy, peace and love)

1st roundtable meeting

HH Hanumatpresaka Swami

Víctor Krebs: Solidarity and empathy

2nd roundtable meeting

Profesor de la UARM

Maestro cuzqueño

Jean mabid


Third sesión, Topic: DIAGNOSIS OF A SPIRITUALITY IN CRISIS  (It´s self relationship in the actual world)

roundtable meeting:

Miguel Polo

Héctor Bejar

Final reflections With guest speakers.

Please, anybody who may want to give their suggestions, write to [email protected].  Thank you very much. Hare Krishna!!

ASA - It seems very weak unless the speakers have lots of chance to develop their dialog on the topics before the public presentations in June!

Of course, we have been very busy during this travel, but it is certainly related!  We should also be able to include a very strong presentation from Indians in the above events, and the individual dialogs from all the contacts we are making. Also, we can work on the content of the next Solaris.
We hope to have more of a report in the next few days!!!


Hare Krishna respetado Gurudeva pfanhr, TLGASP!! TLGAHpS!!

A continuación, le informo del avance del Sankirtana académico para junio del presente año:

I.- Este año la actividad es menos grande que la del año pasado el motivo es que vamos a establecer desde marzo el Comité Organizador y El Comité Internacional de Honor del mega-evento internacional para junio del 2018: EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO, esa es nuestra prioridad.

Para este año hay consenso con Miguel Polo, Héctor Béjar, Víctor Krebs y otros en que el nombre del evento sea: II Simposio Internacional "La Psicología y lo Sagrado", Puentes entre Oriente y Occidente, Lima Perú.

II.-  Fecha: del 26 al 29 de junio de 2017

III.- Este año vamos a priorizar en implementar DIALOGOS con destacados académicos y especialistas (estos se harán en la mañana y en las noches Conferencias para el público en general).

Sugerencias de temas para los diálogos de la mañana:

1. El factor tiempo en la Psicología y en lo Sagrado.

2. Las cultura Bhagavata y la psicología: ampliando la noción de lo Sagrado.

3. Lo Sagrado en la Psicología Vs La Psicología en lo Sagrado.

Propuesta de Programa para las noches:

II Simposio Internacional "La Psicología y lo Sagrado"

Lima Perú del 26 al 29 de junio de 2017



(Entendiendo la relación entre la Psicología y lo Sagrado)


Ravi Gupta

Darrol Bryant


Miembro de la comunidad Sufi

Ramón Mujica Pinilla

José León Herrera (Director del Centro de Estudios Orientales de la PUCP)


2da sesión, Tema: VÍNCULOS ENTRE EL “YO” Y EL “OTRO”

(Actuar conforme a esa relación: Paradigmas, compasión, venganza, castigo, felicidad y amor)


HH Hanumatpresaka Swami

Víctor Krebs: Solidaridad y empatía


Profesor de la UARM

Maestro cuzqueño

Jean mabid



(La autorrealización en el mundo actual)

Mesa redonda

Miguel Polo

Héctor Bejar

Reflexiones finales con todos los expositores invitados.

Por favor todas las personas que quieran dar sus sugerencias pueden escribir a: [email protected]. Muchas gracias. Hare Krishna!!