Jay Maharaj :)

1 year, 10 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please Accept my Humbe Obeisances!

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga!

HK. Maharaj! how are you??

HpS - AgtSP!! What you mean "you"? Ha! Ha! Ha! You mean my body? It has chest ache and eyes failing etc. My mind? Not bad. Other times during the day it has feelings of terror, but the Mantra and BG intelligence keeps us calm and progressive. You mean us as spirit souls? We are in Maya and trying to get out of the sticky syrup!

well I've been chanting the 16 rounds for one month and a half.

May I ask you a question, could you please tell me why the primary relationship Krishna has with Balaram is of brothership? and why not perhaps Balaram is his uncle or cousin?

HpS - Because They are both sons of Vasudeva, no? Balarama mother is Rohini and Krsna's Mother is Devaki. O.K.?? 😐

well thank you very much for everything!



HpS - Thank you!!

Let us look at more Blog posts together.

Diety Worship

1 year, 10 months ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada, our founder acharya; all glories to your good self, you have extended Srila Prabhupada's mercy to useless souls like myself.

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna!!!!

We just want your Dhira association.

I was trying to focus on my mangala arotika this morning, and as ususal my mind was running away with other thoughts. But this time I was wondering about what it means to have a personal relationship with Krishna because of engaging in Deity worship. I began to chastize myself mentally for not focusing on the actual business of Deity worship, and for trying to imagine what it's like to have a relationship with Krishna whilst trying to perform arotika. My mind recalled an incident from the Lilamrita, in which Srila Prabhupada chastized one disciple for the nature of his question, by saying "you have no right to ask such a question." I mentally applied this chastizement to myself, thinking "what right do I have to think about what my relationship is with Krishna? I can't get even momentarily put aside my material desires and attachments whilst performing artotika!"

And yet, I can't help but feel that there is a relationship between me and Krishna, even now, although my heart is plagued with worldly desires and attachments: some of them down right sinful. I began thinking of where would I be if suddenly I was to no longer have any Deity service. How empty my life would suddenly become, how lost and lonely I would feel if I didn't have something as simple and as tangible as Deity worship in my life. Practically speaking my entire devotional career has hinged on such a simple practice as Deity worship. Isn't this proof in itself that a relationship between Krishna and me is already there? The very thought of suddenly losing it would leave a blank and empty space in my life: like a huge hole that suddenly opened up as if in an earthquake.

HpS/ASA - Yeah! I was having exactly the same thoughts and realizations. We have a cordial friendship with our Deities. They are so kind. We just sit together and do simple things. If someone stole my Deities I would not be able to really live!

I guess I'm much more attached to the process and comfort of Deity worship itself, rather than its purpose of trying to please Krishna. I would like to think that Krishna is pleased with me, but given all of the sinful desires lingering in my heart, and given how I have to force myself to get up in the morning, instead of looking forward to my service, I can only pretend that Krishna is pleased with me.

HpS - One Peru devotee was a novice monk in Catholic order for several years and one of his classmates who was by nature very sexually agitated asked their spiritual master in anguish if the sex desires ever went away. The S. M. looked at him thoughtfully and said, "Yes, ten minutes after you die." SP said something similar. We are not sinful because we have sinful thoughts. That is natural from our birth. We are sinful if we don't respond to them with the proper intelligence that we have, no?

Furthermore, I haven't enough courage or good faith to surrender. Without surrender what kind of reciprocation can I possibly hope to receive from Krishna or even your good self? I need to close here, so that I don't embarrass myself further with more foolishness.

Your lowly servant,


HpS - Thank you. The Gopis are more surrendered than Mother Yasoda. We've surrendered smoking and drinking! What little surrender can we make today? Each little step is eternal!!!

Thank you. Your thoughts are very stimulating.

URGENTE Viaje a Mexico

Hari bool TLGASP Reverencias

Esta carta sera corta, Voy a Mexico para estar en la ceremonia y verlo una ultima vez, asi que ojala Krishna me permita verlo allá, estoy emocionado, todo lo del viaje ocurrio muy rapido y por arreglo de Krishna.

Hari bol :D

This letter will be short, im going To Mexico to be in the ceremony and see you a last time, so I wish Krishna let me see you there, im excited, all the idea of travel travel happend really fast and for Krishna's will.

Hari bol :D

HpS - AgtSP. Very nice to see you, but "be in the ceremony". What does that mean? To be initiated?

Have you been a Candidate for six months? We forget. We are getting too old to initiate.

greetings and obeisances

1 year, 10 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports

AgtSP !

Dear guru maharaja, hoping that you are in very good health and everything else. I am stopping by just to greet and offer my obeisances to you. Have a great Vaisnava New Year and as always a wonderful Sankirtan.

Y.s. madhumangala das

HpS - ASA - Very nice to hear from you! We are thinking of you! More news????

Tratando de seguir sus instrucciones - PMD

1 year, 10 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With an eye to the future for when we do not have communication by this means, I would like to work out some details that have to do with the service that I can offer you by following your instructions.

My sadhana continues as I have told you in other letters, and now I have also spent several days trying to get up at 4:00 AM and perform Mangala Arati. I haven't been consistent, maybe 40% of the days since I started, but I'm trying.

HpS - AGTSP! Hare Krsna! Eventually we should enter into Mangala arati as a transcendental ritual that invokes the primordial elements of the material world.

1.- One morning while we were in the final part of the program of the temple in Santiago de Chile, you told me that I should teach by my example, I interpret that it is related to the role of administrator that you see in me, I don't know, but clearly we see that that ideal behavior has been completely shattered.

HpS - Wars are not won by well dressed soldiers marching bravely into battle. Wars are won by wounded soldiers who get back up and crawl forward to the fight.

2.- You told me that I should go to the United States and study with Pyari Mohan das, I imagine to learn issues related to administration. I wrote to PMD when we were entering the pandemic, I asked him if I could go to his yatra and learn with him after all this happened, that was the year 2020 and I never received a response.

Now I have contacted a devotee who lived there and he tells me that there is no brahmachary ashrama there, and there is no management training program.

Clearly, due to my condition, it is difficult for me to be received in different temples within ISKCON, so carrying out this instruction is quite difficult for me.

HpS - I don´t remember what I said, but it was not about specific admnistrative training. It was a more general instruction of looking for older devotees with similar nature and taking there association in an Ashrama relation. There is no limit to how you can do that.

3.- You also encouraged me several times to dedicate myself to the administration of a temple. That is why I tried to take administrative responsibility while I was living in the temple in Santiago. The truth is that I am so emotionally unstable that it was very difficult for me to carry out this role due to my immaturity, inexperience and little spiritual advancement. Maybe in the future, when I'm mature, I can take an administrative role somewhere, but I don't know if the devotees want a dangerously mentally ill person to manage an ISKCON temple.

HpS - Ooof! We don't remember pushing you in that direction. We agree with you that it is not your nature, but if it was necessary, asked for by the authorities, then we encourage devotees taking up admin responsibilities as an experience, perspective, for some time.

4.- You have told us on several occasions about developing a rural community in Chile. I want to support that goal, either monetarily or in any other way that Krishna allows me. And just as you have also guided us, our yoga is Gandharva Veda, so I hope that various projects of artistic and cultural preaching will be developed in that center. And as you said, the role of our generation is to make movies.

HpS/ASA - Jaya!!! Hope things are all adjusted to the satisfaction of the Chile yatra in terms of your temporary insanity.

We all act in crazy, tamasic and passionate ways at different times in our sojurn in the material world.

Hope to hear more from you.

Thank you Gurudeva for forgiving me. I wish never to stray from his lotus feet by executing his instructions.

your servant

Piyari Mohan das - Clown.


1 year, 10 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports

AgtSP! Pamho.

For now I am living at the Bhaktivedanta Institute, I am going to swim with Brahama tirtha p. and every once in a while I take a trip with Hdg.

My wife comes to see me in the USA every 3 or 4 months, she lives in Chile, And I also go to Chile every 3 or 4 months. I am thinking of going to live in Chicago with my brother Etasa Krishna because I want to learn to play piano.

Y.s. Madhu

HpS - Thank you so much. The Bh. Vedanta Institute is the exact name? I thought Rasa raja Das et al had requested devotees to use some slight variation.

What work are they doing there?

What is your Sankirtan?

We have little direct and indirect news from Etasa Krsna Das.

We hope he is doing well.

Some danger of becoming conditioned to heavenly life in KC movement, no?