My occasional update to you
Hare Krishna, Dear Maharaja.
Its been about a year or so.
I thought to give you a progress report on my activities.
HpS//ASA - NgD asks about you!! I will link this post to him. If we mortals like to stay in touch with our friends and acquaintances, what to speak of The Supreme Immortal!
Currently still struggling with Maya and my mind. But some small battles are always being won. I am now working with Govinda Dasi ACBSP, we purchased a 20 acre, off grid property, in Ozark mountains in Arkansas, calling it New Giridhari Dhama.
I am living here alone in a small shed converted into a shack/cabin. Chanting japa (1 to 7 rounds) nearly everyday.
Some super-busy-work-days it doesn't happen.
- I planted a few hundred fruit/nuts/berry plants here and starting vegetable and grain gardens now.
- I'm fixing up the house and clearing land for future housing and cow pastures.
- I'm reading Bhagavad Gita, Krishna book and the Essential Teachings of Carl Jung.
My hopes and plans are that this spot can be used as a farming/varnasrama technical training center, where we can teach devotees the skills to be self-sufficient, but also where we can have a plant nursery which can produce fruit/nut trees and ship them to all devotees so they can gradually become less dependent on the demonic industrial system.
Hopefully other people will move here and help, then we can have a trained team that can go around and help devotees get their land developed or even just plant gardens in their backyards.
HpS/ASA - Kirtan, Offering to Lord Rama, Morning and Evening (even in your mind)! Grow it! Grow the habit. Involve others. Cat til lies all the other work.
I greatly value and appreciate the times you allowed me to visit you and stay at your Ashram in the Boro. If you have any advice for me and this project please share.
I'm am eager to see this project unfold and leave a positive legacy throughout Iskcon and the Krishna conscious world mission.
SB 10.47.63 - Also, leave good works in the Middle and Upper Kingdom!
I hope you are well and that Krishna continues to bless you.
We are 🐷 and KRSNA, Prabhupada, are patient, patient, patient with us and helping our little efforts. Guess we are just like you! Is very, very nice to hear from you. You are very welcome to post more and more to this Blog!!!
Hare Krishna
Hurray, Krishna!