Tratando de seguir sus instrucciones - PMD
Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Please accept my respectful obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
With an eye to the future for when we do not have communication by this means, I would like to work out some details that have to do with the service that I can offer you by following your instructions.
My sadhana continues as I have told you in other letters, and now I have also spent several days trying to get up at 4:00 AM and perform Mangala Arati. I haven't been consistent, maybe 40% of the days since I started, but I'm trying.
HpS - AGTSP! Hare Krsna! Eventually we should enter into Mangala arati as a transcendental ritual that invokes the primordial elements of the material world.
1.- One morning while we were in the final part of the program of the temple in Santiago de Chile, you told me that I should teach by my example, I interpret that it is related to the role of administrator that you see in me, I don't know, but clearly we see that that ideal behavior has been completely shattered.
HpS - Wars are not won by well dressed soldiers marching bravely into battle. Wars are won by wounded soldiers who get back up and crawl forward to the fight.
2.- You told me that I should go to the United States and study with Pyari Mohan das, I imagine to learn issues related to administration. I wrote to PMD when we were entering the pandemic, I asked him if I could go to his yatra and learn with him after all this happened, that was the year 2020 and I never received a response.
Now I have contacted a devotee who lived there and he tells me that there is no brahmachary ashrama there, and there is no management training program.
Clearly, due to my condition, it is difficult for me to be received in different temples within ISKCON, so carrying out this instruction is quite difficult for me.
HpS - I don´t remember what I said, but it was not about specific admnistrative training. It was a more general instruction of looking for older devotees with similar nature and taking there association in an Ashrama relation. There is no limit to how you can do that.
3.- You also encouraged me several times to dedicate myself to the administration of a temple. That is why I tried to take administrative responsibility while I was living in the temple in Santiago. The truth is that I am so emotionally unstable that it was very difficult for me to carry out this role due to my immaturity, inexperience and little spiritual advancement. Maybe in the future, when I'm mature, I can take an administrative role somewhere, but I don't know if the devotees want a dangerously mentally ill person to manage an ISKCON temple.
HpS - Ooof! We don't remember pushing you in that direction. We agree with you that it is not your nature, but if it was necessary, asked for by the authorities, then we encourage devotees taking up admin responsibilities as an experience, perspective, for some time.
4.- You have told us on several occasions about developing a rural community in Chile. I want to support that goal, either monetarily or in any other way that Krishna allows me. And just as you have also guided us, our yoga is Gandharva Veda, so I hope that various projects of artistic and cultural preaching will be developed in that center. And as you said, the role of our generation is to make movies.
HpS/ASA - Jaya!!! Hope things are all adjusted to the satisfaction of the Chile yatra in terms of your temporary insanity.
We all act in crazy, tamasic and passionate ways at different times in our sojurn in the material world.
Hope to hear more from you.
Thank you Gurudeva for forgiving me. I wish never to stray from his lotus feet by executing his instructions.
your servant
Piyari Mohan das - Clown.