Trip in India - 5 months

1 year, 8 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaj hope you are doing well. I am chanting my 16 rounds and doing my gayatri but due to health conditions i have miserably failed to do my daily sadhana and i am trying to catch up. Please help me Maharaja.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!

Your association for 5 days in RadB

rakund were very very amazing and acted like a power booster through which we were able to survive. Willing to see you soon Maharaj.

HpS - We are seeing each other now!!! Every push forward, no matter how small, in Bhakti-yoga is eternal. You will learn by being rewarded and bounced what are the priorities in Sadhana-bhakti (Vaidhi bhakti). You will. You will. Then you will





D !!! Habits that you will take even into your next life.

Life was miserable couple of months before with lots of ups and downs due to which i was not able to give you updates about my Sadhana. Please forgive me Maharaj.

HpS/ASA - Ooof. We all missed your reports.

I have learned a very big lesson after coming to India, that without temple service and devotee association its hard to survive and continue doing daily sadhana.

I have been begging to Kalachandji to call me back to Dallas and engage me in His service.

Here in India it is very difficult to practice bhakti since there is no temple service nor devotee association.

It has become a habit of going to the temple and doing service since 4 years. By your mercy we got lots of services from last one and half year since we were second initiated.

Kalachandji is very very merciful [and handsome!]. Without temple services its very frustrating and empty Guru Maharaj.

HpS/ASA - Our lives are like dancing on the heads of Kaliya as he tries to bite Krsna. You have to juggle responsibilities for your body, family, society, Church etc. Ooof. Daily dose of Hari nama Japa and constant chanting, and in Kali yuga we can dance on Kaliya's heads with no mortal bites, and even help Krsna subdue this evil one.


We went to Tirupati for 2 days

and we were able to take darshan of Lord Balaji

very closely [!].

I went to Tirupati after 20 years.

It was very nice Maharaj [Well being in India is not ALL bad!].

We also went to Varadaraja Perumal temple.

The deity their is exact carbon copy of Kalachandji.. with such a big and welcoming smile.

We are going back to Dallas on 18th [of May?] and then will take things from there and plan accordingly.

By your mercy hopefully Kalachandji will engage us in His services and I will be able to assist you in His services.

Please engage me in your services Guru Maharaj and give us your blessings always… we are in need of it very much. Your blessings are the biggest strength for us.

Yours Humble Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

ASA - Hey, how are your father, mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, grandparents, in-laws.

Encourage them to get up early and get their rounds done.

The Electronic Cousin.


1 year, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports


"Hare Krishna Maharaj Ji 

Your question made me think. I apologize for late reply. I think by nature we look for easier things acccoustic and visual is easy.

That's why so many friendships are superficial.

My firm belive is that if you are a serious devotee and your heart is regularly cleaned everyday with chanting, including living your life with good principles, we have an access to one more connection.

Connection through the heart.

A devotee can feel and communicate with his or her heart.

That connection, that love, that compassion is so special that you don't need visual or acoustic help to have friendship or connection to the devotee. 

I don't know if I am making sense or not. Forgive me

Jai Prabhupada"


HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna. Thank you for your text message. Posting here in Blog because ten more people might benefit, also

we will be able to express our thoughts on the matter 9-less times. 🙂

Our thought would be that in the beginning our hearts may be very hard, even stonelike.

We may see everyone and everything for our gratification.

Even if our gratification is to be praised by others for our "charity" and "humanism".

So, we can't communicate heart to heart, or Buddhi to Buddhi, Bhava to Bhana, spiritual intelligence to spiritual intelligence.

So, Krsna and Guru come in front of our eyes and ears, and smile, chant, dance with such potency that it can reach our dull heart and change it.

As we become purified, softened at heart, become Goswami, then (BG 10.12-13) we can associate with other soft hearted people, saints, but it will always be possible, like in Caitanya-caritamrta through the purified senses also.


AmD Report 10/04/2023

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, por favor perdona mis ofensas y acepta mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Nosotros sabemos teóricamente que un devoto como Usted está prácticamente en el mundo espiritual y protegido siempre por el mismo Señor, pero nuestra falta de fé hace que nos preocupemos siempre por su cuerpo... Y en nuestra Puja diaria oramos a Nrshimhadeva por su protección... 

HpS - AgtSP. We pray to Krsna every day to reduce how much we abuse our body. We struggle inch by inch to offer proper Bhoga to Lord Nrsmhadeva so that our Body will be satisfied by honoring the remnants. We try to hear from the Parampara and not mundane tidings of the flickering world.

Nosotros estamos bien, hemos estado sirviendo a los devotos y a Sus Señorías JBS, GN, Govardhan y a nuestros KB y G, aquí en Río por cuatro meses.

HpS - Rio de Janero?

Ahora estamos partiendo por un tiempo a Minas Gerais, un estado de Brasil a cinco horas de Río de Janeiro [Aaah!].

El lugar se llama "El canto del Papagayo", llegando vamos a averiguar porque el nombre.

ASA - Gracias!

Dicen que es un lugar paradisíaco, proyecto con visión de establecer una comunidad rural - eco - turistica cómo ofrenda a Srila Prabhupada al servicio de Iskcon de una mataji de aquí de Brasil... No tenemos mayor información por ahora, nosotros estaremos un tiempo allá y quizás volvamos a Río después de un tiempo... Este mundo es muy cambiante.

ASA - 1) Quien soy, 2) Quien Somos, 3) Cual es la plan, 4) Que parafernalia necesitamos.

Hemos intentado resumir todo lo que quisiéramos contarle acerca de lo que regularmente hacemos, pero no queremos robarle mucho de su valioso tiempo...

Voy a mandarle un apéndice.

Por favor perdóneme por ser incapaz de ganar su misericordia...

Su tonto aspirante a sirviente AmD.

HpS - Super. ===:>> Proxima carta!


Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva, please forgive my offenses and accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

 We know theoretically that a devotee like you is practically in the spiritual world and always protected by the same Lord, but our lack of faith makes us always worry about your body... And in our daily Puja we pray to Nrshimhadeva for his protection. ..

 We are fine, we have been serving the devotees and Their Lordships JBS, GN, Govardhan and our KB and G here in Rio for four months.

 Now we are leaving for a while in Minas Gerais, a Brazilian state five hours from Rio de Janeiro.

 The place is called "El canto del Papagayo", arriving we will find out why the name. They say it is a paradisiacal place, a project with a vision of establishing a rural-eco-tourist community as an offering to Srila Prabhupada at the service of Iskcon from a mataji from here in Brazil... We do not have more information for now, we will be there for a while and maybe we will return to Rio after a while... This world is very changeable.

 We've tried to summarize everything we'd like to tell you about what we regularly do, but we don't want to take up too much of your precious time...

 I'm going to send you an addendum.

 Please forgive me for being unable to win mercy from him...

 Your foolish would-be servant AmD


Cartas polémicas

1 year, 8 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

HpS - AgtSP! "Gurudeva", hmmm? I can function as Patha-pradarsika siksa guru, giving advice to get back to platform of initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada! Doing 16-nice rounds and following 4-principles strictly?

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudeva, I want to apologize to you (again) and to my godbrothers, as several of them have been affected by some letters that I have sent to the blog. Recently one of them let me know of his annoyance.

HpS - Oooh? What annoyed him? Your letters didn't seem more annoying than our prayers to Srila Prabhupada?

I have not written with the aim of generating conflict or discord. This is simply due to my clumsiness, lack of intelligence, and my misinterpretation of your instructions.

For example, I interpreted that you wanted to give me a second initiation, how I also misinterpreted your instructions on administrative matters, etc.

Another thing that has happened to me is that I take your jokes as if these words were serious or as if they were instructions.

HpS - Yes, that happens sometimes. We will try to be more literal, but it is hard for us. Nitai-gaura-sundara Das' father, big Hindi scholar, wrote an epic poem about Hanuman, 'Sancar-mochat'. He said that it would be hard for us to keep from jumping around physically and mentally if Guru gave us a name following Hanuman. He was a monkey, always jumping and joking.

My stupidity has not allowed me to discern, I keep making mistakes, since I am a conditioned soul.

However, my desire is to serve, there is no other intention, of that I am sure.

your servant

Piyari Mohan das

PS: In the last letter (

You told me the following:

So, you must learn how to engage your body, words and mind in Krsna's service. Direct experiments with Yoga might be a natural part of your work, just as Anandamaya Devi Dasi or Jaya-prema Devi Dasi in their letters might be involved with children and mothers or aunts.

my question is:

Do you mean that I should experiment with Yoga in the sense that I should practice Hatha Yoga exercises?

HpS - Get advice from local devotees, Brahmanas, and then you might experiment with all aspects of Patanjali's yoga: Asana, Pranayama, Meditation in terms of using your propensities in Rupa Goswami's yoga.

It is a personal tendency, not for the Temple so much, but for dovetailing our passions with Bhakti-yoga.

I hope you can make retribution for offenses to Vaisnavas, get situated so that they don't occur again, and seems that first initiation may be enough, safe postion, to become a pure devotee.

Thank you.

Now we prepare for local FES (Full Evening Service).

Thai Man

1 year, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear GM,



I hope this meets you in as good health as possible. I am inspired by your ceaseless service to Srila Prabhupada and the devotees.

I am getting older and weaker while still hanging around in this wonderful world of life, consciousness, sukha/dukha, gunas, reverence for Sri Krsna, and hoping for glimmers of awareness of the SPoG along with the appreciation for his servants.

I have your Tava Pache Pache in an attempt to remind me of the fundamentals of practicing devotional service under your guidance.

In addition, I enjoy epistemology. I taught the IB Theory of Knowledge course for many years to help pre-university students think critically and consider the basis of knowledge. They did not often understand the value of these thinking skills until after attending university for a while, when they would reach out to me to share how these skills helped them.

Visiting my sons for a spell in the USA. Pictures attached.

I am disconnected from the Krsna consciousness movement and all the wonderful engagements so many devotees are doing in their communities, although I have not strayed far from the path of devotion.

If I can help you in some way, please share. Maybe I could catch up with you when you return to India??

I hope this meets you well,



HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! paoho. I can immediately remember your condo on the border of San Jose and whatever it was. Your excellent intellectual association in so many, many, many ways!!! For some reason we did not stay in touch after you went to Thailand.

Ooof! 😞

Yet, who cares!!! Hari bolo! We are all in the same boat. "Once they come to Krsna, they can never get away"!

So, so nice if you can help us, join our efforts.

The simplest way is to read the News bulletin,, every new and full moon day,,,, and as directed in there, post and read posts on this Blog.

You have so much to post here.

Grhasta Challenges

1 year, 9 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

[4/15/2023 10:16 PM] Tusta-krsna Das: Hare Krishna, Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We are in India now. After talking with you in, we went to LA for a week to meet our manager to initiate our move to India for a year. Then to India for a week to meet Mataji and try to console her! We really didn’t have much to say other than to trust Krishna with whatever happens in our lives. Then a week to Denmark. The travel was a nightmare as Germany went on strike when we landed in Frankfurt and somehow got out of Germany to Denmark after several flight cancellation and standing in long lines for 7-8 hours. We then came to India on Apr-2. We have our return tickets to USA is on 18-Apr from Chennai. Mataji's health is better and is in a position to travel.

We need to extend our visas and wait to see if my company will approve our move to India. We’ll see how things go. We hope by august we should be in a position to move to India.

It has been difficult to practice in India, Maharaja.

We squeeze our rounds everyday somehow.

I have many rounds to catch up also.

I have to attend meetings late night and hence wake up late.

Mataji, has been at home all day and has not found anything to do after her deity worship in the morning. So she is frustrated and it also brings rise to the thoughts of her health problems.

The temple is very far from our home. When we move to India, we need to figure out a few things to keep our sadhana and find a Sanga. We see how protected we were in USA by living in the dhama.

We hope that the year passes quickly, health issues are resolved and we can move back to USA to serve in ISKCON soon.

HpS - Thank you for the news. All these challenges, and our efforts to overcome them, are eternal. At the time of death we will not have Deities on the altar, Walmart, or anything. 🙂

If you struggle to get one more round done in this challenging circumstance that Krsna has sent then that fight, victory, will be with you eternally.

Seems that the problem may be that Krsna wants your good wife to be His exclusive mother!


Then she has to sing for Him, cook for Him, do His Sankirtan 24-hours a day.  She has to become a devotee on the level of Visnupriya.

Hmmmm!   Good question to ask while chanting.