6 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
Hare Krishna.
All Glories to Sri Sri Caitanya and Nityananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you dear Gurudev
Please Accept my humble obeisances to your holy lotus feet.
ASA - Hairy feet.
Hope your energy is High!
HpS - Our altitude is High!   Arrived in Cuzco at 10AM. Will go to La Paz at 9AM tomorrow. Is very nice service, but some headeache and rather low energy. That's O.K. We run the ship slow. What is you news!!!  How are your arts?
I send this letter to tell you that in Buenos Aires, we have 2 aspirants to initiation:
For Harinama Diksa: Bhaktina Carol Morales
For Second Diksa: Nanda Raja Das.
Both have accomplished all the administrative requirements to take initiation. Of course they will have a meeting with you before of Yajña.
Prabhu Trivrikrama Das (for 2nd) , has communicate too, but we’re waiting the letter from his authority.
HpS. -- He will take a little longer to accomplish the requirements. So no initiation for him, but Maria from Santiago is coming for the fire sacrifice.
Gurudev, to which mail the and authorities have to send the recommendation letter?
HpS - Send it here. You can scan it or take a photo and send it here.
The DATE for the YAJÑA is SUNDAY 1 OF APRIL. Narayana Parah Das is helping the devotees about what they need for Yajña.
Today, later, I will send you the Buenos Aires Calendar.
Who want to serve you
Rati-Mañjari DD.
ASA - Thank you very much Rati-manjari Devi Dasi. We think that you may die soon and your real body come out.  We look for the Buenos Aires Calendar.  April 1st in on our Red Book calendar.
I think Krsna will send more fun friends soon all of your mischief. Do very artistic and creative, drama, puppet, projects for Hara and Krsna!!

MahaSankirtan ...from the land of the Gandharvas!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS! 

Dandavat Pranam Guru Maharaj. PAOHO

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We are still in a state of extended Yaoshang Sankirtan!! We have missed you so much dear Guru Maharaj. The Yaoshang kirtan was explosive!! We celebrate for 5 days...non stop kirtan . We stormed Govindaji's temple.....sang, danced, and of course received the colours of pure ecstatic love....there was no stopping any one of not even  the police......and we had nothing on our minds except Gauranga!! Oh!! What a crowd.....sending some old links 

We are sending some photos which we had taken this time. The Chief Secretary of the State Shree RR Rashmi also happens to be a devotee of ISKCON, Patna. We were invited at his bangalow for the kirtan. HH BVT Swami Maharaj and HH BAHG Maharaj led our kirtan ...and needless to say we had a blast of a kirtan there too. Daily, just after Guru Puja we start our kirtan party from the temple and we finish by 8pm or a little later sometimes. Thats for 5 days...and still longing for more! This time our Chief minister suggested that we celebrate Yaoshang for just 2 days...the e-response was shockingly trivializing. One post went like....Dear Chief Minister Sir, kindly cut your 5 year term to 2 years!! The Chief minister has kept quiet since then!!!!

We dressed  RadhaKrishnachandra differently on the 2nd day ,called Pichkaari day....where there is a huge sankirtan at Govindajee temple. Nobody minds the colours thrown on them. The dress was supposed to be ordained on Guru Maharaja's 70th Vyas puja but somehow we could not finish stitching on time. Hope you like them dear Guru Maharaj, we are sending the photo.

Yesterday ,we went inside the main market area for Sunday nagarkirtan. Blissful always . Thank you dear Guru Maharaj. Started attending Mangal Arti at the temple daily nowadays with your endless mercy. Thank you so much.

Will try all we can to make the exchange program work if Krishna so desires. We have 2 very good dance teachers here who are closely associated with the temple. They train and make all the necessary arrangement. Will collect the motifs and do some homework on the tribal patterns and traditional designs, some of them are worn only by the royal blood. How may we help each other? We don't have sketches and other drawings based on SB and BG. We will keep praying that the movement gets bigger and stronger. Please help us Guru Maharaj ...we are so insignificant.....

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD.

HpS - Wonderful!!!!    The devotees from Mexico are trying to contact you. Do you have Whatsapp?  Please send you telephone number and email to [email protected]

On the way to GauraNagar.....we got carried away!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

       All glories to our dearest Guru Maharaj HpS!!

                All glories to all Vaisnavas!! 

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances . Koti koti dandavat pranams....we are so fallen....we seek your forgiveness. Please forgive our offences committed in ignorance...we feel responsible for the health challenges Guru Maharaj faced recently. We had been seeking mercy from Nrshimha Bhagavan for Guru Maharaj's speedy recovery.....we need Your guidance and instructions so desperately. We pray that GM's health is better now.

HpS - AGTSP paoho.   We want to write more often but once we start these tours we are in contact with pople constantly, so there is only time for URGENT letters.  Maybe we can expand into two people.
We don't remember having any bad health issues. Just normal Dwindling Donkey.

Last Sunday , we went to Gaura-Nagar, around 15 kms from the Temple, at the foothills of Baruni . Here in Manipur, people climb the Baruni and pay their obeisances to Lord Shiva about a week after Yaosang (the local name for Holi). And at the foothills of Baruni is located  a temple of Gauranga. The place is named GauraNagar. Very peaceful.....why does the Lord always choose to be close to the hills?

ASA - Because they remind Him of Govardhana?

As we started from the Temple, we were in split minds, some of us suggesting Nagar Kirtan first then darshan at GauraNagar later.  Mataji suggested Gauranga darshan first and then Nagar kirtan. So finally we agreed to Gauranga Darshan first and then Nagarkirtan. By Nityananda's mercy the Sunday Nagarkirtan group is getting bigger! Thank you Guru Maharaj. So...there .....was it because of the indecisiveness that Gauranga took us for a long ride.....we took the wrong route...realised it only after we have covered a good few kms.....never reaching ...never reaching...driving...driving!! Then we turned back and got our way ...this time , the right tract!! We had kirtan and had a wonderful time. Then on our way back , we went for Nagarkirtan ....reached the temple ...late for the Rajbhog arti by 15mins.Would you please explain to us the meaning of 'mahatattva'?

HpS - Total material energy as far as we know. It them divides into the eight separated energies described at or near to BG 7.4 >>>>>>>

We are sending You some photos. In one foto there is a group of pagan who claim themselves to be a little like the native Red Indians of America...they watch a lot of Red Indian movies!!    Ohhh...they have rich folk dances ....vibrant weavers ...with natural motifs!! But in the middle of the foto is a Mataji who is a Vaisnava devotee  and she has brought members of her tribe to the temple.....we were so happy....we invited them to visit our temple more often.....its rare to find tribals of Manipur coming to the temple.

In one of the fotos, we have a group of little kids holding prasadam, that was a week back! Every Nagarkirtan is a different experience....unique everytime....but always blissful. We thank you so much Guru Maharaj.

We are getting greared for Yaosang.....the Sankirtan is mindblowing!! 

I remain your most fallen, ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - This news is sure to be so enlivening to our readers. Do you have little pamphets, cartoon drawings, based on BG and SB for distribution?

We are looking to organize a Manipuri dance program in the Temple in Mexico City on the 29th of April. That is the International Day of Dance. Can you help them? Can we make international exchange program? Students and teachers from Mexico and Manipuri, sen movie links, photos, samples of textiles, recipes....

Can you all help them?

S U P E R   P H O T O S

TKU Richmond

6 years, 11 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎February‎ ‎27‎, ‎2018‎ ‎09‎:‎48‎:‎35‎ ‎AM‎ ‎CST, Divyanam Das <. . .> wrote:
Respected Maharaj,

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
Hope you've comfortably reached your next destination, to preach the message of Krishna consciousness in service of Srila Prabhupada!
We are writing to express our sincerest gratitude, for very kindly coming to our Yatra and giving us your purifying association. Thank you very much for your inspirational talks on variety of Krishna conscious topics and your personal association. In just 6 days you attended 6 programs at different places, personally met many of the congregation devotees, everyday conducted full morning program etc. all for our benefit. During this time we've received many instructions/guidance from your holiness. We pray at your lotus feet to empower us to follow them as it is, especially the one where you mentioned how we should handle praise and criticism without getting disturbed, when we are in a servant leadership position and how to keep up the enthusiasm - by keeping the intelligence fixed on two things - 1. What is the goal and 2. how to get to it. Thank you, Maharaj!!
We are in separation, and we hope and pray that you will return soon. Please forgive us for our mistakes in your service.
With our sincere prayers at your lotus feet to bless us for chanting the Holy Names offenselessly, we beg to remain.

your servant
Divyanam Das
Hare Krsna!
Thanks to you and all the devotees for their association.
We always want our Sankirtan to do more but whatever we do Krsna uses it to the very best result:
I'll post this on our Blog!
P L E A S E  !    Do you get the Kapi Dhvaja?
If you look at it every two weeks you can stay in touch with us and make us a part of your vital Yatra!!!
our web-page gives you all the links to join -

Sankirtan Report from Our ASA Sankirtan Leader

On ‎Saturday‎, ‎February‎ ‎24‎, ‎2018‎ ‎01‎:‎26‎:‎32‎ ‎PM‎ ‎CST, Mishra Illo <[email protected]> wrote:
Gauranaga. Humbles and Glories.
I just read the Kapi Dvaja. In New panihatti Dhama I was personally introduced to Srila Prabhupada by Tamal Krishna Goswami, that weekend in February 1975. He brought me in and had me set a flower on Srila Prabhupada's desk and said "This is Bhakata Michael , he joined our party at a young age." Prabhupada looked at me and said "Very good."
Then Srila Prabhupada said "You are all Vaikuntha men," (we were immaculately shaved up and adorned with tilak and dhotis.) "I am very grateful that you are assisting us in distributing our literature. I am always thinking of you boys in the vans." and " Stay brahmacharya if you can. My guru maharaj went directly from brahmacharya to Sannyas, You will save yourselves a lot of trouble if you are able to do that."  He added that "You have a good leader with Tamal Krishna Goswami, you follow him and I will be pleased." 
Yesterday the wife and I went to El Rancho for sankirtan. 5 people bought Srila Prabhupada's books from us. The last one to a man that had repeatedly gone to Kalachandji's restaurant. Everyone got a maha flower garland from Sri sri Radha Kalachandji. 
We are months away from being able to get to Mayapur. In the mean time, I have a lot of work to do and there is the sankirtan mission of Lord Chaitanya to worry about. 
Yours, Mishra Bhagavan Dasa
HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!!   AgtSP.    Seems to me that you and Arron can live together peacefully and help each other.  It comes from realizing that I have to decide to be happy and not depend on others, using their association to become happy and not sad.
Of course, always heading for more renunciation.
We posted your letter as it is in our Blog.
We are in Houston lecturing and on "Lord Caitanya, the Ideal Preacher of Srimad Bhagavatam" in preparation for Gaura-purnima and we have distributed 15=TLCs so far!
Thank you.
Please join the Blog and write there!!   Your news will help many people. -


Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All the Glories to You!!

The  SATTVA General Coordination Meeting   was super productive, we have already specified the details of our participation in your March tour to South America, we are adjusting the details of April.

 Attendance:  Mother Candra-mukhi dd, Jagat-pavitram d, Palika dd, Nitya Kisori dd, Gauri dd, Tarangaksi dd, Rukmini, etc.

Ramón asked me to tell You  that he is excited and grateful for the powerpoint show that you did for him. Oscar continues editing  the film, still missing the material of Beverly Zabriesky, I hope to speak with her this weekend in order to make a decision with you about it, is that okay?

HpS - See Endote, 1

With Miguel Polo on Sunday we will make the official announcement of SOLARIS 3, we have already confirmed articles by Ramón Mujica, Héctor Béjar and Gustavo Buntix from Peru; Mother Lalita-gopi has already sent her article, Dr. Valencia is missing and one more academic scholar from Mexico; Ramón has invited an art specialist in Spain we are waiting for his confirmation; still missing the participation of USA, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Please, May You be so kind and invite to write an article by  Dr. Samaresh and Dr. Kalyan Kumara.

HpS - See Endote,

Last week, in our Callao Asrama, we had for 5 days the auspicious visit of your Godbrother Arcita prabhu, his association and his classes were very inspiring. He liked to talk to You after so many years, he is an artist of photography and is willing to collaborate in what we humbly request for ART AND THE SACRED: He can write an article for SOLARIS, an interview or select his photos or from  other artists about Sacred Art.

VILLA SOL, Country house, is called the place where we will make the "Spiritual Retreat: A HARE KRISHNA EXPERIENCE, simple life, high thinking" on March 16th, 17th and 18th in Chosica, in the next report we will provide all the details on this topic.

Then, the program of activities of yours with SATTVA until the spiritual retreat


Tuesday 6th:

5:00 pm. Arrival to Lima

Wednesday 7th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class

4:30 pm. Walk on the beach of La Punta - Callao.

6:30 pm. General coordination meeting SATTVA - NIOS PERU

Thursday 8th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class

4:00 p.m. Meeting with Ramón Mujica

Sunday 11th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class

4:00 p.m. Meeting with Miguel Polo and Héctor Béjar

Monday 12th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class

4:00 p.m. Interview on Channel 7

Tuesday 13th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class

3:00 pm. Interview with journalists from the newspapers ‘El Comercio’ and ‘La República’

7:00 p.m. Class "The Nectar of the Holy Name" with the group Bhakti Vriksha NIMAY-NITAY

Wednesday 14th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. CONVERSATORY AT THE VICENTE SANTUC AUDITORIUM of the Jesuit University Antonio Ruiz de Montoya: DIALOGUES ABOUT ART AND THE SACRED

HpS - See Endote, 3

Thursday 15th:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class

4:00 p.m. 1st meeting and dialogue with artists (musicians, painters, actors, craftsmen, etc.)


"THE EXPERIENCE HARE KRISHNA, Simple life, high thought."

Friday 16:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Lima

6:30 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam class / ISKCON Lima

5:00 pm. Welcome and Start of the program: Spiritual Retreat " THE EXPERIENCE HARE KRISHNA: Simple life, high thinking."

Saturday 17:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Chosica

10 a.m. Start of the workshops of spiritual retreat:

• Meditation with Mantras / HpS

• Yoga for everyone / Ana Zavala

• Vegetarian cuisine 1

• Kirtan Yoga / Anandamaya

• Spiritual education / Laksmana agraja

7.00 p.m. Screening of the film Radha Madhana Vihari at the Temple of Understanding

Sunday 18:

4:30 a.m. FMP / ISKCON Chosica

Class of Srimad Bhagavatam / Temple of Understanding - Chosica

10:00 am Guided tour of the Temple of understanding.

• Sightseeing tour through Chosica / Laksmana agraja

• Yoga

• Vegetarian cuisine 2

• Ayurveda

5:00 pm. Closing program of spiritual retreat " THE EXPERIENCE HARE KRISHNA: Simple life, high thinking”.

That is all for now, Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva, your insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

Endote, 1 - Certainly. First let us apologize for not answering this report earlier. Our little devotional strength gets confused when we travel like this, so many programs, so many devotees

to talk with. We talked with your about Beverley and she can't record and interview but said she would write for 'Solaris'.

Endote, 2 - When we get to Peru let us discuss the Journal, magazine.

Endote, 3 - Who will be joining the Dialogs? Are there questions we are going to discuss? Can everyone give a sumarry of their answers to the questions before we meet?


Hare Krishna respetado Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

¡Todas las Glorias a Usted!!

La Reunión General de coordinación de SATTVA fue súper productiva, ya hemos precisado los detalles de nuestra participación en su gira de marzo a Sudamérica, falta detalles en abril, asistieron la madre Candra-muki, Jagat-pavitram, Palika, Nitya Kisori, Tarangaksi, Rukmini y otros devotos más.

Ramón me dijo que le dijera que esta emocionado y agradecido por el powerpoint que usted le hizo. Oscar continúa con la edición de la película, aún falta el material de Beverly Zabriesky, espero hablar con ella este fin de semana para tomar una decisión con usted al respecto, ¿está bien?

Vea Nota de Pie, 1

Con Miguel Polo el domingo vamos a hacer la convocatoria oficial de SOLARIS 3, ya tenemos comprometidos artículos de Ramón Mujica, Héctor Béjar y Gustavo Buntix de Perú; la madre Lalita-gopi ya envío su artículo, falta el Dr. Valencia y un académico más de México; Ramón ha invitado a un especialista de arte en España estamos esperando su confirmación; aún falta saber la participación de USA, Argentina, Brasil y Chile. Por favor usted le puede invitar a escribir un artículo al Dr. Samaresh y al Dr. Kalyan Kumara.

Vea Nota de Pie, 2

La semana pasada, en nuestro asrama del Callao, tuvimos por 5 días la auspiciosa visita de su hermano espiritual Arcita prabhu, su asociación y sus clases fueron muy inspiradoras. A él le gustó mucho poder hablar con usted después de tantos años, él es un artista de la fotografía y está dispuesto a colaborar en lo que se le invite para EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO: puede escribir un artículo para SOLARIS o una entrevista o seleccionar fotos suyas y de otros artistas sobre Arte Sagrado.

VILLA SOL, Casa de campo, se llama el lugar donde se haremos el “Retiro espiritual: UNA EXPERIENCIA HARE KRISHNA, vida simple, pensamiento elevado” los días 16, 17 y 18 de marzo en Chosica, en el próximo informe le brindaremos todos los detalles sobre este tema.

A conyinuación las fechas de su Sankirtana

Martes 6:

5:00 pm. Llegada a Lima.

Miércoles 7:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam

4:30 pm. Caminata en la playa de La Punta - Callao.

6:30 pm. Reunión de coordinación general SATTVA – NIOS PERÚ

Jueves 8:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam

4:00 pm. Reunión con Ramón Mujica

Domingo 11:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam

4:00 pm. Reunión con Miguel Polo y Héctor Béjar

Lunes 12:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam

4:00 pm. Entrevista en el Canal 7

Martes 13:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam

3:00 pm. Entrevista con periodistas de los diarios El Comercio y La República

7:00 pm. Clase “El Néctar del Santo Nombre” con el grupo Bhakti Vriksha NIMAY-NITAY

Miércoles 14:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

De 6:00 pm. a 9.00 p.m. CONVERSATORIO EN EL AUDITORIO VICENTE SANTUC de la Universidad Jesuita Antonio Ruiz de Montoya: DIÁLOGOS SOBRE EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO

Vea Nota de Pie, 3

Jueves 15:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Callao

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam

4:00 pm. 1er Encuentro y diálogo con artistas (músicos, pintores, actores, artesanos, etc)


“LA EXPERIENCIA HARE KRISHNA, Vida simple, pensamiento elevado.”

Viernes 16:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Lima

6:30 am. Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam / ISKCON Lima

5:00 pm. Bienvenida e Inicio del programa: Retiro Espiritual “LA EXPERIENCIA HARE KRISHNA: Vida simple, pensamiento elevado.”

Sábado 17:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Chosica

10 am. Inicio de los Talleres del retiro espiritual:

  • Meditación con Mantras / HpS
  • Yoga para todos / Ana Zavala
  • Cocina Vegetariana 1
  • Kirtan Yoga / Anandamaya
  • Educación espiritual / Laksmana agraja

7.00 pm. Proyección de la Película Radha Madhana Vihari en el Templo del Entendimiento

Domingo 18:

4:30 am. FMP / ISKCON Chosica

Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam / Templo del Entendimiento – Chosica

10:00 am. Visita guiada al Templo del entendimiento.

  • Paseo turístico por Chosica / Laksmana agraja
  • Yoga
  • Cocina Vegetariana 2
  • Ayurveda

5:00 pm. Programa de clausura del retiro espiritual “LA EXPERIENCIA HARE KRISHNA: Vida simple, pensamiento elevado.”

Eso es todo por ahora, Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

Nota al pie, 1 - Ciertamente. Primero permítannos disculparnos por no haber respondido este informe antes. Nuestra pequeña fuerza devocional se confunde cuando viajamos así, tantos programas, tantos devotos
para hablar Hablamos con usted sobre Beverley y ella no puede grabar y entrevistar, pero dijo que escribiría para 'Solaris'.
Nota al pie, 2 - Cuando lleguemos a Perú, hablemos del Journal, revista.
Nota al pie, 3 - ¿Quién se unirá a los Diálogos? ¿Hay preguntas que vamos a discutir? ¿Pueden todos dar una suma de sus respuestas a las preguntas antes de que nos encontremos?